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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
[Victorian London Theatres: Adelphi, Drury Lane, Gaiety, Her Majesty’s, Lyceum,Princess’s, St James’s.] [Benjamin Webster; Samuel Hayes; Keith, Prowse, and Co.; James Bromwich, florist]

[Victorian London Theatres: Adelphi, Drury Lane, Gaiety, Her Majesty’s, Lyceum, Princess’s, St James’s.] Seven large printed handbill notices, with illustration giving seating plan, details of proprietors and prices, ticket agents, advertisements.

Each of the seven plans is on a 27 x 35.5 cm piece of paper.The source has not been established, and each carries the pencil date 1878 in a modern hand. They are uniform in layout, each with heading of the name of the theatre followed by a plan in the form of a 22 x 15 cm lithographic...

[ John Crossley of Scaitcliffe, near Rochdale, Lancashire, collector; Napoleonic Wars ] Thomas Hampson of Rochdale

[ The Crossley Collection. ] Autograph Letter Signed from 'Thos Hampson', presenting John Crossley of Rochdale with a snuff box made by 'the French prisoners confined in this country during the late war'.

1p., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged with strip from stub adhering to one edge. Addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To | John Crossley Esqr. | Rochdale.' Crossley, the commanding officer of the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia, built up a notable collection of military...

Blanche Gottschalk (b. circa 1864), RMS (Royal Miniature Society), British miniature painter

[Blanche Gottschalk, British miniaturist.] Photograph captioned '(The late) Miss Blanche Gottschalk in her Studio 1923', showing the artist before her easel, with several works of art around her.

10 x 8.5 cm original print of black and white photograph. In frail condition, with slight loss to one corner, and another corner torn away and repaired with archival tape. A full-length view of the elegant artist, in long painter's robes, pointing a brush at a painting on an easel, with three...

Art and Architecture £90.00
Eric Gill (1882-1940), artist [George Sims (1923-199), English bookseller]

[Eric Gill.] Compliments slip of the bookseller George Sims, featuring a woodcut illustration by Eric Gill, with typewritten inscription by Gill to 'Tony & Jean', stating that the item has been given to them 'just before it was remaindered'.

Printed in black ink on 8 x 12 cm piece of thick watermarked laid paper. In very good condition. Sims acquired the Gill archive from the artist's widow, and it seems likely that he had the illustration made from one of the artist's blocks. The illustration shows a bearded man in loincloth,...

Grace Pratt Chalmers (1819-1851), daughter of Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), theologian, economist and leader of the Church of Scotland, and his wife Grace Chalmers [nee Pratt] (1792-1850)

[Rev. Thomas Chalmers.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grace Chalmers') from Grace Pratt Chalmers to her mother Grace Chalmers, wife of Rev. Thomas Chalmers, asking for control over her clothing allowance, to show that she is 'not altogether the Hottentot

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 62 lines of text. In good condition, lightly-aged, with short unobtrusive closed tears along crease lines and '(Grace Pratt)' in a later hand at head of first page. On the reverse of the second leaf is the address, with remains of red wax seal: 'Mrs. Chalmers. | Inverleith...

C. K. Jaeger [ Cyril Karel Stuart Jaeger] (1912-2008), fantasy and children's writer under the name 'Karel Jaeger', friend and landlord of Fitzrovia writer Julian Maclaren-Ross (1912-1964)

[ C. K. Jaeger ('Karel Jaeger'), fantasy writer. ] Unpublished typescripts of two fantasy novels, '"The Autobiography of a Flea" or A Kind of Memoir' and 'Letters from an Oyster Bed'.

The colourful life of the 'deeply eccentric Bradford-born writer' Jaeger is the subject of a good obituary in the Scotsman, 2 October 2008. In his youth Jaeger was adopted by Lady Margaret Sackville, and moved in Edinburgh high society. While studying at Montpelier University he developed a...

Rev. Charles Voysey (1828-1912), Church of England priest condemned for heterodoxy, who went on to found the Theistic Church, London

[Rev. Charles Voysey.] Copy of his 'Lecture on Rationalism, delivered at Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester, and St. George's Hall, London' (1871), with three printed items relating to his 'Theistic Church, for the Worship of the One God'.

For more on Voysey, father of the architect of the same name, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Denouncing the doctrine of eternal punishment, he was deprived of his living on 11 February 1871. ONE: 'Doctrine on Rationalism' (1871). 34pp., 8vo. Stitched and stabbed as issued. No covers. Aged and...

[British West Country locomotives; early nineteenth-century Irish railways; 1837.]

Printed handbill timetable headed on one side '1837. Irish Mails. DOWN' and on the other side 'Western and Foreign Mails. - 1837. - Up and Down.' With contemporary manuscript note.

2pp., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. The side headed '1837. Irish Mails. DOWN' with timetable arranged in two columns, under headings: 'To Kingston via Holyhead', 'To Waterford (P) via Gloucester and Milford', and 'To Waterford (P) via Bristol and Pembroke'. Footnote reads: 'It may be curious to...

The Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation, Limited, London [women's economic history in Britain]

[Printed booklet.] The Business Woman's Investment Prospectus. Endowment Assurances, with and without Participation in Profits. [The Business Woman's Investment Policy.]

20pp., 12mo. Stapled, in grey wraps, printed in purple and green. An interesting artifact indicative of women's growing economic power in Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth century. An elegant little production, including six full-page tables, 'Press Notices' (two pages, on inside covers...

W. Heath Robinson [The Navarre Society, London; Morrision & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh; Francois Rabelais]

[W. Heath Robinson.] Proofs of two sets of prelims from his Navarre Society edition of 'The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais', with a total of ten illustrations by W. Heath Robinson.

Both sets of proofs unstitched and unopened (and both opening out into a folio sheet), and both with title-pages printed in red and black. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both stamped on first page 'PLEASE PASS FOR PRESS | MARGINS' in blue, with purple oval dated printers...
