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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Oliver Lodge, physicist and writer [ H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]

[ Oliver Lodge; Printed ] Letter and Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed., with Lodge's responses in holograph to questions and with signature Oliver Lodge, University College Liverpool with date.

Printed Circular Letter from H.W. Crosskey on behalf of the Birmingham Philosophical Society with Questionnaire from, Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee, dated 8 July 1886, 2 leaves, 4to, bifolium, minor staining, good condition. The Printed Letter, p.[1], from H.W. Crosskey, explains...

Thomas H. Huxley, biologist [ T.H. Huxley; H.W.Crosskey, geologist ]

[ T.H. Huxley; Printed ] Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, printed., with Huxley's responses to questions in manuscript and with signature Thomas H. Huxley.

In a difficult hand, with some autograph corrections.. Questionnaire from the Birmingham Philosophical Society, 'Translation of Scientific Memoirs' Committee, 2pp., 4to, detached from the printed, explanatory letter from H.W. Crosskey (not present), some sunning, chipping (loss of one letter)...

Charles B. B. McLaren, M.P. [The Married Women's Property Bill, 1881.] [female suffrage; Victorian feminism]

[Printed article extracted from the 'Proceedings of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science'.] 'The Married Women's Property Bill, 1881. By Charles B. B. McLaren, M.P.'

18pp. (paginated 1-18), 8vo. Printed cover of the magazine loosely inserted. Footnote on first page: 'Read at an Afternoon Meeting, Saturday, January 22nd, 1881.' In good condition, lightly-aged, disbound from collection, with chipped front cover.

Dinah Goodall [Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, London; 'The Englishwoman's Review', London periodical; women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] The Nine Hours Factory Bill. Letter from a Working Woman.

2pp., 12mo. Single leaf with drophead title, signed in type by Goodall on p.2. In fair condition, lightly-aged, disbound. No copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

John Roget [Jean Roget] (1751-1783), Geneva-born pastor of two French protestant churches in London, father of Thesaurus compiler Peter Mark Roget and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818)

[John Roget [Jean Roget], Geneva-born pastor in London, father of Peter Mark Roget (of the ‘Thesaurus’) and brother-in-law of Sir Samuel Romilly.] Autograph Notebook in French, with apparently-original compositions and extracts from other authors.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brother-in-law Sir Samuel Romilly and his son Peter Mark Roget, as well as Joshua Kendall’s 2008 biography of the latter, ‘The Man Who Made Lists’. From the Roget family papers, and certainly of later date than the two schoolboy commonplace books by Jean...

Augustine Brohan [ Joséphine-Félicité-Augustine Brohan ] (1824-1893), actress of the the Comédie-Française, mistress of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte [ Napoleon III ], with fashionable Paris salon

[ Augustine Brohan, French actress of the Comédie-Française. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Augustine Brohan') to an unnamed recipient ('ma bien chère demoiselle')

1p., 16mo. Eleven lines of text. On aged and worn paper, with central closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A warm letter of thanks, with valediction 'Mille choses affectueuses à tous les vôtres'.

Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme, Secretary, Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights [Peter Alfred Taylor (1819-1891)]

[Female suffrage; printed handbill.] Untitled handbill by the Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights, regarding a subscription offer by 'Mr. P. A. Taylor' [Peter Alfred Taylor].

1p., 12mo. Page headed 'Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights,' with text beginning: 'In order to assist the effective carrying out of the work of this Association, Mr. P. A. TAYLOR offers an Annual Subscription of £100 a-year for three years, on condition that £900 per annum...

William Inglis Morse

[ William Inglis Morse; Limited; Signed & initialled] Nordic Trails. A Journey to Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Czecho-Slovakia

Pp.x.60, 8vo, lightly decorated green cloth, an attractive binding, corners sl. bumped, numerous plates/illustrations (photographs), very good condition. INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR: "T. Worswick | Compliments of the Author | Wm Inglis Morse| Nov.18/1930 | Cambridge, Mass." Copies in five US libraries,...

Clifford Dyment (1914-1971), Anglo-Welsh poet; Marcella Dyment [ nee Salzer ] (d.1968); 'Hafis' [ Hafiz Joachim Bertschinger ] (b.1933), Lebanese-Swiss artist; Daphne Fraenkel; A. E. R. Larking

[ Clifford Dyment, Anglo-Welsh poet. ] Corrected author's typescript of 'Fur, Feather, and Fin', co-written with wife Marcella Dyment, with copy of the Carrefour Press limited edition of the book, signed by him and illustrator Hafis, with extra plate

A friend of Dylan Thomas and a leading poet of the 1930s London literary scene, Dyment is the subject of a warm appreciation by Robert Graecen in The Times, 8 June 1971. The present collection consists of a series of amusing poems regarding various members of the animal kingdom. ONE: Typescript...

F. H. A. Hardcastle; Lord Brougham [Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)] [Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights; Anthony John Mundella, Factory Bill, 1874]

[Female labour in Victorian factories; printed pamphlet.] Lord Brougham on Factory Legislation. Reprinted, by kind permission, from the "Examiner" of May 2nd, 1874.

4pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, disbound, with evidence of side stitching and damage at foot of spine. Taking as his text a speech by Brougham 'vainly opposing the third reading of the Factories Bill, (1844)', Hardcastle gives his own view, concluding: 'It is scarcely too...
