[ Lord John Russell's private secretary, Hon. George Elliot; Italian Independence; Risorgimento ] Autograph Manuscript memorandum regarding 'Austrian Emigrants'.
3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. With a couple of minor emendations. At top left of first page Elliot has written 'Copy'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'Austrian Emigration'. Begins: 'In the Austrian Code (Decree of 1832) Emigration is treated of under a distinct head. | Every Austrian Subject removing to a foreign state or remaining abroad sine animo revertendi, as the Scotch wd. express it, is held to be an Emigrant.' Most of the third page is taken up with a precis of two points 'From Proclamation of Feb. 1851', following which the document ends: 'The above is not applicable to certain individuals excluded by name from the amnesty.' The document may date from Russell's second and last time as Foreign Secretary, 1859-1865, around which time the Emperor of Austria issued a proclamation granting an amnesty to emigrants from Venetia. From the Elliot papers.