[South Eastern and Chatham Railway; re Petrol-Electric Motor Rail Coaches] 110 items from the papers of C. W. Eborall, all but one relating to his work as a senior inspector with the South Eastern and Chatham Railway.

An English Railway Company on the eve of the Great War: C. W. Eborall and the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, 1911-1915
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SKU: 26130

N.B. abebooks don't show a full description. Please either check my website or enquire. 110 items from the papers of C. W. Eborall, all but one relating to his work as a senior inspector with the South Eastern and Chatham Railway, and with 104 of the items dating from between 1911 and 1915. Almost all of the material relates to three reports compiled by CWE as 'special work' for the SECR general manager F. H. Dent (from 1916 Sir Francis Henry Dent, 1866-1955; see his entry in the Oxford DNB), the first report on efficiency and 'the working of trains', the second 're Petrol-Electric Motor Rail Coaches', and the third 're Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach & L[ondon]. C[ounty]. C[ouncil]. Petrol-Electric Tram Cars'. In addition to the three reports themselves, the collection includes associated notebooks, correspondence, original photographs, printed matter, blueprints, a large technical drawing, and even three parts from a locomotive boiler. The collection provides a unique opportunity for a detailed examination of the administrative workings of one of the leading English railway companies of the period, with CWE assembling a mass of statistical and descriptive information (from sources including interviews with staff) for presentation to the general manager himself. Particular attention is paid by CWE to the Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach of Messrs McEwan Pratt & Co, Burton-on-Trent; and the Simplex Motor Rail Coach of the Motor Rail and Tram Car Company Ltd, London; and the collection also contains a file relating to a 1915 dispute over 'washout plugs' to boilers supplied by the Yorkshire Engine Company of Sheffield.Cornelius Willes Eborall (d.1940) of Tenterden, Kent, was the son of a leading figure in the railway company for which he worked. His father, also named Cornelius Willes Eborall (1820-1873), served as its general manager over two decades of 'uninterrupted success' (see his obituary in the 1875 Minutes of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers). The son and proprietor of these papers was nowhere near as successful. He was elected to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1896, and may begun his career with the London and North Easter (see Item Twenty-five below). At the time the large part of the material described here came to be assembled, CWE was occupying a position of some trust within the SECR, reporting directly to general manager F. H. Dent. He continued with the firm until at least the 1920s.The collection is lightly aged, with occasional damage and wear, but in generally good condition. The majority of the items have been arranged by CWE in thirteen envelopes of varying sizes, each with the cover annotated by him. For the purposes of this description, the collection has been arranged under nine headings:A. Reports by CWEB. Three Notebooks of CWE: 1911, 1912-13, 1914C. 1911.D. 1912.E. 1913.F. 1914.G. 1915.H. 1920, 1922, 1923.I. London and North Eastern RailwayA. Reports by CWEONE: Autograph report by CWE on 'the working of trains'. (For material employed in the writing of the report see Items Four and Seven.) Signed autograph copy of letter from CWE to F. H. Dent, General Manager, SECR. 20 April 1912. From Tenterden. 11pp, 4to. He begins with a discussion of the statement: 'The semi express or fast passenger trains in general do not run well.' He then discusses the importance of drivers being 'able to clearly see their signals', before moving on to 'Goods trains', and then, nearly halfway through, moving on to 'Locomotive Depots' (making use of material in the 1911 notebook below), and discussing coaling, cleaning, engine power. He ends with four points, from 'The careful grouping of Engines at the points from which they can most conveniently be employed', to 'As far as possible to arrange for each Up train and each Down train especially in the case of Locals, to have a corresponding train at such an interval after arrival at a terminal station to admit of the Engine being reemployed with the least possible delay.' On the reverse of the outer leaf are sets of timings by CWE for the '9.23 AM Ex Ashford / Engine