[James Payn, Victorian novelist, journalist and magazine editor.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing an autograph whilst pointing out that his name 'is not generally spelt with an e'.

James Payn (1830-1898), Victorian novelist and journalist, editor of Chambers's Journal in Edinburgh and the Cornhill Magazine in London
Publication details: 
'Decr 1st [no year]'. On letterhead of 'THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE / SMITH ELDER & CO.', London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with postage folds. In trimmed windowpane mount. Reads: 'Madam. / My name is not generally spelt with an e, but I [confide?] it is ['really' deleted here] my [last word underlined] autograph which you desire. / Truly / James Payn'.

[Sally Emerson, novelist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse, regarding her work as an assistant on ‘Books and Bookmen’, a magazine she would later edit.

Sally Emerson (b.1954), novelist and author, editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, whose proprietor was Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books
Publication details: 
Autograph letter, 22 January [1975]; two typed letters, 11 May and 21 August 1975. All three on her letterhead, 3 Halkin Street, Belgrave Square, London.

Emerson’s novels have undergone a re-evaluation in recent years. The first six were republished by Quartet Books as ‘Rediscovered Classics’ in 2017, and in 2021 by Quadrant Books. ‘Books and Bookmen’ was one of a stable of seven London arts magazines owned by Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books. Emerson, who was the editor of the magazine at the time of Dosse’s suicide, has published an account of her time there: ‘Death of a Bookman’, Standpoint, October 2018.

[‘Philippe Jullian’ [Philippe Simounet], French illustrator, author and aesthete.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Card Signed to Philip Dosse, on reviews for ‘Books and Bookmen’, mostly concerning Violet Trefusis and Vita Sackville West

‘Philippe Jullian’ [nom de plume of Philippe Simounet] (1919-1977), French illustrator, author, aesthete and dandy [Philip Dosse (1925-1980); Violet Trefusis; Vita Sackville West; Nigel Nicolson]
Publication details: 
All undated, but from 1973 and 1974. Three (including the card) on letterheads of 54 rue de Miromesnil, Paris.

The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. Like Jullian, he would commit suicide. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by Sally Emerson, Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The card is in good condition, lightly aged, while the four letters are in fair condition, with wear and creasing, one (Item Four) with a few small holes to the leaf caused by a paper clip. None of the items is dated. ONE: ACS. On both sides of a plain card with printed letterhead and no illustration.

[Miron Grindea, editor of the long-lived London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Adam’), advising Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’ on the question of applying to Jean-Paul Sartre for a review.

Miron Grindea [born Mondi-Miron Grimberg] (1909-1995), Romanian-born founder and editor of the London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’, published 1941-1995 [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
‘Saturday’ [no year]. On letterhead of 1 Palmeira Square, Hove, Sussex.

An interesting item, linking the editors of two prominent literary magazines. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states, without giving a date, that ‘Chaotic working conditions led to desperation: Grindea sold the title to Frank Cass and retreated to Hove hoping to write his memoirs, but quickly decided he didn't want to and “in agonies of self-flagellation begged Cass to sell back the magazine”’. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

[Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch, artist and illustrator.] Three Autograph Letters Signed, one to 'Griffiths' and the others to different recipients.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne] (1844-1910), ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), illustrator]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 April 1889; on letterhead of Whitefriars, London. TWO (to 'Griffiths'): 14 October 1889; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington W. [London] THREE: 19 May 1890; 18 tafford Road, Kensington W [London]. THREE:

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All three items signed 'Linley Sambourne'. All three in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all folded for postage. ONE: 10 April 1889. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins 'Dear Sir / Mr Furniss [Harry Furniss, Punch illustrator] has kindly written enclosed & I am sending a boy to you at / 5, Clarendon Place / Hyde Park'.

[Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League].] Printed periodical: number of ‘Inis Fa´il’ [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’.

Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League]: Inis Fa´il [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’ [Michael Davitt]
Publication details: 
Iúl [July] 1906 number. Gaelic League of London [no address].

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: this number is lacking from the run in the National Library of Ireland. The title as one word ‘INISFÁIL’ on cover, but as the two words ‘INIS FÁIL’ on first page. 12 pp, 4to. Stapled in light-green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged, on high-acidity paper, in lightly-worn wraps carrying advertisements.

