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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
The Earl of Dartmouth [William Legge, 4th Earl of Dartmouth] (1784-1853), FRS, FSA, styled Viscount Lewisham between 1801 and 1810, peer and politician

[The Earl of Dartmouth wishes to remain anonymous.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dartmouth') to an unnamed cleric, regarding his subscription to a forthcoming volume.

1p., 12mo. Mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Dartmouth' neatly written in another hand at head. With reference to a forthcoming subscription appeal for a book by the recipient the letter reads: 'Revd. Sir, | With reference to your note of the 30th. April, I must beg to...

The Earl of Shaftesbury [ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury ] (1801-1885), Liberal politician, philanthropist and social reformer

[the Earl of Shaftesbury, Liberal politician and philanthropist.] Autograph Note Signed ('Shaftesbury') to 'R. G. [Davies?], giving instructions on the sending of a report.

1p., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir | There is no need to notice the enclosed, beyond sending the writer a copy of the Report, as soon as it is out.'

Vilhjalmur Stefansson [Vilhjálmur Stefánsson] (1879-1962), Canadian Arctic explorer of Icelandic extraction, ethnologist and archaeologist [Clifford Bax (1886-1962), English author; the Harvard Club]

[Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Canadian Arctic explorer, regarded by Roald Amundsen as 'the greatest humbug alive'.] Typed Letter Signed ('V. Stefansson') to English author Clifford Bax; regarding plans for a meeting in New York.

Stefansson was involved in two disasters: the loss of the Karluk during the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913–1916 to explore the regions west of Parry Archipelago for the Government of Canada, which he led; and the Wrangel Island fiasco, 1921. 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn....

Abbotsholme School, Derbyshire, progressive school founded by Scottish educationalist Cecil Reddie (1858-1932)

[Abbotsholme School, Derbyshire, progressive school founded by Scottish educationalist Cecil Reddie.] Eleven items of printed ephemera, including illustrated booklets including 'Abbotsholme an Educational Laboratory', prospectuses, advertisements, re

The collection is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear, and two items (noted below) with punch holes. ONE: Large illustrated advertising booklet in brown card wraps. Printed on cover in gold: 'Public-school education to meet present-day requirements: At Abbotsholme School,...

William Charles Macready [W. C. Macready], celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens [Hawtrey; Sherborne, Dorset ]

[William Charles Macready, celebrated actor, friend of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. C. Macready.') [to 'Hawtrey'], regarding Prince Albert, the education of the poor, and the recipient's brother's school.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border, on paper embossed with the Macready crest. In fair condition, lightly aged, with torn hole to one corner of the first leaf (not affecting text), presumably caused by removal from mount. The recipient is clearly a member of the Hawtrey family (and...

C. E. M. Joad [Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad] (1891-1953), English philosopher and radio broadcaster, whose career ended in disgrace [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), ournalist and Fleet Street editor]

[C. E. M. Joad, philosopher, member of 'The Brains Trust' BBC radio panel, and convicted railway fare dodger.] Typed Letter Signed to Collin Brooks, editor of the Sunday Dispatch, outlining a proposed article on 'Nazi rule in Germany'.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed 'Cyril Joad'. Written in the same month as Britain and France had declared war, the letter begins: 'I don't know whether you are still running the Sunday Dispatch, but if you are, how about an article on the philosophy which underlies the Nazi...

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), popular Isle of Man author [Lady Campbell Clarke]

[Hall Caine, novelist: studio portrait and signed autograph inscription.] Signed Autograph Inscription ('Hall Caine') to Lady Campbell Clarke, with print of studio portrait photograph.

An attractive item, in good condition, lightly aged and spotted. On one side of a piece of 17.5 x 25 cm landscape paper, with the autograph writing on the right-hand side and the 15 x 10 cm print of a studio portrait laid down on the left-hand side. Caine was a striking and instantly-...

King George III (1738-1820); Duke of Portland, British Prime Minister [William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)]

[King George III and his Prime Minister the Duke of Portland.] Signatures of 'George R.' and 'Portland', to the commission of William Griffith as 'Captain in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly & its neighbourhood' (Carnarvonshire, Wales).

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with closed tear along fold line of second leaf, which is blank other than the manuscript docketing: 'William Griffith Esq. | Captain | in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly and it's [sic] neighbourhood'. The actual document,...

History, Royalty £280.00
Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), English poet and children’s author, lover of Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, daughter of Earl De La Warr, cousin of Vita Sackville-West [Ann Pearce]

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and Ramsay MacDonald's lover.] Manuscript score of song titled 'Pierrot', with 'Words by Lady Margaret Sackville' and 'Music by Ann Pearce'.

4pp., 4to. In red ink on bifolium of printed music paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with a few minor smudges. The song is andante, and the lyrics begin: 'Pierrot, lovesick And out of tune, Took his guitar and sang to the moon. Sang all night With mouth awry, Whilst light...

Lord Beaverbrook [Max Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook] (1879-1964), Fleet Street press baron [Collin Brooks, journalist and editor; Ronald Staples, publisher of the magazine 'Truth']

[Lord Beaverbrook responds to Collin Brooks's appeal for a job.] Two telegrams ('Maxwell Beaverbrook' and 'Max'), one in reply to Brooks's appeal on loss of editorship of Truth, with copy letter from publisher Ronald Staples.

Five documents. The two telegrams are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn; the other items are in good condition. A photocopy of a typed page from Brooks's diary explains the context in entertaining fashion: '”Staggerer number one,” whispered Dick Swiveller over my shoulder this morning...