No. 188 / Load 15', 15 May 1912; and the '4.30 PM Ex C X. / Engine No. 587 / Load 16' on the same day.The report is in an envelope whose cover is signed by CWE and dated from Tenterden, 1911, with note: 'S. E. and C. Railway / Original Papers in connection with my special work for Mr. Dent from November 1911. / Also Copy of my Report to him re working of trains etc, dated 20th. April 1912.'The envelope contains another four related items:A: Copy of ALS from CWE to FHD. 20 November 1911. From Chestnut House, Tenterden, Kent. 3pp, 12mo. On the two different letterheads of the SECR. Regarding the terms of reference for the enquiry he is about to undertake for him, he is enclosing a 'memorandum' (next item) of 'the more important points which you mentioned to me the other day for enquiry'.B: Autograph memorandum by CWE, headed 'S. E. & C. Ry. / Points for Enquiry relating to Locomotive working.' Four numbered points, two of them with a total of five subheadings.C: Copy of ALS from CWE to FHD. 11 April 1912. 2pp, 4to. From Braeside, Tenterden, Kent. 'With reference to the special work I have been doing for you in connection with Locomotive working and the running of trains, I beg to say that, having made careful investigations at each of the Locomotive Depots, and of the working of Passenger trains generally, I have collected a good deal of information which I trust may prove useful to you.'D: TLS from FHD. 12 April 1912, on letterhead of the SECR General Manager's Office near London Bridge Station. 1p, 4to. Responding to the last item and requesting the next ('a report of the result of the enquiries which you have made up to the present time').TWO: Mimeographed Typewritten Report by CWE. In envelope whose cover has been signed and dated by CWE with note: 'Private. / Report - No. II / Complete copy of Report in December 1912 / re Petrol-Electric Motor Rail Coaches etc. / to F. H. Dent Esq. General Manager, S. E. & C. Ry. London Bridge.' (For material employed in writing this report, see Items Five, Eight to Ten, Twelve and Fourteen.) Dated 20 December 1912. 21pp, foolscap 8vo. Pencil signature. Begins, addressing FHD: 'As desired by you I have made careful enquiries with regard to the subject of Petrol-Electric traction and having inspected and frequently travelled with the Cars employed on the G. C. Ry, and the G. W. Ry, and also in regard to the Simplex Paraffin Motor Coach mentioned in your letter of 22nd November, am now in a position to place the result of three enquiries before you.' Arranged under three schedules (A, B and C). A: 'Petrol-Electric Railcar Great Central Railway.' In fifteen sections, including 'Brake Power and Lighting' and 'Deadman Control'. B: 'Petrol-Electric Rail Car Great Western Railway.' In sixteen sections. C: 'Simplex Petrol or Paraffin Motor Coach'. In thirteen sections. The report ends with three pages of conclusions.The envelope also contains an autograph copy of covering letter from CWE to FHD, 20 December 1912. 1p, 8vo. Discussing reasons for delay in producing the report, and the return of documents employed in its composition.THREE: Mimeographed Typewritten Report by CWE. In envelope whose cover is signed by CWE and dated 21 October 1913, with note: 'Private. / Report No. III / Copy of Complete Report in October 1913. re Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach & L.C.C. Petrol-Electric Tram Cars / to F. H. Dent Esq. / General Manager / S. E. & C. Ry.' Dated from Tenterden, 21 October 1913. (For material employed in writing this report, see Items Fifteen to Twenty-one.) 15pp, foolscap 8vo. Six-page introduction signed by CWE, begins: 'As desired I have made careful enquiries regarding the Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach which was brought to your notice a short time ago by Mr McEwan of Messrs McEwan Pratt & Co. Engineers of Burton-on-Trent, and now append the following general and detailed description of the vehicle.' Nine pages of 'Description & Details' follow, under thirteen headings, including three pages on 'Transmission'. The report is followed by four pages with five printed photographic prints of the car, including one captioned 'Shows Trap-doors in floor of Car for easy access to Bogies and Motors etc.'The envelope contains another six related items:A. With autograph copy of letter from CWE to FHD, 21 October 1913, from Tenterden. 1p, foolscap 8vo.B. TLS to CWE from Edward W. Mellor, Fair Lawn, Lytham, Lancashire, 13 November 1913. 