Frank Mallalieu of D. & H. Mallalieu Ltd, textile manufacturer, Bailey Mill, Delph, Oldham [Huddersfield Technical College, founded as Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution and now the University of ]
Publication details:
Huddersfield Technical College; between 1929 and 1939.
These items not only constitute survivals from one of the leading Lancashire textile manufacturers, in an era when the industry in that area was world-renowned, but also of what was considered to be one of the very best of the north of England's celebrated working men's colleges. A total of 507pp., 4to., in four folders. In addition to Frank Mallalieu's meticulous course notes, diagrams and calculations (with occasional tutors' markings), the contents include 99pp. of mimeographed course notes and 47 swatches of material.