[The Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 1914.] Printed programme for the first production of 'The Prodigal' by Walter Riddall, produced by A. Patrick Wilson, with orchestra conducted by John F. Larchet.

Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded by W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn; Walter Riddall; A. Patrick Wilson; John F. Larchet
Publication details: 
Production between 30 September and 3 October 1914. Abbey Theatre, Lower Abbey Street and Marlborough Street, Dublin, Ireland.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. A scarce piece of Abbey Theatre ephemera: the National Library of Ireland has a copies of the programmes for later revivals of the play in the Joseph Holloway collection (1918-1920), but does not have this one. ‘The Prodigal’ was Riddall’s only play. It ran for five performances between 30 September and 3 October, Riddall having died earlier in the year. It was revived in 1916, 1919 and 1923. 4pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey Abbey Theatre wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn, with one vertical fold.

[Sir Michael Redgrave, distinguished English actor.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Christopher’ [the playwright Christopher Fry], belatedly congratulating him on the success of his play 'The Lark'.

Sir Michael Redgrave [Sir Michael Scudamore] (1908-1985), English actor and head of theatrical family dynasty Christopher Fry [born Arthur Hammond Harris] (1907-2005), English playwright]
Publication details: 
16 June 1955; on his letterhead.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition. 11.5 x 9 cm card, without illustration. Printed in red at head: ‘MICHAEL REDGRAVE.’ The message concerns the London production of Fry’s ‘The Lark’ (a translation of Anouilh’s ‘L’Alouette’), which opened at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, on 11 May 1955. Redgrave would star in Fry’s next play, ‘Tiger at the Gates’ (a translation of Giraudoux’s ‘La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu’), which premiered in New York on 3 October 1955.

[Sir Arnold Wesker, playwright.] Two Autograph Cards Signed and three Typed Letters Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of Plays and Players, with one Typed Letter Signed from his secretary Margaret Groom.

Sir Arnold Wesker (1932-2016), playwright; his secretary Margaret Groom [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of arts magazines including Books and Bookmen]
Publication details: 
Wesker's letters from 27 Bishop's Road, London N6; his postcards from Munich and Poland. Groom's letter from 25 Glasslyn Road, London N8.

Interesting content. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The six items are in good condition, lightly aged, and one lightly creased with wear to one edge. The four letters are each 1p, 4to, and folded for postage. One of the letters is signed ‘A. Wesker’, the others ‘Arnold Wesker’. ONE: Wesker TLS, 10 September 1972.

[Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, leading late-Victorian and Edwardian playwright.] Autograph Inscription Signed, with quotation from his play ‘Lady Bountiful’.

Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934), leading English late-Victorian and Edwardian playwright, after beginning as an actor in Sir Henry Irving’s company at the Lyceum Theatre, London
Publication details: 
23 February 1897. On letterhead of 63 Hamilton Terrace, N.W. [London.]

See his appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, concluding with praise of his ‘undeniable’ achievements. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with the blank reverse carrying very slight staining to one edge from glue from mount. Folded once. Neatly and firmly written, with the underlined signature with a deliberate upwards slope. Clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: ‘ “A man dies but once, a woman twice - the first time when she marries, and then, as at the last, wondering at the thereafter.” / Lady Bountiful. / Act IV. / Arthur W. Pinero. / 23rd. February 1897.’

[‘Too serious an affair for the taste of the ordinary playgoer’: Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, English playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Hughes’, regarding matters including his play ‘The Thunderbolt’.

Sir Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934), leading English playwright, after beginning as an actor in Sir Henry Irving’s company at the Lyceum Theatre, London
Publication details: 
12 May 1908. On letterhead of 14 Hanover Square, W. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The valediction reads ‘Yours alway faithfully / Arthur W. Pinero’, and it is written with quite a flourish: the ‘y’ of ‘faithfully’ hooks downwards in a long squiggle, exrending downwards past the right of the termination of Pinero’s signature, which rises upwards, being dotted above and below the signature’s underlining. He feels that her ‘kind letter is all the more welcome inasmuch as it gives signs’ that she is recovering from her recent illness.

[Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society, Hampton, Middlesex.] Manuscript minute book of committee meetings, each entry signed.

Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society [OHADS], Hampton, Middlesex; Bernard Wigginton (1945-2018), Secretary; Richmond; Teddington; theatre
Publication details: 
[Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society, Hampton, Middlesex.] Between 7 June 1973 and 19 June 1975.

196pp, 4to. In ruled notebook. Internally in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper, with covers detached and worn. Providing an interesting view of the day to day challenges of amateur dramatic production in the 1970s. Each set of minutes is signed by one member of the committee. The first set, 7 June 1973, list Philip Rayner as chairman, Bernard Wigginton as secretary, Philip Hickson as Treasurer, with other committee members Gill Ager, Derek Barrett, Peter Orton and Sue Rowlands.

[Robert Gittings, poet and literary biographer, to close friend playwright Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Sgined ('Robert'), largely concerning the writing of their plays 'Masters of Violence' (Gittings) and 'The Dark is Light Enough' (Fry).

Robert Gittings [Robert William Victor Gittings] (1911-1992), poet and literary biographer [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
West Broyle House, Chichester. 8 June 1952.

For the context of the letter see Pamela M. King's 2007 paper 'Twentieth-Century Medieval-Drama Revivals and the Universities', which states that at the time of the writing, there was in Canterbury 'to be a new play by Robert Gittings about St Alphege and the Danish invasion entitled Makers of Violence', and that at the Pilgrim Players in Norwich planned to put on, at the church of St Peter Mancroft, a production of Fry's 'Sleep of Prisoners'. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a little light damp spotting. Folded once.

[ Georgian theatre in Cheltenham. ] Autograph Letter Signed from the actress Cecilia Crisp to actor-manager Benjamin Webster, offering to buy, for performance at her benefit, the rights to his interlude 'Pay for Peeping''.

Cecilia Crisp [ Cecilia Charlotte Crisp, later Carey ] (b.1811), actress, daughter of actor-manager, Charles Sherwin Crisp (c.1790-1832) [Benjamin Webster [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster ] (1797-1882) ]
Publication details: 
34 Gydes Terrace, Cheltenham. 27 October 1832.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with seal of a harp in green wax, 'To | - Webster Esqre. | Theatre Royal Haymarket'. Writing two days before her father's death, she explains that she commissioned a friend to offer a guinea for his 'Interlude of "Pay for Peeping"', but finds that 'in return you expect one pound eleven for it'. She points out that she was 'the original (at the Strand Theatre) in the piece', and that she is offering the same terms accepted from her by 'Mr Selby for his "Day in Paris"'.

[ Thomas Longdon Greenwood, lessee of Sadler's Wells Theatre? ] Manuscript of the opening of a Victorian pantomime, lacking title (featuring 'Hans' and 'Gretchen'), with note stating that it is 'in Greenwoods Hand Writing of Sadlers Wells'.

[ Thomas Longdon Greenwood (1806-1879), lessee of Sadler's Wells Theatre, London? ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with 'Adelphi' (i.e. the Adelphi Theatre, London) written inside the front cover.

16pp. (of which 12pp. in 8vo and 4pp. in 4to). In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Neatly written out, with underlinings in red ink. Loosely inserted in the marbled wraps of an exercise book, with 'Adelphi' in pencil on the inside of the front cover. The first scene is written out complete on ten leaves from the exercise book (now loose), with the main text on ten pages, and additions on two versos. In addition to this is a grey paper bifolium, carrying over 4pp., 4to, additional matter to be inserted at the beginning of the second scene.

[ George Pearson, English film director. ] Christmas Card, with Signed Autograph inscription to his pupil the set designer 'Edward Carrick' (Edward Craig), with copy of his 'Photographic Journal' article 'The Film in Colonial Development'.