1p, 4to.C. The envelope also contains: two loose prints of photographs of a number of men surrounding the car, evidently taken at the 3 August 1913 Baguley Works demonstration.D. Cutting (2pp, 8vo) of an article titled 'The L.C.C. Petrol-Electric Trams. / First-published Particulars of the Plant Bought from W. A. Stevens, Ltd.'.E. Diagram by CWE titled 'Rough idea of an Inspection Coach for S. E & C. Ry'. 1p, 12mo.F. Leaf from the Railway News, 9 November 1912, with article on 'Great Southern and Western Railway (Ireland) inspection saloon'.B. Three Notebooks of CWE: 1911, 1912-13, 1914FOUR: 1911 notes on sheds and depots, used in CWE's report of April 1912 (see Items One and Seven). Reporters notebook. pp, 12mo. Covers of black watered cloth on brown card. 91pp, 12mo, with an extra 2pp on a loose leaf. Inside front cover: 'C. W. Eborall. / Tenterden. / Kent.' First page headed: '1) Dover Shed. 15-11-11 / Forman, Mr. E. Corner (Fitter)'. Continues with description of 'chat with Mr. Sinclair Loco Inspector. Discussed questions of loads, speeds, and late running of Goods Trains, he especially mentioned the 8.0 P.M. daily train, from Deal to B[ricklayer's] Arms'. Among other sections are reports of visits to sheds at Tonbridge ('travelling with Engine No. 20 Driver Skinner') Orpington, Redhill, Purley, and 'The Engine Sheds at Dover Town' ('very antiquated'). Also reports on the 'New Brompton Depot', and depots at Strood, Hastings, 'Maidstone West and East, Depots', Margate West, Ramsgate Town, 'Bricklayer's Arms Depot', Battersea. Each report gives the name of the foreman, and deals over several pages with 'Shed or Boiler Washing', 'Double Manning', 'Engine Repairs', 'Engine Cleaning', 'Coaling of Engines', and often other matters ('Carriage cleaning').FIVE: 1912-13 notes, employed in the writing of Item Two. Reporters notebook by W. Straker Ltd. 76pp, 12mo. With red cloth spine and printed grey card covers. On front cover: 'C. W. Eborall S.E. & C Ry'. Index at front names the topics as: 'G. C. Ry. Car' ('Manufacturers & suppliers of the Car and Electrical Equipment / Messrs, The British Westinghouse, Electric & Manufacturing Co., of Manchester'), 'G W. Ry. Car' ('designed by the British Thompson Houston Company Limited, Electrical Engineers & Manufacturers of Rugby'), ' Simplex Petrol or Paraffin Motor Coach' ('This is a Bogie Motor Coach, designed by the Motor Rail and Tramcar Company Limited, of 79 Lombard Street. E.C.'), 'Later Notes on G. C. R. Car', 'Notes re Motor Buses' ('a long talk with Mr. Humphrey the G. W. Ry. Motor Engineer' at Slough), 'Petrol-Hydraulic Rail Coach' ('In accordance with instructions received from Mr. F. H. Dent, through Mr. Hayne, at the London Bridge Office on 21st July 1913, I visited The Baguley Cars Ltd. the works of Messrs. McEwan, Pratt and Co. at Burton-on-Trent'), 'L[ondon]. C[ounty]. C[ouncil]. Petrol-Electric Tram Car' ('28th. August 1913. / While with the Inspection Special, with Mr. Dent and several of the Directors, the question of Motor traction was mentioned, and Col. Sir A. Yorke spoke of some Petrol-Electric Tram Cars which were being experimented with by the L.C.C. Mr. Dent desired me to have a look at them, and Sir A. Yorke gave me his card by way of an introduction to Mr. Fall the chief officer, L.C.C. Tramway Dept.').SIX: 1914 notes. Reporters notebook. 75pp, 12mo. Blue cloth, with label of 'A. & N. C. S. Ld. / Stationery Dept. / 105, Victoria St. S.W.' Containing detailed notes for report 'Re, Proposed Motor service between Hythe & Dymchurch during Summer 1914'. First page dated 17 February 1914. Begins: '1) A Motor Omnibus capable of holding 20 people inside, with flat roof for Baggage is necessary. An Open Car or coach is useless for the purpose of a regular service in connection with our trains, especially during the summer months.' Among the sections are: meeting with the mayor of Folkestone, advertising, 'Pay of Conductors', 'Stabling of Motor Bus', 'Notes taken at Dymchurch on 2nd. April 1914', 'Visit to Dymchurch again on 9th May 1914', 'Work to be done to Motor Bus by Messrs Maltby & Co. Sandgate', 'At Hythe, 25th. May 1914 / Conductor Mr. Pritchard' (with terms of employment), 'Visit to Mr. Maltby's Works at Sandgate 2-6-14', 'Things to see Mr. Ward Store Keeper about'. Also a detailed design for a bus ticket. Ends with eight pages of daily receipts for 'Motor Service - Hythe and Dymchurch. Commenced Sunday the 7th. June 1911 / Motor Bus Regn. No. D-3548. License No. 87.'C. 1911.SEVEN: Envelope of material from 1911, used in CWE's report of April 1912 (see Items One and Four). With cover signed by CWE, with date 1911 and note: 'S. E. & C. Ry. / Notes re Monthly Mileage of Engines, also staff at Certain Depots.'The envelope contains seven items:A: Battersea depot. Manuscript set of five tables by CWE, each relating to 'Battersea only'. 