Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent (Longmans, publisher).
Father of Catherine Head, the author of work. Two pages, 4to, fold marks, good condition. "Sir,/ I have reeived safely the copies of the 2d. Vol of the Messiah, and am very much pleased with their appearance, the printing and paper are both excellent, & the work seems in every way carefully executed-/ I have now only to request that you will have it well advertised [phrase underlined] which I should suppose the more necessary at present as London is so empty- I should wish it to be inserted 3 or 4 times in the John Bull, the St. James's Chronicle, and in the leading daily papers - and I trust you will also have it added to the lists of the works published by you as it appears to be customary -/ [signature, etc.]/[postscript] I do not know whether any notice of the Isr. vol appeared in any of the periodical publications, except the Literary Gazette, & the New MOnthly Magazine - ["If" excised] The numbers of these latter publications which contained a review of the work [page 2] I have already had - but should any other critic ["ism" excised] have appeared, or should any notice be taken of this 2d. vol in any of the periodical publications, I should be glad to see what is said, & request you will send me the Number or Numbers in which it may be mentioned, and place them to my account with you - I should except from this order the Quarterly Review, which I take in myself -" Note: F.G. Klopstock, "The seven first cantos of the Messiah: a poem . . . Translated into English verse [by Miss Catharine Head]" (L0ndon, 1826, 2 vols.). Who pubvlished it = correspondent.