
[Sir William Rothenstein, artist and writer on art.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Morel’ [Mary Florence Yonge Morel], regarding his painting of her ‘noble husband’ [the campaigning journalist E. D. Morel].

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), artist and writer on art, Principal of Royal College of Art [Mary Florence Yonge Morel [née Richardson], wife of Edmund Dene Morel (1873-1924), journalist]
Publication details: 
31 May 1911; on letterhead of 11 Oak Hill Park, Frognal, Hampstead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of E. D. Morel, a campaigner like Roger Casement against abuses in the Belgian Congo. (Morel had been given a 'testimonial luncheon' two days before the writing of this letter.) 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, creased and worn. Folded for postage. Ten lines of stylishly-written text. Signed ‘W. Rothenstein’. After thanking her for writing he states: ‘Nothing could please me more than to feel that you care for something I have put into the painting of your noble husband.

[Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield], motor manufacturer and philanthropist.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking the Provost of Oriel College, Oxford [Sir David Ross], for his co-operation with regard to Nuffield's trusts.

Lord Nuffield [William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield] (1877-1963), motor manufacturer and philanthropist, proprietor of Morris Motors [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross], Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
16 October 1944. On letterhead of Cowley, Oxford.

See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. On blue paper. Folded twice for postage. Ross is not named, the letter being addressed to him as ‘The Provost, / Oriel College, / Oxford.’ Bold signature: ‘Nuffield’.

[Lord Milner [Alfred, Viscount Milner], Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Ross' [the future Sir W. D. Ross], regarding the future of the philanthropic 'settlement' Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel.

Lord Milner [Alfred Milner (1854-1925), 1st Viscount Milner], Liberal politician, Governor of the Cape Colony and first Governor of the Transvaal [Sir W. D. Ross (1877-1971), Oxford Vice-Chancellor]
Publication details: 
14 October 1913. 47 Duke Street, S.W. [London]

See the entries for Milner and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to 'Dear Mr Ross' and with good bold signature 'Milner'. The subject of the letter is the philanthropic ‘settlement’ Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel, founded in 1884 by Canon Barnett and Henrietta (DBE), his wife.

[J. H. Thomas, Welsh trade unionist and Labour politician.] Typed Note Signed, as General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, to the future Sir W. D. Ross, written on the eve of the 1919 national rail strike.

J. H. Thomas [James Henry Thomas] (1874-1949), Welsh trade unionist and Labour politician, General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen during the 1919 nation rail strike [Sir W. D. Ross]
J. H. Thomas,
Publication details: 
22 September 1919. On ornate letterhead of The National Union of Railwaymen, Unity House, Euston Road, London, N.W.1.
J. H. Thomas,

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased cartridge paper. Folded three times. The letterhead is quite an impressive affair, with an engraving of ‘Unity House’ and lettering in a variety of styles. The letter is addressed to ‘W. D. Ross, Esq., / Oriel College, / Oxford.’ The ink on the ribbon appears to have been running out, as the latter part of the note is faded.

[Charles Gore, theologian and Bishop of Oxford.] Autograph Card Signed to Sir W. D. Ross, Oxford Vice-Chancellor, with reference to ‘the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer’.

Charles Gore (1853-1932), theologian, Bishop of Oxford (previously Worcester and Birmingham) and chaplain to Queen Victoria and King Edward VII [Sir W. D. Ross (1877-1971), Oxford Vice-Chancellor]
Publication details: 
‘6 Margaret St / W. [London] Septr. 26. 19.’ [1919]

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard, with stamp printed in red. In fair condition, discoloured and worn. Addressed by Gore to ‘W. D. Ross Esq / 6 Charlbery Road / Oxford’. Begins: ‘Will you forgive a p. c.? I have no secretary & am rather overwhelmed with applications. You may not know that I did the thing you suggest at the meeting for Oxford House in Magd. Hall last summer. But besides this I must respectfully say that I cannot undertake any more work than I have already on hand up to next Easter. Forgive me. I have the best will. / Charles Gore’.