[Israel; Solly Sachs [Emil Solomon Sachs], South African anti-apartheid campaigner, exiled in England.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’ for his offer to publish ‘our “Open Letter” to the Prime Minister of Israel’.

Solly Sachs [Emil Solomon Sachs] (1900-1976), South African trade unionist and anti-apartheid campaigner, exiled in England from 1953 [Philip Dosse of Hansom Books, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
27 February 1975. From 793 Finchley Road, London NW11, on letterhead of the Committee for Peace in the Middle East.

27 February 1975. On letterhead of the Committee for Peace in the Middle East. From the papers of Philip Dosse (1925-1980), proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018; and Michael Barber, 'What was Books and Bookmen?', Literary Review blog, 18 August 2023. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Mr.

[Israel; Solly Sachs [Emil Solomon Sachs], South African anti-apartheid campaigner, exiled in England.] Typed Letter Signed, thanking Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’ for his offer to publish ‘our “Open Letter” to the Prime Minister of Israel’.

Solly Sachs [Emil Solomon Sachs] (1900-1976), South African trade unionist and anti-apartheid campaigner, exiled in England from 1953 [Philip Dosse of Hansom Books, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
27 February 1975. From 793 Finchley Road, London NW11, on letterhead of the Committee for Peace in the Middle East.

27 February 1975. On letterhead of the Committee for Peace in the Middle East. From the papers of Philip Dosse (1925-1980), proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018; and Michael Barber, 'What was Books and Bookmen?', Literary Review blog, 18 August 2023. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Mr.

[David Masson [David Mather Masson], Scottish biographer of Milton and editor of Macmillan’s Magazine.] Autograph Signature taken from letter, with photographic portrait from magazine.

David Masson [David Mather Masson] (1822-1907), Scottish biographer of Milton and editor of Macmillan’s Magazine
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 6 x 3.5 cm slip of paper, cut from letter. Reads ‘Yours very truly, / David Masson.’ Laid down on piece of 16mo paper, beneath oval photographic portrait of Masson cut from magazine. Biographical details typed at head of page. In good condition, lightly aged. Seee Image

[Battle of Jutland, 1916.] Eye-witness article titled ‘H.M.S. “Ardent” and the Jutland Action. / By A. M.’, i.e. Arthur Marsden, ship’s commander and one of two survivors of her sinking, in ‘The Britannia Magazine’ (Royal Naval College, Dartmouth).

Battle of Jutland (1916): Arthur Marsden (1883-1960), Royal Navy officer commanding HMS Ardent; Royal Naval College, Dartmouth: The Britannia Magazine [Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Christmas 1916. Underhill & Co., Printers & Publishers, Plymouth.

This is an extremely scarce item, not held by the Imperial War Museum, and significant for the five-page eye-witness account it contains (pp.29-33): ‘‘H.M.S. “Ardent” and the Jutland Action. / By A. M.’, i.e. Lieutenant-Commander Arthur Marsden, who was in command of the Ardent and one of only two survivors of its sinking. It is remarkable that he was allowed to disseminate such a candid account (for the perusal of naval cadets!) within months of the engagement. On cover: ‘The Britannia Magazine / Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. / Christmas, 1916.’ and printers’ slug.

[Royal Naval College, Dartmouth.] Printed periodicals: Four numbers of ‘The Britannia Magazine’, all from the 1940s, filled with articles, photographs, illustrations and advertisements.

[Royal Naval College, Dartmouth] The Britannia Magazine [Royal Navy; Bernard Partridge]
Publication details: 
Numbers for Easter 1940 (Vol. LIV No. 76), Easter 1946 (Vol. LIX No. 86), Easter 1947 (Vol. LX No. 89) and Christmas 1948 (Vol. LXI No. 94). All four printed by Bendle Brothers of Torquay.

Scarce. None of these four numbers is held by the Imperial War Museum. Motto: ‘Pro Rege et Patria.’ 4to and uniform, with covers of various shades of blue paper. Varying in length from 42pp (Easter 1946) to 64pp (Easter 1940). One number with grubby markings, but the four items in good overall condition, lightly worn and aged. The first perfect bound, the other three with slightly rusty staples. On the cover of each is an illustration by Bernard Partridge of Britannia scanning the sea from the White Cliffs of Dover. One copy with newspaper cutting loosely inserted.

