Autograph Letter Signed David Masson. to J.M. Ludlow, leading Christian socialist, about the founding of a new daily newspaper
Two pages, 12mo, letter inset into larger page, both sides visible, good condition. Masson has been introduced to a Mr J. Stuart Glennie by Professor Blackie, and talking about a matter of importance, in which he has also been seeking to interest Mr. Carlyle and others whom you know. It seems that a movement is in progress, & insuch a way as almost certainly to issue in success, for the establishment on Limited Liability principles of a new daily newspaper. At present the chief promoters of he paper are liberal & influential nonconformists; but Mr. Glennie [...] is anxious that the opportunity should be taken advantage of & other elements than ordinary Nonconformists, and is of opinion that, if a few representative of such other elements were now to connect themselves with the project, a very satisfactory result would be obtained. I do not know how the matter may appear to you; [...]. He requests comment and advice. No such newspaper has been traced. Note: [Macmillan's Magazine, 1859] David Masson was appointed editor, much to the disappointment of Alexander's friend John Malcolm Ludlow, who had 'long wished toedit a journal that would carry his own message of social reform'.