Search results

Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Michael Martin Harvey (1897-1975), British actor, son of Sir John Martin-Harvey (1863-1944) [ W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian ]

[ Michael Martin Harvey, actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Michael M. H.') to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope ('Dearest Popie'), accompanying a typescript of his unpublished play 'Trust Chapeau'.

ONE: Letter. 1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper. Smudged signature. He is sending the play, which he thinks has 'originality and charm and would be very funny. Who could play "Chapeau"? - I could, but I expect I'm too old!!!!' TWO: Typescript of play. 91pp., 4to. With autograph...

Philip Leaver [ Samuel Philip Leaver ] (1904-1981), English film actor and playwright

[ Philip Leaver, film actor and playwright. ] Typescript of his unpublished 'The Dark Shore | A Play in Three Acts'.

129pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly-aged, in worn wraps with label on cover. Leaver's first name misspelled 'PHILLIP' on title-page. Unpublished.

Ronald Jeans (1887-1973), British playwright over five decades

Typescript, marked 'Producer's Copy', of the play 'Ghost for Sale', with manuscript addition to ending.

147pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with rusty binding, in worn covers. In manuscript on the cover are the return address and 'Producer's Copy'. In the same hand is an addition to the ending: 'Judy | Then there is a ghost' | Geoffrey | Not a word to your father'. 'Who's Who in the...

'The Late Mr. James Watson, Formerly Librarian of the Portico, in Manchester' [ The Theatre Royal, Manchester ]

[ Printed volume. ] The Spirit of the Doctor; comprising Many Interesting Poems; selected from the original manuscript of the Late Mr. James Watson, Formerly Librarian of the Portico, in Manchester; and commonly called Doctor Watson.

The full title reads: 'The Spirit of the Doctor; comprising Many Interesting Poems; selected from the original manuscript of the Late Mr. James Watson, Formerly Librarian of the Portico, in Manchester; and commonly called Doctor Watson. [Four-line quotation in Latin from Terence.] To which is...

[ Charles Dana Gibson, American illustrator, known for his illustrations of 'Gibson Girls' ] James Henderson & Sons, Victorian publishers

[ Printed item, with sixteen illustrations of 'Gibson Heads'. ] Proofs of Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson. (Size 15 to 20 Inches.) Hand printed on Japanese tissue paper, mounted on boards ready for framing.

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium on shiny paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. The front cover carries a reproduction of the print 'Wireless Telegraphy.' Pp.3-4 carry reproductions of the 'Gibson Heads': 'NOW READY. - A Series of Sixteen Gibson Heads, of which the accompanying illustrations are miniatures...

Thomas Gisborne (1758-1846) of Yoxall Lodge, abolitionist, member of the Clapham Sect, Prebendary of Durham Cathedral [ the slave trade ]

[ Thomas Gisborne, abolitionist and member of the Clapham Sect. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T: Gisborne') offering the unnamed recipient his 'trifling interest' in 'the Staffordshire election'.

2pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, but with thin strip lacking along one edge, resulting in slight loss of text. A stylish letter. He finds it 'almost ludicrous' that 'a person whose property, such as it is, lies chiefly in another County' should have anything to say 'about the...

Oakley & Son, auctioneers, and Henry E. Oakley, printer, both of Bromyard, Herefordshire [ Rev. Charles Harington (1837-1868), Rector of Stoke Lacy ]

[ Victorian house sale in Herefordshire. ] Poster doubling as auction catalogue: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of Valuable and Modern Household Furniture [...] By Order of the Adminstratrix of the late Rev. Charles Harrington.

Rev. Charles Harington [sic] was grandson of Sir John Edward Harington (1760-1831) of Ridlington, 8th Baronet, and the item is from the Harington papers. The full title reads: 'The Rectory, Stoke Lacy | Catalogue of the Valuable and Modern Furniture | Including Iron Bedsteads, Blankets and...

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club; Constance, Countess of Romney; the Green Park Club, London; the Old Lyric Club; Herbert Beerbohm Tree ]

[ Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club. ] Printed handbill for a 'Private Farewell Matinee' for Mr and Mrs Luther Munday, at the Green Park Club, London, with facsimile signatures of 'Stars in the firmament of Art'.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper slightly worn at head. The front page is headed 'H.R.H. Princess Christian and the Royal Members, are Patrons of a Private Farewell Matinee arrranged by Lady Romney on behalf of the Green Park Club for Mr. and Mrs. Luther Munday'. The names...

[ The Kintyre Agricultural Society; Cambeltown, Argyll and Bute; the Potato Blight in Scotland, 1854 ]

[ The Potato Blight in Scotland, 1854. ] Anonymous manuscript paper: 'The Cause and Cure of the Potato disease &c.', including 'Memorandum of Facts relative to Pestilence and the Potato disease in the Parish of Campbeltown'.

121pp., folio, with each page on a separate leaf. The author's own pagination skips p.20, but the text is complete. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn watermarked laid paper. Manuscript emendations (corrections, deletions and additions) throughout, and also occasional directions to a...

History £800.00
[ The Vestris Family, dancers on the London stage; Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden ]

[ The Vestris Family. ] Printed receipt to 'M. Gye', on letterhead, signed over tax stamp by 'G Vestris' (;Mad[moisel]le Vestris'.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads, with manuscript text in square brackets: 'Royal Italian Opera, | Covent Garden. | [Madle Vestris] | Londres, [Le 6 Juin] 18[66]. | Recu de M. Gye la somme de [£40 - -] | [G Vestris | B.V, | £[40 : - : -']'.
