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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
'Theresa Pulszky [Terézia Pulszky; née Walter] (1819-1866), Austro-Hungarian wife of the Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky (1814-1897) [Sabilla Novello; Clara Novello [Countess Gigliucci]

[Countess Theresa Pulszky, wife of Hungarian nationalist Count Ferenc Pulszky.] Autograph Letter Signed, in English, to Sabilla Novello, describing her ‘Dante festivals’ and artistic activities in Florence.

The Pulskys had fled Austria-Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, and while in London the Countess had published her well-received ‘Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady’. They would only be allowed back under an imperial amnesty in the year after this letter in 1866. The recipient, Sabilla...

Arthur Sabin Coward (1856-1937), father of Noel Coward [Sir Noël Peirce Coward] (1899-1973), playwright and composer [Sewell Stokes (1902-1979), author and broadcaster]

[Noel Coward’s father Arthur Sabin Coward.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both ‘Arthur S. Coward’), respnding to a request from Sewell Stokes that he write ‘a special article about Noëls early days’.

According to Noël Coward’s entry in the Oxford DNB, his family moved through the suburbs of south London, before finally setting in Ebury Street, where his mother Violet ‘acquired a boarding-house on the fringes of Belgravia’. The letters are written on the verge of the huge success of the revue...

Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, editor of Plato, theologian and reforming university administrator [Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas; Herbrand Russell, 11th Duke of Bedford]

[Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and editor of Plato.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Lucas’ [the future Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas], regarding tutoring Lord Herbrand Russell [the future Duke of Bedford].

The 1880 'Balliol Masque' indicates Jowett's standing, and the pronunciation of his name: 'First come I. My name is Jowett. | There's no knowledge but I know it. | I am Master of this College, | What I don't know isn't knowledge.' See Jowett’s entry, and those of Lucas and Russell, in the Oxford...

Canon Barnett [Samuel Augustus Barnett] (1844-1913), Church of England cleric and social reformer who founded the East End university settlement Toynbee Hall [East London Shoeblack Brigade]

[Canon Barnett [Samuel Augustus Barnett], clergyman and social reformer who founded Toynbee Hall.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking ‘Maud’ to send violet leaves three times a week to William Tourell, who is dying of cancer.

Barnett’s entry in the Oxford DNB accepts his ‘greatness’ and discusses its nature. 1p, 16mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The subject of this letter is William Tourell, Superintendent of the East London Shoeblack Brigade, a charity of which Barnett was treasurer....

E. A. Freeman [Edward Augustus Freeman] (1823-1892), Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford [Victorian church restoration; Welsh architecture; St Mary’s, Haverfordwest; Hodgeston, Pembrokeshire]

[Victorian church restoration: the scathing view of the Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed from E. A. Freeman [Edward Augustus Freeman], expressing concern for the ‘grand detail’ of St Mary’s Haverfordwest.

An interesting letter, in which a knowledgeable contemporary gives an extremely critical opinion of Victorian restoration as it pertains to churches in Wales. Freeman’s entry in the Oxford DNB describes how in his youth he had contemplated a career as an architect, and as a historian he showed ‘...

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), hugely-popular Victorian and Edwardian Isle of Man author [Douglas Sladen [Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen] (1856-1947), author and academic]

[‘Pray destroy this letter.’ Hall Caine, English novelist, regarding his war work for the B.ritish Government.] Long ‘Strictly Private’ Autograph Letter Signed to Douglas Sladen, also assessing the position of the man of letters in his England.

An excellent letter, in which Caine evaluates his wartime activities, criticises those of others, and gives his opinion of the the standing of the man of letters in the England of his time. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. A...

Jean Louis Rieu (1872-1964), Commissioner in Sind between 1920 and 1925 [The Raj; British India; Bhojraj M. Bhambhani, son of Mansing Ramsing, and grandson of Diwan Ramsing]

[Jean Louis Rieu, Commissioner in Sind.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing a reference for ‘Mr. Bhojraj M. Bhambhani’, son of his acquaintance ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, Honorary Magistrate and ‘most loyal subject’.

Rieu was the son of Charles Pierre Henri Rieu (1820-1902) of Geneva, Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum, and elder brother of Emile Victor Rieu (1887-1972), both of whom have DNB entries. In 1947 he had privately printed (as’J. L. R.’) a ‘Chronicle of the Rieu Family now...

Julia Emilie Neilson (1868-1957), actress and theatre manager with her husband Fred Terry (1863-1933) [W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope], theatre historian]

[Julia Emilie Neilson, actress and theatre manager with her husband Fred Terry.] Two affectionate Typed Letters Signed to ‘Popie’ [the theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope], discussing her poor health, contentment in old age, and birthday.

See her entry and that of Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Both with the valediction and signature in a large flowing hand, and the second letter also with an autograph postscript. Both are 1p, 4to, and folded three times. ONE...

Lady Maud Wilbraham [Lady Alice Maud Bootle-Wilbraham] (1861-1922), President of the Silver Thimble Fund [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allen of the Chelsea Red Cross; Mrs Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon]

[Lady Maud Wilbraham, President of the Silver Thimble Fund.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs Allan’ [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan] of the Red Cross, thanking her for a contribution, and deploring the state of the times.

An evocative artefact of one of the most successful British charities of the Great War. The Silver Thimble Fund was founded by Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon in 1915, and run from her house. Damaged trinkets made of precious metals, including 60,000 silver thimbles, were collected and...

Lord Coleridge [John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge] (1820-1894), jurist and Liberal politician; Solicitor General, Attorney General, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and Lord Chief Justice

[Lord Coleridge, jurist and Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, lamenting that the recipient ‘Dickenson’ is having to sell his library, discussing his own and the love of books, their friendship and his Devon home.

An evocative artefact of a bygone age of well-read men with substantial libraries. See Coleridge’s entry in the Oxford DNB (in addition to his achievements he was the great-nephew of the poet). 3pp, 12mo. On a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Coleridge’ and addressed to ‘My...