George Pearson [ George William Pearson ] (1875-1973), English film director [ 'Edward Carrick' [ pseudonym of Edward Anthony Craig ('Teddy') ] (1905-1998), film and stage designer and artist ]
Publication details: 
Christmas card dated 1970. Photographic Journal article, August 1948.

ONE: Christmas card. 12mo bifolium, with coloured illustration of Christmas candle on cover. Pearson writes: 'FOR [corrected from 'from'] | Edward. A. Carrick | from his old inspirer | George Pearson | 1970'. The association between the two men was warm.

[ A. G. Morris & G. F.Norton. ] Typescript of their play 'King's Freedom', with covering letter to film maker Percy Nash, regarding censorship following the Abdication of Edward VIII, and Compton Mackenzie.

A. G. Morris [ Arthur Morris ] and G. F. Norton [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director; King Edward VIII; Abdication, 1936; Compton Mackenzie, novelist ]
Publication details: 
The play undated, and 'the property of A. G. MORRIS Eastquantoxhead, near Bridgwater, Somerset'. Morris's letter on letterhead of East Quantoxhead Rectory, 21 March 1939.

PLAY: 108pp., 4to. On rectos only. Attached with green ribbon in card folder. Information about characters given in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn folder. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Signed 'Arthur Morris'. On aged and creased paper. Presumably referring to his collaborator, he begins the letter: 'Fred writes to say that you have a friend, who might be interested in our Play. It is kind of you to bother. I still believe in the poor old play, but we had a nasty shock when Edward abdicated!

[ Jack Denton, film director. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed to film maker Percy Nash, with copy of the script of his play 'The Fairyland Express' ('A Xmas Fairy Play By Jack Denton').

Jack Denton (fl. 1924), British actor and film director of the silent era [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), actor, dramatist and film director ]
Publication details: 
The first two of Denton's letters from 12 Montague Road, Richmond, Surrey, and the last two from the Opera House, Coventry. All four from 1933. The playscript from 25 Monmouth Road, Watford, and undated.

ONE: Typed playscript. 64pp., 8vo. Typed in purple ink, on rectos only. In pink card 'Ludgate File', with white typed label on front cover: 'THE FAIRYLAND EXPRESS'. In fair condition, aged and worn, with the leaves bound in with a rusted metal bar. Initial blank leaf with ownership inscription: 'Jack Denton | 12 Montague Road | Richmond | Surrey', as well as 'Mr Percy Nash | see phone'. The first page gives Denton's typed address as '25 Monmouth Road | Watford', and lists the cast, headed by 'Prudence . . . a little girl from Kensington', and 'Eric' and 'Marjorie', who are 'Her cousins . .

[ Alfred Bunn, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Bunn') to '- Perkins Esq', apologising for 'The dreadful bustle attendant on producing "Waterloo"'.

Alfred Bunn (1796-1860), theatre manager and librettist [ the Theatre Royal, Birmingham ]
Publication details: 
'Birmm: [i.e. the Theatre Royal, Birmingham ] | Oct. 13: 1824'.

The Oxford DNB's entry on Bunn states that from 1819 to 1824 he held the lease of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham. 1p., 8vo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to '- Perkins Esq'. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Bunn begins his letter: 'My dear Sir, | The dreadful bustle attendant on producing "Waterloo" must be my apology. The Music & Manuscript are herewith sent - & not a note or a syllable of either has been copied.' He thanks 'Mr Howes for his kindness', which he offers to reciprocate, 'whenever in my power'.

[ Joseph Knight, theatre historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Munday'

Joseph Knight [ John Joseph Knight ] (1829-1907), English drama critic and theatre historian
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 27 Camden Square, N.W. [ London ] 2 February 1895.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with staining from glue used in previous mounting. He apologises for not being able to 'do what you asked', as he 'did not go to the Garrick until to day when I found your letter with others waiting me'.

