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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Louis Tracy [ pseudonyms 'Gordon Holmes' and 'Robert Fraser'] (1863-1928), journalist and writer of fiction who collaborated with fantasy writer M. P. Shiel

[ Louis Tracy, writer of fiction who collaborated with M. P. Shiel. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Louis Tracy') to autograph hunter Montague Ball.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He writes: 'Dear Mr Montague Ball: - | I am very pleased to have your kind wishes & appreciation. | Yours very sincerely | Louis Tracy'.

Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett [ Lord Melchett ] (1868-1930), industrialist, financier, politician and Zionist

[ Alfred Mond, Lord Melchett, industrialist, politician and Zionist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Melchet [sic]') to 'My dear Anthony', regarding the Ancient Greek concept of the 'daimon'.

6pp., 12mo, on six leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking him for his 'most charming letter; and an inspiration to a young man', before commenting: 'Nothing pleases me more than your letters, which occur like intellectual milestones, epitomizing, where we have lately come...

Beulah Patterson [ née Beulah Elizabeth Busha ] (1886-1979) of Big Timber, Montana, kinswoman of the American poet Ezra Pound [ Olivia Shakespear; Dorothy Pound; Omar Shakespear Pound ]

[ Beulah Patterson (née Busha), kinswoman of Ezra Pound. ] Two long Typed Letters Signed (both 'aunt Beulah') to her nephew 'Tommy'

Pound was related to the Busha family through the marriage of his first cousin once removed Ida Lillian Pound (1858-1949) to Charles Thomas Busha (see 'Ezra and Dorothy Pound: Letters in Captivity, 1945-1946, ed. Omar Pound and Robert Spoo, 1999). The two letters are each 2pp., 4to. Both in fair...

Literature £220.00
The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Endowment Fund; H. C. Lacey, Organising Secretary [ Stratford-upon-Avon; Cecil William Townsend, Shakespearian actor ]

[ The Shakespeare Memorial Endowment Fund. ] Five items: circular, signed by H. C. Lacey, Organising Secretary, publicity booklet, notice,'Donation & Subscription Form', 'Associate's Card' of C. W. Townsend.

Five items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn. From the papers of C. W. Townsend, who acted in six productions at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in 1922. No other copies of any of the items located, either at the Folger, on COPAC, or on OCLC WorldCat. ONE: Typed Circular Letter, with...

Literature, Music and Theatre £80.00
Betty Vacani [ Betty Vacani (Elizabeth Joan Hankinson), dancing teacher (1908-2003) ].

[ Betty Vacani, dance teacher ] Typed Letter Signed "Betty Vacani" to "Mr. Pfister", father of Phrosso Pfister, later rincipal of The London College of Educational Dance Training (later the London College of Dance)

Two pages, 12mo, fold mark, very good condition. "I was so delighted to get a letter from Phrosso this morning, saying that you were going to allow her to take up Dancing as a career when she has finished her Schooling in Paris. |We should be so very pleased to have her as a Student, as she has...

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. T. <Greenway?>, regarding his preaching twice in Salem Chapel, with one 'Collection for the Port of Hull Society'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He reminds him that when he was in York, he stated his 'willingness to preach twice in Salem Chapel, and have one Collection for the Port of Hull Society, during the present year', adding that 'the Deacons of our Church concur in...

James Parsons (1799-1877) of Salem Chapel, York, Congregational minister [ James Everett (1784-1872), Methodist minister ]

[ James Parsons of York, Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. James Everett

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape adhering to one edge from mount. He is 'requested by the Committee of our Auxiliary in aid of the London Missionary Society to ask for your presence and assistance at our approaching anniversary in aid of that Institution'. He...

Lord Frederick Campbell (1729-1816), Scottish nobleman and politician, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and successively Member of Parliament for Glasgow Burghs and Argyllshire

[ Lord Frederick Campbell, Scottish nobleman and politician. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr: Heath', apologising for missing him when he called.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. The leaf has been folded in two, with 'Mr: Heath' written by Campbell on one part, beneath which, in another hand are the recipient's initials 'J. H.' and the date 1819. Above this, in...

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, 1827-1856 [John Yonge Akerman (1806-1873), numismatist and antiquary; Théophile Marion Dumersan (1780-1849), French author]

[Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Secretary at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Ellis') to the numismatist John Yonge Akerman, regarding the 'Certificate' of 'M. Meryon du Marsan' [i.e.Théophile Marion Dumersan].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. He states that the 'Certificate' of 'M. Meryon [sic] du Mersan' has been 'signed by Lord Aberdeen', and that he wishes to 'get the signatures of Mr. Gurney and Mr. Hamilton to it'. If he does not – 'or rather cannot' – send it to...

Lord Erskine [Thomas Erskine (1750-1823)], Scottish judge and Whig politician, Lord Chancellor in the Ministry of All the Talents

[Lord Erskine [Thomas Erskine], judge and Whig politician, Lord Chancellor in the Ministry of All the Talents.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Hon. Theresa Villiers?] on the background to his pamphlet on 'The Present War with France'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the Villiers papers, and the recipient is presumably the Theresa, wife of the Hon. George Villiers (1759-1827), daughter of Lord Boringdon and sister of the Earl of Morley. (See the entry on her son Thomas Hyde Villiers (1801-1832) in the History...
