[Jonathan Cape]Three Typed Letters Signed to Robert Lynd, author.
3 TLsS, all on letterheads of 30 Bedford Square (two from Jonathan Cape Limited); 3 December 1924, 4 May 1929; 28 November 1946, totla 4pp., 4to, good condition. First, undertaking to publish in the Times Literary Supplement 'an expression of regret or apology' for an article by a 'contributor' stating that 'the Daily News considers only two or three books in its literary page twice a week'. 'The intention of the article was rather to support the Literary Editor against the encroachment of the Advertising Department as it does seem to me to-day that the popular press is more concerned with the amount of advertising it can get than anything else.' Second, he would 'like very much' to reissue RL's 'Books and Authors' in his Travellers' Library. Suggests a few changes which he feels need to be made first. 'If you do this I think the book will have a steady sale. The royalties while they will not preserve you in affluence, may help towards keeping a fire in the grate!' Third, beginning, 'It's a long time since I saw you. I have heard that recently you have not been well; you are probably beginning to feel that you can't stay for ever young. I feel that way myself, although I am at present quite fit.' 'I had tea with Wells just two weeks before he died. We agreed that the world was in pretty bad shape, and that we of our generation who wanted to improve things had to bear our share in bringing about what we now have. Up to forty years ago we believed in the essential decency of man, and we saw the world being run by the decent common man, an intelligent and honest trade unionist. But the adventurers and the carpet-baggers are now Heads of Ministries, and they look like staying.' He feels RL 'should do a personal book. I certainly would want to read it, and I would like to publish it.'