[ General Colin Campbell ] Part Printed form, part MS Monthly Return of Quarters of the [98th] Regiment [Foot]. Signed C Campbell | L Colonel | 98th Regt.
One page, folio, fold mark, strip of album leaf at left margin, details filled in, presumably by someone secretarial (copperplate). [TOP HALF] Printed Headings: Corps and Head Quarters | Quarters of Troops or Companies | No. of Troops etc | Rank and File [several sub-sections including Sick] | Horses [three sub-sections]. [BOTTOM HALF] Printed headings: Detail of Detachments on Command [sub-sections] Regiment [blank] Stations of Detachments | Serjeants | Trumpeters or Drummers | Rank and File | Horses | Remarks. MS notes in Remarks include under sentence of court martial and Recruiting. See image.~200~AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT MILITARY HULL ARMY~ ~0~Richard Folio fdr (Chris)~ ~ ~ ~ ~
23005~10/04/2020~False~[ Field Marshal Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde(1792 – 1863), British Army officer (Napoleonic, Opium War, Crimea, Indian Mutiny etc).]~[ General Colin Campbell ] Secretarial Letter Signed C Campbell | L Colonel | 98th Regt to The Quarter Master General etc etc | Horse Guards | London, asking for a Route for a Private.~Weedon Barracks, 9th May 1838.~One page, folio, edges dusted and sl. stained, text clear and complete. I have the honor to request you will be good enough to furnish me with a Route for 1 Private of the 98th Regiment to proceed to Derby in the Recruiting Service. I have the honor to be, etc~100~AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT MILITARY SOLDIER~ ~0~Richard Folio Fdr 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~
23004~10/04/2020~False~[ Field Marshal Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde(1792 – 1863), British Army officer (Napoleonic, Opium War, Crimea, Indian Mutiny etc).]~[ General Colin Campbell ] Secretarial Letter Signed C Campbell | L Colonel | 98th Regt to The Quarter Master General etc etc | Horse Guards | London, asking for a Route for some of his Men.~Weedon Barracks, 11th May 1838.~One page, folio, edges dusted and sl. stained, text clear and complete. Sir | The General Commanding in Chief having been pleased to approve of the Men of the 98th Regiment named in the margin, being sent to Chatham for the purpose of appearing before the Chelsea Board, I have the honor to request you will be pleased to furnish me with a Route for those men to proceed accordingly under charge of a Serjeant. Nine Privates' names are written in the left margin.~100~AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT MILITARY SOLDIER~ ~0~Richard Folio Fdr 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~
23008~10/04/2020~False~[ General Havelock and Sir Colin Campbell; Indian Mutiny ] James May, Assistt Field Engineer~[ General Havelock and Sir Colin Campbell; Indian Mutiny; MAP ] No. 1 Routes to The Lucknow Residency pursued by Genl Havelock and Sir Colin Campbell~Lithographed by Smith Elder, London, [1859]~C. 54 x 49cm, fold marks, unobtrusive foxing, good condition. See image. Copies recorded at NLScotland, Chicago (and BL).~650~PRINTED MAP PLAN LUCKNOW SIEGE INDIAN MUTINY FIRST INDIAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE~ ~0~Travel Eph (Chris)~ ~ ~ ~ ~
23002~09/04/2020~False~[ Queen Victoria; Major Wellesley Paget, R.H.A ]~[ Queen Victoria; Major Wellesley Paget, R.H.A ] Invitation to The Coronation of Her Most Sacred Majesty [Victoria]~[Westminster Abbey, Thursday, 28 June 1838 ]~Admission 'ticket', orange, c.22 x 16cm, part printed part MS, tipped on to sl. larger piece of paper, edges darkened (dust?) mainly good-very good. Admit into Westminster Abbey. | South Door Poets Corner | No. 85 | Norfolk Earl Marshal. Probably issued to Major Wellesley Paget of the Royal Horse Artillery (served in the Boer War and First WW) since it derives from an Album put together by him. SEE IMAGE.