[ Olga Brandon, Australian actress. ] Corrected Typed prompt copy of first act of unpublished translation of 'La Tosca. A Drama in Four Acts by Victorien Sardou.'

Olga Brandon (1863-1906), Australian actress; Victorien Sardou (1831-1908), French dramatist
Publication details: 
'Miss Olga Brandon, 4 Seaton Mansions, 213 Shaftesbury Avenue | W.C. [ London ]' [ Circa 1895. ]

[1] + 32pp., 4to. Bound with brass clasps in grey paper wraps. On aged paper, in worn binding. A 'Duplicate Carbon Copy', with the stamp of Miss Dickens's Type Writing Office, 3, Tavistock Street, Strand. The first of the play's four acts. Text typed on rectos only, with stage directions in pencil on facing versos, and with numerous emendations (presumably by Brandon) in pencil throughout, including the deleting of a number of passages. Facing the first page is a pencil diagram of the stage setting.

[ Max Halbe, German 'Naturalist' dramatist. ] Typescript of an unpublished English translation of 'Youth. A Love Drama in Three Acts. By Max Halbe'.

Max Halbe (1865-1944), German dramatist, a main exponent of Naturalism
Publication details: 
Mrs. Marshall's Type Writing Office, 126, Strand. [ London. ] 8 May 1900. Translated from the '(6th Edition) | Berlin, 1898.'

86pp., 4to. With each of the three acts bound into separate grey wraps, with typed labels on covers. Internally in good condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged wraps. This unpublished anonymous translation predates the one by Sara Tracy Barrows, with an introduction by Ludwig Lewisohn, published in New York by Doubleday in 1916. There is no record of an English production.

[ Robins Millar, Scottish author. ] Duplicated typescript of unpublished play titled 'Lord Perricklees. Comedy in Three Acts.'

Robins Millar (1889-1968), Canadian-born Scottish journalist, playwright, poet and writer, based in Glasgow
Publication details: 
Robins Millar, 9 Park Quadrant, Glasgow C3 [ Scotland ]. Undated [ 1920s? ].

93pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon in buff card wraps. Creasing to front cover and first few leaves, otherwise in good condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. Ownership inscription on front cover and title-page: 'Robins MIllar | 9 Park Quadrant | Glasgow C3'. A high-society comedy, set in London. No record regarding this play has been discovered. Millar's papers are in the University of Glasgow.

[ Robins Millar. ] Typescript of unpublished play titled 'Bedside Manner. Comedy in 3 Acts'.

Robins Millar (1889-1968), Canadian-born Scottish journalist, playwright, poet and writer, based in Glasgow
Publication details: 
Robins Millar, 9 Park Quadrant, Glasgow C3 [ Scotland ]. Undated [ 1930s? ].

107pp., 4to. Stapled and attached with pink ribbon. Aged and worn, with last few leaves detached, with worn front cover only also detached. With a couple of manuscript emendations. Millar begins a full-page introduction: 'The mood of this play is gay comedy. | It arises from the threat of gossip in a small country town.' No record regarding this play has been discovered. Millar's papers are in the University of Glasgow.

[ Joe Corrie, Scottish miner and playwright. ] Corrected typescript of the 'English Version' of his play 'A Master of Men', with Typed Letter Signed to the theatre manager W. J. Macqueen-Pope.

Joe Corrie [ Joseph Corrie ] (1894-1968), Scottish miner and playwright [ W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and theatre historian ]
Publication details: 
Hill's Hotel, 41 Princes Square, London W2. Undated. [ Performed at the Glasgow Citizens' Theatre, Scotland, circa 1944. ]

For more about Corrie see his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that 'His most effective mature work, A Master of Men, about the conflict between a mine manager, the mine owners, and the miners, was performed by the Glasgow Citizens' Theatre in 1944.' 111pp., 4to. On paper of various colours. Autograph title-page: 'English Version | A Master of Men | A Play | Joe Corrie | Hill's Hotel | 41 Princes Sq. | London W2 | Tel. Bay. 0118'. (Many of Corrie's plays were written in Lowland Scots.) In good condition, lightly-aged, in worn buff card wraps. With a few autograph emendations.

