Letter in a Secretarial Hand, signed in Autograph, 'To the Rt: Honble: the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury', together with engraved portrait by Guillaume Philippe Benoist (1725-70).
English ecclesiastic (1678-1761) and controversialist, who left his library to Cambridge University. LETTER: one page, octavo, discoloured and creased, and with neatly-repaired loss of strip approximately four inches by one and a half to top right-hand corner, causing some loss to text. Reads 'My Lords. | The Reverend Thomas Bradbury C Master of Arts being Licenced to perform th Office in New Jersey in his Majestys Plant America and on his departure thither I request that your Lordships will be pleased to his Majesty's Bounty of Twenty pounds to defray of his passage to that Province'. Signed 'Tho: London.' Chandler (1726-90) was born in America, went to England in 1751 and was admitted to Holy Orders by Sherlock, returning to America in the same year. A Royalist, he returned to England in 1775, and returned to America ten years later, but was unable to regain recognised religious office. PRINT: oval portrait roughly two and a half inches by three and a half, with caption 'Dr. THOMAS SHERLOCK | late Lord Bishop of London.' and 'Benoist sculp.' Clean, but with offsetting of type from facing page of magazine from which it was taken.