
[Paul Robeson, black American singer and actor of international repute, prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement.] Autograph Signature from album.

Paul Robeson [Paul Leroy Robeson] (1898-1976), black American baritone singer and actor of international repute, prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On piece of pink paper roughly 13.5 x 9.5 cm. Reads: ‘Every good wish / Paul Robeson.’ No other writing, and the good firm signature with plenty of space around it. In good condition lightly aged, with thin strip of discoloration running through the ‘E’ of ‘Every’. Scan on application.

[William Smith O'Brien, Irish nationalist, a leader of the Young Ireland movement, deported to Van Diemen's Land by the British.] Autograph Signature and valediction on part of a letter.

William Smith O'Brien [Liam Mac Gabhann Ó Briain] (1803-64), Irish nationalist Member of British Parliament, a leader of Young Ireland movement, convicted of sedition and deported to Van Diemen's Land
William S OBrien
Publication details: 
No place or date.
William S OBrien

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 8 x 4.5 cm, cut from a letter. In fair condition, on lightly aged and discoloured paper, with several vertical postage folds. On one side good clear signature and valediction: ‘I remain, dear Sir / Faithfully Yours / William S OBrien’. On the other side, tantalizingly: ‘[...] part of England what [...] | [...] not her all to obtai[n] [...] | [...] sense of justice - [...]’

[Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and a leading figure of the Oxford Movement.] Autograph Letter Signed to [Henry James Coleridge or John Duke Coleridge] regarding nursing arrangements.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford, a leading figure in the Oxford Movement [Henry James Coleridge (1822-1893)]
Publication details: 
1 June 1868. With the embossed device of Oxford University Press.

See Pusey's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with those of the Coleridge brothers and (perhaps tangentially) Robin Schofield, ‘Sara Coleridge and the Oxford Movement’ (2020). 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-seven lines, in a close hand, rather difficult to decipher. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Coleridge’ and signed ‘E B Pusey’. What follows is a tentative transcription. ‘On hearing from your brother of the condition of dearest J. Rd & Mrs. Ks.

[Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed discussing arrangements regarding proofs over Christmas.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
9 December 1893. 'M. U | Elderfield' [Otterbourne, Hampshire].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with blocks of discoloration. Addressed to 'Dear Madam' and signed ' M Yonge'. She cannot tell her 'how late the final proof must be, as it depends on the printers, and the Christmas week so disturbs arrangements that they generally wish to have all finished earlier than usual'. She suggests sending he a card 'when the proofs come in to me', as there will be a few days to spare, 'while the other ladies are correcting them'.

[The Birth of the Scout Movement?: R. B. Haldane and Baden-Powell’s ‘scheme’.] Typed Note with cyclostyled sigature from the future Lord Chancellor Richard Burdon Haldane to ‘General Baden-Powell’, regarding a meeting with Sir Edward Ward.

[The Birth of the Scout Movement? R. B. Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane (1856-1928), 1st Viscount Haldane, Lord Chancellor] [Lord Baden-Powell [Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941)]; the Boy Scouts]
Publication details: 
23 May 1906. On embossed War Office letterhead.

‘Scouting for Boys’ did not begin its serialized publication until January 1908, but Baden-Powell’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that it was Haldane, as Secretary for War, who ‘persuaded him that character training should be at the centre of any scheme of boy instruction’, following a ‘major inspection’ of the Boys’ Brigade by him as Vice-President at Glasgow in April 1904. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight creasing and a short closed tear to one edge. Reads: ‘Dictated. / 23rd. May 1906. / Dear General Baden-Powell, / Thank you for your letter.

[Walter Crane, book illustrator, designer and painter associated with the Arts and Crafts movement and the Art-Workers' Guild.] Autograph Signature and valediction of a letter.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), book illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Crafts movement and the Art-Workers' Guild
Walter Crane
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Walter Crane

from the end of a letter. A good example of Crane's stylized and distinctive signature. Reads: 'Believe me, / Very truly yours, / Walter Crane'. The top part of a cropped 'P S' is present at bottom left. See Image.

[Arts and Crafts architecture in the Potteries, 1908.] Blueprint of plans and elevations by the architect William Ford Slater for ‘3 HOUSES HIGH LANE BURSLEM / FOR MR: HARRY H. ROSE / 1/8th Scale’, for construction by John Henry Broadhurst and Son.

