['one of the Two Best Read Men in England': Abraham Hayward, author and translator.] Autograph Letter Signed with reference to a 'long review' of his book in the Morning Post.

Abraham Hayward (1801-1884), Victorian man of letters and lawyer, whose translation of Goethe?s Faust was praised by Carlyle
Publication details: 
'8 St. James St. [London] / March 11 [no year]'. On embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and Antony Chessell?s 2009 biography of Hayward (subtitled ?one of the Two Best Read Men in England? - the other was Macaulay). 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Reads: ?It is now nearly three weeks since I heard from you. What is the cause. / I send you the Morning Post with a long review of my book. / All goes well with me. / Ever yours / A Hayward?.

[Richard Herne Shepherd, Victorian bibliographer.] Autograph Letter Signed to C. Oscar Gridley, arranging for ?a stroll on the heath?, and enclosing a cutting relating to Froude?s life of Carlyle.

Richard Herne Shepherd (1840-1895), Victorian bibliographer [Charles Oscar Gridley (1853-1941), Secretary of the Carlyle Society]
Publication details: 
?5 Bramerton-street, Kings road, / Chelsea, S. W. Oct. 11. 1884?.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Gridley was the Secretary of the Carlyle Society. He had visited Walt Whitman in America earlier in the year. 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ?C. Oscar Gridley, Esq.? and signed ?R H Shepherd?. ?Weather permitting (which is likely)?, he proposes to call on Gridley on the following day, ?for a stroll on the heath, &c.? He is ?quite well and on my legs again, since last Wednesday?. He ends by stating that he is enclosing a cutting which will interest him.

[Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of James Anthony Froude, historian and biographer of Thomas Carlyle.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining why she is denying the unnamed recipient’s request to reprint two passages from Thomas Carlyle.

Margaret Froude, daughter and editor of J. A. Froude [James Anthony Froude] (1818-1894), historian, editor of Fraser’s Magazine, disciple and biographer of Thomas Carlyle
Publication details: 
4 October [no year]; on letterhead of 8 Cresswell Gardens, South Kensington [London].

Although it does not state so explicitly, Froude’s entry in the Oxford DNB appers to suggests that the Margaret Froude who edited his work after his death was the same daughter as the Georgina Margaret Froude (1850-1935) who married William Mallock. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Addressed to ‘Dear Madam’ and signed ‘Margaret Froude’. She cannot alter the opinion that she expressed to ‘Mr Longman’ (the London publisher).

[Froude; Carlyle; John Murray] Autograph Letter Signed J.A. Froude to Mrs [Alexander] Ireland about letters to Thomas Carlyle from [Robert?] Mitchell and [John] Murray (preparing an edition).

James Anthony Froude (1818-1894), historian.
Publication details: 
31 March [no year given]

One page (and a line/signature), 12mo, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges, very good condition. Presumably Froude is preparing an edition of Carlyle's letters. Text: I returned yesterday from Madeira to find your letter. I shall be very glad indeed to see the papers in your possession. I have many letters from [John] Murray & [Robert?] Mitchell to [underlined] Carlyle. You must have the corresponding answers. You will allow me I presume to make copies [underlined]. They shall then be retrurned to you.

[Edinburgh, 1832: 'The first voting which took place on the Reform Bill'.] Manuscript 'Copy of Entry in the Register of Qualified Voters for the City of Edinburgh', signed by Carlyle Bell, Conjunct-Clerk, on George Berry of Antigua Street.

Carlyle Bell (c.1779-1850), Conjunct-Clerk [joint town clerk] of the the City of Edinburgh [Great Reform Act, 1832]
Publication details: 
Entry dated 13 September 1832.

A nice piece of Edinburgh historical ephemera. See the entry on George Berry (1795-c.1874), the first man to register to vote there following the passing the Great Reform Act, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1874-1875, where he is described as 'an enthusiastic "Free Trader"'. 40 x 10 cm slip of laid paper, with printed form on one side, headed 'COPY of ENTRY in the REGISTER of QUALIFIED VOTERS for the CITY of EDINBURGH.' In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with clean vertical cut unobtrusively repaired with archival tape.

