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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Philip Grey Egerton [ Sir Philip Reginald le Belward Grey Egerton, 14th Baronet ] (1885-1962), British Army officer

[ Sir Philip Grey Egerton, soldier. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Philip') to 'Colonel Barker', inviting him to 'a table at the Sudan dinner' he is trying to organise.

Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to 'Colonel Barker | Bourchins Lodge | Tolleshunt D'Arcy | Essex'. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'I am trying to get some of the old firm together for a table at the Sudan dinner. I have got Kennedy Cook & wife, Griselda Maurice &...

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and translator, best-known for his 'Bon Gaultier Ballads'

[ Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and translator. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') to 'Mrs. Green', an autograph hunter.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, with small printed slip from catalogue pasted above letterhead. The recipient is named as 'Mr. Green | Claremont House | Clapton'. Reads: 'Madam | My autograph can be of little value to any one, but in compliance with your wish so courteously expressed I enclose it...

Vera Dart (1892-1984), social worker and Labour Party politician, born in Liverpool [ Women's Voluntary Service for Civil Defence; London County Council ]

[ Vera Dart, social worker and Labour Party politician. ] Duplicated Typescript of unpublished autobiography titled 'My Six Lives in a Changing World'.

[3] + ii + 152pp., 4to. Perfect bound, with each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, aged and a little dogeared. Title-page reinforced at fore-edge. Missing the last page or so of the 'Conclusion'. Describes, in a clear and straightforward style, her life 'from the last days of Queen...

W. Pett Ridge [ William Pett Ridge ] (1859-1930), English novelist and humorous journalist with the St James Gazette

[ William Pett Ridge, novelist and humorist. ] Autograph Card Signed ('W. Pett Ridge'), apologising for being unable to attend a meeting.

On both sides of a card. In good condition, with light aging. He hopes she will have 'a very succcessful meeting', but cannot give 'a promise to attend', as other matters are 'engaging, just now, all the attention I have to spare'.

[ Hodgson & Co. [ 'Hodgsons' ], London book auctioneers; Chiswick Press, Charles Whittingham, Chancery Lane ]

[ Printed item. ] One Hundred Years of Book Auctions 1807-1907 Being a Brief Record of the Firm of Hodgson and Co. (commonly known as "Hodgsons").

27pp., small 4to. In vellum-paper wraps with decorative cover printed in red and brown. With six plates: two collotypes (portraits of Edmund Hodgson and Henry Hill Hodgson) and four black and white photographs: 'Exterior of Premises, 115, Chancery Lane', 'The Auction Room', 'Compiling a...

Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager of the London theatres the Haymarket and Playhouse

[ Cyril Maude, actor-manager. ] Typed Letter Signed naming 'the finest part I ever played', with copy of his printed Funeral Servivce.

Letter: 1p., 8vo. With mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with small pin-hole to one corner. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I suppose the finest part I ever played and one I am always hoping to play again someday [sic] was Sir Peter Teazle. Grumpy was a fine part too though. |...

Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager; his wife 'Winifred Emery' [ stage name of actress Maud Isabel Emery; later Maud Isabel Maude ] (1861-1924)

[ Cyril Maude, actor-manager, and his wife the actress Winifred Emery. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed by him, and two Autograph Letters Signed by her, all to the journalist 'Mrs. Whitley'

The eight items are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Maude's six letters (all signed 'Cyril Maude') total 8pp., and his wife's two (both signed 'Winifred Emery') total 3pp. In the typed letter the recipient is named as 'Mrs. Whitley, | 78 Alexandra Rd., | St. John's Wood, | N...

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley (1766 – 1851), politician, long-serving Chancellor [Monrovia], Vice-President American Colonization Society.

[Baron Bexley; repatriation of freedmen (USA); map] Autograph Letter Signed Bexley to Capt. Rosenberg R.N. about his Prospectus involving corrections to a Map (see Note below - coast of Africa/Liberia

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium (second leaf blank), good condition. I return the Prospectus with your proposed corrections which appear to me very proper. The alteration of the Map [see Note 2 below] will be an improvement as it will give us less the appearance of a branch of the American Society...

G. Vapereau, Auteur du Dictionnaire universel des Contemporains [ Louis Gustave Vapereau (1819-1906), French critic and lexicographer ]

[ Printed item, inscribed by the author ('G Vapereau'). ] L'Année Littéraire et Dramatique.

viii + 491 + [1]pp., 8vo. Aged and slightly damp-stained along the fore-edge. In worn calf quarter-binding, marbled endpapers. Inscribed on half-title 'A M. J de Vasconcellos | Hommage de l'auteur | G Vapereau'.

General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Man-Power. A Speech delivered by General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P. (In the House of Commons, January 24th, 1918.)

8pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged, worn and creased. Photograph (by 'Swaine') of author in uniform on front cover, and 'Introductory Note' on p.2, beginning: 'General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, K.C.B., D.S.O., was elected Member of Parliament for North Ayrshire last year, and he delivered his...
