[Earl of Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies; Gold Coast (Ghana)] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Carnarvon to Mr [John Thadeus] Delane, Editor of 'The Times' about trade (and its political side effect) in the Gold Coast.

Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon, politician
Publication details: 
[Embossed address] Highclere Castle, Newbury, 3 April 1874. Private.
SKU: 24381

Four page, 12mo, in very narrow frame of stiffer paper, good condition. DELANe has introduced him to a Mr Moylan involving future employment. He'll contact Moylan. He continues: The whole question of our future position as regards the Gold Coast is very difficult and I wish much that I knew - as one important consideraiot in the case - what are the [rulings?] of the trade. I cannot learn with any certainty; but I have recently heard that Messrs. Swanzy, who, as you know, enjoy by far the largest share of the Coast trade w[oul]d be inclined to prefer the withdrawal of all Govt. protection & interference & to be left to look after their own interests. |If indeed the great proportion of the traders are of this opinion, the question of abandonment may assume a more practical shape than has ever been the case. | I conclude that all the mssionary & religious interests w[oul]d be opposed to our withdrawal: but how w[oul]d the great body of middle class opinion go?- and especially after the late war? on the one hand there may be the feeling that we w[oul]d profit by our experience & not again incur the risk of another war & entanglements: or the other [?] is the very genuine British notion that having gone to so much trouble & cost we ought to get something for our money. I s[houl]d much like to know what you think. He invites Delane to stay at Highclere towards the end of next week. Note: Carnarvon here illustrates the influence Delane had on contemporary politics.