[Arts and Crafts achitecture in the Potteries.] William Ford Slater (1866-1951), architect and surveyor; J. H. Broadhurst and Son [John Henry Broadhurst], builder of Burslem, Staffordshire.
Publication details: 
J. H. Broadhurst & Son, Burlem, Staffordshire. 27 [June?] 1908. ‘John Henry Broadhurst / [June?] 27/08 / p pro J H Broadhurst & Son’.

In 1907 the ‘Builder’ describes ‘Mr. W. F. Slater, Overhouse-chambers, Burslem’ as a ‘Surveyor’, and in 1909 the ‘Electrical Review’ refers to him as an ‘architect’ at the same address. Five years later ‘Building News’ reports that Slater is ‘architect to the education committee’. In 1921 (‘The Surveyor’) he is the ‘surveyor, Urban Council Offices, Wolstanton, Staffs’, and in 1926 (‘Public Works Weekly Surveyor’) he is ‘architect to the corporation’.

[Sir Edward Baines, editor of the Leeds Mercury and Liberal MP.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Silk Buckingham, regarding whether the latter’s son might lecture in Yorkshire, and Buckingham’s ‘immense service’ to ‘the Total Abstinence cause’.

Sir Edward Baines (1800-1890), editor of Leeds Mercury, Liberal Member of Parliament, nonconformist, abolitionist [James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855); his son Leicester Silk Buckingham (1825-1867)]
Publication details: 
15 March 1853; Leeds.

An interesting letter linking two similar individuals (like Baines, Buckingham had also served as a Yorkshire Member of Parliament, in his case for Sheffield as a radical between and 1835; and both men were newspaper proprietors). See the entries for Baines, with those for Buckingham and his son, in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. Addressed to ‘J. S. Buckingham, Esq’ and signed ‘Edw Baines’. He begins by saying that he will try and promote Buckingham’s ‘son’s introduction to this part of the country, as a Lecturer’. (According to L.

[The South African Peace Council; 1960s anti-nuclear movement.] Carnet of 12 stamps (one missing) issued by the SAPC, with mottos ‘Outlaw Atomic Weapons’ and ‘One Year of Negotiation is better than one Day of War’.

The South African Peace Council [1960s anti-nuclear movement; Hilda Bernstein (1915-2006) Marxist anti-apartheid campaigner]
Atom Bomb
Publication details: 
No date [early 1960s]. The South African Peace Council, P.O. Box 10528, Johannesburg.
Atom Bomb

A nice piece of anti-nuclear war ephemera. A 19 x 6.75 cm block of perforated stamps with gum on reverse. The block originally had twelve stamps, but the one at top right is lacking. Printed in blue on white with a simple design of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth, encircled by the words 'THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL.' Stapled between two 19 x 6.75 pieces of paper: the one behind the stamps blank and grey, the one before the stamps being the cover, on which is printed: ‘OUTLAW ATOMIC WEAPONS / THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL / P.O.

[Reading Cooperative Society Limited.] Large illustrated poster, in three colours, with 1913 ‘Members’ Calendar’ and information on the Society, from ‘Women’s Guild’ to ‘Artificial Teeth’.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited [Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester]
Publication details: 
‘Members’ Calendar’ for 1913 [printed in 1912]. Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited came into existence in the 1860s, as ‘Reading Industrial Co-operative Society’. A nice piece of ephemera from the high-tide mark of the co-operative movement. No other copy has been traced. 50 x 68 cm. A striking and attractive production in six columns, printed in red, olive-green and grey-black, and black, with border of raspberry leaves, calendar split between the outer edges. Large illustration of ‘Llandudno and the Great Orme’ beneath the heading ‘Each for all, & all for each.

[Ralph Reader, Broadway and West End theatrical impressario.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, thanking him for writing about ‘the new Award’ [perhaps the Novello?] and giving his news.

Ralph Reader (1903-1982), Broadway and West End theatrical impressario associated with Scouting movement Gang Show and FA Cup Final community singing [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
26 June 1957; on his letterhead, 14b Fitzjohn’s Avenue, NW3 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition. Signed ‘Ralph’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. It was ‘extremely good’, ‘and typical too’, of MP to write to him ‘about the new Award’. He is ‘at Newcastle now with the Val Parnell Summer Show and we ring up on Monday’. MP will know ‘what we shall be going through at the moment!’ He ends by thanking him ‘VERY [sic] much for writing’.

