[Typescript with several MS. additions; scientific paper] "A Simpler Hypothesis For Variations in Aniseitonic Distortions" (in Papert's hand)

S. Papert and G.N. Seagrim [Seymour Papert, mathematician, computer scientist, educator, and one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence
Publication details: 
[c.1960?] The References include a book published in 1958.
SKU: 26598

Twelve pages, sm. folio, with 5full-page photographic fig[ure]s numbered 2(a), 2 (b), 3 | Legend: Surface B, 3 | Legend: Surfarce C, 3| Legend: Surface C, minor damage not affecting images, staining not affecting clarity of text. No Figure 1 though it's referred to, and no evidence that it was ever bound in to this copy. The paper has several annotations by Seymour Papert, from the addition of the current positions of the two authors, to additions and corrections to the text. No published text traced.