[ Campbeltown Special Constables, 1823. ] Manuscript Document, signed by 71 men, by which they are 'Constituted and Ordained Constables' by 'The Magistrates of the Burgh of Campbeltown', with the text of the oath taken by them for the purpose.
2pp., folio. A 41.5 x 33 cm. piece of wove paper folded three times to make a 20.5 x 8cm. packet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Headed: 'At Campbeltown the Twenty first day of April Eighteen Hundred & Twenty three years'. Reads: 'The Magistrates of the Burgh of Campbeltown having this day Nominated and Appointed, the persons hereto subscribing, Special Constables in the Burgh of Campbeltown, They are hereby Constituted and Ordained Constables within the said Burgh accordingly, And in terms of Law have taken, and hereby take, and subscribe the following Oath Vizt. | We do swear that we shall faithfully and truly Discharge the Office of Constabulary within the Burgh of Campbeltown, induring the time appointed to us, and shall not for favour, respect, or fear of any man, forbear to do what becometh us in the said Office, and above all things, we shall regard the Keeping and preserving of the Kings Majestys peace, and shall in every meeting of the Magistrates of the said Burgh give true, and due information of any breach which hath been made of His Majestys Peace within the bounds of our Commandment, and shall no way hide cover or conceal the same, nor any of the proofs & evidences which we can give for the clearing and proving thereof so help us God.' The names of the 71 men cover the lower two-thirds of the page, in four columns, beginning with 'Wilm Breakenridge' and ending with 'Archd. Colvill'. On the reverse, beneath the heading 'Constables Oath | April 1823', is a list of 15 names out of the 71, to whom 'New Battens [were] given' on 13 May 1823.