[Ernest Bevin, Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition.] Typed Letter Signed to Sir David Ross

Ernest Bevin (1881-1961), Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Publication details: 
17 May 1940. On embossed letterhead of the Ministry of Labour and National Service, Montagu House, Whitehall S.W.1 [London]

See the entries for Bevin and Ross in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Sir David Ross, K.B.E., LL.D.’ and signed ‘Ernest Bevin’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir David, / In connection with my general plans I wish as soon as possible to make definite proposals concerning the Fair Wages Clause.’ He understands that ‘discussions between the T.U.C.

[Ernest Bevin, Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition.] Typed Letter Signed to [Sir David Ross,] the Vice Chancellor of Oxford University, regarding ‘the visit of the Greek Regent to this country’.

Ernest Bevin (1881-1961), Labour Party politician, Minister of Labour in Churchill’s wartime coalition [Sir David Ross [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971), Scottish philosopher, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford]
Ernest Bevin
Publication details: 
1 September 1945; on letterhead of the Foreign Office, S.W.1. [Whitehall, London]
Ernest Bevin

See the entries for Bevin and Ross in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘The Vice Chancellor, / Oxford University’. The two lines of Bevin’s autograph valediction ascending and converging at the same time: ‘Yours sincerely / Ernest Bevin’. He was glad to receive Ross’s letter ‘about the visit of the Greek Regent to this country’. He feels sure that ‘the Regent will wish to accept an invitation to visit Oxford’. He gives tentative dates for his stay, undertaking to ‘have a day at least set aside for this purpose’.

[Typography.] Handsomely-printed address titled ‘The Romance of Printing / Address by R. A. Austen-Leigh, M.A. / At Stationers’ Hall, London, E.C.4.’

R. A. Austen-Leigh, M.A. [Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh (1872-1961), printer and scholar; typography; Monotype; London School of Printing and Kindred Trades]
Publication details: 
Slug: ‘Monotype set and printed by students of the London School of Printing and Kindred Trades, 61, Stamford Street, London, S.E. Session 1926-27’.

Of the five copies on JISC only that at the BL is from one of the deposit libraries. 21pp, 4to. Collotype of engraving of Caxton as frontispiece. Sewn into grey card wraps with Yapp-style edges and title repeated on cover. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Thomas Mann, trade unionist and communist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both ‘Tom Mann’), as Secretary of London Reform Union, one endorsing a ‘scheme’ which will reduce the death rate; the other about ‘Douglas’ and a meeting of the Stepney Branch

Tom Mann [Thomas Mann] (1856-1941), trade unionist, socialist and communist [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
12 and 30 May 1993; both on letterhead of London Reform Union, Granville House, 3 Arundel Street, W.C. [London].

See the entry for Thomas Mann in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The second letter in good condition, lightly aged and folded once; the first in fair condition, folded three times with a number of short closed tears along creases. Mann is writing in his capacity as Secretary of the London Reform Union (for whose ‘Object’ see the end of this entry). ONE: 12 May 1893. 2pp, 4to.

[From crow-scarer to Member of Parliament: Joseph Arch, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed [to A. G. L. Rogers], approving of a ‘rural’ leaflet on behalf of the Liberal Party.

Joseph Arch (1826-1919), agricultural worker who became a prominent trade unionist and Liberal Member of Parliament [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
21 February 1892; Barford, Warwickshire.

See Arch’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of this letter the 1892 general election was looming, and the recipient was Secretary of the Publications Department of the National Liberal Federation. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[Sir Arnold Wesker, playwright.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Arnold Wesker') to Israeli author Aubrey Hodes, regarding his touring festival Centre 42, the English attitude to 'culture outside the commercial framework' and Israeli arts funding.

Sir Arnold Wesker (1932-2016), playwright and author [Aubrey Hodes, Israeli author; Centre 42; New Wave; Kitchen Sink Drama; Angry Young Men; Jewish writers]
Publication details: 
20 Fitzroy Square, London, N1. 17 October 1962.

Both 1p, 4to, and in good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Both letters addressed to Hodes at Beit Rosenberg, Keron Heyesod Street, Herzlia-on-Sea, Israel. The subject of the letters is Centre 42, the touring arts group Wesker formed to bring culture to the masses on his release from prison, following a sentence for civil disobedience with the Committee of 100 in opposition to nuclear weapons. The group moved to the Roundhouse in London in 1964.

