[ Oxford Women's Colleges in the late Victorian period. ] Four numbers of 'The Fritillary', a magazine for the Oxford women's colleges, edited by future novelist D. K. Broster.
All four numbers in good condition, in original grey printed wraps. Totalling 79pp. (No. 3 paginated 23-46; No. 4 paginated 47-66; No. 6 paginated 85-108; No. 14 paginated 221-231). Broster is named as editor of the last number, the others giving no information.. For more on the magazine, see Kristin Ewins, 'A History of Fritillary: A Magazine of the Oxford Women's Colleges, 1894–1931', Notes & Queries, 2008. Articles include 'Our Student Life and Charity Organization', 'Education of Women in Oxford in the 19th Century', 'On Co-operation', 'A Note on Chinese and Japanese Ideals', 'Character Sketches at theh Halls', 'Discussion on Degrees for Women', 'Mrs. Grundy, deposed', 'Women's Inter-Collegiate Debating Society', 'University Mission to Central Africa', 'Women's Inter-University Hockey Match'. Contributions that are signed are usually done so with initials (exceptions include 'E. M. Lanyon' and 'S. Gurney'). Uncommon.