[Walter Crane, Arts and Crafts artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Stanley Little, with thirteen examples of Crane's work, including invitation cards, handbills, letterheads.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Craft Society, Fabian Society and Art Workers' Guild [James Stanley Little (1856-1940)]
Publication details: 
13 Holland Street, Kensington, and other London addresses. 1886 to 1912.

The fourteen items are laid down on three pages, on two leaves of grey paper, removed from an album, on the reverse of one leaf are two coloured coaching scenes by Randolph Caldecott, one featuring a highwayman. The overall condition is fair, with creasing and signs of age. The Autograph Letter Signed is from Crane to 'My dear Stanley Little'. 1p., landscape 8vo. With letterhead of Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, featuring an illustration by Crane of a shepherd and sheep. 20 September 1892.

[Cardinal Manning, second Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Letter Signed, as Rector of Lavington, asking the owner to lend him the key to the private chapel in Findon Church, so that he can make measurements for a new window for his own church.

Cardinal Manning [Henry Edward Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic prelate; second Archbishop of Westminster, 1865-1892 [Lavington and Findon, Sussex]
Publication details: 
2 May 1842. No place [Lavington, Sussex].

At the time of writing Manning was rector of Lavington, Sussex. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and also Edmund Sheridan Purcell, ‘Manning as an Anglican’ (1895). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a couple of creases. Folded twice. Signed ‘H. E. Manning.’ The recipient is not named. Begins: ‘My dear Sir / I am going to ask of you a favour by which you would greatly oblige me if you have no objection.

[Paul Robeson, celebrated black stage and screen actor prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement.] Autograph Signature ('Paul Robeson') written on photograph.

Paul Robeson [ Paul Leroy Robeson ] (1898-1976), black American baritone singer and actor prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 11 x 17.5 piece of shiny art paper, cut from a programme. The signature ?Paul Robeson? is written across Robeson?s front, beneath his smiling face in a black and white photograph. Beneath the photograph is the caption: ? ?A voice like his is worth waiting ten years to hear, and an art like his comes once in a generation.? / THE TORONTO EVENING TELEGRAM?. On the reverse are part of the lyrics from two songs, the second being ?Short?nin? bread?.

[ Pusey; Oxford Movement ] Thirteen (13) Pamphlets and Leaflets by or relating to Pusey and the Oxford Movement.

E.B. Pusey [ Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800 – 1882), Churchman, one of the Promoters of the Oxford Movement ]
Publication details: 
All printed by Baxter, Oxford, and published in 1843.

All in good condition, with occasional foxing and staining.1. [To Mr. Vice-Chancellor] Two pages, bifolium (second leaf blank), cr. 8vo, petition asking for Pusey to have a hearing. Multiple Signatories include H. Cary, Newman, Mark Pattison. List of signatories concludes with date, Oxford June 8, 1842. Baxter Printer.2. E.B. Pusey, Protest. Christ Church, June 2, 1843. No imprint or colophon.3. A Bachelor of Divinity, To the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor, two pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, second leaf blank. Re the proceedings […] with regard to Dr. Pusey.

[George Holyoake, radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. J. Holyoake') to 'Watson'

George Holyoake [George Jacob Holyoake] (1817-1906), radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'
Publication details: 
25 March 1900. Eastern Lodge, Brighton.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. Only the conclusion of the letter is in Holyoake's hand. It carries an unusually large and bold signature. In reply to a letter of Watson's he states that he was not aware of the 'paper in the Westminster Gazette [...] until four days after its appearance'. He asks him to send 'the Leader referring to its appearance which you mention', and commends Watson's son for bringing it to his notice. Holyoake does not know if the matter has 'been mentioned elsewhere in Newcastle'.

[Edmund Stonor, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Trebizond.] Eleven Autograph Letters Signed, in a collection of fifteen items of correspondence to his London lawyers Philip Witham and F. R. Ward. With two letters from Judge Henry James Stonor.

Edmund Stonor (1831-1912), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Trebizond and Senior Canon of St John Lateran, Chamberlain to Pope Pius IX [Philip Witham (1843-1921) and F. R. Ward, Irish lawyers in London]
Publication details: 
The fifteen items between 1884 and 1906. Eight of Stonor's letters from 27 Via Sistina, Rome. Other letters from 23 Clarges Street, London; Brighton; Abbey Hill, Winchester; and Imberhorne Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex.

