[Sydney Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow Royal Academician Edward William Cooke, regarding a photograph by Vernon Heath.

Sydney Smirke (1797-1877), RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room [E. W. Cooke [Edward William Cooke] (1811-80), RA, marine painter; Vernon Heath (c.1819-95), photographer]
Publication details: 
'The Hollies / Tunbridge Wells / Aug: 7 [no year]'.

See Smirke’s entry, and those of Cooke and Heath, in the Oxford DNB. His most celebrated design is the Reading Room of the British Museum. 2pp, 12mo. With monogram and mourning border. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Vernon Heath, of Piccadilly, has made me a photograph of our new front, which is I think fairly satisfactory.’ He has told Heath to deliver a copy ‘addressed to you at the R. Academy’. As it is ‘rather large’, he did not like to send it ‘by post or Parcel’, as it ‘might get crushed on its way to you.

[‘You need not fear my giving you any but cottage fare’: Mary Russell Mitford, author of ‘Our Village’.] Autograph Letter Signed, to Rev. Hugh Pearson, arranging a visit by him and Lady Henley.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [Hugh Pearson (1817-1882), Vicar of Sonning and a Canon at Windsor]
Publication details: 
‘Tuesday’. [Envelope dated in another hand 21 October 1851.]

An characteristic letter by the author of 'Our Village', written in the year of her move from Three Mile Cross, Berkshire, to nearby Swallowfield, itself eight miles from Pearson's home in Sonning. See the entries on Mitford and Pearson in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium which has been unfolded with the fore-edge of the second leaf attached to a nineteenth-century stub. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Amy Cruse, author and editor; Englishman & His Books] Album of correspondence from Maurice Baring; Sidney Colvin; Alfred Noyes; Austin Dobson; Stopford Brooke, Lord Sanderson and others, drafts and notes by widower C. J. Cruse, and news cuttings.

Amy Cruse (1870-1951; née Barter); Maurice Baring; Sidney Colvin; Alfred Noyes; Austin Dobson; Stopford Brooke; Harry C. W. Verney
Publication details: 
Correspondence dating f1911-61; most from London and the Home Counties. Cuttings from English newspapers and magazines, 1927 to 1951.

It is perhaps appropriate that we should have been left such a collection by an author who made a name for herself with pioneering works on the social history of English literature.

[Reading Cooperative Society Limited.] Large illustrated poster, in three colours, with 1913 ‘Members’ Calendar’ and information on the Society, from ‘Women’s Guild’ to ‘Artificial Teeth’.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited [Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester]
Publication details: 
‘Members’ Calendar’ for 1913 [printed in 1912]. Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited came into existence in the 1860s, as ‘Reading Industrial Co-operative Society’. A nice piece of ephemera from the high-tide mark of the co-operative movement. No other copy has been traced. 50 x 68 cm. A striking and attractive production in six columns, printed in red, olive-green and grey-black, and black, with border of raspberry leaves, calendar split between the outer edges. Large illustration of ‘Llandudno and the Great Orme’ beneath the heading ‘Each for all, & all for each.

[Printed work of sensational popular fiction.] The Mysterious Avenger; or, The Trials of Love. [Followed by a reprinting of De Quincey's translation of 'Der Freischütz', under the title 'William, the Fatal Marksman; or, The Seven Charmed Bullets'.]

[Thomas De Quincey; William Walker, printer, Otley, Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
London: Published by the Booksellers. William Walker, Otley. 1847. [Slug: 'WILLIAM WALKER, PRINTER, OTLEY.']

256pp., 12mo. With frontispiece engraving and vignette on title. In original brown cloth binding, with blind-stamped decorative pattern on the boards, and title and design on the spine. Ownership inscription of 'Arthur Baxter | Runcorn | 1861' on piece of paper laid down on front pastedown. A tight copy, on stained paper (particularly the last few leaves) and aged paper, in worn binding with gilt almost dulled. An interesting production, reminiscent of previous Minerva Press publications, and looking ahead to the yellow-back.

[Suttons Seeds, Reading.] Typed Letter Signed from Martin H. J. Sutton of the Royal Seed Establishment to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his experiments with 'radio-active fertilizers'.

[Suttons Seeds] Martin Hubert Foquet Sutton (1875-1930) of the Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, grandson of Martin Hope Sutton (1815-1901), seed merchant
Publication details: 
18 September 1915. On letterhead, with Royal Warrant, of The Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, England.