5pp, foolscap 8vo. The first three sets (mileage of express engines, main line passenger engines, and goods engines) each on a page divided into two parts: 'Summer-working' over the four weeks ending 23 September 1911; and 'Winter working' over the four weeks ending 18 November 1911, each part giving 'No of Engine' and 'Total Miles'. The last two pages, with mileage for passenger tank engines for the same summer- and winter-working periods, arranged slightly differently.B: Two manuscript sets of tables. First, 'Average Monthly Mileage of Engines at Battersea only', in 'Chatham Section'. 1p, foolscap 8vo. Signed by G. S. Elliott. Reverse of document filled with four columns of closely written entries with regard to the Battersea depot. Second, 'Average Monthly mileage of Engines at Bricklayers Arms Depôt.' 1p, foolscap 8vo.C: Short table for 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway Depot Hastings.' in summer and winter. 1p, 12mo.D: Autograph lists by CWE of 'Staff at B[ricklayer's] Arms'. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. Dated 1911. With lists heads 'Shed' and 'Shops'. The second of these followed by note by CWE, and more annotations by him on cover of packet.E: Two printed forms completed in manuscript, from the SECR 'Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Department. - Engine Driver's Daily Report'. Each from the Bricklayer's Arms Station. Each 1p, landscape 8vo. Both dated 11 November 1911. One for Engine 19 (driver E. Dellow, fireman C. Payne); the other for Engine 133 (driver E. Laker, fireman Brooker).F: TLS to CWE from Harry S. Wainwright, SECR Locomotive Engineer's Office, Ashford, Kent. 17 November 1911. 1p, 4to.G: Itemised receipt on printed form for stay on 5 January 1911 at the Selsey Hotel, Selsey Bill, Sussex. (No doubt for an expenses claim.)D. 1912.EIGHT: Envelope with cover signed by CWE and dated to 1912, with note: 'Re. Great Central Ry. - Petrol-Electric Motor / Rail Coach of the British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. of Manchester & London E.C. / Incorporated in my Report on P.8. Rail Cars made to Mr. Dent on 20-12-12.'The envelope contains three items:A: A Westinghouse catalogue, dated May 1912, regarding 'Westinghouse Petrol-Electric Railway Cars / General Description.' 20pp, 4to. With illustrations and diagrams. Worn and creased, on shiny paper and bound with brown cord. With many pencil annotations, and note: '9th. Oct 1912 / From Mr. O. Baldwin / London Manager'.B: An article extracted from the Railway News, 14 September 1912. 6pp, 8vo, with diagrams and illustrations of railway cars. Annotated by CWE, including notes on 'Dead man control'.C: An article extracted from the Engineer, 5 April 1912. 3pp, 8vo, including two pages of illustrations of 'Petrol-Electric Coach on the Great Central Railway'.NINE: Envelope with cover signed by CWE on the cover with 1912 and note: 'Papers and blue prints etc. in connection with The Simplex Motor Rail Coach of the Motor Rail and Tram Car Company Ltd. London E.C. / Incorporated in my Report on Petrol. Electric Rail coaches made to Mr. Dent on 20-12-12.'The envelope contains ten items:A-C: Packet of three folio blueprint designs by Motor Rail & Tramcar Co. Ltd., 79 Lombard Street, London: 'Simplex petrol or paraffin motor coach' (Design X.5); 'Simplex closed type rail or tram car' (Design X.9); and 'Simplex closed tramcar / seating 32-passengers' (Design X.11).D: Large blueprint drawing, also by MRTCL: 'Proposed 'Simplex' Motor Rail Coach' ('Drg. No. Z 56'), with the words 'For the South Eastern Railway Co. Ltd.' erased. Scale: half inch to one foot. Dated 11 December 1912. 'Seating accomodation - 100 passengers / Motor - 50 B.H.P. / Speed - 25 M.P.H.'E: TLS from George Gale, Secretary of the MRTCL, to CWE. 5 December 1912. On MRTCL letterhead. 3pp, 4to. Headed 'Simplex Rail Coaches & Tramcars.' Among matters discussed is 'the Dixon-Abbott patent gear box. 