[James Anthony Froude, historian and editor of Fraser's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J A Froude') to 'Sellers', discussing the 'State of Spain' ('the reductio ad asbsurdum of the nonsense about the rights of man').

J. A. Froude [James Anthony Froude] (1818-1894), Victorian historian, editor of Fraser's Magazine, disciple and biographer of Thomas Carlyle
Publication details: 
Glenlyn, Lynmouth [North Devon], on letterhead of 5 Onslow Gardens, S.W. [London] 30 July [1871].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, the blank reverse of the second leaf laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Written in a hurried hand, with the meaning unclear in parts. The letter would appear to discuss the republican and Carlist insurrections against Amadeo I, the only King of Spain from the House of Savoy, who replaced the deposed Isabella II in 1870, and reigned until 1873. Froude begins by explaining that his silence has been due to the fact that he has been 'out of town for the Summer'.

[ Henry Larkin. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed, advising the engraver F. Chapman how to receive payment for a woodcut for Carlyle's 'Frederick the Great' from the publishers Chapman and Hall.

Henry Larkin (1820-1899), friend and biographer of Thomas Carlyle [ Frederick Chapman of Chapman and Hall, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
Both items from 6 Farriano Cottages, Leighton Road, NW. [ London. ] 23 January and 1 February 1865.

Both letters are 3pp., 12mo, and both bifoliums. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. An interesting couple of letters, with Larkin advising the engraver on how to extract payment from the publishers, while stressing in both letters that he does not wish his own name mentioned. The first letter begins: 'The Printer has had the Woodcut and printed it, so you can go ahead!

[ 'Pneumonia Evening' at the Osler Club, London. ] Signed Typed Circular from L. Carlyle Lyon, Assistant Secretary to the Osler Club, addressed to Dr Nehemiah Asherson, regarding the 'Pneumonia Evening' and the Club. With annotations by Asherson.

L. Carlyle Lyon [ Dr Louis Carlyle Lyon (d.1970) ], Assistant Secretary, Osler Club, London [Nehemiah Asherson (1897-1989), English physician and Librarian of the Medical Society of London ]
Publication details: 
From Lyon's private address, 42 Corringway, Ealing, W5 [ London ]. 29 December 1951.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with leaf from diary tipped in onto blank reverse. Signed 'L. Carlyle Lyon', addressed by Lyon to 'Mr. Asherson' with seasonal greetings in autograph. Heavily annotated with notes by Asherson. Begins: 'You are cordially invited to attend (with a friend or friends) the "Pneumonia Evening" of the OSLER CLUB (President, Mr. V. Zachary Cope, F.R.C.S, in the Chair) on FRIDAY, January 11th, at 7.45 p.m. at the Medical Society of London, 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W.1. | Speakers: Lord Horder, G.C.V.O.: "Osler and Pneumonia".

[ Pamphlet. ] First Annual Report of the Council of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association for the Year 1842, read at the Annual Meeting of the Members, held January 23, 1843: Treasurer's Account, and a List of Members.

Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association [ Thomas Thornely, M.P.; Free Trade; Smith, Rogerson, and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by Smith, Rogerson, and Co., 44, Lord Street. 1843.

40pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper. The report begins (p.5): 'The Object of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association, as expressed in its constitution, is "The annihilation of all Monopolies in Trade and Commerce, and especially the total and immediate Repeal of the Bread and Provision Taxes.' Pp.36-37 carry, in small print, the 'List of Members for 1842'; the 'Council for 1843', with 'THOMAS THORNELY, Esq., M.P.' as president, is on p.3.

[Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers.] Proofs of a chapter of Rev. William Hanna's memoirs of his father-in-law Rev. Thomas Chalmers, with deleted material including the texts of six letters to his daughters, not present in the published book. (or elsewhere)

William Hanna (1808-1882), son-in-law of Rev. Dr Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), theologian, economist and leader of the Church of Scotland
Publication details: 
Proofs of a book that was published by Thomas Constable and Co., Edinburgh, 1849-1852.

