[ Telegram; Anthony Eden ] Exchange of telegrams between George Hutchinson, Political Correspondent, Evening Standard, London, and Anthony Eden (resigned as Prime MInister on 9 Jan. 1957

Anthony Eden, sometime Prime Minister [Journalist]
Publication details: 
Telegrams both dated 15 May 1957, Eden's from Ottawa, Hutchinson's presumably from London.
SKU: 20954

Both messages, c.20 x 16cm, typescript, good condition. Hutchinson's message, one page, with date and Eden's title ("Sir") added in Manuscript. Hutchinson says: " Your great recovery has encouraged your many supporters to hope for your early reappearance in active public life perhaps through return to Parliament STOP Could you authorise me to say anything about your hopes and intentions - George Hutchinso [...]". Eden replies, 2pp., "I am still making reasonable progress STOP However health at present and in foreseeable future forbids my making any plans STOP I am sorry that I cannot therefore say anything about hopes and intentions STOP ANTHONY EDEN". Note. Eden's downfall through the mishandled Suez Crisis, and subsequent ill health is well documented.