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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
George Dyer (1755-1841), classicist, poet and editor of the 'Delphin Classics', friend of Leigh Hunt and Charles Lamb [Abigail Lousada (c.1772-1833); Augustus De Morgan, mathematician]

[George Dyer, classicist, poet, friend of Leigh Hunt and Charles Lamb.] Autograph Letter in the third person to bluestocking 'Miss Lousada' (Abigail Lousada), regarding letters he is writing, meeting Augustus De Morgan, and 'the little Mathematician'

On 7.5 x 14 cm piece of laid paper, laid down on part of a leaf from an album. In fair condition, on aged and spotted paper. The letter reads: 'G Dr. respects to Miss Lusada - begs she will please to accept the enclosed - 3 more Letters will follow - wch. shall be sent. to Miss Lusada - Dr. is...

Joanne Elieser Theodoro Wiltsch, Cand. Rever. Minist. [Johann Elieser Theodor Wiltsch] (1803-1873); Johann Friedrich von Stülpnagel (1786-1865), Prussian cartographer [F. D. Maurice; Queen’s College]

[Ecclesiastical atlas,1843, with maps by von Stülpnagel and letterpress by Wiltsch.] ‘Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus inde ab antiquissimis religionis Christianae propagatae temporibus usqe ad primordia saeculi decimi sexti'.

The full title reads: ‘Atlas sacer sive ecclesiasticus / inde / ab antiquissimis religionis Christianae propagatae temporibus usqe [sic] ad primordia saeculi decimi sexti, / respectu habito / Judaeorum per totum orbem dissipatorum nec non regionum a gentilibus ac Mohammedannis incultarum /...

Duchess of Atholl [Katharine Marjory Stewart-Murray, Duchess of Atholl (1874-1960), Scottish Unionist Party politician and opponent of fascism [Professor David Waterston (1871-1942) of St Andrews]

[Duchess of Atholl.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to the wife of Professor David Waterston of St Andrews, the second discussing her position on the question of ‘moral courage’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which describes her passionate opposition to fascism, but omits the fact that her name featured among those in the Nazi ‘Black Book’. Waterston was Bute Professor of Anatomy at the University of St Andrews from 1914 to 1942. In 1913, while Professor of Anatomy at...

R. H. Bruce Lockhart [Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart] (1887-1970), diplomat, author and secret agent [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone, Secretary, University of London]

[Sir Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, diplomat, author, secret agent.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Bruce Lockhart.') to Lloyd Humberstone, describing his book 'Your England' as a tribute to the 'broad-minded, tolerant, and humane' English.

1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his letter containing 'kind words about my book, Your England'. He did not expect anyone to agree with all he wrote in it. His aim in writing was 'to pay a tribute to the English who are the most broad-minded, tolerant, and...

[ Rev. John Henry Robertson Sumner, son of J.B. Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury, & Family; John Ruskin; Pictures ]

[ Pictures; Sumners of Kelbarrow, Grasmere ] Typescript List of Pictures in Kelbarrow, Grasmere, former home of the Family of the Rev. J.H.R. Sumner, with prices in pencil.

Nine pages, folio, fold marks, browning, sl. chipped, text complete and clear. It comprises a list of paintings, drawings, lithographs , prints in many areas and rooms of the house, from the Top of Staircase to Library to Best Bedroom to Dining Room, etc. Several items are associated with the...

Lord Charles Beresford [Admiral Charles William de la Poer Beresford, 1st Baron Beresford] (1846-1919), British admiral [Sir Richard Temple (1826-1902); General Sir Henry Ramsay (1816-1893)]

[Lord Charles Beresford, Royal Navy admiral and British Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Charles Beresford’) to Sir Richard Temple, regarding the ‘grievance’ of General Sir Henry Ramsay over his pension.

See the entries for Beresford and Temple in the Oxford DNB (in an unfortunate omission, Ramsay - ‘The King of Kumaon’ - is not represented in that work). 3pp, 12mo. Ruckled, with second leaf laid down on a piece of card, and damage along the gutter repaired with archival tape. Twenty-nine lines...

Sir Frederick Pollock (1845-1937), distinguished jurist and Cambridge Apostle, author of 'The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I' [Maurice Ernest, biologist; arms control; disarmament]

[Sir Frederick Pollock, distinguished jurist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Pollock') to Dr Maurice Ernest, discussing the question of arms control, preferring the term 'Limitation of armaments' to 'disarmament'.

2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded several times. Small slip of paper with printed biographical entry on Pollock laid down at top left of first page. With several corrections giving the appearance of a draft, but from the papers of the recipient, the Austrian-born biologist...

Sir Henry Keppel ['Harry Keppel'] (1809-1904), Admiral of the Fleet who served in Opium Wars and Crimean War

[Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Harry Keppel') to 'Willis' about his autobiography and the 'neuralgic pains' which he fears may kill him.

1p, 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Attractive letterhead of the hotel and its surroundings. Addressed to 'My dear Willis'. Written in a shaky hand. Clearly writing in reference to his 1899 autobiography 'A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns', he states that he is glad that Willis is 'pleased with...

Sir Nigel Playfair [Sir Nigel Ross Playfair] (1874-1934), actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith [Charles Dickens, 'Nicholas Nickleby']

[Sir Nigel Playfair, actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.] Autograph Signature ('Nigel Playfair') on the programme for the lyric production 'When Crummles Played -' (based on characters from 'Nicholas Nickleby' by Charles Dickens).

Four-page programme on bifolium, stapled into covers of shiny art paper. In fair condition, worn and aged, with rusted staples. Folded once. The covers are printed on the outside only. On the front are two illustrations in Georgian style, with the caption 'George Barnwell's Contrition'. On the...

Sir Robert Mayer (1879-1985), German-born British musical patron and philanthropist

[Sir Robert Mayer, musical patron, writing in his hundredth year.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R M.') to 'Russell', boasting of being 'young & venturesome', describing plans for an American lecture tour, asking if he could use Lady Drogheda as pianist.

2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. The content is remarkably sprightly and the handwriting firm. The letter begins: 'My dear Russell, | Telephone: no good. So I guess that you are holiday-making. | Lord Drogheda is my close friend & collaborator. His wife Joan...