See the entry for Martin Hope Sutton in the Oxford DNB, and that for his grandson Martin Hubert Fouquet Sutton in Who Was Who. 2pp, 4to. I good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. With RSA date stamp. Signed 'Martin H F Sutton'. In reply to a letter from Menzies, Sutton expresses regret that 'it will be impossible for you to attend the Demonstration here on the 24th inst.' Sutton will be 'publishing certain particulars for the benefit of those present' and will be glad to send Menzies a copy.

[Oxford Circuit in the 1880s.] 27 sketches and caricatures by Lauriston Leonard Batten of barristers (including Lord Loveburn; C. J. Darling), judges and others, including several court scenes; for fellow barrister the future Sir Richard Harington.

Lauriston Leonard Batten (1863-1934) [the Oxford Circuit in the late nineteenth century; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal]
Legal sketches
Publication details: 
The Oxford Circuit [Gloucester, Reading, Shrewsbury Assizes; Birmingham Assizes]. A few items dated to 1887, 1888, 1891, 1894.
Legal sketches

Lauriston Leonard Batten studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (see his entry in Alum. Cantab.). He was admitted at the Inner Temple in 1882 and called to the bar four years later. KC, 1905. Bencher, 1914. The present collection is from the papers of his colleague on the Oxford Circuit, Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th baronet, who was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar in 1886, he practised on the Oxford Circuit before taking up an appointment as a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal in 1899.

[Thomas Guille,co-founder of the Guille-Allès Library, Guernsey.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to a 'Doctor [Chepmell]' and "Doctor Chepmell", homoeopathist, thanking him for donations of books & 'two interesting historical documents' to the library.

Thomas Guille (1817-1896), founder with Frederick Mansell Allès, of the Guille-Allès Library, Guernsey, Channel Islands
Publication details: 
Guille-Allès Library [Guernsey, Channel Islands]. 23 April 1890 and 15 July 1890

In 1882 Guille and Allès, childhood friends who had worked in New York as carpenters, bought the Assembly Rooms in Market Street, opening the building in 1888 as an extensive subscription library, with reading and meeting rooms. The library is still in operation, and is a much-loved local institution. The present items dates from two years later, both 1p., 16mo. On bifolium. In good condition, with remains of stub adhering to one edge. Written in a small, neat and dainty hand, the first letter reads: 'Guille-Allès Library, | April 23, 1890.

[ Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Secretary of the British Museum. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Ellis'), regarding the 'recommendation to our Reading Room' of 'Mr Justice Norton'.

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian of the British Museum, 1827-1856; Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries of London
Publication details: 
British Museum [ London ]. 12 September 1842.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with closed tear and tape stain at head. Reads: 'British Museum | Sept. 12. 1842 | My dear Sir | I was not at home when Mr Justice Norton presented your Note of recommendation to our Reading Room. I lose no time in enclosing a Card for him, with our Regulations. | Yours very truly | Henry Ellis'.

[ Eric Harold Neville, mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Neville') to 'Sir Dundas' [i.e. Sir Richard Dundas Harington ]

E. H. Neville [ Eric Harold Neville ] (1889-1961), English mathematician, of Trinity College Cambridge and the University of Reading, who convinced Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Copse, Sonning on Thames. 26 October 1944.

See W. J. Langford's glowing obituary of Neville (described as 'the greatest of them all' from a pedagogical point of view) in the Mathematical Gazette, May 1964. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by reassuring Harington that his books are 'safely here', but continues: 'I fear that every book I possess on numerical equations is on duty for the time being in the computing department of one of the RAF establishments.' He does not know of 'any book which gives an account of the processes actually used nowadays.

[ Sir Henry Ellis of the British Museum and Leonard Horner of the University of London. ] Autograph Note Signed from Horner to Ellis, requesting a Reading Room ticket for 'Mr Phillips', with Ellis's signed autograph refusal.

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, 1827-1856; Leonard Horner (1785-1864), Scottish geologist, Warden of the University of London
Publication details: 
Horner's Note from the University of London, 11 February 1830. Ellis's reply without place or date.

1p., 12mo. Heavily aged and worn, with closed tear along fold line at head, and remains of mount on reverse. Horner's note, on the upper part of the paper, reads: 'Dear Sir | Be so good as admit Mr Phillips to the privileges of the Reading Room at the British Museum - | Yours faithfully | Leonard Horner | University of London | 11 Feby 1830'. Beneath this Ellis has written: 'My Dear Sir | Mr. Phillips can be admitted at the Age of Eighteen, but is not eligible for our Reading Room at present | Ever faithfully Yours | H. Ellis | L. Horner Esqr'.