[ Washington Gledden, religious editor of the New York Independent and opponent of racial segregation. ] Autograph Signature.

Washington Gladden (1836-1918), American Congregational pastor and religious editor of New York Independent, prominent in the Social Gospel and Progressive Movements, opponent of racial segregation
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 29 January 1914.

On one side of a 12mo piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, folded once horizontally with traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Firm signature, underlined. Reads: 'Washington Gledden | Jan 29, 1914'.

[ The Original Society of Papermakers, Maidstone. ] 72 printed items

The Original Society of Papermakers, Maidstone, Kent [ James Bourke and R. Robertson, Secretaries ]
Publication details: 
Mainly printed by R. W. Burkitt, Maidstone, Kent. Three dating from 1901, the other 69 from between 1920 and 1929.

An interesting collection of material relating to trades unions in the paper industry, and a scarce survival. The University of Birmingham, which holds a small collection of pre-twentieth-century material relating to the Original Society of Papermakers, notes that 'Few records have survived, including papers kept by chance and found within later correspondence'.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet by Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labour. ] American Labour & the War

Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labour [ The Daily Chronicle, London; British Trades Union Congress; National War Aims Committee, London ]
Publication details: 
'No. 28.' 'Reprinted, by permission, from the "Daily Chronicle," November 15, 1917.' 'From the statement of Samuel Gompers conveyed through Messrs. John Golden and James Lord, fraternal delegates to the British Trade Union Congress'.

[4]pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn newspaper stock. Front page headed by National War Aims Committee medallion featuring George slaying the dragon. Introductory note: 'Mr. Samuel Gompers has been president of the American Federation of Labour - with the intermisssion of one year - since 1882. The body of which he is the founder has now a membership of over 2,500,00, and he is consequently entitled to speak authoritatively for organised labour in the United States.' Headings: 'International Conferences' and 'In Freedom's Cause'. No copy in the British Library.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] British War Aims | Statement by the Prime Minister, The Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5, 1918.

'The Right Honourable David Lloyd George'
Publication details: 
Published by Authority of the British Government. Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison, Jehring & Co., Ltd., 11-15, Emerald Street, London, W.C.1. [ 1918 ].

12pp., 8vo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. 'This Statement was delivered to a meeting of the Representatives of Labour called to consider the question of further efforts for the prosecution of the war.

[ Emilia, Lady Dilke. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Emilia F. S. Dilke') to 'Mrs Lewis', on topics including an article in 'The World', 'Mr Whitmore', 'Mrs Jay' and the Dilkes' 'island'.

Emilia, Lady Dilke [ born Emily Francis Strong ] (1840-1904), feminist and trades unionist, wife, first of Oxford academic Mark Pattison (1813-84), and then of Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke (1843-1911)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dockett Eddy, by Shepperton, Middlesex. 26 June 1890.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She begins with criticism of an article 'which has also appeared in the "World", which she is sure 'will vex Mr Whitmore'. She assures Mrs Lewis that no-one will suspect her of involvement, and thanks her for having 'secured the valuable services of Mrs Jay for Park Walk [...] Her playing has been invaluable to us [...] I want to ask her to come on our sub-committee'. She would like Mrs Lewis and her daughter to 'come down & dine & sleep on our island!', the Thames running under the house's verandah.

[ Pamphlet. ] Why Men Strike or, Strikes and how to get rid of them. A Lecture by Dr. Edward McGlynn.

Dr. Edward McGlynn [ The Anti-Poverty Society, New York ]
Publication details: 
London: William Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C. [ Circa 1889. ]

14 + [2] pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 'Delivered under the auspices of the Anti-Poverty Society at the Cooper Institute, New York, on Sunday, March 3, 1889, for the benefit of the Street-Car Drivers and Conductors out of employment through the late strike.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC in Oxford.

[ The Compulsory Weighing and Measurement Bill, 1906. ] Eight items from the files of the London and North Western Railway, including a copy of the bill and correspondence with the Iron, Steel and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Great Britain.

