[William Thomas Moncrieff, English playwright and theatre manager.] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting to the Irish singer and composer Tom Cooke to collaborate on a production at the Victoria Theatre.

William Thomas Moncrieff (1794-1857), English playwright and theatre manager [Thomas Simpson Cooke, Irish singer and composer]
Publication details: 
3 November 1835; Victoria [i.e. the Victoria Theatre, London].

See the two men?s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and a little worn, with short closed tear at head of the first leaf repaired with tape, and the second leaf having a discoloration at one edge from tape used in mount. Signed ?W. T. Moncrieff?. Casting interesting light on the production of melodramas in the ?Surrey-side? theatres.

[Cholera epidemic in Madeira, 1856.] Autograph Letter Signed from Tom Taylor, Secretary of the Board of Health (and future editor of Punch), to his former school fellow Rev. A. J. D. D’Orsey, arranging for medical publications to be sent him.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), editor of ‘Punch’, journalist, author and civil servant [Rev. Alexander James Donald D’Orsey (1812-1894); cholera epidemic in Madeira, 1856]
Publication details: 
‘Azerley Hall / nr. Ripon / Wednesday Oct 1. [1856]’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. D’Orsey was Professor of Elocution at University College, London. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. On aged, brittle paper, with slight wear and discoloration, a few closed tears along folds and traces of stub adhering to second leaf, but with entire text clear and intact. A long untidy letter, with writing up the margin on outer two pages. Addressed to ‘The Revd. A J D’Orsey’ and signed ‘Tom Taylor’. The topic is an outbreak of cholera at Madeira, about which D’Orsey has clearly launched an appeal.

[‘I have got hold of a rascally bad pen’: Thomas Hughes, author of the Victorian children’s classic ‘Tom Brown’s Schooldays’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Stead’, responding to a request for an autograph.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), author of the Victorian children's classic 'Tom Brown's Schooldays', Liberal MP and judge
Publication details: 
24 October 1871; on embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum club, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice for postage. One corner very slightly cropped. Signed ‘Tho. Hughes’. In response to a request for an autograph he writes: ‘My dear Madam / I have only just returned to town where I find your note, with the request contained in which I have much pleasure in complying & sending you my signature below, though it is not a good specimen as I have got hold of a rascally bad pen.’ See Image.

[Louis-Arsène Delaunay, French actor with the Comédie Française.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Tom Taylor, playwright and editor of Punch, in enveloped addressed by him to 'Sir Tom Taylor'.

Louis-Arsène Delaunay (1826-1903), French actor who over four decades created almost two hundred parts with the Comédie Française [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
'London July 4 1879 / Upper Montagu st. W'.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Taylor's in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once. In worn envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmark, and slight loss around flap. The envelope was no doubt retained because it was addressed by Delaunay to 'Sir Tom Taylor / Lavender Sweet [sic] / Wandsworth'. A neatly laid written and laid out communication, addressed to ‘Cher Monsieur Taylor’ and signed ‘Yours truly / L Delaunay / de la Comedie française’.

[John Adams-Acton, English sculptor.] Letter in a Secretarial Hand, Signed by him, inviting the editor of Punch Tom Taylor to visit his studio, with a list of six works to be seen there, including a bust of the prime minister Gladstone.

John Adams-Acton (1830-1910), English sculptor [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
‘Margutta House. / 103. Marylebone Road / March 28th. 1873.’

See his entry, and that of Taylor, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Only the sculptors heavily inked signature ‘John Adams-Acton’ is in his hand, the rest more lightly written by an amanuensis. Addressed ‘To, Tom Taylor Esqr.’ Begins: ‘I address you as a representative of the press to solicit you to pay my studio a visit.’ He lists the names of five ‘public and distinguished men’ whose busts he can show, beginning with ‘The Right Honble W. E. Gladstone - Premier’ and including ‘Isaac Holden Esqr.

[Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, editor of Punch, praising a performance of his play ‘The Ticket-of-Leave Man’.

Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Secretary of State for War in two Liberal administrations [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
2 June [no year, but 1863, and on paper watermarked with that date]; on letterhead of 13 Carlton House Terrace.

See the entry for Grey and Taylor in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Taylor - / I am just come home from seeing “the ticket of leave man,” & before I go to bed I must thank you for an evening of very great enjoyment.’ It pleased him ‘to see so good a play, not taken from the French, but really English, [the play was in fact adapted from the French] & teaching the public what is true instead of encouraging a popular delusion of the day’.

[John Walter the younger, proprietor of The Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, editor of Punch, regarding the Arundel Society, and a ‘wonderful’ chromolithograph of a Van Eyck.