[ Lajos Bíró, Alexander Korda's scenario chief at London Film Productions. ] Unpublished typescript of '"Hollywood of Course" A Play In Three Acts By LAJOS BIRO'.

Lajos Bíró [ Lajos Biro ] [ born Lajos Blau ] (1880-1948), Austro-Hungarian novelist, playwright and screenwriter who worked for Alexander Korda at London Film Productions
Publication details: 
'Copyright 1942 by British and Continental Plays Ltd.'

168pp., 4to. Pages typed in black and red (by Active Secretarial Bureau, Wardour Street) on versos only. Bound in grey card wraps, with red tape spine. Typed title on cover, with circular red label of 'British and Continental Plays Ltd'. The main characters include the unnamed members of a continental royal family, together with 'Baroness Sibyl Konigsmark' and 'Section-Leader Grumb', and the scene is set at an Old Castle and Summer Palace, and 'Late in June of the year 1941. Three o'clock p.m.' and periods shortly following.

[Henry Benjamin Wheatley.] Manuscript 'List of Plays seen by Pepys from 1660 to 1669' and other related material.

[Henry Benjamin Wheatley (1838-1917), author and editor; Samuel Pepys]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1880s?]

Unattributed, but in Wheatley's hand. The 'List of Plays seen by Pepys from 1660 to 1669' is 5pp., foolscap 8vo, on loose leaves of unwatermarked ruled paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. It is neatly written out in ink, with occasional pencil emendations, giving dates, theatres and titles. A few comments on the theatres are included, for example on 'Davenant's New Theatre in Lincolns Inn Fields'.

[Sir Nigel Playfair, actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.] Autograph signature.

Sir Nigel Playfair (1874-1934), British actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On one side of a piece of 2.5 x 8 cm thin card. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight creasing (not affecting text). Possibly in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'Nigel Playfair'.

[Book; Association copy; G.B. Shaw] Too True To Be Good, Village Wooing & On the Rocks

George Bernard Shaw, playwright
Publication details: 
Constable, 1934 (Standard Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw)

First edition, 8vo. Laurence A216a. Original red cloth, speckled, lettered in gilt on spine, hinges cracked, in damaged dustwrapper. below). Inscribed on the half-title: "to Yvette Pienne, player and writer, | G. Bernard Shaw | Malvern | 23/8/36." WITH: unpublished photograph, 19 x 14.5, of Bernard Shaw with a bevy of youngish ladies including Yvette Pienne according to a note (NOT in Shaw's hand, prob. Pienne's) on the reverse, "Malvern Festival 1938 || G. Bernard Shaw | [?] Lewis | Yvette Pienne|".

Typed Letter Signed from Arnold Wesker to Renee Hellman of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, regarding his 'favourite recipe'.

Arnold Wesker (b.1932), English playwright of the 'kitchen sink' school [Renee Hellman; Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Alan Bates]
Publication details: 
27 Bishops Road, London N6. 11 October 1965.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He asks her whether she means by 'a favourite recipe' one 'which I know of that others are likely not to know of? Or just one that I like but might well be familiar?' He ends by suggesting that she try asking Alan Bates, 'who I think has a secret recipe'. He gives an address for the actor.

[Printed pamphlet of play.] The Pirate's Nurse. [With manuscript note: 'Performed at Literary Institute Wednesday June 8th 1898.'