Fifteen items of correspondence, including eleven autograph letters from Stonor himself, eight signed 'Edmund Stonor', the other three '+ Edmund Stonor | Abp of Trebizond'. The collection aged and worn, with fraying to edges. The items attached with a brass stud. Regarding the two recipients, prominent solicitors serving the Irish and Roman Catholic interests in London, Philip Witham (1843-1921) - whose firm was Roskell, Witham, Munster and Weld - appears to have succeed F. R. Ward at 1 Gray's Inn Square. The main topic of the correspondence is the drafting in 1888 of Stonor's will.

[Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Tho. Hughes') to 'Mr. Kynnersley', discussing: meeting Rugby schoolfellow 'Blandford', educating an abandoned boy, his co-operative beliefs, Joseph Chamberlain.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
ONE: 3 March 1884; 52 Promenade, Southport, Lancashire, on letterhead of the County Courts, Circuit No. 9, Chester. TWO: 30 November 1885. On letterhead of Uffington House, Chester.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 3 March 1884. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Kynnersley'. Having received Kynnersley's undated letter he writes: 'I shall meet Blandford as you propose on the 11th. with very great pleasure. He was one of the heroes on whom I used to look with awe as a 3rd. form boy in 1834 in which year I joined & he I think left Rugby.' He is sitting at Congleton on the day of the meeting, and 'there is just a chance that some perverse suitor may be in full blast at my train time in which case (as I never leave a cause part heard) I may be late'.

[ Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C M Yonge') to 'Miss Sewell' [Elizabeth Missing Sewell?] regarding books, reviews and Hookham's Lending Library.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
28 August [no year]. On letterhead of Elderfield, Otterbourne, Winchester.

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium of grey paper, with letterhead printed in red. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. The recipient is undoubtedly Elizabeth Missing Sewell or a member of her family, and the letter begins: 'My dear Miss Sewell, | I wish you could have accomplished giving us a day, hoping you might have found me in more lively and sensible trim than when you were here, when I had a headache just enough to make me stupid.' She is going to post her Roscoe's 'William I', which she got 'from the L[ending] Library'.

[Orby Shipley, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Orby Shipley') to an unidentified collector of rare theological works, regarding his plans for reprinting Roman Catholic titles, and a meeting.

Orby Shipley (1832-1916), religious writer, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert [William Wilfred Oates, Roman Catholic London publisher; Burns & Oates]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 39 Thurloe Square, S.W. [London] 4 December 1884 and 8 December 1884.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged, on bifoliums, stitched together. ONE: 4 December 1884. 4pp, 12mo. The recipient is not identified. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I am advised by more than one common friend to take the liberty of writing to you. Mr. Oates [publisher], amongst others, tells me that you have great knowledge of old Catholic literature & have collected many curious & valuable books. As I think you see the Tablet, I should like to direct your attention to a letter which I hope may appear in the next or the following number on some points on which I wish for information.

[ Paul Robeson, celebrated black stage and screen actor involved in the Civil Rights Movement. ] Autograph Signature and message.

Paul Robeson [ Paul Leroy Robeson ] (1898-1976), black American actor and singer involved in the Civil Rights Movement
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 16 March 1960.

In blue ink on one side of 10.5 x 14 cm. leaf torn from autograph album. Good bold signature. Reads: 'With best wishes | to you | & thanks | Paul Robeson | Mar 16/60'.

[ Washington Gledden, religious editor of the New York Independent and opponent of racial segregation. ] Autograph Signature.

Washington Gladden (1836-1918), American Congregational pastor and religious editor of New York Independent, prominent in the Social Gospel and Progressive Movements, opponent of racial segregation
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 29 January 1914.

On one side of a 12mo piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, folded once horizontally with traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Firm signature, underlined. Reads: 'Washington Gledden | Jan 29, 1914'.

[ Edward Churton (1800-1874), Hispanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Churton') to an unnamed party

Edward Churton, Archdeacon of Cleveland, and Hispanist
Publication details: 
'Crayke nr. Easingwold. | Feb. 29. 1868.'

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has 'dutifully employed a portion of this odd [last word underlined] day in the year' looking over his accounts, and finds that his 'Subscription for last Year to the Ch[urch]. Build[in]g. Soc[iet]y. was not paid'. He thinks the former local secretary for the area has retired, 'or has left off reminding the Subscribers when their Subsc[riptio]ns. become due'. He encloses 'what is meant to represent' his subscriptions for the present and previous years.

[ Robert Owen; Donation leaflet ] Robert Owen Statue Committee, Newtown. Robert Owen Statue Appeal.

