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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Pierre Daru [Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno, Comte Daru] (1767-1829), French soldier, statesman, historian, poet [Firmin Didot, printer; François Just Marie Raynouard (1761-1836), dramatist and linguist]

[Pierre Daru [Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno, Comte Daru], French soldier and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cte Daru') to printer Firmin Didot, concerning the printing of 'la Copie des vers que j'ai lus à l'institut', with reference to 'M Raynouard'.

1p, 4to. On recto of first leaf of bifolium, the verso of the last leaf of which is addressed by Daru 'à monsieur | F. Didot père & fils | rue jacob No 24 | Paris'. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering. Sixteen lines of text. The text is in French, and concerns 'la...

Maharajadhiraj Bahadur Sir Bijay Chand Mahtab (1881-1941), ruler of Burdwan Raj, Bengal (present-day West Bengal, India) from 1887 to his death [Eyre Chatterton (1863-1950), Bishop of Nagpur]

[Maharajadhiraj Bahadur Sir Bijay Chand Mahtab, ruler of the Burdwan Raj, Bengal.] Typed Letter Signed to Eyre Chatterton, Bishop of Nagpur, regarding a meeting at the Mansion House in London 'on behalf of the Anglo-Indian Schools in India'.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘The Right Rev. Eyre Chatterton, D.D., / President, Indian Church Aid Association, / Westminster Chambers, / 5, Victoria Street, S.W.1.’ (‘My dear Bishop Chatterton’) and signed ‘Burdwan’. He is ‘indeed very...

H. Rider Haggard [Sir Henry Rider Haggard] (1856-1925), author of adventure novels including 'King Solomon's Mines' and 'She' [Caroline Starr Balestier Kipling (1862-1939), wife of Rudyard Kipling]

[Rider Haggard writes to Rudyard Kipling's wife.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H . Rider Haggard') to 'Mrs. Kipling', discussing in detail the flowers he has sent her.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, with one central vertical fold, and patch of small holes at head of second leaf. Interesting letterhead, with image of Egyptian hieroglyphics. Someone (probably Mrs Kipling) has written 'orchid' on the first page. The letter begins: 'Mr dear Mrs. Kipling...

Ken Rosewall [Kenneth Robert Rosewall] (b.1934), Australian lawn tennis player; Darlene Hard [Darlene Ruth Hard] (b. 1936), American tennis player who won three open championships

[Ken Rosewall and Darlene Hard, celebrated tennis players.] Autograph Signatures.

In blue ink on a 9 x 6 cm rectangle of laid paper. In good condition. Hard signs first ('Darlene | Hard') with Rosewall's signature ('Ken Rosewall') curving upwards beneath hers. Between the two, in another hand is the date 1956, and beneath Rosewall's signature, in the same hand, is '(Rosewall...

Robert Southey (1774 – 1843), (Lake) Poet.

[Robert Southey, Poet] Holograph Addressed Envelope Only To | The Revd Edwin Sidney | Acle, | near | Norwich.

Piece of paper irregularly cut, c.11 x 6cm, tipped onto very slightly larger piece of paper. Docketed Southey the Poet in another hand. Sl stained, mainly good condition. See image. Sidney was apparently an autograph collector (see Googled entry Edwin Sidney of Acle on iCollector).

Literature £80.00 Southey
Catherine Frances Macready [née Atkins] (1823-1852), actress, first wife of the actor-manager William Charles Macready (1793-1873)

[Catherine Frances Macready, actress and wife of William Charles Macready.] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr. Kenneth', telling him to direct letters to her husband to the Theatre Royal, Birmingham.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to one edge, folded several times. 'Mrs. Macready' in a contemporary hand at the head of the page. Written in a neat hand the letter reads: 'Mrs. Macready presents her compliments to Mr. Kenneth, - any Letters directed...

Mabel Constanduros [Mabel Tilling] (1880-1957), commedienne and playwright, who wrote and starred in the BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’

[Mabel Constandurous, star and writer of BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to her agent ‘Miss Booth', discussing the success of her radio work, a fan letter from Compton Mackenzie, future engagements.

According to Barry Took’s entry on Constanduros in the Oxford DNB, ‘The Buggins Family’ was ‘the first radio family’, and she played all six parts, writing and performing in more than 250 episodes between and 1928 and 1948: ‘The popularity of the family was such that the Ministry of Food used...

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), English author and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature

[Rudyard Kipling to his secretary Janet Coates.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rudyard Kipling'), from Switzerland, giving instructions regarding his home Bateman's, and describing his wife's indisposition.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, and folded twice. Small blot affecting two words on second page. Unpublished. According to Pinney, Coates had started work as Kipling's secretary in June 1909. Written in a hurried hand, in parts difficult to decipher. The letter begins 'Dear...

Dame Vera Lynn [née Welch] (b. 1917), singer who entertained the British troops in the Second World War, known as 'the Forces' Sweetheart'

[Dame Vera Lynn, 'the Forces' Sweetheart'.] Autograph Signature from album ('"Sincerely Yours" | Very Lynn').

On one side of 9 x 14 cm leaf of cream paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: "'Sincerely Yours' | Very Lynn". A good, firm underlined signature, in a large sloping hand, with the words 'Sincerely Yours' in single quotation marks.

‘Mrs. C. W. Earle’ [Maria Theresa Earle, née Villiers] (1836-1925), horticulturalist [Charles Kegan Paul (1828-1902), London publisher]

[‘Mrs. C. W. Earle [Maria Theresa Earle], horticulturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding the publisher Kegan Paul.

See her entry and that of Kegan Paul in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The recipient is not named. Reads: ‘Dear Sir. / Mr. Kegan Paul was a great friend of mine, & when it came out he gave me a book called “Rabbi Jeshua” 1881. published by the firm. I...