[Sir Edward Grey [Viscount Grey of Fallodon], Foreign Secretary during First World War.] Autograph Letter Signed to the ?Provost? [of Oriel College, Oxford, Sir David Ross], regarding what is probably not ?a matter for the head of a College'.

Sir Edward Grey [Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon] (1862-1933), Liberal Party politician, Foreign Secretary for much of the First World War [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971)]
Publication details: 
30 November 1922; on letterhead of Fallodon, Christon Bank, Northumberland.

See the entries for Grey and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ?My dear Provost / Probably you will not think that the enclosed requires any answer or that it is a matter for the head of a College but as it concerns a member of Oriel I send it on to you / Yours very truly / Grey of Fallodon.?

[Edward Grenfell [Edward Charles Grenfell, 1st Baron St Just], banker and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, praising ‘Mr Ross’ for the extra work he has undertaken during ‘this unhappy year’, in an attempt to ‘aid your country’s interest'.

Edward Grenfell [Edward Charles Grenfell, 1st Baron St Just] (1870-1941), banker and politician [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher]
Publication details: 
31 December 1915; on letterhead of 22 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.

See the entries for Grenfell and Ross in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium of light-grey paper. In fair condition, aged and spotted. Folded once for postage. The identity of the recipient is unclear, but the item derives from the papers of Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross], Scottish philosopher and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University (see the Oxford DNB).

[F. D. Maurice [John Frederick Denison Maurice], Anglican theologian, one of the founders of Christian Socialism.] Printed offprint of synopsis of Royal Institution talk: ‘Milton considered as a Schoolmaster.'

F. D. Maurice [John Frederick Denison Maurice] (1805-1872), Anglican theologian, one of the founders of Christian Socialism [John Milton; Royal Institution of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
'Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, January 30, 1857.' [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The full text of Maurice’s lecture was printed posthumously on pp.268-299 of his ‘The Friendship of Books and Other Lectures’ (1880). Although reset, the text of the present six-page synopsis does not appear to differ from that printed on pp.328-333 of the ‘Notices of the Proceedings’, vol.2 (1854-1858). No other copy of this offprint has been traced. In very good condition, lightly aged. Drophead title: ‘Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, January 30, 1857. / William Pole, Esq. M.A. F.R.S.

[Albert D. Shaw, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Rawlinson, regarding ‘the Resolution passed by the Board of Congregational Ministers of Manchester’, on the death of President Garfield.

Albert D. Shaw [Albert Duane Shaw] (1841-1901), American government official and New York Republican Congressman, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic [Manchester, England]
Publication details: 
5 October 1881; on letterhead of the United States Consulate, Manchester [England].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border (for President Garfield). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, a little worn and creased. Folded once. Signed ‘Albert D Shaw / U.S. Consul’, and addressed to ‘J. Rawlinson Esq. / Hon. Sec. / Old Trafford.’ He is in receipt of ‘the Resolution passed by the Board of Congregational Ministers of Manchester and neighbourhood, expressing their heartfelt sympathy, and that of the Churches they represent with the American people in the Calamity which has befallen them in he death of President Garfield’.

[Helen D. Willard, Curator, Harvard Theatre Collection.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Card Signed to London bookseller Andrew Block, regarding visits to ‘beloved England’; the letter with reference to Arthur Colby Sprague.

Helen D. Willard [Helen Delano Willard] (1905-1979), Curator, Harvard Theatre Collection [Andrew Block, London bookseller.]
Publication details: 
LETTER: 31 May 1963; on letterhead of the Harvard College Library, Theatre Collection, Cambridge, Mass. CARD: 16 June 1965; on letterhead of Harvard College Library, with ‘Theatre Collection’ in Willard’s autograph.

The obituary of the recipient Andrew Block (1892-1987) in ‘The Private Library’ was subtitled ‘the doyen of booksellers’; his business was established in 1911. Both addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Block’. LETTER: 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Signed ‘Helen D. Willard’. She is hoping to be able to see him in London the following month. ‘I called in you [sic] briefly last year, then got swept up into many activities that kept me from returning to browse.’ She has a very pleasant memory of their conversation.

