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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sheila Sim [ Sheila Beryl Grant Attenborough, The Lady Attenborough ] (b.1922), English stage and film actress, widow of Richard Attenborough (1923-2014)

[ Sheila Sim, film actress. ] Autograph Signature with message, made at the time of the filming of 'Dear Mr. Prohack'.

1p., small 4to. On leaf of pink paper removed from autograph album. In good condition, lightly-aged, with closed tear at bottom left-hand corner. Reads: 'To Ann | Wishing you | Good luck | Sheila Sim'. In a small hand in the bottorm-right hand corner the recipient has written: '"Mr. Prohack"',...

Sir John Mills [ Lewis Ernest Watts Mills ] (1908-2005), English film actor

[ Sir John Mills, English film actor. ] Autograph Signature ('John Mills. | (Sergeant . !!!)') with message.

1p., small 4to. On leaf removed from autograph album. In very good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'Best Wishes. | to ANN - | Yours very sincerely - | John MIlls. 4. 3. 40. | (Sergeant . !!!).' (At the start of the war Mills had enlisted in the Royal Engineers.) The recipient was the daughter of...

Sir John Mills [ Lewis Ernest Watts Mills ] (1908-2005), English film actor

[ Sir John Mills, English film actor. ] Autograph Signature with message.

1p., small 4to. On leaf removed from autograph album. In very good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'To Ann | With my best wishes - | Sincerely Yours - | John Mills | 1946.' The recipient was the daughter of a technician at Twickenham Film Studios. Around this time Mills was filming 'Waterloo...

Sir Ralph Richardson [ Sir Ralph David Richardson ] (1902-1983), English stage and screen actor

[ Sir Ralph Richardson. ] Autograph Signature with message.

1p., small 4to. On leaf of pink paper removed from autograph album. In very good condition, lightly-aged. Written in a firm, assured hand. Reads: 'To Ann with my | best wishes, | Ralph Richardson | 1938'. The recipient was the daughter of a technician at Twickenham Film Studios. Probably given...

Trevor Howard [ Trevor Wallace Howard-Smith ] (1913-1988), English actor; Rosamund John (1913-1998), actress; Leo Genn (1905-1978), actor and barrister ]

[ Trevor Howard, Rosamund John and Leo Genn. ] Autograph Signatures of the three, with messages, given while filming 'Green for Danger'.

1p., small 4to. On leaf of light-blue paper removed from autograph album. In very good condition, lightly-aged. The three inscriptions are written one above the other beneath the heading '"Green For Danger"', with the date 'April 1946'. First: 'Rosamund John. | with Best Wishes to Ann.' Second '...

William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, known for his absent-mindedness and verbal confusions, known as 'Spoonerisms'

[ William Archibald Spooner, Warden of New College, Oxford. ] Autograph note, on behalf of himself and his wife, wishing 'Miss Morrell' future happiness.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An odd aspect of this document is that its author should still be employing the long s in the twentieth century. Reads: 'To Miss Morrell, | With the best wishes of the Warden of New College and Mrs Spooner for her future happiness.' For more...

Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway (1743-1822), 2nd Marquess of Hertford; Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey (c.1747-1825) of Killoquin, County Antrim, Ireland

[ The Marquess of Hertford and Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hertford') from the Marquess to Bateson-Harvey, regarding parliamentary activities in Antrim. With autograph copy of Harvey's reply, signed 'Rob: B Harvey'.

Hertford's Letter: 1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken seal in read wax, 'To | Sir Robert B. Harvey Bt'. In good condition, lightly aged, with closed tear caused by breaking open of seal. Reads: 'The dissolution of Parliament will I trust apologize for the...

Frank Kidson (1855-1926), antiquary and musicologist [ John Alexander Fuller Maitland (1856-1936), British music critic and music historian, an authority on Henry Purcell ]

[ Frank Kidson, Leeds antiquary and musicologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Fuller Maitland on the subject of Henry Purcell.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In acceptable condition, aged and somewhat grubby. He thanks him for sending his article in the 'Musical Gazette', and comments that it is 'certainly curious about the Purcell Catch & the coincidence of the four notes, but it is difficult to say whether it was done...

John Belasyse (1614-1689), Lord Belasyse, Royalist nobleman in the English Civil War, imprisoned during the Popish Plot

[ John, Lord Belasyse. ] Extensive manuscript 'Abstract of the Will and Codicil of the Right Honble John Lord Belasyse from the Probate thereof granted the 7th. May 1690', mentioning estates in Yorkshire, London, Middlesex, Nottingham and Durham.

13pp., large (41.5 x 33 cm) 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, on good Britannia paper. In worn wraps, with printed slip describing the item from a bookseller's catalogue (Henry Grey, 1901, 45s), and docketed at back. Neatly and closely written out in a clerk's hand. At end: 'The Abstract of...

John Wilson of New Bond Street, London linen draper [ Anne Dealtry (d.1865) and Frances Dealtry [ 'the Misses Dealtry' ] of Bolnore, Cuckfield ]

[ London linen trade in early-Victorian period. ] Autograph Letter in the third person from 'Miss A Dealtry' to Messrs Wilson of New Bond Street, linen drapers, placing an order and including a swatch of fabric.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Wilson | Linen Drapers | New Bond Street', and also docketed '1838 | Dealtry Miss A'. In frail condition, with the two leaves separated and closed tears and wear. Sewn with white thread onto the second leaf...
