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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Jon Silkin (1930-1997), poet and editor of the literary magazine 'Stand' [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Edmund Blunden]

[Jon Silkin, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jon Silkin') to the playwright Christopher Fry, asking permission to print Fry's poem on Edmund Blunden, with reference to his own book 'Out of Battle'.

2pp, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'Dear Christopher Fry, | I am sorry to contradict you, but I showed my co-editor, the poet Rodney Pybus, your poem “For Edmund Blunden”, and we both [last word underlined] feel it should be published, and that we would like to publish...

Jon Stallworthy [Jon Howie Stallworthy] (1935-2014), literary critic and poet, Oxford University Professor of English [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; John Bell; Oxford University Press]

[Jon Stallworthy, literary critic and poet.] Typed Letter Signed ('Jon') to the playwright Christopher Fry, praising Fry's 'screen-play for the film of Genesis', which John Bell of the Oxford University Press had wanted to publish.

1p, 8vo. In good condition. Folded twice. With secretarial note in blue pencil, recording response by 'C.F.' The letter concerns Fry's screenplay for the 1966 film 'The Bible: In the Beginning...', produced by Dino De Laurentiis and directed by John Huston, which recounts the first 22 chapters...

Kathleen Raine [Kathleen Jessie Raine] (1908-2003), poet and critic, founding member of the Temenos Academy [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright; Jonathan Griffin (1906-1990), poet; John Gilling]

[Kathleen Raine, poet and author.] Autograph Note Signed ('Kathy') with copy of typescript of Father John Gilling's requiem speech on the poet Jonathan Griffin, and photocopies of three obituaries of Griffin.

Five items in good condition, all lightly aged. ONE: ACS. Signed 'Kathy'. 1 March 1990. Clearly a covering note on sending the other material. Simply reads: 'Good to speak – | love | Kathy'. TWO: Duplicated copy of typescript of speech by 'Fr. John Gilling'. Headed: 'REQUIEM MASS: St. Mary the...

Richard Church [Richard Thomas Church] (1893-1972), poet and author [Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]

[Richard Church, poet and author.] Typed Poem, signed 'Richard Church', titled 'For Andrew Young. 1885-1971.'

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Folded three times. Sixteen-line poem, neatly typed (with one error overtyped an autograph proof mark separating two words) titled 'For Andrew Young. 1885-1971.' Signed at bottom 'Richard Church.' A charming poem, which was published in the Cornhill...

Richard Liebreich [(1830–1917) German ophthalmologist and physiologist, native of Königsberg and of Jewish ancestry

[ Richard Liebreich; Oculist ] Autograph Note Signed "R Liebreich" to "Madame" [Mrs Woolner - see text}, about a lecture.

One page, 12mo, bifolium (second leaf blank and cut), sl. grubby, text clear and complete: "My lecture will appear in the Educational Times the 1st of August, and I shall give myself the pleasure of sending you a copy. | Please remember me kindly to Mr Woolner and believe me [...]"

Rita Spurr, Manchester poet and social worker [John Hoffman, proprietor of the Poetry Guild, Holymoorside, Chesterfield, whose imprint was The Guild Press; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]

[Rita Spurr, poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to playwright Christopher Fry, with copy of her Guild Press poetry pamphlet 'Footprint in Snow', and New Year card with photographic print.

Three items (letter, photographic card, and pamphlet), all in good condition. ONE: ALS. 31 December 1954. 1p, 8vo. Signed '(Mrs.) Rita Spurr.' and addressed to 'Dear Mr. Christopher Fry'. She begins by thanking him 'for the very great pleasure & stimulus' which she derived 'during the year...

Walter Rilla (1894-1980), German film actor of Jewish descent, who fled to Britain from the Nazis, and acted in more than 130 films [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]

[Walter Rilla, German actor in more than 130 films.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter (Rilla)') and Autograph Card Signed ('Walter'), in English, to playwright Christopher Fry, recalling with affection happy times travelling together on the Rhine.

Both items in good condition, but the postcard (of a Viennese street scene) with stamp torn off. ONE: ALS. Signed 'Walter (Rilla)'. Vienna; 7 November 1966. 1p, 8vo. Twenty-six lines of text, in a neat close hand. An affectionate and intimate letter, addressed to 'My dear Christopher Fry' and...

Lord Albemarle [William Charles Keppel, 4th Earl of Albemarle] (1772-1849), Whig politician and racehorse owner

[Lord Albemarle, Whig politician and racehorse owner.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the Mayor Elect of Yarmouth, declining a dinner invitation.

1p, 8vo. In good condition. Laid down on part of leaf from album. Reads: 'Lord Albemarle presents His Compliments to the Mayor Elect, and is sorry to find that It is not in his power to have the Honor of dining with him at Yarmouth on Michaelmas Day next.'

Lord Anson [Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson] (1767-1818), Whig politician

[Lord Anson [Thomas Anson, 1st Viscount Anson], Whig politician.] Autograph Note in the third person, apologising for inability to meet 'the Mayor Elect of Yarmouth'.

1p, landscape 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on part of leaf from album. Reads: 'Lord Anson presents his Compts. to the Mayor Elect of Yarmouth is extremely sorry it will not be in his power to have the Honor of waiting upon him on the 29th. of this Month'.

Mary Carpenter (1807-1877), educationist, penal and social reformer in Bristol and India, abolitionist [Bristol Social Science Congress, 1869]

[Mary Carpenter, educationist, penal and social reformer in Bristol and India, abolitionist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Thompson’, following a meeting at the Bristol Social Science Congress.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘Congress’ she is referring to in the letter is the 1869 Bristol Social Science Congress. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Thompson / It gave me pleasure to see you at the Congress I feel sure you will have heard...