[ Edwardian Silhouettes ]Album containing one hundred and nineteen original silhouettes on black paper, including twenty golfers and caddies. Also portraits, rural scenes, a Muslim skyline, a cancan dancer and other subjects.

One hundred and nineteen original silhouettes [Edwardian golf; golfers; golfing]
Publication details: 
Edwardian (one silhouette dated 1913). Album with ticket of 'A. Rawlings, Stationer, and Artists Colorman, 171, Friar Street, Reading.'

All but three of the silhouettes are laid down on 23 pages of an album of 32 leaves (leaf dimensions 31 x 25 cm) bound in worn brown buckram, with attractive metallic cobweb endpapers. In very good condition. The three silhouettes not in the album are laid down on a loose piece of blue paper (22 x 27 cm) and consist of three full length portraits of infant girls. One of these is the largest silhouette in the collection at 14.5 x 7 cm. The smallest, less than a centimeter high by half a centimeter wide, is of a golfer taking a swing. A delightful collection, including portraits of 'J.

[ Thomas Keyworth, Congregational minister and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Keyworth') to George Offor, describing a circumstance relating to the use of tablets by children in 'our school'.

Thomas Keyworth (1782-1852), author, Congregational minister, and philanthropist [ George Offor (1787-1864), literary editor and book collector
Publication details: 
[ Sleaford, Lincolnshire. ] No date [ 1840s? ].

3pp., 4to. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Offor | NB Please to pay the Twopenny Postage of the Letter to 169 Fleet St & charge it in my account.' Docketted 'Mr Keyworth. | Sleaford'.

[Two printed items relating to the University Extension College, Reading.] 'Second Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Session 1894-5.' and 'The Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890. Memorandum and Articles of Association.'

[University Extension College, Reading; Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading]
Publication details: 
ONE: Reading: Printed by Edward J. Blackwell, London Street. 1894. TWO: Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading. [Beecroft and Alexander, Printers, Reading.] [1896.]

ONE: 24pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slightly rusted staples and chipping to covers. Labels, stamp and shelfmark of the Education Department Library, London. No copy found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. TWO: 26pp., 8vo. In light-blue printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper, with rusted staples. With label and shelfmark (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London). No copy on OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford University.

[Leeds Circulating Library.] Printed Leeds Circulating Library label, stating time allowed and forfeit. [With ownership signature of John Smalpage, draper.]

[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire; John Smalpage, draper]
Publication details: 
[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire.] The label is dated in manuscript 16 September 1808.

The label is printed on one side of a crudely-cut 6 x 8 cm piece of laid paper. In fair condition, aged. The item reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'LEEDS | Circulating Library. | Entered [16 Sept] 180[8] | Allowed for reading the first Year, Weeks [2] Days [-] | - After the first year, Weeks [2] | Forfeiture per Day for keeping it beyond the Time, d. [2]'. At the head in manuscript is the number '1006', crossed out, and '671'.

[The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company.] Letter of Attorney, on two skins of vellum, from 'Moncure Robinson Esqr. to Messrs. Thomson Hankey and Co.', appointing them his company's London agents, with his signature and seal in red wax.

[Moncure Robinson (1802-1891), American civil engineer; Elihu Chauncey and Richard Fenn Lardner of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company'; Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers]
Publication details: 
18 April 1837.

In very good condition, on one side each of two skins of vellum. Robinson's signature and seal in red wax at the foot of the attached skins, and the customary embossed tax stamps on both. Ruled borders in red ink. Docketed on reverse of first skin. The document begins: 'To all to whom these Presents shall come. Moncure Robinson of the City of Philadelphia in the United States of America and now residing in Bond Street in the County of Middlesex in Great Britain Esquire sends Greeting'.

[Printed advertisement.] Prospectus of Bohn's Standard Library: A Series of the best English and foreign Authors, Printed in a new and elegant Form, Equally adapted to the Library and the Fireside, At the extremely low Price of 3s. 6d. per Volume.

[Bohn's Standard Library; H. G. Bohn; Henry George Bohn (1796-1884), London bookseller and publisher]
Publication details: 
York Street, Covent Garden. [1848.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting piece of ephemera relating to a ground-breaking series in the nineteenth-century extension of the market for serious literature. An initial 27-line prospectus in small print is followed by a list of the details of the 35 'Volumes already Published' and of 20 works 'in progress'. The final page carries details of items 'Uniform with his STANDARD LIBRARY, price 3s. 6d.', under the headings 'Bohn's Extra Volume', 'Bohn's Scientific Library, Vol. 1', 'Bohn's Antiquarian Library' and 'Bohn's Classical Library'.

