Signed Letter in secretarial hand to Francis B[roxholme]. G[rey]. Jenkinson[, House of Commons Clerk].
Second baronet (1843-1911), politician and author. Three pages, 12mo. In good condition although grubby and with a few stains. 'My Coal Mines Prevention of Child Labour Underground Bill grew out of the Eight Hours debate and a challenge to the Coal Owners, so I did not put metalliferous mines in, and excluded them by any title. There are very few boys under 13 in them, but the principle might be the same'. He has been consulted on the matter by the Home Office, and has spoken to Lord Grey about it. Complains that 'formerly the thing could have been done in the House of Commons', but that the 'present rules [...] as to scope and title concerning contents, even against Instruction, prevent it. | The Lords have not altered their rules, if they can be said to have any, and I suppose they can do this thing and omit the word "Coal" from the title'. Asked if Jenkinson can 'warn' him if the suggestion is acted upon.