[Pantomime Dame.] Autograph Letter Signed from actor-manager Alwyn D. Fox, announcing that he is ‘free for Dame for coming season pants’, and giving his credentials for playing the part.

[Pantomime Dame.] Alwyn D. Fox, actor-manager of Horsham Repertory Company, the man who discovered Michael Caine
Publication details: 
19 April 1951. On the green letterhead (‘The Mark of a Good Production’) of ‘ALWYN D. FOX | PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT’, 38 Sutherland Street, London SW1.

See Michael Caine’s affectionate account of Fox in ‘The Elephant to Hollywood’ (2010), from which the anecdote at the end of this entry is taken. 1p, 4to. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Hindin’, signed ‘Alwyn Fox’ and headed ‘Pantomime - “Dame”.’ While the twenty lines of text are clear and complete, the item is not in the best of condition, on aged and creased on discoloured paper with closed tears to edges. The letter begins: ‘I am at present free for Dame for coming season pants. and would be glad to negotiate with you.

[Loeb Classical Library prospectus.] Machines or Mind? An Introduction to the Loeb Classical Library | By W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.D.

W. H. D. Rouse, Litt.D. [William Henry Denham Rouse (1864-1950), founding editor with T. E. Page of the Loeb Classical Library; William Heinemann, London publisher]
Publication details: 
London: William Heinemann, 21 Bedford Street. New York: The Macmillan Company, 64-66 Fifth Avenue. Advertising volumes 'ready in September' and 'ready in November' [1911].

16pp, 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged, covers dusty and spotted, staples slightly rusted. P.2 carries an announcement of the joint publication by 'Mr. Heinemann' and the Macmillan Company of New York 'of a new series of Greek and Latin texts with English translations on the opposite page and brief biographical prefaces. The series takes its name from Mr. James Loeb, originator of the idea, […]'. The page gives details of the plan, and p.15 carries a 'List of the First Twenty Volumes, 'Ready in September' and 'Ready in November'.

[Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Bridges') to the Ulster poet R. N. D. Wilson, discussing the origins of the name of his home 'Chilswell', in the 'Childsworth Farm' of Matthew Arnold's poem 'Thyrsis'.

Robert Bridges [Robert Seymour Bridges] (1844-1930), Poet Laureate [R. N. D. Wilson [Robert Noble Denison Wilson] (1899-1953), Ulster poet]
Publication details: 
Chilswell, Oxford; 29 March 1928.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and a little grubby. Folded once. Twenty-seven lines of text. Written in a far more ragged style than Bridges's usual calligraphic hand, perhaps suggesting undermined health. Wilson is 'at liberty to quote the verses of mine that you ask for – I take it as a complement [sic]' He thanks him for 'the kind gift of your book, wh I have not had time to read'. Noting that Wilson is 'interested in sacred wells', he states that 'our “Chilswell” is probably not a well.

[ David Christie Murray, Victorian foregin correspondent and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('D. Christie Murray') to Messrs Edward Gwyer & Son, regarding his plans for payment of a debt following the completion of a book.

D. Christie Murray [David Christie Murray] (1847-1907), journalist and author, a noted foreign correspondent
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Elmsworthy Terrace, Primrose Hill, N.W. [London] September 1893.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of paper from mount on reverse. Reads: 'Gentlemen, | My book was finished and handed in last Monday. I have written to Smedley's setting forth that fact. The document they hold forbids me to draw the money and sent it to them, but in the course of a few days Messrs Newnes will probably pay-up, and Watt on receipt of cheque will send Smedleys their due.' For information on Christie Murray, see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

[ Panapakkam Anandacharlu, founder-member of the Indian National Congress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. Anunda Charlu') to 'Mr Rees' [ later Sir J. D. Rees ]. congratulating him on his elevation to the Viceregal Legislative Council.