[Printed book with membership bookplate of the Iron Acton Reading Society.] The Career of Don Carlos, since the Death of Ferdinand the Seventh: being A Chapter in the History of Charles the Fifth. By his aide-de-camp The Baron de Los Valles.

The Baron de Los Valles [Louis Xavier August de Saint Sylvain, Baron de Los Valles], aide-de-camp to Don Carlos of Spain [Richard Bentley, London publisher; The Iron Acton Reading Society]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. Publisher in Ordinary to His Majesty. 1835.

xviii + 384 pp., 8vo, orig.[?]green cloth covered boards, slightly "bubbled", endpapers stained, corners bumped, hinge strain, fair condition. With frontispiece of Don Carlos and plate (facing p.229) of Zumalacarréguy. In contemporary green cloth library binding with title in gilt on spine. Bookplate laid down on front pastedown, listing 'Members of the Iron Acton Reading Society. | Books to be kept fourteen days.' Twenty-eight members are listed, from 'Rev. Dr.

[Sir William Fergusson, Scottish surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Fergusson') [to F. A. Bulley],

Sir William Fergusson (1808-1877), 1st Baronet FRCS FRS, Scottish surgeon, Sergeant-Surgeon to Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Dover Street [Piccadilly, London]. 24 November 1844.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper with small spike-hole to one leaf. The letter begins: 'A hare and a pheasant delivered here the other day with F.A.B. Reading upon the parchment card - the initials, I immediately concluded of my old friend Mr. Bulley and the first information that he still lives after a certain bloody deed performed upon him many months ago.

[Printed booklet.] Rules of the Reading Pathological Society. Established, July 13, 1841.

[The Reading Pathological Society, founded in 1841; the Royal Berkshire Hospital]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Reading, Berkshire; circa 1841.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper with traces of previous mount. The nineteen rules begin with 'RULE I. | That this Society be called the Reading Pathological Society.' They end with 'RULE XIX. | That the Society be empoweredd to act at ordinary meetings, on any matters not comprehended in these rules, and that new rules may be added, or old ones modified, notice having been given at the previous meeting, but that such rules be submitted to the next Annual Meeting.' Scarce: no copies found on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. From the papers of F. A.

Two autograph diaries of Rev. William Jebb Few, MA, of Christ Church, Oxford, 'continued during residence' at Henley-on-Thames; Alverston, Hampshire; Braemar, Elgin and Banff (as tutor to the Earl of Fife's son); Reading. With carte de visite.

William Jebb Few (c.1835-c.1881), MA, of Christ Church, Oxford, and Rector of St Nicholas, Guildford, Surrey [Alexander William George Duff (1849-1912), 1st Duke of Fife]
Publication details: 
The two diaries covering the period from 30 May 1858 to 25 August 1864, and written at Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire; Alverston, Hampshire; Mar Lodge, Braemar; House, Elgin; Duff House, Banff; and 6 Coley Hill and 4 Castle Crescent, Reading.

Both volumes in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn black leather bindings, marbled endpapers. Both 4to, the first volume smaller than the second. First Diary: 168pp., 4to. Titled by Few: 'Diary commencing May 30, 1858, and continued during residence at Henley on Thames Oxfordshire. Alverston Hampshire'. Includes two pages of addresses, page of 'Books Read' in 1860 and 1861, and page of accounts for 1861. Second Diary: 180pp., 4to.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Montagu Sims') from the editor of the Manchester 'free Lance' to copy editor 'Mr. Alvarez', regarding the journal's system of punctuation.

J. Montagu Sims (fl. 1870s), editor of the Victorian Manchester periodical 'free Lance' [Alvarez, copy editor]
Publication details: 
'Southport. Tuesday.' [no date] On letterhead of 'The Editor's Department', "free Lance" Office, 36, Corporation Street, Manchester.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by informing Alvarez that the periodical 'somehow made a sad hash of the printing of ye last No. which I have sent to the works | As you are now definitely engaged to read, I will tell you our system. | No high pointing, the other plan being both more scholarlike & less expensive. | All proofs read after my signature is attached (in page) to be only altered for literals.' He ends by informing Alvarez that he has 'sent on something of yrs'.

Two Manuscript Diaries, covering the years 1916 and 1917.

Geoffrey Clifford Tyndale [Divorce Law; Legal History; Reading Lists; The Times of London]
Publication details: 
1 January 1916 to 3 January 1918.