The Iron, Steel and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Great Britain (J. R. Winpenny of Middlesborough, Secretary); London and North Western Railway; Compulsory Weighing and Measurement Bill, 1906
Publication details: 
Middlesborough and Crewe. 1906 and 1907.

The eight items are unbound, in fair condition, on aged paper with loss to extremities of some documents.ONE: Printed parliamentary bill: 'Compulsory Weighing and Measurement. | A Bill To provide for the Weighing and Measurement of the Material used in the process of manufacture, as well as the Product thereof, in all Iron or Steel Works, Cement Works, Lime Works, and Chalk Quarries. | Presented by Mr. Barnes, | supported by | Mr. Keir Hardie, Mr. Hodge, [and nine others] | Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 22 February 1906.

[ The Osborne Judgment, 1909, on union funding of British political parties. ] Handbill from 'The Joint Board' (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party) regarding a 'Special Conference' to discuss the 'Osborne Decision'.

The Osborne Judgment, 1909; W. A. Appleton; C. W. Bowerman; J. Ramsay MacDonald; The Joint Board (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party); Walter Victor Osborne (1870-1950) ]
Publication details: 
The Joint Board representing the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress, The General Federation of Trade Unions, and the Labour Party. 'Conference, Caxton Hall, November 10th, 1910.'

2pp., 12mo. Printed on one side of a 25 x 31.5 cm piece of shiny paper, with a central vertical perforation line. Damp damage to the heading (with some loss of text), otherwise in good condition. The text, by Appleton, Bowerman and MacDonald, is on the left-hand page, and begins: 'Osborne Decision.

[Jane Dalgliesh.] Manuscript itemised laundry bill, made out by her for David Williamson [later Lord Balgray].

Jane Dalgliesh [David Williamson (1761-1837), Lord Balgray]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [Scotland]. Entries dating from 7 April to 9 August 1780.

2pp., 12mo. Headed 'Mr David Williamson to Jane Dalgliesh'. Twenty items, each with separate charge, beginning with 'April 7th 9 Shirts - -

Printed handbill headed '"Lest We Forget." Why You Should Join The Merchant Seamen's League Founded at the Great Boycott Meeting in the Royal Albert Hall, London, on Sept. 28th.' (Founded 'to punish the Gerrmans'.) With printed subscription slip.

[The Merchant Seamen's League; J. Havelock Wilson, Secretary; Admiral The Lord Beresford; the Great Boycott Meeting, the Royal Albert Hall, 28 September 1917]
Publication details: 
The Merchant Seamen's League, 76, Victoria Street, Westminster, London. Printer: 'St. George's Prress, T.U. Printers, 2, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C. [London]' [1917.]

Both items in good condition, on aged high-acidity paper. The handbill is printed on one side of a piece of 30.5 x 19.5 cm. paper. The meeting is said to have been 'Presided over by Admiral The Lord Beresford, and there is a list of fifteen individuals by whom the resolutions were supported, beginning with 'J. Havelock Wilson, C.B.E., (President of the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union)' and 'Commander HOUGHTON, R.N.R. (Marine Service Associatio - Masters and Officers - Liverpool)'.

Printed handbill headed 'Tradesmen wanted. Join the Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force and make use of your technical knowledge.' With 'Rates of Pay during Training or on Service' for twenty-one trades.

[The Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army Field Force; London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea, London; British Army]
Publication details: 
The Headquarters, London Divisional Engineers, Duke of York's Headquarters, King's Road, Chelsea. [1940s.] Printed by 'W. W. S. & CO., LTD.'

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear and few short closed tears. An interesting artefact, reflecting the postwar British manpower shortage. The heading is all in block capitals, with 'TRADESMEN WANTED' across the top.

Coloured drawing by F. Afchain-Vanpoulle of Liège of a design for the processional banner of the Jupille section of the feminist wing of the Belgian Labour Party ('P.O.B. Action Feminine Section de Jupille'), with pencil annotations.

F. Afchain-Vanpoulle, 106, rue Cathédrale, Liège [Action Feminine (founded 1921), Parti Ouvrier Belge; Belgian Labour Party; feminism; women's rights]
Publication details: 
Undated [1920s]. Stamp of 'F. Afchain-Vanpoulle, 106, rue Cathédrale, Liège'.

