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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
J. D. Macbride [ John David Macbride ] (1778-1868), Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, later Hertford College [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]

[ John David Macbride, Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('J D Macbride') | Principal of Magd: Hall' ], [ to Major R. G. MacGregor] acknowledging the receipt of a copy of translations from the Greek Anthology.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Sir | I beg to thank you for a copy of your Greek Anthology which I shall deposit as your gift in the Hall Library of this Society.' Macgregor is not named, but the item comes from a batch of his papers. His 'Translations from the Greek...

Aubrey de Vere [ Aubrey Thomas Hunt de Vere ] (1814-1902), Irish poet annd critic [ Samuel Waddington ]

[ Aubrey de Vere, Irish poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Aubrey de Vere') [ to Samuel Waddington ], giving permission to publish sonnets by him in an anthology, and commenting on Hartley Coleridge, William Wordsworth and Sir Aubrey de Vere.

3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of stub adhering to blank reverse of sevond leaf. He is 'very much flattered' at Waddington's 'wishing to include sonnets of mine in your proposed selection. You are quite welcome to those you have named, or any others of mine.'...

Robert Machray (1831-1904), Scottish-born Anglican Archbishop of Rupert’s Land, Canada, 1865-1904 [Conoin]

[Robert Machray, Anglican Archbishop of Rupert’s Land.] Autograph Letter Signed to his friend ‘Conoin’, written within days of his consecration at Lambeth, and just before his departure for Canada.

Written within days of his consecration at Lambeth on 24 June 1865. See his entries in the Oxford DNB and Dictionary of Canadian Biography. The former states that his diocese ‘covered 2 million square miles of territory, with headquarters at Winnipeg, then a hamlet with a population of 150. To...

Rev. James Hall (c.1754-1844) of Chestnut Walk, Walthamstow, poet [ Benjamin Bloomfield, 1st Baron Bloomfield (1768-1846), soldier and Private Secretary to the Prince Regent ]

[ James Hall of Walthamstow, poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Benjamin Bloomfield, asking for a copy of his 'Cottage Poems' to be presented to the Prince Regent.

1p., 4to. In good condition, neatly inserted into a windowpane mount. Bloomfield, 'somewhat more than a year ago', laid 'before the Prince Regent at Sudbourne Hall, two small productions' of Hall's, and he now wishes, 'as they are my mite to the good of my Country, Cottage poems also to be laid...

Robert Scott (1811-1887), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and co-compiler of the 'Liddell and Scott' Greek-English lexicon [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]

[ Robert Scott, Master of Balliol, co-compiler of the 'Liddell and Scott' Greek-English lexicon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Scott | Master of Balliol') to Major R. G. MacGregor, on the gift of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

1p.,12mo. In good condition. Scott writes that he has 'just received, through Messrs. Parker, the volume of your Translations from the Greek Anthology which you have kindly requested me to place in the Library of Balliol College'. He thanks him on behalf of the College, and assures him that the...

Sir Ian Hamilton [Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton] (1853-1947), soldier, commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in the First World War Gallipoli Campaign [George Townsend Warner]

[Sir Ian Hamilton, British commander in the Gallipoli Campaign.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Townsend Warner, following consultation with Lord Roberts over a musketry matter and Harrow School.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient is the Harrow housemaster George Townsend Warner (1865-1916), father of the novelist Sylvia Townsend Warner, referred to as ‘Townsend Warner / Historian’ in a pencil note to this letter. Signed ‘Ian Hamilton’. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium....

Charles Meldrum (1821-1901), Scottish meteorologist, Superintendent, Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, 1875-1896 [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of 'The Scientific Roll' ]

[ Charles Meldrum, Superintendent, Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Meldrum') [ to Alexander Ramsay ] regarding 'The Scientific Roll'.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Small manuscript shelf-mark at top left. He thanks him for sending 'the numbers of the Scientific Roll', and asks to be put down as a subscriber. 'I shall try to get the others. - | By today's mail I forward two papers.' Meldrum's entry...

Colonel G. A. Iakubovich [ G. A. Yakubovich; G. A. Iakubovitch ], Assistant Minister of War under Kerensky in the Provisional Russian Government of 1917 [ Russian Revolution ]

[ The Russian Revolution: the Assistant Minister of War addresses the Council of Peasants' Delegates. ] Account, in English, of a report by 'Colonel Iakubovitch' on the state of the Russian Army, in a speech to the Council of Peasants' Delegates.

After the February Revolution and abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, as Minister of War, was the dominant figure in the provisional government that held power until overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. According to Semion Lyandres, 'The Fall of Tsarism', along with Lev...

Sybil Thorndike [Dame Agnes Sybil Thorndike] (1882-1976), distinguished English actress, wife of Sir Lewis Casson [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Ivor Novello]

[Dame Sybil Thorndike, distinguished English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed [to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope], agreeing to do something for the memory of ‘our beloved Ivor’ [i.e. Ivor Novello].

From the papers of the evident recipient, theatre historian Walter James Macqueen-Pope. See his entry, and hers and her husband’s, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Large bold signature ‘Sybil’. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once for postage. The letter almost certainly relates to...

Edward Bocquet, historical engraver [ Lackington & Co., London booksellers; Joseph Harding ]

[ Edward Bocquet, historical engraver. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E Bocquet') to the London booksellers Messrs. Lackington & Co.', regarding his engraving for them of a portrait of the Earl of Southampton.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and rather dusty, with small closed tear at head. He begins by explaining that he has been 'prevented by ill health from finishing the plate confided to my care, & of waiting upon you to make you acquainted with the cause of the delay. The engraving is 'in...

Art and Architecture £180.00