Two 8vo diaries, by Charles Letts, the first 'improved' and the second 'self-opening'. Both in heavily worn covers, lacking spines, but internally clean, on aged paper, and with the text entirely legible. Both diaries end with a brief set of accounts. The diaries are filled with details of the life of a young English lawyer in London during the Great War, including references to the many legal cases in which he was involved.

Autograph (Facsimile?) Letter Signed ('Jas. R. Fairfax') to male correspondent.

Sir James Reading Fairfax (1834-1919), Australian newspaper proprietor [The Sydney Morning Herald; The Sydney Mail]
Publication details: 
11 May 1884; on letterhead of the Sydney Morning Herald and Sydney Mail.

12mo: 1 p. Ten lines of text. Bifolium. Grubby, and with the text of the letter faint. Letterhead printed in red with illustration of the firm's headquarters. Written in, or faded to, lilac, and could well be a carbon. Sending copies of the two newspapers as 'we think it probable you would like your newly published works noticed or reviewed' in them.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (two 'Eric Broad. | Frederic E Wright.' and one 'Frederic E Wright | Eric Broad.') to W. Kineton Parkes (1865-1938), assistant editor of the journal of the Ruskin Reading Guild, 'Igdrasil'

Eric Broad' (Frederic E. Wright), English poet [W. Kineton Parkes; John Ruskin; William Marwick; the Ruskin Reading Guild]
Publication details: 
20 and 22 January and 3 March 1890; all from Scarsdale, Great Malvern.

All three items in very good condition. Interesting series of letters by an obscure 1890s poet. Letter One (12mo, 7 pp): Although he realises that some are 'rather poor', he is sending, through his brother (possibly the artist Alan Wright, 1864-1959), 'all the lyrics I have by me': 'I have not had time to "weed" yet, being veryy busily engaged writing lyrics for a Comedy-Opera ['Ethelinda, or a Philanthropic Fad' (1890), on which he collaborated with Hamilton O. Wylde] - & a libretto for Operetta; also been trying my hand at very sensational prose'.

Four Autograph Letters Signed ('W. Marshall') to Messrs Bradley & Son Ltd[, The Crown Press, Printers, Caxton Road, Reading], giving formula for 'Spacine' ('for the prevention of rising spaces in Monotype') and instructions for its application.

W. Marshall, East Dulwich printer and inventor [Bradley & Son, Reading printers; Monotype; Spacine]
Publication details: 
30 Jan. [1929], 8 and 13 May 1929 and undated; the first three from 92 Upland Rd, East Dulwich, London, S.E.22.

The four items, all on aged and lightly spotted paper, are attached by four rusty staples. One (five pages, octavo): In reply to the firm's inquiry regarding 'the prevention of rising spaces in Monotype', Marshall states that, instead of giving information, he 'would rather send you the method and you try it out and prove for yourself its value, then pay me afterwards'.

Handbill headed 'Souvenir. Street Library Book Fund.', consisting of a monologue entitled 'Lord Beaconsfield speaks before the curtain'.

Laurence Housman [The Street Library, The Crispin Hall; Somerset; English libraries]
Publication details: 
Crispin Hall, July 8th, 1931.'

One one side of a piece of laid paper, 26.5 x 21 cms. Aged and creased, with chipping to extremities and staining on reverse from repair to one of two closed tears. Thirty-six lines, with facsimile of Housman's signature at foot. An appeal for 'money for the Library - your Library'. Somewhat poignant, considering the present neglected state of the British library service. '[...] The question is - do you want to give money to your Library? [...] But, for my own part, I ask - why, why Libraries? What are they for? What there do you read?

Programme, with signatures, entitled 'The Centenary Meeting of the Reading Lodge of Union No. 414, held at the Masonic Hall, Greyfriars Road, Reading, on Thursday, Twenty-sixth day of October, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-three.'

Reading Lodge of Union No. 414 [Freemasons; Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
Printed at The Crown Press. Caxton Street, Reading, by Bradley & Son, Ltd. [1933.]

Octavo, 16 pages. In original cream wraps, tied with blue ribbon, and with the insignia of the Lodge printed on the front. Good, if a little aged. Creased where folded in half. With the signatures of seven of the Lodge's members in pencil on front wrap (Bob Bradley, P. H. Crozier, Herbert L. Hawkes and others). From the collection of the pamphlet's printer Robert W. Bradley, who is listed among the Lodge's Officers as 'Organist', and who signs 'Bob Bradley'.

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