Search results

Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
E. M. O'R. Dickey [ Edward Montgomery O'Rorke Dickey ] (1894-1977), Irish wood engraver [ Harold Sanderson; William Perry and K. W. Luckhurst, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts; Board of Education ]

[ E. M. O'R. Dickey, Irish wood engraver. ] Two ALsS, two TLsS and an ANS (all 'E. M. O'R. Dickey'), to K. W. Luckhurst and W. Perry of the Royal Society of Arts, concerning the Sanderson 'Travelling Bursary for a teacher of art'.

The seven items in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. The letter to Perry is a typed report of 2pp., folio, and more heavily worn than the rest of the correspondence. It is dated 11 August 1936, and discusses 'schemes similar to Sandersons...

E. Rimbault Dibdin [ Edward Rimbault Vere Dibdin ] (1853-1941), art critic, curator of the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]

[ E. Rimbault Dibdin, art critic and curator. ] Five Typed Letters Signed (all 'Edwd Rimbault Dibdin') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding the Liverpool artists Richard Wright, Peter Perez Burdett and William Tate.

The letters total 5pp., 4to; and 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. On the reverse of one letter are pencil notes, presumably by Wood. The correspondence - brought about because of a monograph Dibdin is writing 'on the Liverpool 18th...

Lord Amelius Beauclerk, Royal Naval Officer, sometime Admiral

[ Amelius Beauclerk ] Autograph Note Signed "A Beauclerk" asking his unnamed correspondent[s] to forward two men of whom he gives the details

One page, 12mo, chipped, closed tear, text complete. A note written in haste (hence some unreadable) to anypone who can help the two men in their travels. "If either of these two men Present themselves to you[,] do me the favor to forward [them] by some craft to their Destination. || Thor Webb,...

Mabel H. Spielmann [ Mabel Henrietta Spielmann ] (1862-1938), wife of art critic Marion Spielmann (1858-1948), author, sister of Liberal politician Herbert Samuel, Viscount Samuel (1870-1963)

[ Mabel H. Spielmann, author. ] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed ('Mabel H Spielmann.')

2pp., 12mo. The last two pages of a letter, numbered 3 and 4. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short closed tears at edges of central fold. The item begins with part of a sentence regarding 'dramatization in Paris', before turning to Spielmann's desire to have her novel 'The...

Samuel March Phillipps (1780-1862), legal writer and civil servant, Permanent Under-Secretary for Home Affairs [ Lord John Russell; Seymour Teulon, chairman, Southwark Reform Association ]

[ Samuel March Phillipps, legal writer and civil servant. ] Three Letters in a secretarial hand, all signed by him ('S M Phillipps'), to Seymour Teulon, regarding his attempts to present an 'Address of the Borough of Southwark' at a levee.

The three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first two, both on black-bordered paper, are each 1p., 4to; the third is 1p., folio. In the three letters Teulon's address is given as Dean Street, Southwark. The first two appear to be in Phillipps's hand, but the matter is uncertain...

[ Charles Ollier (1788-1859), publisher, author and editor; Professor Charles E. Robinson; Percy Bysshe Shelley; John Keats ]

[ Charles E. Robinson of the University of Delaware. ] Duplicated typed 'List of Charles Ollier Imprints (1817-23; 1846-49) and Works'.

Robinson is the author of Ollier's entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, in which he discusses the 'fifty titles' that Ollier and his brother James published between 1817 and 1823, and the others dating from his second stint as publisher between 1846 and 1849. The list is 10pp.,...

Book Trade History, Literature £65.00
[ Daniel A. Taylor, Chief Legal Counsel, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; the 1921 Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti; Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian-American anarchists ]

Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, 1921. ] Printed 'Report to the Governor [ of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Michael S. Dukakis ] in the Matter of Sacco and Vanzetti', with letter from the Governor's Press Office and photostat of pardon.

[1] + 38pp., 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In his introduction Taylor explains: 'The accompanying Report has been prepared under the auspices of the Office of the Governor's Legal Counsel in response to your questions: first, as to whether there...

History, Law £135.00
Emile Zola

[ Dreyfus Affair; pamphlet ] Humanite-Verite-Justice L'Affaire Dreyfus Lettre a la Jeunesse

Pamphlet, 13pp., 8vo, printed yellow paper wraps, sunned and soiled, text foxed but clear, spine worn (formerly bound into a volume of pamphlets). Front cover signed "Victor Leuliette" (author of Fenelon, His Life and Works ). Numerous copies in libraries but none currently recorded on the...

'Toti Dal Monte' [ stage name of Antonietta Meneghel ] (1893-1975), celebrated Italian operatic soprano, a noted Cio-cio-san in Puccini's Madame Butterfly

[ 'Toti Dal Monte' [ Antonietta Meneghel ], celebrated Italian operatic soprano. ] Autograph signature.

On 13.5 x 18 cm leaf of cream paper, torn from an autograph album. Good firm signature, rising upwards, and reding 'Toti Dal Monte | 1956'. Nothing else written on either side of the leaf.

[ Major George William Redway (1859-1934), soldier and military historian, trading as bookseller under the name ] 'Ex-Officers Book Union', Ealing, London

[ Ex-Officers Book Union, London. ] Printed book catalogue ('Part I'): 'A Collection of Choice & Charming Books of the 17th 18ty & 19th Centuries & a few Modern Authors offered for sale by the Ex-Officers Book Union'.

The 'Ex-Officers' Book Union' (the apostrophe was omitted in later years) was an obscure business. The firm was certainly active between 1919 and 1936, mostly from 16 Rathgar Avenue, West Ealing. In the early 1930s its address was given as '87 Bishop's Mansions, S.W.6', which was also Redway's...