'Seeing that you have facilities for building the underframe and coach work at Ashford, it would be only necessary for us to supply our bogie, which would contain, engine, gearbox, transmission gear, silencer, fuel tanks, water radiator, and one set of control gear, and also control rods and gear for operating from remote end of coach.' He is enclosing 'a print of the Report and Balance Sheet of the East India Tramways Company, just being issued, shewing that for the last year's running at Karachi the cost for power, repairs and maintenance averaged only 1.5d. per car mile. We should be very surprised if the equivalent at Sandgate, i.e. fodder, bedding, ostlers' charges &c., were less than 6d. per car mile.'F: East India Tramways Company, Limited. (Item mentioned E.) Printed 'Report of the Directors and Statement of Accounts For the Year ending 31st July, 1912.' Signed by Gale, as secretary of that company as well. 6pp, 4to. With pencil sketching and dimensions of seating in a car by CWE. Also newspaper 'Cutting from Railway News of 23rd. May 1914' re 'The Motor Rail and Tram Car Co., Ltd.'G: TLS from Gale to CWE. 13 December 1912. On MRTCL letterhead. 2pp, 4to. Headed 'Simplex Rail Coaches'. Begins: 'With reference to your interview with our Mr. J.D. Abbott at this office on the 11th inst. we beg to enclose approximate specification for yourm information.'H: Typed 'Specification for Simplex self contained Motor Bogie 24 ton gross for Rail Coach', 'but with European type coach work, i.e. windows etc.' 15 December 1912. Addressed to CWE and signed by Gale. On MRTCL letterhead. 3pp, 4to.I: TLS to CWE from G. B. Hayne. 22 November 1912. On letterhead of GMO, SECR. 1p, 4to. Regarding the 'Simplex' coaches he writes: 'I believe Mr Dent still adheres to his idea that he would only use one of these coaches as an Inspection Carriage, but you will no doubt soon be able to report on the proposed working of such a car as an Inspection Carriage and also for running in a branch service.' With notes by CWE in ink and pencil.J: Cutting annotated by CWE: 'Cutting from Railway News of 23rd. May 1914'.TEN: Envelope with cover signed by CWE and dated to 1912, with note: 'Re. G. W. Ry. Petrol-Electric Rail Coach of the British Thompson [sic] - Houston Co. Ltd of London E.C. / Incorporated in my Report on P.-E. Rail cars made to Mr. Dent on 20.12.12'.The envelope contains two items:A. Printed pamphlet by The British Thomson-Houston Co. Limited, titled 'B.T.H. Petrol-Electric Railway Car.' Dated 27 April 1912. 7pp, 8vo. With CWE's signature and date, and presentation inscription 'From Mr. A H Walton. / Manager.' With four photographic illustrations. Together with cutting from the Railway News, 21 September 1912. 2pp, foolscap 8vo.B: Article titled 'The Internal Combustion Engine as a Factor in Locomotive Traction.'ELEVEN: Four items.A-C: SECR manuscript 'Inspector's Report' for Red Hill Station, 3 September 1912. 1p, foolscap 8vo. 'Subject 8.5 am Tonbridge to CX arr & Dept as below', with signed covering note on SECR letterhead dated 5 September 1912. Similar tables of: arrivals at Cannon Street Terminus, 8 September 1912, signed by A. W. Partridge (1p, 4to); and of arrivals at Charing Cross of SECR Dorking train, 12 September 1912, signed by J. Woodling (1p, 8vo).D: Table written out in a close hand, headed 'E. I. Ry. Abstract of Engine Stock'. Undated. 1p, folio. Arranged in ten columns including 'Diameter of the Wheels and Weight on Axles in Tons'.TWELVE: Envelope with cover signed by CWE with note: 'C W Eborall / Private / Papers Re Petrol-Electric Rail Cars, Etc. / Mr. Dents original letters & connected Papers'. The cover of the envelope also carries an itemised list of contents.The envelope contains six items, all from 1912:A: 'Report [by 'Mr Russell', 'one of Mr Wainwright's Assistants'] on the suggested conversion of the Hythe Tramways from Horse to Petrol as a motive power.' [November 1909.] Typescript headed 'Copy of Report by Mr Russell.' 4pp, foolscap 8vo. With a few pencil emendations.B: Covering TLS for A from FHD to CWE, on letterhead of the GMO, SECR, 7 October 1912. 1p, 4to. States that the report was 'made by one of Mr Wainwright's Assistants in November 1909 in regard to the proposed working of our Hythe and Sandgate Tramway by means of Petrol Motor Power instead of Horse Power'.C: Typed breakdown of 'Cost of building P Class Engine. £1,226. 10. 0.' On GMO, SECR letterhead, undated. 1p, 4to. With pencil calculations.D: TLS from FHD to CWE, 2 October 1912. On GMO, SECR letterhead. 1p, 4to. 'I should like to have a report from you in due course as to the use of Petrol Electric Rail Cars, and perhaps you will take the opportunity of inspecting the working of these Cars on those Railways which have gone in for this form of traction'. With pencil annotations.E: Initialled autograph draft of CWE's reply to D. 6 October 1912. 