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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
William Le Queux, novelist

[Autograph Manuscript] A Little Romance of 'P.W.' ['P.W.' = Pearson's Weekly]

10pp., cr. 8vo, text written on rectos, good condition. At the top of the first page he writes Proof to William Le Queux. 89 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale, and he signs the last page. There are corrections and additions. This is Le Queux's contribution to the thousandth number of Pearson's Weekly in...

Literature, Travel and Topography £750.00 William Le Queux, novelist
Alfred Edward Chalon, John James Chalon, Andrew Geddes, Andrew Robertson

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition to W[illiam]. J[ohn]. Roper, Secretary to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

All four are notable British artists of the first half of the nineteenth-century: A. E. Chalon (1780-1860), J. J. Chalon (1778-1854), Geddes (1783-1844), Robertson (1777-1845). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by five and a half. Grubby and discoloured with age, and with some wear...

Art and Architecture £46.00
Alfred Firmin Didot.

Printed document with a form which Firmin Didot has filled in and signed "Alfred Firmin Didot".

Printing family (famille des imprimeirs) and eminent collector. One page, 4to, chipped with small loss of text., torn along a fold mark, fragile. The printed form is headed as above with further details of the Society ("Maison de Retraite et de Sante en faveur des Artistes, des Hommes de...

Book Trade History, French, Printing History £80.00
Alfred Fouillée [Alfred Jules Emile Fouillée] (1838-1912), French sociologist and philosopher [solidarism; solidarist; André Beaumier]

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Fouillée, Membre de l'Institut'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

12mo, 2 pp, 13 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He is sending his reply (not present) to an article by André Beaumier 'qui me concerne (Figaro du 11 mars)'. The question of university reform is important and 'à l'ordre du jour', consequently he asks his correspondent to make use of his reply...

French, Science, Medicine and Technology £85.00
[Fishing.] City of London Piscatorial Society (CLPS), founded in 1902 and one of the oldest angling clubs in England; Walter Westley, Honorary Secretary

[City of London Piscatorial Society.] Autograph Letter Signed from the Honorary Secretary of the CLPS, Walter Westley, with printed booklet of ‘C.L.P.S. / Programme 1935-36’ and application form.

A nice slice of London ephemera. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged. They were clearly all sent together. ONE: ALS from Westley (‘W. Westley | Hon. Sec.’) to unnamed recipient. 2pp, 12mo. In answer to an application he is sending ‘one New Programme showing Waters &c’,...

Alfred Hands [J. W. Gray & Son, Lightning Conductor Experts]

Offprint of article entitled 'Protection Against Lightning. What is a lightning conductor? How does it protect against lightning? And how should it be applied to be effective?'

8vo: ii + 14 pp. Unbound. Stapled and in original brown printed wraps. Very good on art paper. Six photographic illustrations, including 'Clothing of a man struck by lightning' and 'Farm-house at Whaddon, near Stamford, struck and practically wrecked by lightning.' Hands is described as 'Member...

Science, Medicine and Technology £28.00
Alfred Henry Angus [ADVERTISING]

Three Typed Letters Signed, two of them to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with three leaflets relating to the 'THE AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS LTD.'

Founder and first editor of The British Advertiser (1873-1957). The collection in very good condition, with rust marks from a paperclip to one item. All items quarto. All items signed 'Alfred H. Angus'. The first letter invites 'The Managing Editor' of the Society's Journal to become a member of...

Social history £85.00
Alfred Marden Nicoll; Louis Schabel [Croydon, Surrey], watchmaker.

Manuscript Signed Indenture Mortgage and Surrender of Leasehold premises 'Between Louis Schnabel of No.79 North End Croydon [...] Watchmaker [...] and Alfred Marden Nicoll of No. 8 Surrey View Villas Ross Road Wallington [...] Painter and Decorator'

Seven pages. On four skins of vellum, each roughly eleven inches by nine wide. Attached with green ribbon, and with various stamps and two wax seals. Good: lightly aged and creased. The premises are at 77 and 79 North End, Croydon. 'Whereas by an Indenture of Lease dated the first day of April...

Travel and Topography £56.00
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle (1831-1916), Dean of Ripon [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919); Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Freemantle') from the Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle, Dean of Ripon, to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his biography of his father, the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Childers.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is sending a 'leaf of the Leeds Mercury containing a review of your Life of your father, which is good & appreciative', along with a copy of one of his sermons (neither enclosure present). Not having yet seen...

History, Religion £28.00 Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle
Alfred Milner (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner [Lord Milner] [The Corporation of the City of London; freedom of the city; Guildhall]

Printed programme of the 'Arrangements for the Ceremony of the Presentation of the Freedom of the City of London to The Right Hon. Lord Milner of St. James' and Cape Town, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.'

4tp bifolium: 3 pp. Text clear and complete on aged and lightly-creased paper. The first page is headed by the crest of the City of London. Gives the timetable for the ceremony, and the routes to be followed by the holders of 'three distinct Cards [white, pink and blue] assigning seats in...

Social history, Travel and Topography £45.00