John Walter (1818-1894) the younger, proprietor of The Times [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
20 February 1873. On letterhead of 40 Upper Grosvenor Street [London].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. From Taylor’s papers. Addressed to ‘Tom Taylor Esq’. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Taylor / I have profited by your kind instructions, & enrolled myself on the List of the Arundel Society.’ He finds the collection ‘well worth seeing’, and ‘the Van Eyck in particular strikes me as being the most wonderful example of successful reproduction in Chromo Lithography that I have yet seen’. Signed ‘J Walter’. From Taylor’s papers.

[Alfred Perceval Graves, Anglo-Irish poet, father of Robert Graves.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, with news of parliament, an Irish humorous story, a 'treble anagram' and in hopes of meeting with Shirley Brooks, editor of Punch.

Alfred Perceval Graves (1846-1931), Anglo-Irish poet, songwriter and folklorist, father of poet and critic Robert Graves [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, editor of Punch; Shirley Brooks]
Publication details: 
10 July [1872?]. Home Office, Whitehall. On letterhead of the Secretary of State, Home Department.

See his entry, those of his sons Philip and Robert, and that of Taylor, in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-worn paper. Addressed to ‘My Dear Mr Taylor’ and signed ‘Alfred P. Graves’. He begins by enquiring after the state of the recipient’s health, before giving details of when Parliament ‘will probably be up’: ‘Otherwise I have no political news to interest you.

[Tom Taylor and Sadler’s Wells.] Autograph Letter Signed to Taylor from Kate Crowe ('Miss Kate Bateman'), regarding the address he has written for her to recite at the reopening of Sadler's Wells, with pencil notes on Lord Burleigh by Taylor.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, editor of Punch, Times art critic; Kate Josephine Crowe (1842-1917), actress, daughter of American-born actress Sidney Bateman (1823-1881), lessee of Sadler's Wells
Publication details: 
Addressed by Kate Crowe: ‘7 Taviton St. Gordon Sqr. [London] W.1 / Oct. 1st. [1879]’ Taylor's notes without date or place.

The present item is on a 12mo bifolium of light gray paper, with Kate Crowe’s letter on the two outer pages, and Tom Taylor’s unrelated pencil notes on the two inner pages. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. There is an engraved portrait of ‘Miss Kate Bateman’, with a long biographical footnote, on pp.160-161 of ‘The Reminiscences of J. L. Toole’, ed. Hatton (1889). That footnote states, with regard to the subject of this letter: ‘Miss Bateman appeared on the first night of the reopening of Sadler’s Wells under the management of [her mother] Mrs.

[Tom Chetwynd, author on spirituality.] Typescript (of the second part of his dystopian first novel ‘The Copper Cow’?) titled ‘The GHOSTLY and the BEASTLY. Part II.’

Tom Chetwynd [Tom Wentworth Guy Chetwynd] (1938-2012), author of many works on spirituality [dystopian science fiction]
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1962?). On title-page: ‘Tom Chetwynd, / 12 Mornington Terrace, / N.W.1. / 387-7709.’

Apparently an earlier version of the concluding part of Chetwynd’s dystopian first book, ‘The Copper Cow’, published in London by Anthony Blond in 1962 which gives a surrealistic description of a Britain of the near future. Duplicated typescript, double-spaced and printed on rectos of leaves only, all attached with metal stud. Paginated 115-210, preceded by title page and section title. In good condition, lightly aged. With deletions and manuscript corrections duplicated, but no actual manuscript emendations.

[The Cambridge Apostles, 1871.] Autograph Letter Signed from Frederic Ferrar, proprietor of the Star and Garter, Richmond, to Tom Taylor regarding arrangements for a dinner of the ‘Cambridge Conversazione Soc[iet]y’ [Apostles].

The Cambridge Apostles, 1871; the Cambridge Conversazione Society; Frederic Ferrar, proprietor of the Star and Garter, Richmond; Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and comic writer
Publication details: 
11 June 1871. On letterhead of the Star and Garter, Richmond Hill.

A nice item relating to a famously secretive and influential society. See Taylor’s entry in the Oxford DNB (Ferrar is not to be confused with the Dean of Canterbury Frederic Farrar, who was an Apostle). 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Sixteen lines, very neatly written. On aged and creased paper, with part of the leaf torn away at top left (not affecting text). Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Tom Taylor Esqre. / 8 Richmond Terrace / Whitehall / S.W.’ and signed ‘Fredc: Ferrar. / Genl.

