[‘You need not fear my giving you any but cottage fare’: Mary Russell Mitford, author of ‘Our Village’.] Autograph Letter Signed, to Rev. Hugh Pearson, arranging a visit by him and Lady Henley.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [Hugh Pearson (1817-1882), Vicar of Sonning and a Canon at Windsor]
Publication details: 
‘Tuesday’. [Envelope dated in another hand 21 October 1851.]

An characteristic letter by the author of 'Our Village', written in the year of her move from Three Mile Cross, Berkshire, to nearby Swallowfield, itself eight miles from Pearson's home in Sonning. See the entries on Mitford and Pearson in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium which has been unfolded with the fore-edge of the second leaf attached to a nineteenth-century stub. In good condition, lightly aged.

[‘I never knew so frantic a friend’: Hugh Pearson, Vicar of Sonning and a Canon at Windsor on Miss Mitford.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to ‘Miss Seton’

Hugh Pearson (1817-1882), Vicar of Sonning and a Canon at Windsor, son of Hugh Nicholas Pearson, Nicholas (1776-1856), Dean of Salisbury [Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855)]
Publication details: 
23 October 1877 and 21 November [1877]. Both on letterhead of Cloisters, Windsor.

A biography of Pearson (‘a notable figure within the church’) is appended to that of his father in the Oxford DNB. Each of these letters is 2pp, 12mo (the second with cross writing at the head of a further two pages), and both are on bifoliums. In fair condition, lightly aged. The two have been extracted from an autograph album, and are lightly attached along the inner edge, with further light traces of the brown paper mount on the reverse of the last leaf of the second letter.

[Karl Pearson, mathematician, biostatistician and eugenicist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Karl Pearson.') to 'Dr. Peirce', regarding 'Mrs Baker's death', ancestry and Professor Benjamin Osgood Peirce of Harvard.

Karl Pearson (1857-1936), mathematician, biostatistician and eugenicist, pioneer in the field of mathematical statistics [Benjamin Osgood Peirce, Harvard Professor of Mathematics]
Publication details: 
7 Well Road, Hampstead; 11 November 1902.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter begins with a reference to 'Mrs Baker's death'. Pearson and his wife 'had not realised the gravity of her illness', as they had recently seen her 'so well and fresh in spirit'. He wishes he had been able to accept Peirce's suggestion of 'putting me up for tonight' in order to be 'present tomorrow', but he is 'overdone and had work till 6 o'clock arranged for today, so that to come down by the night train tonight & track back tomorrow night have been more than I could safely attempt'.

[Leslie Hotson and Norman Holmes Pearson on a George Washington letter.] Autograph Letter Signed from Hotson, and Typed Letter Signed from Pearson, both to Robert Beloe, discussing the proposed sale of his George Washington letter.

Leslie Hotson [John Leslie Hotson] (1897-1992), authority on Elizabethan literature; Norman Holmes Pearson (1909-75), Yale academic [Robert Beloe (1905-84), educationalist; George Washington]
Publication details: 
Hotson's letter from Northford, Connecticut (but sent from a museum in Pieter Cornelisz Hooftstraat, Amsterdam), 29 January 1955. Pearson's letter from 233 Hall of Graduate Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1 February 1955.

Two Air Mail letters, both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both letters are addressed to Beloe (author of the 1960 Beloe Report - education at The Hill House, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. The subject of the two letters is a letter from George Washington to Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie, Belvoir, 7 March 1754, beginning ''Honble. Sir | If the Vessel you Honour hir'd of Colo. Eyre has not left York'. The letter is now at Mount Vernon. ONE: Hotson's letter, signed 'Leslie Hotson'. 29 January 1955. 1p., 12mo.

[ Captain Basil Hall, RN, Scottish explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Basil Hall'), praising Florence, describing a view of 'Dom Miguel', and discussing his homesickness.

Captain Basil Hall (1788-1844), Scottish explorer and Royal Navy officer
Publication details: 
Florence. 7 September 1834.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-five lines of closely-written text. Addressed by Hall on reverse of second leaf to 'Mrs. Stisted | Villa Broderick | Lucca Baths', with note that the letter is 'For[warde]d By Ch[ristophe]]r. Pearson'. He begins by introducing to Mrs Stisted and her husband 'Col.

[ George Pearson, English film director. ] Christmas Card, with Signed Autograph inscription to his pupil the set designer 'Edward Carrick' (Edward Craig), with copy of his 'Photographic Journal' article 'The Film in Colonial Development'.

George Pearson [ George William Pearson ] (1875-1973), English film director [ 'Edward Carrick' [ pseudonym of Edward Anthony Craig ('Teddy') ] (1905-1998), film and stage designer and artist ]
Publication details: 
Christmas card dated 1970. Photographic Journal article, August 1948.

