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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847-1935), composer and conductor; John Mackenzie Rogan (1855-1932), Director of Music, Coldstream Guards [ Herman Finck (1872-1939); Pagani's Restaurant, London ]

[ Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, Scottish composer, and John Mackenzie Rogan, Director of Music, Coldstream Guards. ] Their signatures, each with an autograph bar of music, for composer Herman Finck, on a menu from Pagani's Restaurant, London.

Attractive menu, printed in black and gold, on card bifolium, folding into two 8 x 17 cm. panels, partly detached. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Calligraphic design, with 'Pagani's' printed in gilt on the cover, and the menu itself on the recto of the second leaf, facing some...

Sir Frederick Flood (1741-1824), Irish lawyer and politician

[ Sir Frederick Flood, Irish lawyer and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick Flood') to a cousin of Lady Flood, explaining how 'the business &c has been wholly misunderstood'.

2pp., 4to. Closely written, with forty-three lines of text, in a somewhat difficult hand. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper with closed tear and creasing at head of leaf. The letter is written to a relation, after Flood has been shown a letter by 'yr Cousin, L[ad]y Flood', in which the...

G.F. Watts [George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904) painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.]

[G.F. Watts, painter and sculptor; Rothschild] Autograph Note Signed G.F. Watts to Dear Baroness [Juliana, wife of Baron Mayer de Rothschild] co9ncerning his portrait of Miss [Hannah] de Rothschild later married to the Earl of Rosebery

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. Dear Baroness | I will send the picture as you dsire & shall be ready to finish Miss de Rothschild when convenient to her to sit.Note: a. A particularly significant portrait was of the 23 year old Hannah de Rothschild painted in 1874, four years...

Art and Architecture £250.00
Sir John Hall (1779-1861), consul, Secretary to the St. Katherine Dock Company, London [ Charles Greville [ Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville ] (1794-1865), Clerk of the Council and diarist ]

[ Sir John Hall, Secretary to the St. Katherine Dock Company. ] Autograph Signature ('J Hall') to official secretarial letter addressed to Hon. Charles Greville, Clerk of the Council, on the question of householders in the 'St. Katharine Precinct'.

1p., folio. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with chips and loss along edges repaired with archival tape, and repairs to Hall's signature. Some biographical information in a light contemporary hand at head. The document reads: 'Sir, | I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your...

Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal (1776-1846), Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas [ John Leycester Adolphus (c.1794-1862), English lawyer, jurist and author ]

[ Sir Nicholas Conyngham Tindal, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to J. L. Adolphus, regarding 'the proof Sheet of the judgment of the Court of Exchequer Chamber in Wilson v. Fuller'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a piece of card cut from an album. Reads 'The Lord Chief Justice Tindal returns to Mr J. L. Adolphus, the proof Sheet of the judgment of the Court of Exchequer Chamber in Wilson v. Fuller. He has made no other alteration therein than the...

Sir William Huggins (1824-1910), pioneer, with his wife Margaret Lindsay Huggins, in the field of astronomical spectroscopy [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]

[ Sir William Huggins, astronomer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Huggins') [ to Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ], regarding 'one small correction' necessary in 'the spare proof'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'On taking up the spare proof I find one small correction which should have been made'. He describes the correction that needs to be made on 'page 5 of th proof 13th line from bottom'. Ramsay is not named, but the item is...

Sir William Job Collins (1859-1946), English ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]

[ Sir William Job Collins, ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W J Collins') to 'Sir Henry', i.e. Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, explaining why he has no lecture ready for the Society.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, with the Society's oval date stamp. He thanks him for the 'kindly renewed invitation to lecture at the R.S.A. As you surmise, I am too much engaged at present to put together anything worthy of so august a body.' He is 'collecting material & perhaps at that...

Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique [ SACEM ], French performing-rights society (Paris, France), founded in 1851 [ Madame Dutry ]

[ Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique. ] Two printed forms listing in small print the 'Etablissements' of Paris and elsewhere (including concerts, circuses, balls, casinos, theatres), and giving the royalties of 'Madame Dutry'.

The two forms are identical in layout, but the first has the printed date April 1911 and the second July of the same year. Each is 4pp., folio, on a bifolium. The form is divided into: 'Paris', 'Banlieue', 'Départements' and 'Etranger', and lists venues ('Etablissements') - those in Paris in...

William Noel-Hill, 3rd Baron Berwick (1773-1842) [ born William Hill ], British politician and diplomat [ Daniel Lysons (1762-1834), antiquary ]

[ William Noel-Hill, 3rd Baron Berwick, politician and diplomat. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Hill') [ to Rev. Daniel Lysons ], inviting him to breakfast, and describing 'the pressure of business' [ at the legation at Naples ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Note in contemporary hand on reverse of second leaf: 'Honble. Wm. Hill | Brirtish Minister at Naples to Revd Danl Lysons'. He has received Lysons's 'two notes & enquired at the time if your servant waited for my answers & was told...

William R. Holland (1928-1964), American anthropologist, expert in the field of Maya religion and cosmology and the Tzotzil-speaking people of highland Chiapas

[ William R. Holland, American anthropologist. ] Typed Letter Signed to Francoise Cabeaux of Belgium, responding positively to her offer to help publish his work in Europe, with details of his planned publications.

Holland's obituary in the American Anthropologist (vol. 67, issue 1, 1967, pp.80-82, including bibliography) accorded him high praise: 'The success with which he had applied himself during the greater part of the past six years to field work and the productivity he had shown in publishing his...
