[Earl of Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies; Gold Coast (Ghana)] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Carnarvon to Mr [John Thadeus] Delane, Editor of 'The Times' about trade (and its political side effect) in the Gold Coast.
Four page, 12mo, in very narrow frame of stiffer paper, good condition. DELANe has introduced him to a Mr Moylan involving future employment. He'll contact Moylan. He continues: The whole question of our future position as regards the Gold Coast is very difficult and I wish much that I knew - as one important consideraiot in the case - what are the [rulings?] of the trade. I cannot learn with any certainty; but I have recently heard that Messrs. Swanzy, who, as you know, enjoy by far the largest share of the Coast trade w[oul]d be inclined to prefer the withdrawal of all Govt. protection & interference & to be left to look after their own interests. |If indeed the great proportion of the traders are of this opinion, the question of abandonment may assume a more practical shape than has ever been the case. | I conclude that all the mssionary & religious interests w[oul]d be opposed to our withdrawal: but how w[oul]d the great body of middle class opinion go?- and especially after the late war? on the one hand there may be the feeling that we w[oul]d profit by our experience & not again incur the risk of another war & entanglements: or the other [?] is the very genuine British notion that having gone to so much trouble & cost we ought to get something for our money. I s[houl]d much like to know what you think. He invites Delane to stay at Highclere towards the end of next week. Note: Carnarvon here illustrates the influence Delane had on contemporary politics.