On one side of piece of thick wove paper, 36 x 28 cm. The design is clearly and neatly drawn, coloured in orange, gold, red, blue, brown, black, grey and pink. The banner, casting a grey shadow, is shown tied by ribbon with black, yellow and red stripes onto a spearheaded flagpole, with carved horizontal branch. The banner has a bright red ground, and is of irregular rectangular shape (curved outer lower corner), with gold tassels along the lower edge.

Five items relating to the Amalgamated Engineering Union, Birmingham Branch No. 304BE, including two minute books, 1943-1956 and 1957-1980; 'Proposition and Entrance Book', 1966-1976; and two unemployment benefit books, 1956-1978 and 1966-1979.

Amalgamated Engineering Union, Birmingham Branch No. 304BE [trades unions; welfare benefits; British labour relations]
Publication details: 
Birmingham. 1943 to 1980.

This small archive casts invaluable light on British labour relations at a local level during a turbulent economic period in postwar British history, with specific day-to-day information about persons and events. The two minute books, 1943-1980, are both 4to, with the first of around 200 pp and the second of around 150 pp. Both texts clear and complete, and some matter loosely inserted (including a letter from an individual pursuing a complaint against the branch). In worn bindings, with the boards of the second volume detached.

Dry Stereo Flong for the stereotype printing of a poster headed 'Printers' Night. | Printing and Allied Trades' Amateur Boxing Club'.

Printing and Allied Trades' Amateur Boxing Club [stereotype printing; trades unions; pugilism]
Publication details: 
Printing and Allied Trades' Boxing Club. For an event to be held at the Stadium Club, 85, High Holborn, W.C.2., 12 February 1935.

The flong is 31.5 x 19 cm. Stamped on reverse 'LIGHT'S - "IDEAL" | HAND CASTING | DRY STEREO FLONG'. Small triangle missing from the top left-hand corner, causing the loss of the first letter of the first line (the 'P' in 'PRINTERS'); apart from that text clear and complete. Top right-hand corner slightly dogeared, crease along one rule, and thin strip of wear at foot (not affecting text). An interesting piece of printing ephemera.

Printed Indenture of Apprenticeship, in two identical parts.

Apprentice's Indenture [Apprenticeship; London; printed ephemera]
Publication details: 
[circa 1810] London: 'Sold by COLES, KNIGHT and DUNN, Stationers, No. 21, Fleet Street. Printed by W. SMITH, and Co. King Street, Seven Dials.

A bifolium, with the text printed landscape on the recto of the two leaves, each of which are 21 x 33.5 cm. On laid Britannia paper watermarked 'G. PIKE | 1809'. The first two words in gothic script, nine-line marginal note in italic, and the rest in roman. Thirty-three lines of text, with spaces for manuscript insertions. Neither of the two parts (presumably one for the master and the other for the apprentice's family) has been filled in. Prepared for completion in the 1810s ('in the Year of our Lord 181[gap]').

[Railway Reading.] Workmen's Earnings, Strikes, and Savings. By Samuel Smiles, author of 'Life of George Stephenson,' 'Self Help,' etc. Reprinted from the 'Quarterly Review.'

Samuel Smiles [Victorian trades unions; strikes; industrial action]
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1861. Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross.

12mo, 168 pp. In original red printed wraps, yellow endpapers. Attractive bookseller's ticket of 'Hunt Books 1919 Southborough Kent England' on front pastedown. Internally sound, with a little light staining and some unobtrusive marking in margins. Wraps chipped and worn at corners and spine, with small ink stain on back. Front wrap headed 'RAILWAY READING.' Small neat ownership stamp of J. D. Bowen at head of title.

autograph letter signed to James Hartford

Samuel Lambert, S. L. & Co., varnish makers [Pratt & Lambert?]
Publication details: 
2pp, 8vo, 17 August 1892, on printed letterhead headed 'From S. L. & Co.'

Long and unusually entertaining account 'Re Varnish', addressed to an American correspondent. A fascinating insight into the nature of Victorian entrepreneurship. 'It has long been an idea of mine that of all the Trades the most profitable one is Varnish [...] the Germans, clever as they are, can't make Varnish at all [...] nor for that matter can the Americans'.

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