[ Robert Owen, revolutionary; Gilbert Bayes, sculptor ]
Publication details: 
[Newtown, Montgomeryshire, 1956 ]

One page, 20 x 32.5cm (sm. fol.), minor creasing and wear, fold mark at centre. With biographical details, description of the proposed statue with photograph of the model to be transformed (Owen protecting child), officers of the Committee, and at bottom, blank form for a donation (concluding "Cooperative Union Ltd" - imprint presumably).

[ Rev. John Dixon Hales, anti-Catholic polemicist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. D. Hales') on church psalmody, 'Hullah's System' and Lady Katherine Halkett.

J. D. Hales [ John Dixon Hales ] (c.1800-1879), Perpetual Curate of St John, Richmond, Surrey, and anti-Catholic polemicist [ John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884); Lady Katherine Halkett (1790-1848) ]
Publication details: 
Richmond, Surrey. 24 January 1842.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient's name, at the foot of the last page, has been scored through. The letter begins: 'My dear Friend, | A note from our mutual friend Sawyer received this Evening informs me that he had transmitted to you some enquiries from me on ye. subject of Church Psalmody - & ye.

[ Joseph Blanco White (born José María Blanco y Crespo), Spanish author and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Blanco White') to 'Miss Jordan', giving advice regarding her Spanish studies, and revealing his attutude to his native language.

Joseph Blanco White [ born José María Blanco y Crespo ] (1775-1841), Spanish author and poet settled in England, associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ Oxford ]. 5 July 1829.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small strip of mount obscuring part of a couple of words on reverse of second leaf. A good letter of forty-nine lines, revealing White's attitude to his native language. He is answering her queries regarding her Spanish studies, and is sending a 'small parcel' to 'lay the foundation' of her 'Spanish Library'. He explains: 'You need not be shocked at the apparent weight of the obligation. I never read a Spanish book if I can help it. It is too painful for me, and I really wish I could forget the language.

[ Charlotte M. Yonge, novelist. ] Autograph Signature ('C M Yonge') to part of Autograph Letter.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 5.5 x 12.5 cm piece of grey paper, cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Written on both sides. The side with the signature reads: '[...] I will let you know if I have anything farther, but it does not at all depend on me | Yours faithfully | C M Yonge'. The other side reads: '[...] when of course we can accept them or not as we please. | Mr Hughes & some others were unwilling to write under a possible Editor who they thought might [...]'.

[ Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose and the Oxford Movement. ] Two unpublished Autograph Papers by 'RH', one in response to Newman's seventy-fifth Tract for Our Times; with long part of Autograph Letter to 'Dudley' on 'Popery'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College [ John Henry Newman; the Oxford Movement; Tractarianism; Richard Laurence, Archbishop of Cashel ]
Publication details: 
[ Brasenose College, Oxford. ] One of the papers dated 1838; the other on paper with 1837 watermark. Letter dated from 'Old' [ Ould, Northamptonshire ], 1840.

ONE: 'Remarks upon the Oxford Tract no 75. to which is prefixed a Table of passages from the Selections out of the Roman Breviary therein contained, which appear open to objection. | by | A Son of the Catholic Church'. Author identified at end as 'RH.' Undated, but paper with watermark: 'J WHATMAN | 1837'. 24pp., 4to. A stitched sheaf. Dog-eared, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Unpublished. With a few minor emendations.

[ Augustus Short, Bishop of Adelaide. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Short'), written while at Oxford to Rev. Richard Harington, regarding the Oxford Movement and 'Schismatics', and reporting a comment by John Henry Newman.

Augustus Short (1802-1883), first Bishop of Adelaide, Librarian of Christ Church [ Rev. Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose;J ohn Henry Newman; the Oxford Movement; Tractarians ]
Publication details: 
Neither with place or year [ 1840s ]. One 'Wednesday. Mh. 13.'; the other 'Tuesday | June 4'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. According to Short's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'had many friends among the Tractarians, and wrote (but did not publish) a defence of Tract 90, though he voted for the condemnation of W. G. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church in 1845. In 1846 he delivered at Oxford the Bampton lectures entitled The Witness of the Spirit with our Spirit'. ONE: 'Tuesday | June 4'. 3pp., 12mo. He begins by stating that he is enclosing the 'Extracts from the Tracts', together with Harington's 'paper of observations'.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Pope and the Revolution: A Sermon, preached in the Oratory Church, Birmingham, on Sunday, October 7, 1866.

John Henry Newman, D.D.
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1866.

48pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with the spine strengthened with stitching in white thread. Now uncommon.

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