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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey (1802 – 1894), statesman, sometime Under-Secretary of State for War and the Colonies and later Colonial Secretary.

[3rd Earl Grey; Guiana] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Grey to Thomas Baring who has requested advice on the latter's eventual petition (3 July 1857) of the immigration of free labour [as opposed to slaves as in the USA) into Guiana.

Six pages, 12mo, good condition. He finds it difficult to give advice because of his being so imperfectly informed as to the present state of the question of immigration into Guiana. - It is obvious that the course which ought to be taken must depend upon whether the Colonists have or have not...

History £250.00
Louis-Alexandre Berthier ( 1753 – 1815) (Minister of War and chief of staff to Napoleon)

[Marechal Berthier] Autograph Subscription to a Letter, signed Berthier (see image),

Part of letter, 18.5 x 10, stained and grubby but text clear (see image), laid down on another piece of paper of the same size, as follows: Recevez, Monsieur le Comte, l'assurance de ma plus haute consideration | Le Prince de Wagram et de Neuchatel | Vice-connétable | Berthier ||

French, History £56.00 Berthier
Alison Uttley, children's author

[Alison Uttley] Signature only Alison Uttley.

Piece of paper, 7 x 2cm, good clear signature. See image.

Dodie Smith [Dorothy Gladys Smith], children's author and playwright, best known for 'The Hundred and One Dalmatians' .

[Dodie Smith] Autograph Note Signed Dodie to Popie (W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian) about an unexpected lunch.

One page, 12mo, very good condition. I was so astonished to find I was lunching with you to-day, instead of with dear Marie Lohr. It was very naughty of you - but also very charming. Anyway, I enjoyed both your conversation and your courtesy. Such graceful acts are rare nowadays.

[Nathan M. Rothschild; Lionel de Rothschild prob.]

[Nathan M. Rothschild; Lionel de Rothschild] Promissory Note Signed H.C. Smithson and [?] Hall to an unholsterer called William Banting; countersigned by N.M. Rothschild and L[N?] Rothschild [Lionel de Rothschild presumably]

See images for content. Paper, 19.5 x 9cm, creasing, minor damage. A £100 payment Seven days at the sight [...] for value received as per advice. Attached: small paper, 6 x 4.5cm, printed heading Venn & Son, Notaries [with address] with MS note Present when due | Notl Charges [printed] 3/6...

Economics £400.00 Rothschild
Domhnall MacEacharn [Donald MacKechnie]

[Domhnall MacEacharn; Gaelic Poet] Autograph Lines in Gaelic signed 'Domhnall MacEacharn'.

Paper, 11 x 7cm, probably from an album (another signature on reverse (Florence Steel)), laid down on larger piece of paper, on the dingy side but text clear and apparently complete. Docketed Donald MacKechnie | Gaelic Poet. See image. ...

Literature £56.00 Gaelic
Israel Gollancz [Sir Israel Gollancz (1863 – 1930), scholar of early English literature and of Shakespeare].

[Israel Gollancz; Scholar] Bold Autograph Signature Only, Israel Gollancz. See image.

Card, 9 x 6cm. very good condition.

Literature £28.00 Israel
Pandit [Jawaharlal] Nehru, Indira [Nehru] Gandhi and her Sons, with dog.

[Pandit Nehru, Indira (Nehru) Gandhi and her Sons] Family Photograph of Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi and her two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay. With, on reverse, a signed greetings from Indira Gandhi.

Photograph, c.16 x 11.5cm, very good condition, tipped on to card of same size crudely taped,and with wire for hanging as with a picture, with inscription on verso, All good wishes for the New Year | Indira Gandhi. Some philistine has added to the inscription in blue ink and capitals, WITH THE...

History £450.00 Nehru
Valentin Gomez Farias [(1781 – 1858), President of Mexico twice.].

[Valentín Gómez Farías; Mexico] Signature with final flourish only. See image.

Piece of paper 9 x 2.5cm, laid down on slightly larger card, with docketing President 1835, sl. grubby but clear and bold. Notes (from Wikipedia): A. President of Mexico during two main periods: one in the early 1830s and one in the late 1840s, when he served as president during the Mexican-...

History £350.00 Mexico
Huddersfield F.C. in its pomp.

[Huddersfield F.C.] The Autograph Signatures of 12 Players for Huddersfield in its golden period

Page extracted from autograph book, 10 x 14cm, dulled but still clear, one edge roughened having been removed from an autograph book. Signatures of N. Christie, W. Carr, G M Lean, W.E. Roughton, J. Smith, C. Luke, W.H. Smith, J.J. Williams, H. Turner, R. Robinson, W.G.B. Bottrell, F.R. Goodall,...

Social history £180.00 Huddersfield