1p, 16mo.F: TNS to CWE from G. B. Hayne, 18 November 1912. On letterhead of GMO, SECR. 1p, 4to.THIRTEEN: Envelope with signed by CWE with note: 'Notes & Sketches re Hythe & Sandgate Tramway'.The envelope (to A below) contains 9 items:A: ALS to CWE from H[enry] E[lwes] Wood, 3 Shornecliffe Road, Folkestone. Undated (in envelope postmarked 8 December 1912). 5pp, 4to. Writing as a banker, Wood discusses in detail the financing of the proposed tramway. On reverse of on leaf is a pencil list by CWE of six 'Notes & Questions re Hythe & Sandgate Tramway'.B: Makeshift notebook with four pages of pencil notes regarding the tramway, including list of 'Questions to be asked of the Motor Rail & Tram Car Co.'C-H: Bundle of six items: small pencil diagrams of 'Sheppy Branch', 'Greenwich Branch', 'Paddock Wood and Hawkhurst Branch', address details on British Westinghouse Electric letterhead, gilt-edged calling card of Walter Sisson, and printed handbill of 'Great Western Railway / Additional Services between Slough and Windsor and Eton / Affording connections from and to Main Line Trains.', October 1912 (the handbill slightly damaged at corner).I: Crude plans and elevations in pencil of 'S. E. & C. R. / Hythe & Sandgate Tramway', each 1p, 4o, with one page of 'Open Car' and one of 'Closed Car'.FOURTEEN: Printed booklet sent to CWE in 1912, titled: 'North Eastern Railway. / Electric Rail Autocars.' By 'Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office. / Gateshead, March, 1904.' 4pp, folio. Stitched into green printed paper wraps. With two heavily-worn leaves extracted from the North Eastern Railway Magazine, with two-page article regarding 'The N.E.R. Company's Petrol-Driven Inspection Car. / By H. PRYCE, Chief Carriage and Wagon Draughtsman.' Includes photograph and plan. With covering note from 'Stephens, Tonbridge Station', 25 October 1912.E. 1913.FIFTEEN: Envelope with cover signed by CWE and dated 24 July 1913, with note: 'Original Letters etc Re - / Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach / of / Messrs. McEwan Pratt & Co. / Burton-on-Trent'. Added in pencil: '2. To address of Mr. F. H. Dent to be returned to London Bridge when done with.'The envelope contains 17 items:A-M: Twelve Typed Letters from McEwan, Pratt & Co; two to FHD and the rest to CWE, with telegram. Between 14 July 1913 and 13 March 1914. A total of 15pp, 4to. All but two signed by Robert McEwan. All on the firm's letterhead, River Plate House, 13 South Place, London EC. Many letters annotated with ANsS by CWE, including a full-page copy of one of his replies. At the time of writing the firm had just relaunched itself after liquidation. The correspondence begins with a letter to FHD, 14 July 1913, following an interview 're Motor Rail Coaches': 'You were anxious to be kept posted up, and we beg to inform you that on the last day or so of this month we expect to have ready the first petrol hydraulic, standard gauge, motor coach, and if you are desirous of seeing it before it is packed and despatched to Canada, please let us know.' Two weeks later FHD receives another letter informing him that 'the Petrol-Hydraulic Rail Motor Coach will be ready for inspection at our works (The Baguley Works, Burton-on-Trent) on Sunday next, the 3rd August at 9 a.m., when we have obtained permission to test the car on a short length of the Midland Railway'. CWE is despatched to the 'inspection' and the rest of the letters are addressed to him. Attached to a letter of 30 July 1913 (apologising for testing on a Sunday: 'this is the only day for which we could receive permission from the Railway Co. Also it has to be next Sunday on account of the car having to be shipped to Canada by a certain date') is a telegram to CWE, 31 August 1913: 'Trial run of new Petrol Car will take place on Sunday next. We have a party going down on Saturday evening leaving St Pancras (Mid Rly) 6.30 pm staying at Derby for the night Will you please let us know if you can join the party?' By 12 December 1913 McEwan is expressing some impatience, suggesting that he 'interview' the SECR's 'new Locomotive Superintendent at Ashford', 'in order to hurry up the matter'. In an ANS to the letter CWE states that he called at River Plate House, but missed McEwan. On 24 February 1914 McEwan states that he is 'leaving for Canada, but would like to have a note from you as to how the matter stands before leaving'. The final letter, 13 March 1914, strikes a tone of desperation: 'You will remember that some time ago, we mentioned that the Company in Canada for whom the rail car which you saw at Burton had been built were in financial difficulties and were unable to take delivery of the car in consequence. / The matter has now been settled and the Merchant Firm through whom we did the transaction have the car left upon their hands and they have received some £500 in compensation. In consequence the car is now for disposal and as we are anxious to help our friends we are getting in touch with various Lines likely to be interested.' The final page of the letter carries 'brief details regarding the car', and accompanying the letter are:N: A creased photographic print of it (with name of the Edmonton Inter-Urban Railway).O: A magazine cutting of a photograph of the '85 to 100-h.p. PETROL HYDRAULIC COACH', with 'Drawing of Petrol Hydraulic Bogie Coach' on reverse.P: TLS to CWE by Hayne, 16 July 1913.Q. Pencil note of coach dimensions. 