Search results

Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
K. M. Briggs [Katharine Mary Briggs] (1898-1980), English folklorist, author of the Dictionary of English Folk-Tales [Capricornus press, Dunkeld, Perthshire]

[Printed booklet by K. M. Briggs.] Stories Arranged for Mime | By K. M. Briggs | Number 2 | Whuppity Stoorie'

[16]pp., 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps with illustration on cover. In very good condition, very lightly-aged with slight rusting to the two staples. The thirteen Capricornus items on COPAC indicate that the press was connected with K. M. Briggs, or at least with her family, who had moved...

Lady Constance Mary Wenlock [ nee Lascelles ] (1852-1932), wife of Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock (1849-1912), Governor of Madras, and daughter of Earl of Harewood [ Sir John David Rees ]

[ Lady Constance Wenlock, wife of Lord Wenlock, Governor of Madras. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Constance Wenlock') to J. D. Rees, on his appointment as Resident in Travancore and Cochin, with official copy of Lord Wenlock's letter of confirmation.

ONE: Lady Wenlock's letter to 'My dear Mr. Rees'. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. 'I am sure you could hardly be more glad that [sic] I was when I heard this appointment was satisfactorily settled. I was miserable at the prospect of you & Mary going on in the same...

Michael Arlen [ born Dikran Kouyoumdjian ] (1895-1956), Anglo-American author, born in Bulgaria of Armenian extraction [ Francis Martin Sewell Stokes (1902-1979), author and broadcaster ]

[ Michael Arlen, English author of Armenian extraction. ] Autograph Signature ('Michael Arlen') on note to the author Sewell Stokes.

1p., 4to. The leaf is divided into four panels by a central horizontal crease; Arlen writes on the upper panel of one page, the rest of the leaf being blank. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Arlen writes neatly at the centre of the panel: 'Dear Sewell Stokes | Pip, Squeak and Wilfred...

Mrs Molesworth [ Mary Louisa Molesworth, née Stewart; M. L. S. Molesworth; 'Ennis Graham' ] (1839-1921), English children's writer

[ Mrs Molesworth, children's writer. ] Autograph Signature ('Louisa Molesworth') on valediction to letter.

On one side of a 2.5 x 11 cm slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads 'Yours very sincerely | Louisa Molesworth'.

[ Jamestown Foundation Celebrations ]

[ Jamestow; inc. French text ] Exposition de Jamestown a Hampton Roads pres Norfolk (Virginia)

Pamphlet, 15pp., 12mo, illustrated wraps (inc. "Bird's Eye View of the Exposition"). Contents include a "Proclamation du President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique" (Theodore Roosevelt; presumably he didn't say it in French as here); Programme de l'Exposition; etc. With: [English text} Pamphlet "The...

Richard Ford (1796-1858), English author and traveller in Spain [ Lord Colville [ Charles John Colville, 1st Viscount Colville of Culross ] (1818-1903) ]

[ Richard Ford, English traveller in Spain. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Ford') to Lord Colville, discussing Spanish wines (Manzanilla, Montilla, Amontillado).

Written on both sides of a 13 x 11 cm piece of paper. Cropped, resulting in loss of text from both sides, and with the front of the letter (i.e. the side not bearing the signature) bearing traces of glue from mount. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Ford begins by stating that...

Lord Thomson of Fleet [Roy Herbert Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet] (1894-1976), Canadian-born British newspaper proprietor, one of the Fleet Street press barons [Hugh Burnett; BBC; John Freeman]

[Lord Thomson of Fleet, Fleet Street press baron.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of typescript of Thomson’s interview with John Freeman in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face', marked up for publication.

The present item is producer Hugh Burnett's own copy, from his papers, of the transcript of John Freeman's interview with Thomson, broadcast in the groundbreaking BBC series 'Face to Face' on 4 February 1962. This single-spaced typed transcript was produced for inclusion in Burnett's book 'Face...

[Chaim Weizmann] Charles Weizmann

[Chaim Weizmann; Charles Weizmann; Israel's first President; Printed] No.4845 A.D. 1915 Provisional Specification. Improvements in the Bacterial Fermentation of Carbohydrates and in Bacterial Cultures for the same.

Pp.4 with tipped on erratum slip, 19 x 8cm sm. fol., unbound as issued, good condition. See Image (Erratum slip obscuring main text of P.[1]. Note: Chaim Azriel Weizmann (Chayyim Azri'el Vaytsman, Russian: Khaim Evzorovich Veytsman; 27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Russian-born...

Science, Medicine and Technology £750.00 Weizmann
Religious Tract Society, London; W. Clowes and Sons; A. Applegarth; J. and C. Evans; J. Davis

[Religious Tract Society, London.] Seventeen uncommon printed tracts, variously in poetry and prose, including ‘Give it up? - No, never! or, The History of John Brook’ and ‘The Two Colliers; or, The Power of Religion in the Hour of Danger.’

Seventeen items, each 12mo, 8pp. All uncommon, and two (7 and 17 below) not listed on WorldCat or JISC LHD. All disbound and stabbed as issued. The collection in fair overall condition: some creasing and wear, and a few items discolored. Item 14 with grey staining to front cover. The first item...

Literature £250.00
Thomas Campbell [Thomas Campbell(1777-1844), Scots Romantic poet; his wife, born Matilda Sinclair (c.1780-1828)] [Henry Colburn (1784-1855), London publisher; William Hazlitt, celebrated essayist]

[Thomas Campbell, Scottish Romantic poet.] Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Campbell's publisher Henry Colburn, regarding an article by William Hazlitt.

See his entry, and that of Colburn, in the Oxford DNB. Campbell agreed to edit Colburn’s ‘New Monthly Magazine’ in 1820, his first number in the post being that of January 1821, and the letter was presumably written between this period and Mrs Campbell’s death in 1828. The reference to ‘Mr...

Literature £180.00