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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Richard Curle [ Richard Henry Parnell Curle ] (1883-1968), author, friend and associate of Joseph Conrad; J. Stevens Cox, Antiquarian Bookseller, Beaminster, Dorset; H. T. Kirby

[ Printed item. ] Article by Richard Curle titled 'The Ray Society | Additional Notes and Reflections', in a copy of the magazine 'The Literary Repository', issued by the antiquarian bookseller J. Stevens Cox.

Complete magazine: 16pp., folio. In good condition, on lightly-aged high-acidity paper. Three-quarters of the magazine is devoted to a catalogue by the publisher. It's catchy subtitle is 'A Quarterly devoted to the Printing of Unpublished Manuscripts and Original Articles of Archaeological,...

Dr George Goudie Chisholm (1850-1930), Scottish geographer [ Royal Society of Arts, London ]

[ George Goudie Chisholm, Scottish geographer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Geo. G. Chisholm') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, enquiring about the 'qualifications as a lecturer' of 'Mr. du Plessis Chiappini'.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with the Society's oval date stamp. The RSGS having received a recommendation, 'as a possible lecturer during the coming session', of 'Mr. du Plessis Chiappini who lectured to your Society upon "The Union of South Africa"' and Chisholm has been '...

[ Game Certificates, 1815 ] [ Benjamin Wright, London printer; hunting; field sports ]

[ Game Certificates, 1815. ] Printed notice headed 'No. 1. Game Certificates. To be affixed on Church or Chapel Doors, &c. | Duties on Game Certificates.'

Crisply printed, with the long s, on one side of a piece of 37.5 x 25 cm. thick laid paper. In fair condition, aged and worn, having been used to wrap up items, and with the following in manuscript on reverse: 'No. 1. | Vouchers | recd. of Mr. Gabell'. The text begins: 'Notice is hereby given,...

Gwen Watford (Gwendoline Watford) (1927-1994), English actress on stage, screen and television [Jeffrey Archer]

[Gwen Watford, English actress.] Autograph Card Signed to [Kenneth] Sephton, standing up for Jeffrey Archer (in a London production of whose ?Beyond Reason Doubt? she is acting).

Watford?s obituaries noted her sensitive acting style, and ranked alongside Peggy Ashcroft. On both sides of a 14.5 x 10 cm card, with no printing but for the name ?GWEN WATFORD? in red at the head of recto. Addressed to ?Dear Mr Sephton? and with good firm signature ?Gwen Watford?. In good...

J. G. Wood [ John George Wood ] (1827-1889), naturalist and microscopist [ E. L. Arnold [ Edwin Lester Linden Arnold ] (1857-1935), author, son of Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) ]

[ John George Wood, naturalist and microscopist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. G. Wood') to 'Lester' [ Edwin Lester Arnold ], containing warm reminiscences.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Forty lines of text. He has been 'looking out for the review in the D[aily]. T[elegraph]. but never a review at all I seen. [sic] I suppose that these politics &c, squeeze out any matter which can bide its time'. He recalls their...

John Abercrombie (1780-1844), Scottish physician and philosopher [ Trinity Grove and Denham Green, Edinburgh, Scotland ]

[ John Abercrombie, Scottish physician and philosopher. ] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed recipient, regarding rental of 'Trinity Grove', and the neglected grass at 'Denham Green' [ Edinburgh, Scotland ].

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. On a bifolium, docketed with the date on the second leaf. He writes that he has 'taken Trinity Grove', and that he has 'looked at your grass at Denham Green - and found it has been so neglected that it is scarcely good for any thing - We will see how...

Saint-Marc Girardin (1801-1873) of the Académie Française, French Orléanist politician, professor, and anti-Romantic literary critic with the Journal des débats and the Revue des deux mondes

[Saint-Marc Girardin of the Académie Française, French Orléanist politician, professor, and anti-Romantic literary critic.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, asking ‘Monsieur le Marechal’ for an audience.

1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Removed from an album, and with stub still adhering to inner edge. Folded twice. He asks to be accorded ‘un quart d’heure d’audiénce’, as he is leaving on a journey and needs a passport and letters of recommendation. The recipient is not named, but he...

Sir Alexander Haddow (1907-1976), Scottish experimental pathologist and oncologist

[ Sir Alexander Haddow, Scottish pathologist and oncologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alex. Haddow.') to Gerald Henderson

1p., 4to. Very good, in envelope addressed by Haddow to 'Gerald Henderson, Esq., | 14 Bloomfield Terrace, | S.W.1.' He writes: 'Ever since becoming an hon. member of the Chelsea Arts Club I have had it in mind to give a small dinner party for some of the members. This will take place in the...

Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896), geologist [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929), poet and editor of 'Men and Women of the Time' ]

[ Sir Joseph Prestwich, geologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Gustave', i.e. Victor Gustave Plarr, regarding 'Pebbles of white quartz'.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He thanks him for a copy of his 'papers', 'though I regret to say they are sealed books to me'. He explains how 'Pebbles of white quartz are originally derived from veins in the metamorphic rocks by marine action. They may occur in...

Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, judge [ Royal Commission on the Selection of Justices of the Peace, 1910 ]

[ Sir Richard Harington, judge. ] Autograph five-page 'Suggestion', being the evidence he proposes to give, as Vice-President of the Society of Chairmen of Quarter Sessions, to the Royal Commission on the Selection of Justices of the Peace.

In fair condition, on lightly-aged and rolled paper, attached with a rusty safety-pin. ONE: Harington's 'Suggestion'. 5pp., 4to. The document begins with his CV as it relates to England, the last entry in which reads: 'Chairman of Herefordshire Quarter Sessions since October 18, 1880. V[ice]. P[...

Law £180.00