Panapakkam Anandacharlu [ P. Anunda Charlu; P. Ananda Charlu ] (1843-1908), advocate, founder-member of the Indian National Congress [ Sir John David Rees (1854-1922), colonial administrator ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Lakeside, Egmore [ Madras, India ]. 16 October 1895.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight glue staining on blank reverse of first leaf. The letter begins: 'My dear Mr Rees. | I beg to congratulate you & myself on your elevation to a membership of the Viceregal Legislative Council – you on your well-earned elevation – myself on the pleasure of your companionship while at Calcuttah. [sic]' He is pleased to note that Rees's 'youth & the fact of your being comparatively a junior have not been regarded insuperable obstacles or unpardonable crimes'.

[ David Macbeth Moir, the 'Delta' of Blackwood's Magazine. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Marshall', i.e. the London publisher William Marshall, praising the keepsake 'The Pledge of Friendship', to which he is a contributor.

D. M. Moir [ David Macbeth Moir ] (1798-1851) of Musselburgh, Scottish physician and writer, the 'Delta' of Blackwood's Magazine [ William Marshall, London publisher ]
Publication details: 
Musselburgh [ Scotland ]. 15 December 1827.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of stub adhering to blank reverse. The letter begins: 'Mr Moir presents compts to Mr Marshall and returns best thanks for the two copies of the Pledge of Friendship, one of which he delivered as directed to H. M. who requests me in his name to return his acknowledgements. | Mr M.

[ Proof of the suppressed version of Ian Hamilton's biography, with fullest quotations from Salinger's letters. ] J. D. Salinger: A Writing Life.

Ian Hamilton [ J. D. Salinger; William Heinemann Ltd, London publishers; Random House ]
Publication details: 
Suppressed proof. [ London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1986 ]

The present item is a product of one of the most celebrated publishing controversies of the twentieth century. In 1982 the English critic and poet Ian Hamilton set out to write a biography of the legendarily-reclusive Salinger. The attempt, as The Times explained in Hamilton's obituary, 31 December 2001, 'went horribly wrong': 'Salinger succeeded in blocking publication in the courts', because the book, to be titled 'J. D.

[ Rev. John Dixon Hales, anti-Catholic polemicist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. D. Hales') on church psalmody, 'Hullah's System' and Lady Katherine Halkett.

J. D. Hales [ John Dixon Hales ] (c.1800-1879), Perpetual Curate of St John, Richmond, Surrey, and anti-Catholic polemicist [ John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884); Lady Katherine Halkett (1790-1848) ]
Publication details: 
Richmond, Surrey. 24 January 1842.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient's name, at the foot of the last page, has been scored through. The letter begins: 'My dear Friend, | A note from our mutual friend Sawyer received this Evening informs me that he had transmitted to you some enquiries from me on ye. subject of Church Psalmody - & ye.

[ John David Macbride, Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('J D Macbride') | Principal of Magd: Hall' ], [ to Major R. G. MacGregor] acknowledging the receipt of a copy of translations from the Greek Anthology.

J. D. Macbride [ John David Macbride ] (1778-1868), Principal of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, later Hertford College [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Oxford. 27 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Sir | I beg to thank you for a copy of your Greek Anthology which I shall deposit as your gift in the Hall Library of this Society.' Macgregor is not named, but the item comes from a batch of his papers. His 'Translations from the Greek Anthology' was published without date in London by Nissen and Parker. Macbride oversaw the move (completed in 1822) of Magdalen Hall from alongside Magdalen College to the site of the defunct Hertford College, after which it was renamed in 1874.

[ Dwight D. Eisenhower, as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. ] Printed address to the 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!', spurring them on to 'full Victory' (in Operation Overlord). With facsimile signature/

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), 34th President of the United States of America, and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in the Second World War [ Operation Overlord, 1944 ]
Publication details: 
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. 1944.

