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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Percy Linaker (1860-1938), journalist, editor of the Oxford Chronicle, manager of the Leamington Chronicle [J. Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News]

[Percy Linaker, journalist, editor of the Oxford Chronicle.] Offprint of article ‘A Journalist’s Ideals’.

A scarce item, no other copy discovered on ViaLibri, WorldCat or JISC LHD. 4pp, 12mo. Paginated bifolium in small print. Aged and worn, with short closed tear in gutter. Folded twice. A discussion of the ‘image of an ideal newspaper’, and of the ‘ideals about professional training, status, work...

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [G.F. Watts; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]

Reproduction of a drawing of G.F. Watts, artist, by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a studio photograph.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges, good condition. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'G.F. WATTS | FRED. BRUCKMANN, LONDON, | 17 Southampton Street, Strand.' Beneath the...

J. W. Robertson Scott [John William Robertson Scott] (1866-1962), English journalist and author on rural affairs, founding editor of ‘The Countryman’ [Birmingham Daily Gazette; H. J. Palmer]

[J. W. Robertson Scott, journalist and author on rural affairs, founding editor of ‘The Countryman’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Walters’ [John Cuming Walters (1863-1933], speculating whether the Birmingham Daily Gazette is ‘into Radical hands’.

An interesting letter casting light on the Victorian provincial press. Scott’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that, while he was living in Birmingham, ‘H. J. Palmer offered him a staff appointment on the Birmingham Gazette; but he had to leave when he stipulated that, as a Liberal, he should...

Victor Pasmore [ Edwin John Victor Pasmore ], English abstract artist and architect

[ Victor Pasmore, artist and architect. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Victor'), thanking Basil [ Jonsen ] for his appreciation.

Written on one side of a 10 x 14.5 cm card, beneath a stylish 'modern' letterhead. Somewhat aged and worn. The message reads: '1/6/65 | Dear Basil, | Very many thanks indeed for your letter - believe me your appreciation is tremendously valued. | All good wishes | Victor'. The recipient is...

Emil Otto Hoppé (1878-1972), photographer.

[Hoppé] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Lynd.

ALS, on letterhead of Millais House, Cromwell Place, South Kensington; 22 June 1915, one page, 4to, He is glad he 'liked the parboils - it was a great pleasure to me to make them'. Asks him to accept two copies: 'I have a library of signed Author's Copies and if you can spare me a copy of one of...

General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun [ Lord Niddry ] (1765-1823), Scottish politician and British Army officer [ Robert Saunders Dundas, Viscount Melville ]

[ General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun, Scottish politician and soldier. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hopetoun') to Viscount Melville, respecting the fitting up of a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the county meetings.

3pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, on two leaves each neatly cut out of a windowpane mount. Headed 'Private'. Docketted by the recipient: 'Resp[ectin]g. the fitting up a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the County Meeting'. He describes the applications he has made to the Lords...

William Hepworth Thompson, classical scholar and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge [ Samuel Laurence (1812-1884), English portrait painter; James Spedding (1808-1881), literary critic ]

[ William Hepworth Thompson, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H Thompson') to 'My dear Pollock' [ Sir Frederick Pollock ], on Samuel Laurence's portrait of James Spedding. With annotated photograph of the portrait.

Both letter and photograph in good condition, with light signs of age. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with mourning border. He is enclosing the photograph, which 'poor Laurence [...] executed in his decling years & promised to Trinity College. His daughter loyally carried out his wishes,...

Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema [née Epps] (1852-1909), artist, wife of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912), Anglo-Dutch painter

[ Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema, artist. ] Autograph Signature ('Laura. T. Alma Tadema').

On 3 x 11 cm piece of thin card, cut from conclusion to a letter. In fair condition, aged and with traces of mount to two corners (not affecting signature). Reads: 'Yours sincerely | Laura. T. Alma Tadema'. Text on reverse: '[...] with us, I should be so pleased if you would join us - [...]'....

King Ferdinand II of Naples [ Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies ] (1810-1859), Bourbon monarch

[ King Ferdinand II of Naples. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ferdinando'), in Italian, to a nephew ('Carissimo Nipote').

2pp., 12mo. Fifteen lines of text. In fair condition, on aged paper. The second leaf of the bifolium is docketed, and has a small burn hole to it, but the leaf with the king's autograph on it is undamaged. Written during his exile following the revolution of 1848. Contains a reference to 'la...

Dame Nellie Melba (1861-1931), Australian operatic soprano

[ Dame Nellie Melba, opera singer. ] Autograph Signature ('Nellie Melba').

On 6 x 14 cm piece of paper torn from letter. In good condition, lightly-aged. Cut from the valediction to a letter and reads: 'from Yrs most sincerely | Nellie Melba'.
