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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
George Baker (1747-1811) of St Paul's Churchyard, connoisseur

[ George Baker, connoisseur. ] Part of Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe. Baker'), to his bookseller, regarding a set off periodicals.

On 8.5 x 16.5 piece of paper, cut from the conclusion to a letter. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, laid down on a larger piece. He asks the recipient to 'make these Numbers perfect from the Waste', and gives instructions in case it cannot be done. For more about Baker see his obituary...

'An Agricultural Labourer' [ also 'A. W.' ]

[ Pamphlet. ] The Position of the Agricultural Labourer in the Past and in the Future. By an Agricultural Labourer.

63pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged paper. Signed in type at end 'A. W.' First page of text headed: 'The state of the Farm Labourers and Labourers generally, and their wants, adn theh neeed there is of an alteration in the present Land System.'

Laurence Whistler, [Sir Alan Charles Laurence Whistler CBE (21 January 1912 – 19 December 2000) British glass engraver and poet.]

[Laurence Whistler, engraver etc] Five black and white photographs numbered L.W. 30 to L.W.34 on reverse of a glass goblet ornately etched by Whistler for Mark Bonham Carter.

Dimensions six inches by eight. Four of the photographs very good, the other good, but with staining in one corner (capable of professional cleaning). Good, clear, professional images against a black background. The goblet was commissioned by Bonham Carter from Whistler as a wedding present to...

£175.00 whistler
[ James Leatham ]

[ Pamphlet. ] The Commune of Paris. [ Its Story and Meaning. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. Drophead title. The cover carried the author's name, publication details, and the full title: 'The Commune of Paris: Its Story and Meaning'. Scarce

[ William Robertson Smith (1846-1894), Scottish theologian, Professor of Hebrew at Aberdeen Free Church College

[ Pamphlet. ] The Heresy Hunters and the Heresy Hunters' Song. Respectfully Inscribed to the Baffled Inquisitors.

Smith's entry in the Oxford DNB explains the background to this pamphlet, explaining that he was 'commissioned to write some articles on biblical subjects for the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the first two of these appeared in 1875—‘Angel’ in volume 2 and ‘Bible’ in volume...

A. T. Gordon Beveridge [ Alexander Thomas Gordon Beveridge, M.D. ] Aberdeen Independent Labour Party ]

[ Pamphlet. ] The Municipalisation of the Drink Traffic. An Address delivered to the Aberdeen Independent Labour Party. By A. T. Gordon Beveridge, M.A., M.B., C.M., Chairman, Aberdeen Independent Labour Party, and member of the Aberdeen Town Council.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. A few marginal marks in blue pencil. Stamp of Aberdeen bookseller A. Martin at foot of title-page. Covering the last page is an 'Appendix | Scheme of Municipalisation as approved by the Special Committee of the...

Annie Besant [ Theosophical Publishing Society, London ]

[ Pamphlet. ] Theosophy and the Law of Population.

11 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. On reverse of title: 'London: Women's Printing Society, Limited, 21b, Great College Street, West[m]inster.' Scarce.

Charles Bradlaugh [ Robert Owen; Joseph Mazzini; Charles Sumner; John Stuart Mill; Ledru Rollin ]

[ Pamphlet. ] Five Dead Men whom I knew when Living: Robert Owen, Joseph Mazzini, Charles Sumner, J. S. Mill, & Ledru Rollin.

30pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. The Freethought Publishing Company was Bradlaugh's own vehicle. Preceded in publication by an edition by C. Watts, London, circa 1877. Scarce.

Col. Robert G. Ingersoll

[[ Pamphlet; Walt Whitman ] Wreathe the Living Brows. An Oration on Walt Whitman

34 [2]pp., 8vo, final leaf list of Ingersoll's works etc, disbound (formerly in volume of Ingersoll and Socialist pamphlets), lacking wraps, spine evidencing removal from volume, contents good. Scarce.

Julian Hawthorne, American novelist (1846-1934).

[Julian Hawthorne, American novelist (1846-1934).]Two Autograph Letters Signed Julian Hawthorne to George Bentley, of Bentley & Son, publisher

Total 4pp., 8vo, bifolia, good condition. (LETTER ONE, March) detailed discussion of omissions and changes (presumably to Archibald Malmaison - mentioned in final paragrpah of the letter). He discusses the marking of the proofs, the omission of an obviuos passgage, keeping the footnotes (add...
