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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, London Brigade [ E. B. Fletcher, Lieut.-Instructor; A. H. Fry, Sub-Lieutenant in Command ]

[ Two printed items relating to the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, London Brigade. ] A pamphlet giving information regarding the London and Brighton Corps, with a large table headed 'Progress Return of No. 3 Battery, for 1890.'

The two items from the papers of Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, who features as 'R. Harrington [sic]' in the 'Progress Return'. The pamphlet is 6pp., 12mo. The front page is headed, with crown-and-anchor device, 'Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers. | London Brigade. | Head...

[Sir Travers Twiss QC FRS (1809 – 1897) was an English jurist].

[Travers Twiss, jurist; Queen's Advocate-General; scandal (Wikipedia)] Autograph Note Signed Travers Twiss to a Mr or Mrs Rowcliffe, promising to send some autographs.

One page, 12mo, black-bordered, backed by paper of similar size with evidence of having been laid down, and with MS note Dr. Travers Twiss | Vicar [sic] General | &c, good condition. Text: I am much obliged by your note & will take care not to forget my promise - on the first leisure...

Theophilus G. Pinches [ Theophilus Goldridge Pinches M.R.A.S. (1856–1934), pioneer British assyriologist.]

[ Theophilus Pinches; Assyriology ] Autograph Note Signed "Theophilus G. Pinches" to [Royal Society of Arts] aboiut an invitation to a lecture.

One page, 12mo, very good condition, date stamped Royal Society of Arts. "It will give me much pleasure to be present on the occasion of Sir Edwin Pears' paper upon Constantinople, and I beg you to present my thanks to the Council of the Royal Society of SArts for the card they have so kindly...

William O'Brien, Irish M.P. and nationalist

[ William O'Brien, Irish Nationalist M.P. ] Autograph Note Signed "William O'Brien" to "Windle" [presumably Bertram Windle, President of Queen's College, Cork ]

One page, 16mo (trimmed unevenly), signs of removal from album, minor staining, some text faded, most hard to read (either written in haste or characterusticlally illegible - or both). "You are right in [premising?] that I have many irons in the fire [also &?] that I am not [?] to be [?] [...

History £150.00
A. Lindley Pilley and C. E. Gatrell, Auditors[ Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, First (London) Corps; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington ]

[ Printed item relating to the Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, First (London) Corps. ] Report 'At the Annual General Meeting | Held at the "Cannon Street Hotel' and 'Abstract of Accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1891.'

On one side of a folio leaf, with the accounts ('By Order, | D. W. MARDEN, | Hon. Sec. GENERAL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE') taking up the whole of one side, and the leaf folded into a bifolium, with the report of the Annual General Meeting on the other side, as the recto of the first leaf. In fair...

B. W. Greenfield, Barrister-at-Law [ Sir Nigel Loryng, Hylle of Spaxton, Haryington, Peyvre, Cogan, Fitz Waryn, Broughton, Courtenay, St. Maur, De La Zouch, Hyll, Botreaux, Hankford, Bourchier ]

[ Printed item. ] Pedigrees of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., and Hylle of Spaxton, with References, Wills, etc. [ 'Supplement to M. Halliday's "Description of the Monument and Effigies in Porlock Church, Somerset."' ]

7 + [1]pp., 8vo, with fold-out pedigree. Unbound and stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The 25 x 42 cm fold-out is headed 'Pedigree illustrative of the marriages of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., XXth Founder of the Order of the Garter, and of the families...

James Stack Lauder (1853-1923), Lafayette photographic studios, London [ Selina, Lady Harington (1874-1945), wife of Sir Richard Dundas Harington (1861-1931), daughter of 6th Viscount Melville ]

[ Lafayette photographic studios, London. ] Eight proofs of portrait photographs [ of Selina, Lady Hamilton, daughter of Viscount Dundas ].

The eight range in size from 14 x 10 cm to 11.5 x 10 cm. Most are heavily faded, almost to the point of indistinguishableness, but presumably recoverable using modern computer techniques. Each is stamped on the front 'PROOF TO BE RETURNED TO LAFAYETTE, LONDON'. Each with pencil note on the back...

Nathaniel Lindley (1828-1921), Baron Lindley [ Lord Lindley ], English judge, Master of the Rolls 1897-1900

[ Lord Lindley, Master of the Rolls. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Nathl Lindley') to Sir Richard Harington, with regard to his application for an Indian judgeship.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. A cordial and businesslike missive, reading: 'My dear Harington | Judges at least old ones like myself do not give testimonials to men at the Bar seeking appointments | But you may with pleasure say that you have my permission to refer to me...

Sir Mackenzie Dalzell Chalmers (1847-1927), judge and civil servant [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1861-1931), 12th Baronet; Sir John Edge (1841-1926), Indian judge, member of Council of India

[ Sir Mackenzie Dalzell Chalmers, judge and civil servant. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M D Chalmers') to Richard Harington (later 12th Baronet Harington of Ridlington), setting up a meeting with Sir John Edge over an Indian judgeship for Harington.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The previous day he saw Sir John Edge, who was 'formerly Ch[ief]. Justice of the North West Province and is now a member of the Indian Council at home'. Chalmers discussed Harington with Edge, who would be glad to see him 'any time at the India Office...

[Juan Domingo Perón (1895 – 1974), Argentine Army general and politician] Anon., Translator: J.W. de Kember.

[General Peron; Argentina; cyclostyled or similar] Traduccion || BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL PERON.

Five pages, folio, good condition, apart from rust marks around the paper clip holding the pages together. With embossed stamp top of each page, two arms holding a torch aloft. A favourable view of the life of Peron from birth up to and including his second presidency (4 June 1952), concluding:...

History £250.00 Peron