[Sir Leslie Stephen, first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, father of Virginia Woolf.] Autograph Letter, Signed as ?The Editor of the Cornhill?, to an unnamed lady, declining the offer of an article.

Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, author and literary critic, father of Virginia Woolf
Publication details: 
24 December 1874; on letterhead of the Cornhill Magazine, Smith, Elder & Co [London].

For information regarding Sir Leslie Stephen, consult Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, though somewhat aged and worn, with strip of brown paper stub adhering to one edge. Folded for postage. Reads: ?Madam, / I am obliged by your offer of an article, but, though I agree with you that it has some merit, I regret that my engagements make it quite impossible for me to accept it. / Your truly / The Editor of the Cornhill? (?Cornhill? little more than a series of scratches). See Image.

[John Mitford, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed, giving permission to print verses, and discussing an individual ('Lang') who was 'very unfit for the British Museum'.

John Mitford (1781-1859), cleric and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine [The British Museum, London]
Publication details: 
1 April 1847. No place.

See Mitford's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 32mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete on somewhat grubby and worn paper. The recipient (‘My dear Sir’) is not named, and the letter is signed ‘JMitford’. Closely written, with the result that a few word are difficult to decipher, unfortunately including the name of the subject. It reads: ‘My dear Sir / I can see no objection to you printing the lines that I return, as I presume they are but little known. / I think [Lang?] was a very good sort of Man, as well as a very [clear?] [shrewd?] one . .

[Richard Holt Hutton, journalist and theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Stuart', returning her 'paper', and complaining that the criticism of Keats by 'Mr. Bridges' [the poet Robert Bridges?] 'seems so flat'.

Richard Holt Hutton (1826-1897), journalist and theologian, joint-editor of the Spectator and National Review [Robert Bridges, Poet Laureate]
Publication details: 
17 May 1895; on on letterhead of ‘ “The Spectator” Office’, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of mount adhering to inner margin. Folded once for postage. Reads 'My dear Miss Stuart / I don't think Mr. Bridges brings us much forrider with Keats. Many thanks for the article but I am a little disappointed that his criticism seems so flat. I return your paper with many thanks - / Every yours very truly / Robert H Hutton'.

[Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet associated with the London Magazine, secretary to sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey.]

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author associated with the London Magazine, superintendant and secretary to the sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841)
Allan Cunningham
Publication details: 
19 December 1835; 30 Belgrave Place [London].
Allan Cunningham

See his entry and Chantrey's in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a trimmed-down piece of paper, roughly 11 cm square. Discoloured, and with damage to the corners (affecting one word at top right) from removal from mount. With postage folds, and evidence on otherwise-blank reverse that Cunningham was re-using an envelope: part of address in another hand to 'Mrs Pa[...]'. Reads: 'Mr. Allan Cunninghams respects to Mr. Tindal and begs to inform him that Sir Francis Chantrey is at Holkham at present and will not likely be back till after Christmas: should he come sooner Mr A. C.

[William Cullen, , President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, David Hume’s doctor and friend of Adam Smith, a central figure in the Scottish Enlightenment.] Autograph Signature and engraved portrait.

William Cullen (1710-1790), central figure in the Scottish Enlightenment, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, David Hume's physician and friend of Adam Smith
Publication details: 
Autograph Signature undated. Engraved portrait from the European Magazine, 'Published by I. Asperne, Cornhill, Novr. 1. 1803'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Laid down on an 8vo leaf of grey paper removed from an album. The autograph is on a strip of paper at the foot, and reads: 'Gul. Cullen Med. Pract. P.' Above this is the stipple engraving, in good condition, showing 'DR. WILLIAM CULLEN' in profile. The artist is named as 'Ridley' and the portrait, in an oval border, is topped by the words 'European Magazine'. Another thin strip of paper, above the engraving, reads: 'From Lot 293 of the collection of Mr. J Naylor: sold by Sotheby Wilkinson and Hodge on 23/7/85'. See Image

[William Harrison Ainsworth, Victorian historical novelist and close friend of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed, as editor of the New Monthly Magazine [to Alexander William Kinglake], discussing a manuscript article on a 'Russian Tour'.