These proof sheets to the fourth and last volume (1852) of Hanna's 'Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers', derive from the Chalmers family through Mrs Anne Chalmers Bennet Clark, and are marked in manuscript at the head of the first page 'This Chapter has not [last word underlined] been sent out.' 24pp., 8vo. Three unbound signatures, paginated 439-462. In fair condition, aged and worn.

[James Anthony Froude, historian.] Autograhp Letter Signed ('J A Froude') to 'Conway' [Moncure D. Conway], regarding an article for the publishers Longmans.

James Anthony Froude (1818-1894), historian [Moncure Daniel Conway (1832-1907), American abolitionist and Unitarian clergyman]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Onslow Gardens, S.W. [London] 5 June [no year].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has 'desired Longman to send you half-a dozen copies of the magazine'. Conway can 'either sent them as they are, or cut your own article out'. Froude would prefer the first option, '& will of course bear the expense & the Postage'. The letter ends with Froude making a dinner invitation.

[Printed pamphlet in the series of 'Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies'.] The Life of Thomas Carlyle. [With steel engraved portrait.]

[Haughton & Co., 10, Paternoster Row; 'Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies'; Thomas Carlyle]
Publication details: 
['Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies.'] London: Haughton & Co., 10, Paternoster Row. [1881.]

16pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Steel engraved portrait of Carlyle on title-page. Clearly produced immediately following Carlyle's death, as the commencement indicates: 'On a cold wintry Monday morning in February the Times announced that Thomas Carlyle was seriously ill.

Autograph Letter Signed David Masson. to J.M. Ludlow, leading Christian socialist, about the founding of a new daily newspaper

David Masson [David Mather Masson] (1822–1907), Scottish literary critic and historian
Publication details: 
16 Regents'Villas, Avenue Road, [London?}, 12 May 1856

Two pages, 12mo, letter inset into larger page, both sides visible, good condition. Masson has been introduced to a Mr J. Stuart Glennie by Professor Blackie, and talking about a matter of importance, in which he has also been seeking to interest Mr. Carlyle and others whom you know. It seems that a movement is in progress, & insuch a way as almost certainly to issue in success, for the establishment on Limited Liability principles of a new daily newspaper. At present the chief promoters of he paper are liberal & influential nonconformists; but Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Maccall') [to the publishers W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.].

William Maccall (1812-1888), Scottish writer and lecturer [W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.]
Publication details: 
14 November 1882; Stanhope Cottages, Bexley Heath.

4to, 1 page and 12mo, 2 pp (single 4to leaf, folded as to give two 12mo pp on one side). Thirty-seven lines of text. Maccall is 'willing to accept any proposal which is reasonable and just' concerning his 'Christian Legends' (published by Sonnenschein in 1882), and also 'to make sacrifices for the sake of obliging [...] As the one manuscript is about twice the length of the other - I speak from memory, - it might honestly claim better remuneration'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J A Froude') to Adolphus.

James Anthony Froude (1818-1894), English historian [John Leycester Adolphus (c.1794-1862), barrister and writer]
Publication details: 
12 November [no year, but before 1863]. On embossed letterhead of 8 Clifton Place, Hyde Park, London.

12mo: 2 pp. Sixteen lines of text. Good. He is 'very anxious to be introduced' at the Literary Society and 'to take advantage of [Adolphus's] kindness in proposing' him. Gives reasons for not having attending any of the Society's dinners.

Autograph ('A Helps') on order for copies of his 'Life of Las Casas' (1868).

Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875), English civil servant and author
Publication details: 
Undated (but post 1868); on Privy Council Office letterhead.

12mo: 1 p. Good, with four fold lines. Helps held the post of Clerk of the Privy Council from 1860 until his death. In large letters beneath the oval blue Privy Council crest reads 'Life of | Las Casas | 2 copies for | [signature] A Helps'. The handwriting is bold and the signature is underlined with a flourish.

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