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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' [ Ada Elizabeth Chesterton, née Ada Eliza Jones ] (1869-1962), journalist and sister-in-law of the writer G. K. Chesterton [ Gilbert Keith Chesterton ] (1874-1936)

[ 'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' on her brother-in-law G. K. Chesterton. ] Typescript of an article ('sketch') titled 'G. K. C. IN FLEET STREET. | by | Mrs. Cecil Chesterton.'

3pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and browned paper. Ada Chesterton worked with her brother-in-law while assistant editor of the 'New Witness'. Her admiration for his talents was fully reciprocated, G. K. Chesterton describing his sister-in-law as 'brilliant'. It begins: 'Very much has...

James Lothian (1817-1871), Scottish gardener, author of the first English book on the cultivation of Alpine plants [ Daniel McTaggart [ Mactaggart ] of Kilkerran, Argyll, Scotland

[ James Lothian, Scottish gardener. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Daniel Mctaggart of Kilkerran, sending a book on the 'Potatoe question'.

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Daniel McTaggart Esq: of Kilkeran [sic]'. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. He is sending him 'Keith' (i.e. a book by George Skene Keith), which contains 'some facts bearing on the Potatoe question'. He has other works on the...

John Young (1755-1825), mezzotint engraver and Keeper of the British Institution, London [ Charles Molloy Westmacott (c.1787-1868), journalist and blackmailer? ]

[ John Young, mezzotint engraver and keeper of the British Institution. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Young.') to Charles Westmacott, explaining why his 'picture of Cromwell' cannot be accepted for the present exhibition.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper. He is desired to thank Westmacott 'for the offer of your picture of Cromwell for exhibition, and at the same time to inform you, that the arrangements, for the present season, are already completed'. He ends with the tact for which he was renowned,...

Caesar (or Cæsar) Henry Hawkins FRS (1798–1884), British surgeon.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed Caesar Hawkins, surgeon, to unknown correspondent.

Part of letter, 11 x 7cm, fold marks, slightly obscuring a letter or two, marked No. 100 in a collection. The item comprises to subscription and signature, as well, on the reverse, some text, I meant to have said that she might leave off both the [?Steel] & the alkaline drops, but if the...

Science, Medicine and Technology £32.00 Caesar (or Cæsar) Henry Hawkins FRS (1798–1884), British surgeon.
Major Ronald Ross, F.R.S., and David Thomson, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. [Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; sleeping sickness]

A Case of Sleeping Sickness Studied by Precise Enumerative Methods: Further Observations.

4to, 21 pp and fold-out graph. In original green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusty staples. Describing the case of 'a strong young Englishman, age 26, weight 154 lbs., [who] was infected in N.E. Rhodesia near the River Luangwa in September, 1909'. Fold-out graph of...

Science, Medicine and Technology £45.00 Ronald Ross, A Case of Sleeping Sickness , pamphlet
George Ellis (d.1895) [playwright of Drury Lane and Surrey Theatres?] [the wreck of the Oneida, 1850; August Edouard]

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Ellis') to Messrs Gosling & Sharpe, London bankers.

12mo bifolium: 3 pp. Good on slightly grubby paper. He wishes to be informed 'which branch of the family the enclosed represent'. 'They are part of a large collection of persons connected with the Stock Exchange & mercantile world. The collection - some hundreds - was saved from the wreck of...

Music and Theatre £28.00
George Ernest Manwaring

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Wilson'.

1 page, 8vo. Grubby but in good condition. 'In case you have not already seen it, I beg to enclose you a leaflet relating to my new book. | I shall be grateful for any help that you can give it.' Signed 'G. E. Manwaring'. The book was 'My Friend the Admiral. The life, letters, and journals of...

Military and Naval History £30.00
George Gilbert Scott

[TRAVELLER'S SAMPLE] An essay on the history of English church architecture prior to the separation of England from the Roman obedience.

4to. In good condition, in original stamped patterned cloth and with attractive red leather label (somewhat worn) stamped with gilt on front board. Boards with bevelled edges worn and frayed at corners. Marbled endpapers, with front hinge cracked. Contains ten leaves comprising: frontispiece ('...

Art and Architecture, Religion £100.00
George Gordon, 2nd Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair (1879-1965) [Peter Cavanagh (1914-1981), impressionist billed as 'The voice of them all']

Typed Letter Signed ('Aberdeen') to 'Peter Cavanagh, Esq., At/ The Empire Theatre, Edinburgh.'

4to, 1 p, 17 lines. He 'deeply appreciate[s] the spirit undlying the contents' of Cavangh's letter, which he found waiting for him on his return the day before 'after attending our beloved late King's Funeral'. 'As you say, the sword and scabbard must have belonged to my great Grandfather, the...

History, Military and Naval History £35.00
George Granville Bradley.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Reginald [?].

English divine, scholar and schoolmaster (1821-1903), Dean of Westminster. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition except for rust stains from a paper clip. 'I am quite right am I not in <?> that I had better not trouble the Speaker about a <?> for the young Hasted Taylor? I think I...