W. Harrison Ainsworth [William Harrison Ainsworth] (1805-1882), Victorian historical novelist and close friend of Charles Dickens [Alexander William Kinglake (1809-1891), author of 'Eothen']
William Harrison Ainsworth
Publication details: 
'Kensal Manor House / Harrow Road. / May 19th. 1846.'
William Harrison Ainsworth

The subject of this article is discussed by William M. Johnston, in his article ‘William Kinglake’s “A Summer in Russia”: A Neglected Memoir of Saint Petersburgh in 1845’ (TSLL, Spring 1967). The memoir was published anonymously by Ainsworth in the New Monthly Magazine, of which he was editor and proprietor, in three parts, but a German translation in the same year revealed Kinglake’s identity. See the entries for Ainsworth and Kinglake in the Oxford DNB. An interesting letter, casting light on Victorian journalistic practices. 4pp, 12mo. Forty lines of text. On a bifolium.

[J. G. Cochrane [John George Cochrane], Scottish editor and first librarian of the London Library.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, providing information regarding the reburial of Louis XVI.

J. G. Cochrane [John George Cochrane] (1781-1852), Scottish editor and bibliographer, first librarian of the London Library [Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
‘London Library / October 3d/1851’.

See his entry, and that of Lewis, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Eighteen lines of closely-written text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. He was absent when Lewis’s letter came, but is now able to answer his query by reference to the ‘Biographie Universelle’. Addressed to ‘G. C. Lewis Esq. / Grove Mill / Watford’ and signed ‘J. G. Cochrane’. He reproduces over seven lines a statement which ‘seems distinct enough’, regarding the reburial of the body of Louis XVI. Should he come across a ‘more particular account’ he will let him know.

[J. G. Cochrane [John George Cochrane], Scottish editor and first librarian of the London Library.] Autograph Note Signed to the Earl of Clarendon, with list of books not returned to the Library by the Earl's brother-in-law Thomas Henry Lister.

J. G. Cochrane [John George Cochrane] (1781-1852), Scottish editor, bibliographer, first librarian of the London Library [George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon; Thomas Henry Lister]
J. G. Cochrane
Publication details: 
‘London Library / June 21st.' [1842]
J. G. Cochrane

See his entry, and those of Clarendon and Lister, in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of the Earl’s sister Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), who was married to Lister. (See their entries in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 12mo. Cochrane’s note is on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the list of books on the recto of the second. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to ‘Rt Hon The Earl of Clarendon’. Adopting a diplomatic approach, Cochrane writes: ‘My Lord, / Annexed is a list of the books had from the Library by Mr Lister, which have not been returned.

['By consent of the Police? NO.': E. V. Knox, editor of 'Punch'.] Typed Card Signed from Cyril Clemens of the Internation Mark Twain Society, asking for Knox's 'definition of democracy', with carbon copy of Knox's reply.

Cyril Coniston Clemens (1902-1999), founder of the International Mark Twain Society, the writer’s third cousin twice removed; E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox, ‘Evoe’] (1881-1971), 'Punch' editor
Publication details: 
Clemens' TCS: 10 January 1969, with his stamp as president of the Internation Mark Twain Society, Webster Groves, Missouri. Carpon of Knox's reply, 1 March 1949.

See Knox’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, each with a couple of lightly-rusted pin holes. Clemens’s plain card, with stamps and postmarks, is addressed to ‘E. V. Knox Esq / c/o Punch / London, England.’, and is signed ‘faithfully / C C Clemens’. The message reads: ‘Dear E.V. Knox / We hope the life of President Truman reached you safely? / The Society is arranging a symposium on democracy You may care to send your definition of democracy and a few comments.

[Henry Francis Cary, translator of Dante, poet, author and Assistant Librarian at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed [to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister], expressing thanks for the placing of one of his sons in a good situation.

Henry Francis Cary (1772-1844), translator of Dante, poet, author and Assistant Librarian at the British Museum [Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), novelist]
Publication details: 
‘Brit. Museum. [London] / Decr 11th. 1837’.