1p, 12mo.SIXTEEN: Very large printed technical drawing by McEwan Pratt & Co., Burton-on-Trent: 'Arrangement of S5 HP Chassis. Compayne Transmission. / Scale 1in 1ft. / Drg No. MP2SS.' Undated (c. 1913).SEVENTEEN: Envelope with cover signed by CWE with date October 1913, and note: 'Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach by Messrs McEwan Pratt & Co of Burton-on-Trench / Rough and Fair Drafts etc of my complete report on above'.The envelope contains six items:A: Ten-page autograph draft of report, dated from Tenterden, October 1913.B: Seven-page autograph 'Description & Details. / Petrol-Hydraulic Motor Rail Coach.'C: Mimeographed typescript titled 'Brief Description' of the coach, dated 1913. 3pp, foolscap 8vo. With extensive autograph emendations.D: Six pages rough 'description & particulars of the coach obtained from the makers'.E: Miscellaneous pencil notes by CWE. 1p, 12mo.F: Cutting of long article on the coach in the Engineer, 8 August 1913.EIGHTEEN: Six sets of mimeographed typewritten SECR locomotive boiler specifications, 1913 and 1914. Tied together with pink ribbon.A: 'Specification of Locomotive Boilers. - Engines Class C', by Harry S. Wainwright, Chief Locomotive Engineer. Dated from Ashford Works, October 1913. 11pp, foolscap 8vo. Titled by CWE: 'C Class Boilers No. 1' and 'Order No. 196 / Specification for first 15 of the 20 C class Boilers at Wincobank Sheffield'. With text annotations in pencil.B: 'Specification of Locomotive Boilers. - Engine Class C.', title as last, but by R. E. L. Maunsell, Chief Mechanical Engineer. Dated from Ashford Works, January 1914. 9pp, foolscap 8vo. Titled by CWE: 'C Class Boilers / No. 2 - 1914', 'Messrs The Yorkshire Engine Coy. / 20 C Boilers / [...]' and 'Specification for Manchester / and also for the last 5 of the 20 C class Boilers at Wincobank, Sheffield'. Text heavily annotated in ink and pencil, including six matters 'To be noted specially'.C: 'South Eastern and Chatham Railway. / Specification of Locomotive Boilers. - Engines. Class D.' By Wainwright, as above. From Ashford Works, October 1913. 11pp, foolscap 8vo.D: 'Specification of Locomotive Boilers, with Belpaire Firebox. Engines, Class E. (Bogie Express).'By Maunsell, as above. From Ashford Works, January 1914. 9pp, foolscap 8vo. Stamp of the SECR Engineer's Office, Ashford, Kent, 26 September 1914. With text annotations.E: 'Specifications of Locomotive Boilers. - Engines, Class H.' By Wainwright as above. From Ashford Works, October 1913. 11pp, foolscap 8vo. Added by CWE to title: No. 1 - 1913.', ''15. H. Class at Ken Stuart & Co. Stoke on Trent' and '(26 H class at Kitson & Co. Leeds)'. With several text annotations in pencil.F: 'Specifications of Locomotive Boilers. - Engines, Class H.' By Maunsell as above. From Ashford Works, January 1914. 9pp, foolscap 8vo. Titled by CWE: 'No. 2 - 1914' and 'Leeds 26. H Class. / C. W. Eborall. / 11-1-15'. With text annotations in pencil and two 'Queries'.F. 1914.NINETEEN: Envelope with cover signed by CWE and dated 1914, with note: 'Letters etc, from Mr. Dent, S. E & C. Ry in connection with Petrol-Electric train service on Prussian Rys. and the Arad-Csand Rys in Hungary.'The envelope contains four items:A. Printed booklet ('Special Publication 7505/1') by The British Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Ltd., Manchester and London. Titled 'Petro-Electric Autocars for Railway Service'. 