1p., 12mo. A frail survival of a historic document, aged, worn and stained, with slight loss to one corner. On reverse, in blue pencil, with illegible signature: 'No Report for 30th'. The document is headed 'SUPREME HEADQUARTERS | ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE', followed by the insignia. The address begins: 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! | You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee (British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem), ] Printed 'Certificate of Enrolment in a Voluntary Aid Detachment and Permit to wear the Uniform', signed by two officers (Henry Gandy and John Mason MD).

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee, London; British Red Cross Society; The Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower; Henry Gandy; John Mason, M.D. ]
Publication details: 
Headed: 'J. V. A. D. 24. | Joint V.A.D. Committee. | The Territorial Force Association. | The British Red Cross Society. | The Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' [ 83 Pall Mall, London. ] Dated 1 November 1916.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. A scarce piece of First World War ephemera, on creased and aged paper. The certificate has been made out in order to enroll 'Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower' into 'Detachment [8] in the County of [Westmorland]', but has not been signed by her. The first page carries the conditions of use, the second a declaration by the signatory, and the third the permit itself, with facsimile signatures of Arthur Stanley, Chairman, and Louis Pearson, Hon. Secretary, and the actual signatures of Henry Gandy, County Director, and John Mason M.D, Commandant.

[ Henry Southgate, auctioneer and anthologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to E. D. Girdlestone

Henry Southgate (1818-1888), London auctioneer [ Southgate & Barrett, 22 Fleet Street ] and anthologist [ E. D. Girdlestone [ Edward Deacon Girdlestone ] (1829-1892) ]
Publication details: 
Woodbine, Sidmouth, Devon. 11 May 1878.

4pp., 12mo. Two pages on bifolium with two-page postscript on loose leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his 'kind note and opinion respecting my "Many Thoughts" [ anthology of 1857 ] of which nearly 267 - tons have been sold, an odd way of putting it you will say, but such is the fact.' He is working on a 'curious and suggestive book now on Aphoristic Wisdom'. He thinks he may 'gather something' from Girdlestone's 'Collection', which he undertakes will be 'most carefully and thankfully returned'.

[ Offprint. ] Library Association of the United Kingdom, 1891. Report on Library Appliances.

James D. Brown [ James Duff Brown; Library Association of the United Kingdom ]
Publication details: 
Dated 'August 19th, 1891.' [ John Bale & Sons, Steam Printers, 87-89, Great Titchfield Street, London. ]

17pp., 8vo. Unbound. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight rusting to staple. Addressed 'To the Council of the Library Association of the United Kingdom'. The author explains that for the purposes of his report 'the definition of library appliances is mechanical contrivances designed to carry on or facilitate the work of a library, but excluding such as are connected with structural arrangements'. The only copy on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC at the British Library and University of Bristol.

[ The Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead, Victorian music hall. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Tom') from licensee and manager T. D. Clarke to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, discussing productions for children.

T. D. Clarke [ Tom Clarke ], Licensee and Manager, The Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead [ the Wirral; Merseyside; music hall; W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre historian ]
Publication details: 
On illustrated letterhead of the Argyle Theatre, Birkenhead. 28 July 1945.

The Clarke family ran the Argyle for fifty years from 1890 to 1940, during which period it was one of the best-known provincial theatres. It opened as the Argyle Music Hall in 1868, and between 1876 and 1890 was named the Prince Of Wales Theatre, being used mainly to stage plays. In 1890 the focus returned to music hall and variety and it was renamed the Argyle Theatre. Its archives are in the University of Sheffield. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, somehwhat grubby and creased at foot of leaf.

[ G. D. Leslie, artist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'G. D. Leslie') to 'Grant'

G. D. Leslie [ George Dunlop Leslie ] (1835-1921). RA, English genre painter
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Riverside, Wallingford [ Berkshire ].16 and 23 December 1883.

Both items in fair condition, bifoliums on lightly aged paper. ONE: 16 December 1883. 3pp., 12mo. Telling the story of the 'Wallingford Belles', beginning with the family of 'Thomas Clark [...] landlord of the Lamb Hotel, formerly called the Bell' When Grant visits him the following summer he will give him 'lessons in painting & as much Lawn Tennis as you like and there is no end to the Archaeology of the neighbourhood'. TWO: 23 December [1883]. 4pp., 12mo. He begins by offering to aid Grant's researchehs by search the parish registers.