See Cary's entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. The recipient is not named, but the item is from the papers of Lady Maria Theresa Lewis, and the letter is written to her first husband, the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), whose father Thomas Lister of Armitage Park was a childhood friend of Cary's (see his 1847 biography by his son).

[John Wilson, Scottish author, the 'Christopher North' of Blackwood's Magazine.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister, conveying Edinburgh dinner invitations.

‘Christopher North’ [John Wilson (1785-1854)], Scottish literary critic and essayist with Blackwood’s magazine, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh
Publication details: 
‘Tuesday Evening’, ‘Thursday’ and ‘Saturday’ [no dates, but all after 1825]. All three from 6 Gloucester Place [Edinburgh].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he lived in Gloucester Place from 1825. The recipient is the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), and the item is from the papers of his wife, Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865): both also have ODNB entries. The three letters are in good condition; each 2pp, 12mo, and on the first leaf of a bifolium, and all lightly aged and folded for postage, with slight damage from mount to the second leaves of each (all carrying the address in Wilson’s hand). All three with Wilson’s sprawling signature ‘John Wilson’.

[James Payn, Victorian novelist, journalist and magazine editor.] Signed Autograph Inscription 'from your fathers friend', from the autograph album of George Meredith's daughter Mrs Sturgis.

James Payn (1830-1898), Victorian novelist and journalist, editor of Chambers's Journal in Edinburgh and the Cornhill Magazine in London
Publication details: 
31 October 1891. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith's daughter Marie Eveleen (‘Mariette’; 1871-1933), later the wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. 1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on a part of a leaf from the album. Neatly written and centred on the page. Reads: ‘With kind regards / from your fathers friend / James Payn / Oct 31/91.’

[‘it rejoices our Household’: Linley Sambourne, ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed, congratulating George Meredith on receiving the Order of Merit.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [George Meredith, Victorian novelist and poet.]
Publication details: 
1 July 1905; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington N.W. [London]

See the entries on Sambourne and Meredith in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice for postage. Addressed ‘To George Meredith Esquire / O.M.’ and signed ‘Linley Sambourne’ with the usual five underlinings. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Meredith, / I venture to write & let you know how very much it rejoices our Household that his majesty has confered [sic] on you the Order of Merit. I, amongst countless others have always felt the incompleteness of that most distinguished body with your name absent.

[‘Tradesmen or gentlemen’? The Victorian man of letters.] Autograph Letter Signed from Andrew Wynter, author and physician, to Edward Walford, editor of the Gentleman’s Magazine, criticizing the ‘vexatious and illiberal’ publishers Bradbury and Evans

Andrew Wynter [born Andrew Winter, pseudonym ‘Werdna Retnyw’] (1819-1876), physician and author [Edward Walford (1823-1897), editor of the Gentleman’s Magazine; Bradbury and Evans; Cassell and Co.]
Publication details: 
London: ‘4 Ladbroke Gardens, W. / March 3rd 1867’.

See the entries for Wynter and Walford in the Oxford DNB. The present letter provides a valuable insight into the position of ‘the man of letters’ in Victorian periodical publication: according to the ODNB, Walford ‘edited the Gentleman's Magazine in 1866 and strongly objected to the proprietor Joseph Hatton's decision to change the character of that magazine.

[John Wilson, the 'Christopher North' of Blackwood's.] Autograph Note Signed requesting a copy (for review) of Madame Cottin's romance about Saladin'.

‘Christopher North’ [John Wilson (1785-1854)], Scottish literary critic and essayist with Blackwood’s magazine, Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh [Madame Cottin [Marie Cottin (1770-1807]]
Publication details: 
No date or place [1805. Edinburgh?].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf: ‘123456 / [T. W. Naellz?] Esqr / Ambleside’. Aged and worn, with closed tears along folds, and damage to second leaf from breaking of seal. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / If you can send me Madame Cottin’s romance about Saladin you will much oblige me. / Yours truly / John Wilson’. Good large signature. The first edition of ‘The Saracen; Or, Matilda and Melek Adhel: A Crusade Romance, From the French of Madame Cottin, with an Historical Introduction, by J.

