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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Louis-Arsène Delaunay (1826-1903), French actor who over four decades created almost two hundred parts with the Comédie Française [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]

[Louis-Arsène Delaunay, French actor with the Comédie Française.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Tom Taylor, playwright and editor of Punch, in enveloped addressed by him to 'Sir Tom Taylor'.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Taylor's in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once. In worn envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmark, and slight loss around flap. The envelope was no doubt retained because it was addressed by Delaunay to 'Sir...

Pat Lawlor [Patrick Anthony Lawlor] (1893-1979), New Zealand Roman Catholic journalist, author and book collector [Malcolm Muggeridge; Hugh Kingsmill]

[Pat Lawlor, New Zealand journalist and book collector.] Two Typed Letters Signed, or signed carbon copies, to Malcolm Muggeridge, praising his biography of Hugh Kingsmill and discussing his own association with him.

See his entry in the Encylopedia of New Zealand, and those of Muggeridge and Kingsmill in the Oxford DNB. Each item 1p, foolscap 8vo. Both addressed to ‘Dear Mr Muggeridge’. ONE (12 September 1955): In good condition, on air mail paper, lightly aged and creased. Signed in pencil with...

Stan Barstow (1928-2011), working-class Yorkshire novelist and playwright, author of the novel ‘A Kind of Loving’, which was made into a ‘kitchen sink’ film

[Stan Barstow, working-class Yorkshire novelist and playwright, author of ‘A Kind of Loving’.] Typed Letter Signed to Paul Furness, discussing the literary group in The Fenton pub in Leeds, connected with the BBC radio programme 'The Northern Drift'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, foolscap 8vo. Thirty lines of text. Signed ‘Stan Barstow’. One of a number of letters to Furness by writers, responding to his enquiry about socialist authors and British pubs. Barstow begins by discussing ‘The Fenton in Woodhouse Lane, Leeds’, which had ‘...

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner, Tory MP, father of Cardinal Manning [Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]

[William Manning, Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner.] Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Freeling of the Post Office, regarding a 'communication' indicating 'the delusion which prevails in the public mind' on a subject

See his entry, and Freeling’s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with nicks and closed tears around the edges, but not near the valediction ‘Yours very faithfully / W: Manning.’ Addressed to ‘Francis Freeling, Esqr.’ Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Your Letter of yesterday I have just received...

?Ulster Scot? [Rev. John Charles Fulton Hood (1884-1964), Deputy Assistant Chaplain-General to the Forces, husband of harpist Helen Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser; W. Vance Packman]

[?Ulster Scot? [Rev. J. C. F. Hood, Deputy Assistant Chaplain-General to the Forces.]] Newspaper cutting of letter to The Times from Hood, with Manuscript Letter from ?Ulster Scot? thanking him, and note [from W. Vance Packman] disputing facts.

Hood was married to the harpist Helen Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser (1889-1967), daughter of Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857-1930), the celebrated collector and singer of Hebridean songs. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Manuscript Letter Signed by 'Ulster Scot.' 1p, 8vo. Begins: ?...

History £150.00
Charles Reade, (1814 ? 1884), novelist and dramatist,

[Charles Reade, novelist and dramatist] Autograph Note Sugned Charles Reade! to Neville [Henry Neville, actor/manager]~Tuesday [no place or date]~Two pages, 12mo, horizontal text, large handwriting, good condition. Dear Neville, | I thiunk it is understo


John Forster (1812-1876), biographer and critic, friend of Charles Dickens

[John Forster; Dickens' friend & biographer] Autograph Letter Signed John Forster to [Alexander Ireland, (1810?1894) Scottish journalist, man of letters, and bibliophile] about donation of his book to the London Library etc.

Four pages,16mo, bifolium, good condition. Dear Mr Ireland, | I will gladly be the means of transmitting your handsome volume [see Note b.] to the London Library. | I thank you for enabling me thus, even before my return, to glance over its pages. Such are my engagements here - that for the...

John Murray II (1778 ? 1843), Scottish publisher and member of the John Murray publishing house.

[John Murray II, Scottish publisher] Autograph Note Signed Jno Murray to Gentlemen [Messrs Bell & Bradfute, publishers, Edinburgh = addressees]

One page, 16mo (11 x 12cm), bifolium, apparently trimmed with loss of text only of docketed information in another hand, minor defects, but complete. See Image. Text: Gentlemen | Be so good as to forward the above as early as convenient & oblige [...].

Book Trade History £150.00 Murray
Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (n?e Power; 1789?1849), Irish novelist, journalist, and literary hostess

[Countess of Blessington] Autograph Letter Signed M. Blessington to [F. Mansell Reynolds, novelist and editor of The Keepsake(?)]. See description below.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition, in her sprawling hand, 1/4in. strip of glue from previous laying down on blank page 4. My dear Sir | Pray do not think me forgetful towards you in not answering your note received many days ago, but I am so occupied and fatigued with writing that I...

Pierce Egan the Younger (1814 ? 1880), journalist and novelist.

[Pierce Egan the Younger] Autograph Letter Signed Pierce Egan to My dear Kenney [Charles Lamb Kenney (1821 ? 1881), journalist, dramatist and writer.]

Two pages,12mo, bifolium, good condition. Embossed heading Perseverantia et Fortitudo. My dear Kenney | In acknowledgment of Mrs Kenney's note Wednesday that between two and four [each] day except Saturdays & Mondays I am to be found here Wednesday I have most leisure & shall be happy to...