[Worthing Literary Institute, West Sussex; Kirshaw, printer]
Publication details: 

12pp., 12mo. In original printed wraps bearing the title, dramatis personae, printer's slug, and contemporary pencil note: 'Performed at Literary Institute Wednesday June 8th 1898.' On aged and worn paper, with curling to fore-edge, and a cloth strip sewn on to strengthen spine. A comedy in heroic couplets. Excessively scarce: no copies on COPAC or WorldCat OCLC. Kirshaw was active between the 1870s and 1890s.

Typed Letter Signed "Cav" [Alberto Cavacanti, film director] to Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh, Cocteau and others.

Alberto de Almeida Cavalcanti (1897-198, Brazilian-born film director and producer.
Publication details: 
[Headed] A. Cavalcanti 13 Shooters Hill Road Blackheath SE [London], 25 April 1949.

One page, obl. 12mo, good condition. He appreicates being told about the Georges Neveux play on the radio [French playwright], but "unluckily" he missed it. "I had a very pleasant surprise in Italy. As I was entering my room at the hotel a door next door to it opened and Neveux was staying there. I had a long talk with him and he said that some french p[roducers (friends of his) who are interested in the story, might like to have a talk about the possibilities of an English collaboration and they might come to London with Georges. Of course I haven't heard from him since [...]".

'Box Office Return' for a production of 'She Stoops to Conquer' at 'The Arts Theatre Club Festival of International Comedy and Drama', filled in by hand on printed form by Mary Pupley, Box Office Keeper.

The Arts Theatre Club, London [Mary Pupley, Box Office Keeper]
Publication details: 
The Arts Theatre Club, London. 1 May 1949.

1p., 4to. On aged and lightly-creased paper. Giving breakdowns for different seats in matinee and evening productions, as well as for programmes, with the number of complimentary tickets. The Arts Theatre Club was founded in 1927, 'in an attractive building in Great Newport-street shaped somewhat like the House of Commons' (Times, 9 May 1927). On its relaunch in 1933, its stated aim was 'to select plays of theatrical merit [...] with an entire disregard for their commercial possibilities' (Times, 18 December 1933).

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Colman') from the playwright George Colman the Younger, defending his imposition of a financial penalty on the recipient [apparently an actress] for non-attendance [at a performance at the Haymarket Theatre].

George Colman the younger (1762-1836), playwright and manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [James Winston (1773?-1843), acting manager at the Haymarket Theatre]
Publication details: 
Melina Place, London; 21 July 1814.

1p., 4to. On aged and grubby paper. The letter provides an interesting insight into the niceties of Regency theatrical practice. Colman peremptorily addresses it to 'Madam', before expressing his displeasure and defending his imposition of a penalty, as a result of the non-attendance of the recipient (apparently an actress) at a performance at the Haymarket.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T: Cooke') from the Irish actor Thomas Simpson Cooke to the English actor Thomas Potter Cooke, complaining that 'Mr. Chilvers music copyist to the Coburg Theatre' has 'seriously injured' him professionally. With portrait.

Thomas Simpson Cooke (1782–1848), Irish singer and composer [Thomas Potter Cooke (1786–1864), English actor]
Publication details: 
2 Leicester Place, Leicester Square; 17 November 1819.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'T: P: Cooke Esqre | Royal Coburg Theatre', with two postmarks. The two men do not appear to have been related. TSC requests TPC's 'friendly interference to endeavour at getting from Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jn B Buckstone') from the actor John Baldwin Buckstone [to the playwright Thomas John Dibdin] regarding a meeting 'of all the dramatic authors' to make arrangements following 'the new act' [Bulwer Lytton's copyright reforms.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), actor, playwright, and manager of the Haymarket Theatre [Thomas John Dibdin (1771-1841), playwright and actor]
Publication details: 
29 Walcot Place, Kennington; 14 June 1833.

1p., 4to. 15 lines. On aged and worn paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir/ | A general meeting of all the Dramatic Authors will take place at the Garricks head in Bow Street on Monday nexxt at One o'Clock.

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