[William Bodham Donne, Librarian, London Library, Examiner of Plays, Lord Chamberlain’s Office.] Printed offprint of synopsis of Royal Institution talk: ‘On the Works of Chaucer, considered as Historical Illustrations of England in the 14th Century.’

W. B. Donne [William Bodham Donne] (1807-1882), journalist, Librarian of the London Library, Examiner of Plays in the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, friend of Edward FitzGerald [Royal Institution]
Publication details: 
'Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, April 25, 1856.' [London.]

The present item differs from the version published on pp.248-254 of the ‘Notices of the Proceedings’, vol.2 (1854-1858), and no other copy has been traced. Drophead title: ‘Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, April 25, 1856. / Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart. D.C.L. F.R.S. Vice-President, in the Chair. / W. B. Donne, Esq. / On the Works of Chaucer, considered as Historical Illustrations of England in the 14th Century.’ 10pp, 16mo, paginated [1]-10. In very good condition, lightly aged. Stabbed as issued, with no wraps, and unopened. Begins: ‘MR.

[Marian McPartland, jazz pianist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Les Tompkins of Jazz magazine ‘Crescendo’, announcing a collaboration with ‘charming’ Benny Goodman, with news of other jazz greats, including Quincy Jones.

Marian McPartland [Margaret Marian McPartland, née Turner] (1918-2013), Anglo-American jazz pianist and composer, wife of trumpeter Jimmy McPartland [Les Tomkins; Benny Goodman; Quincy Jones]
Publication details: 
29 September [1963]; 41 Webster Street, Merrick, New York.

A good letter, full of content. 2pp, 8vo. Air mail letter with New York postmark, 30 September 1963. Signed ‘Marian’ and addressed to ‘Mr. Les Tompkins / 96, St Helier Ave / Morden / Surrey’. Writing after the publication of an interview with her by Tompkins in ‘Crescendo’, she begins: ‘Dear Les. Thank you, & Tony also, for the copies of Crescendo - Boy! I was verbose, wasn’t I! I got a kick out of the record review, & thought everyone was very complimentary. Wish Steve Race had been there! He always insists you can tell a female player (and of course I think that is a lot of you-know-what)’.

[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist; his wife the poet Sylvia Lynd.] Autograph Letter Signed from SL to Clement Shorter on the birth of his daugher; and signed autograph letter of condolence from RL to Shorter's widow on his death.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd], Irish journalist and essayist; his wife the poet Sylvia Lynd [Clement Shorter [Clement King Shorter], journalist; his second wife, born Annie Doris Banfield]
Publication details: 
SL to CS: 18 January 1922; on letterhead of The Stone House, Steyning, Sussex. RL to 'Mrs. Shorter: 21 November 1926; on letterhead of 5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, NW3.

See the entries on Robert and Sylvia Lynd, and Clement Shorter, in the Oxford DNB. (Shorter’s first wife, the Irish nationalist poet Dora Mary Shorter (née Sigerson), had died in 1918.) Both items are in good condition, lightly aged. Both 1p, 12mo, and each folded once for postage. ONE: SL to CS, 18 January 1922. Signed 'Sylvia Lynd'. Begins: 'My dear Clement, I hear that you have a little daughter. Many many congratulations & good wishes. It is very nice to know that you are so happy.' She turns to her own family: ‘We are all well down here & very busy. Sheila & B. J.

[Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publishers of a stable of arts magazines.] Six items, including corrected typescript (by Dosse himself) endorsing ‘Books and Bookmen’, and corrected draft of a press release on its merger with Argosy.

Philip Dosse (1925-1980), proprietor of Hansom Books, publishers of a stable of seven arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Films and Filming’ [The Argosy, London; IPC Magazines Ltd]
Publication details: 
Two items on merger with Argosy dating from 1974, both from IPC Magazines Ltd, London. The other material also from the 1970s.

An elusive figure, Dosse is certainly a candidate for a full-length study. The novelist Sally Emerson gives an excellent account of her time as editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ in its last days in an article titled ‘Death of a Bookman’ (Standpoint magazine, October 2018). These six items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 2pp, foolscap 8vo, second page numbered. Complete rough draft of typed letter, with manuscript corrections, endorsing ‘Books and Bookmen’.

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