ONE: Christmas card. 12mo bifolium, with coloured illustration of Christmas candle on cover. Pearson writes: 'FOR [corrected from 'from'] | Edward. A. Carrick | from his old inspirer | George Pearson | 1970'. The association between the two men was warm.

[Charles E. Shepherd of J. Pearson & Co., Pall Mall booksellers.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Reed', regarding autograph letters by Sir Philip Sidney and 'his very famous sister', asbestos cases by the binders Riviere, and a 'Breeches' bible.

Charles E. Shepherd of J. Pearson & Co. [John Pearson], Rare Books and Autographs, 5 Pall Mall Place, London] [Reed; Riviere]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of J. Pearson & Co., Rare Books and Autographs, 5 Pall Mall Place, London. ('Telegraph & Cable Address, Parabola, London.') 20 May 1903.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In something of a hard sell he begins by stating that 'the "Sir Philip Sidney" letter, of which I showed you a facsimile the other day, [...] seems to me peculiarly suitable for your collection'. In support of the letter's 'exceptional rarity' he cites 'a letter of Thorpe's (the expert of autographs of his day) dated 1839 accompanying the autograph & giving its pedigree, in which he says "I never saw a letter of Sidney's for sale except the present"', adding that 'no other autograph of his has occurred since'.

[Tindal Pearson Porter, licensed surveyor, Brisbane, Australia.] Autograph Letter Signed (Tindal P. Porter) to his brother George, describing his life at the mining township of Nigger Creek, Herberton, North Queensland.

Tindal Pearson Porter (1857-1914), English-born licensed surveyor, Brisbane, Australia [Nigger Creek, Herberton Queensland, Australia]
Publication details: 
B<orrama?>, Nigger Creek, Herberton [Queensland, Australia]. 2 November 1910.

5pp., 4to. In good condition, on five sheets of aged and lightly-stained paper. Written in a difficult crabbed hand. Porter begins the letter by explaining that he is writing at night during steady rain, and that the previous day he rode in from his camp 'to "come in from the wet" and have been weather-bound here ever since'.

Two sets of printed 'Plans of the New Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, W.C.2.' by Adams, Holden & Pearson.

[Charles Henry Holden (1875-1960), English architect; Adams, Holden & Pearson, London architects; The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Broad Street, London, WC2.]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, c.1926.]

The two plans are both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper: each printed in black ink on one side only of a piece of white paper, and both folded twice. The first is landscape, 28 x 40.5cm, and carries the 'FIRST FLOOR PLAN' on the left, and 'GROUND FLOOR PLAN' on the right. The second is portrait, 40.5 x 29.5cm. It has two 'TYPICAL WARD PLANS' (third and fourth floors) above two 'SECTIONS A.B. & C.D. OF ELEVATIONS'. The Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital was established on High Holborn in 1816.

18 engravings by Pearson, Lee and Mason, from drawings by the Victorian illustrator 'Alfred Crowquill' (Alfred Henry Forrester), including eleven proofs.

Alfred Henry Forrester (pseud. 'Alfred Crowquill'), illustrator and writer, associated with his brother Charles Robert Forrester (1803-1850)
Publication details: 
[London: 1840s and 1850s.]

Ten of the engravings carry Crowquill's name; the other eight can be attributed to him stylistically. In good overall condition, on aged paper, with a few of the eighteen lightly creased or worn, and one bearing traces of previous mounting. Seven of the engravings are proofs of vignettes and initials, ranging in size from 10.5 cm square to 22 x 18.5 cm.


The Great Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, 1853 [William Dargan (1799-1867); Sir John Benson (1812-74), architect; Sir John Gilbert (1817-97), J. Mahony; Henry Linton, and George Pearson, engravers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [circa 1853].

Attractive image roughly eleven inches by ten wide, captioned 'VIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, DUBLIN - OPENED MAY 12, 1853.' On piece of paper roughly fourteen and a half inches by eleven. Good on light-foxed aged paper with two neat vertical folds (perhaps indicating removal from a book). At foot of page list of twelve measurements of the 'PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING', from 'Main Frontage' to 'Width of Outer Gallery'.

Eight Typed Letters, with cyclostyled signatures ('Arthur Pearson'), to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Cyril Arthur Pearson [Sir Arthur Pearson] (1866-1921), founder of 'The Daily Express', President of the National Institute for the Blind and Fresh Air Fund
Publication details: 
October 1916 to June 1917; all on letterhead of the Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel, St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park, N.W. [London].

All eight items are 4to, 1 p, and good on lightly aged paper. Seven items bearing the Society's stamp and four docketed. The correspondence concerns a talk given by Pearson to the Society, 'on the subject of the training of the soldiers blinded in the War'. On 19 October 1916 Pearson writes: 'I am a little afraid that I cannot properly carry out the suggestion you so kindly make. I am quite blind, and therefore am unable to read a paper.' The 'preparation of a formal paper' would 'demand more time than I am able to spare at present.

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