[ Oxford Women's Colleges in the late Victorian period. ] Four numbers of 'The Fritillary', a magazine for the Oxford women's colleges, edited by future novelist D. K. Broster.

D. K. Broster [ Dorothy Kathleen Broster ] (1877-1950), editor of 'The Fritllary' magazine for Oxford Women's Colleges
Publication details: 
Oxford. No. 3: December 1894. No. 4: March 1895. No. 6: December 1895. No. 14: June 1898. The first three numbers 'Printed for the Proprietors by Alden & Company, Ltd., Bocardo Press', the last printed 'by James Parker & Co., Crown Yard'.

All four numbers in good condition, in original grey printed wraps. Totalling 79pp. (No. 3 paginated 23-46; No. 4 paginated 47-66; No. 6 paginated 85-108; No. 14 paginated 221-231). Broster is named as editor of the last number, the others giving no information.. For more on the magazine, see Kristin Ewins, 'A History of Fritillary: A Magazine of the Oxford Women's Colleges, 1894–1931', Notes & Queries, 2008.

[ First edition, inscribed by the author. ] Portraits of my Married Friends; or, A Peep into Hymen's Kingdom.

'Uncle Ben' [ Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth White (c.1820-1866, née Waterman [ Rhoda White ]]
Publication details: 
New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. London: 16 Little Britain. 1858.

343pp., 8vo, with sixteen-page publishers' catalogue at rear. Frontispiece and six full-page illustrations (one for each story). In blue cloth, with decorations in gilt on boards, and gilt titles on spine, all edges gilt, and attractive patterned endpapers. In fair condition, on aged paper, rebacked. Inscription on reverse of frontispiece reads: 'To Mary Charnock, | from the Author, | Mrs Rhoda E. White, | with every kindest wish.

[Printed pamphlet.] Kent's Cavern. A Lecture by Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F.R.S. Delivered in the Hulme Town Hall, Manchester, December 18, 1872. Mr. R. D. Darbishire in the Chair. Reported by Henry Pitman.

William Pengelly, F.R.S. [ R. D. Darbishire; Henry Pitman; John Heywood, Manchester publisher ]
Publication details: 
Science Lectures for the People. No. 8 - Fourth Series - 1872. Manchester: John Heywood, 141 and 143, Deansgate. London: F. Pitman, Paternoster Row.

20pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: only two copies on OCLC WorldCat.

Printed prospectus for 'The Crown Jewels and other Regalia in the Tower of London'.

Major-General H. D. W. Sitwell, Keeper of the Jewel House, Tower of London; Clarence Winchester [The Dropmore Press]
Publication details: 
Published at The Dropmore Press Limited, 9 Great James Street, London WC1. Undated [before the publication of the book itself in 1953].

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In very good condition. Covering the whole of the front page is a beautiful coloured illustration of the Imperial State Crown, with no text. The following three pages are printed in black and purple, with the second page carrying the publication details; the third page a full-page note from the editor; and the last page an advertisement for Sir John Wilson's 'Royal Philatelic Collection'. No copies of this item traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[John Findlay Drew Shrewsbury, bacteriologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. F. D. Shrewsbury') to Lord Nathan, Chairman of Council, Royal Society of Arts, London, about his 'plea for assistance' regarding the publication of his 'history of Plague'.

J. F. D. Shrewsbury [John Findlay Drew Shrewsbury] (1898-1971), Professor of Bacteriology, University of Birmingham
Publication details: 
Cottage Farm, Pinley Green, Claverdon, Warwickshire. 29 December 1962.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his reply to his 'plea for assistance in connexion with the possible publication by a foreign press of my history of Plague'. He had 'no intention' in writing 'of soliciting any financial aid from the Society, because any such solicitation would have been an impertinence on my part.' He would need £20,000 to have the book 'privately printed by one of the smaller English presses, such as Messrs.

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