20pp, small 4to. Stapled in blue card wraps with red and white printed label.B-D. Three TNsS from Hayne to CWE: 19 December 1913, 9 January and 12 February 1914; regarding 'Petrol Electric Cars on the Prussian State Railways' and 'Mr Cortez Leigh's report on the working of Petrol Electric vehicles at Arad in Hungary'.G. 1915.TWENTY: Envelope with cover signed by CWE and dated 18 May 1915, with note: 'File of Letters etc / Referring to Washout Plugs of E Class Boilers at Kitson & Co. Leeds. / & of C Class Boilers at The Y. Engine Co. Sheffield. With tin gauge. / Also Retest of C Class Boiler No. 1. of Order No. 19. at The Yorkshire Engine Co. Sheffield.'The envelope contains nine items relating to a dispute between SECR and the Yorkshire Engine Company over alleged faults in boilers supplied by the latter firm:A-C: Three TLsS to CWE from the Yorkshire Engine Company Ltd, Meadow Hall Works, Sheffield, and on the firm's letterhead, two of them heavily-annotated by CWE. The first (17 February 1915; 2pp, 4to) begins: 'We were somewhat astonished to receive the wire from Mr. Maunsell on Monday night asking us not to forward the boiler you recently tested, as we were not aware there was anything really serious the matter. When you told me of the deflection at the middle of the box being about 3/16 you will perhaps remember I did not show my surprise, more especially as the boiler was not designed by ourselves, and I feel sure that when the permanent set comes to be measured it will be found to be of no moment.' The letter also complains that 'we cannot keep the boilers here indefinitely, as we on our part are anxious to get our money'. The other two letters dated 5 and 12 May 1915.D-F: Three TLsS to CWE from R. E. L. Maunsell, SECR, Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, Ashford, regarding the Yorkshire Engine Co's C and E Class boilers. Two accompanied by single-page copies of reports on C Class boilers, and the other with an extract from a letter on E Class boilers, 14 November 1914, which states: 'I send you herewith a Washout Plug taken from one of the Boilers you have recently supplied here, which is not according to the sample sent you, either as regards taper or the number of threads per inch. / The Boilers which have already arrived here, will require to be re-tapped, and new plugs fitted, the cost of which work will of course be deducted from your account.' All three from 1915, and heavily-annotated in pencil by CWE.G: Pencil draft of letter from CWE to Edwards of the Yorkshire Engine Co. Ltd. 2 May 1915, from Tenterden. 2pp, 12mo.H: Copy of TLs from CWE to YECL, 17 February 1915. 2pp, 4to. Annotated in pencil by CWE. 'We note you think there must be something wrong with the roof car or roof bar belts, but we have worked to your drawing in every respect, and the job is perfectly sound and up to our high class standard.'I: Card slip with pencil calculations by CWE regarding 'Washout Plugs'.TWENTY-ONE: Three metal Washout Plug gauges, in brown paper signed by CWE and dated 8 January 1915.H. 1920, 1922, 1923.TWENTY-TWO: Large printed table of 'S. E. & C. Ry. / Numbers & Classes of Engines 1st Jany. 1920' by R. E. L. Maunsell, 'S. E. & C. Ry. / C.M.E. Dept. / Drawing Office / Ashford Kent'. 38 rows, arranged in columns for: Class; Type. Wheels; Size of Cylrs.; Boiler Pressure LBS/O; Tank Capacity Gallons; Brake; Makers; Engine Numbers; Total No of Engines' (there are 721 engines). A couple of the rows are completed in pencil. CWE writes at head: 'Received / CWE / 25/2/20'. With stamp of the Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, SECR, Ashford, 24 February 1920. In cloth-backed envelope signed and dated by CWE: 'S. E. & C. Railway. / Classification List of Engines.', Revised 1920'.TWENTY-THREE: Mimeographed 'depot list', with stamp of the 'Out-Door Locomotive Superintendent's Office', NECR, London Bridge, 7 November 1922. 4pp, folio. Listing each locomotive under class, number and depot, single-spaced with two sets of columns to a page. Signed and dated by CWE. Covering note to CWE from J. Morley, on SECR printed slip.TWENTY-FOUR: Mimeographed 'Complete List of Engines Transferred since Depot List was published. - 7/11/22.' Dated 6 June 1923. 1p, foolscap 8vo. From the Outdoor Locomotive Superintendent's Office, London Bridge. Initialled and dated by CWE to 21 June 1923. With number of engine, class, and places of departure and arrival.I. London and North Eastern Railway.TWENTY-FIVE: London and North Eastern Railway. Two Autograph Lists by CWE, each signed twice:A: 'List of Railway Plans, Maps, etc.' Undated, but on late nineteenth century LNER letterheads. Landscape on rectos of 3 folio sheets of paper with letterhead of the London and North Eastern Railway Engineer's Office. A list of twenty items dating from between 1833 and 1848, with pencil 'Suggestions as to disposal etc.'B: 'List of Miscellaneous Matters'. On same LNER letterheads. Laid out in the same way on rectos of another 3 landscape folio sheets, listing sixteen 'Exhibits', with some pencil 'Suggestions as to disposal etc.'