[John Wood, distinguished English actor, associated with Tom Stoppard.] His copy of the script of ?The Fantasticks / A Parable about Love / Words by Tom Jones / Music by Harvey L. Schmidt?, with autograph note by him and stage plans.

John Wood (1930-2011), English actor associated with Tom Stoppard [?The Fantasticks?, musical by Tom Jones and Harvey L. Schmidt]
Publication details: 
Title page: ?Copyright 1959 by Tom Jones and Harvey L. Schmidt / Property of: Music Theatre Inc. / 119 West 57th Street/ New York 19, New York?. By ?the studio duplicating service / 434 west 43rd street, n.y.c. / LO 3-1225? [New York City, USA.]

See Michael Coveney?s obituary in the Guardian, 10 August 2011, which states that Wood was ?one of the greatest stage actors of the past century?, and that he ?returned to the West End in 1961 as Henry Albertson in the whimsical off-Broadway musical The Fantasticks, at the Apollo?. 86pp, 4to. Each act separately paginated. Duplicated and bound with metal studs into black waxed-card wraps, with each page on the recto of a separate leaf. Title ?THE FANTASTICKS? printed on front cover, with details of the Studio Duplicating Service. In good condition, lightly aged, in lightly creased wraps.

[Thomas Hughes, author of ‘Tom Brown’s Schooldays’.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Spencer Ponsonby of the Lord Chamberlain's Office, introducing ‘Mr. Selway’, whom he advises him to consult about proposals for a theatre in Surrey Gardens.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), author of the Victorian classic children's book 'Tom Brown's Schooldays', Liberal MP for Lambeth [Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane of the Lord Chamberlain's Office]
Publication details: 
19 March 1872. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. On first leaf of a bifolium of wove paper. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Tho. Hughes’. Begins: ‘My dear Ponsonby / Let me introduce the bearer, Mr. Selway, [i.e. William Robbins Selway (c.1822-1893) of Walworth] who was vice Chairman of my Committee in Lambeth, & is one of the most influential & trustworthy men in the South of London’. Selway wishes to see Ponsonby ‘about a building in the Surrey Gardens which certain persons are proposing to convert into a Theatre’.

[Tom Clarke, editor of the News Chronicle, as Director of Practical Journalism, King's College.] Typed Letter Signed ('Tom Clarke') to Morley Stuart of the Cambridge Daily News, regarding. his talk and journalism.

Tom Clarke [Thomas Clarke (1884-1957)], editor, News Chronicle; Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College [Morley Stuart (c.1887-1949), editor, Cambridge Daily News]
Publication details: 
11 January 1937; on his letterhead, University of London King's College, Strand W.C.2.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. He is pleased that Stuart is 'coming along on March 15 to talk to the journalism students, and tell them from a practical point of view what they have to expect when they make a start on a good provincial newspaper'. He agrees with Stuart's plan to 'emphasise that Fleet Street is not the only place in the world', his own view being that 'the best traditions of British journalism are still enshrined in the provincial press'.

[Tom Arnold, ‘Napoleon of Show Business’.] Eleven items, including six Signed and Typed communications to W. Macqueen-Pope; biography of Arnold by MP; ‘Memorandum of Agreement’ with MP; poster for Arnold’s ‘Cinderella’ at Glasgow Alhambra.

Tom Arnold [Thomas Charles Arnold] (1897-1969), international impressario of everything from opera to rodeos, circus and seaside piers [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian and press agent]
Publication details: 
Arnold’s six communications between 1942 and 1959; two on his Shaftesbury Avenue letterhead, two others from the same address, and two from 112 Jermyn Street, London. Agreement: 15 April 1943. Poster: 1950 / 1951, Glasgow Alhambra.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Eleven items, in fair overall condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. All six of Arnold’s communications are signed ‘Tom Arnold’. Arnold’s two TLsS are dated 2 October 1942 and 23 July 1959. In the second of these (1p, landscape 8vo) he thanks MP for a producing a piece of writing which ‘suits the mood’: ‘I appreciate your doing this, and the speed with which you tackled it for me.

[Evelyn Lake, playwright and children’s author.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, regarding a play she has written and is offering to ‘Mr Tom Arnold’. With accompanying printed poem by her.

Evelyn Lake, playwright and children’s author [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
24 August 1953; 5 Valley Road, Bude, N. Cornwall.

See the recipient’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Signed ‘Evelyn Lake’. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of paperclip. Folded once. She enjoyed his ‘article in yesterday’s Reynolds News’, and thinks it is ‘Lovely to be able to make people laugh spontaneously.

[Tom Walls, English stage and film actor and director of the famous Aldwych farces.] Autograph Signature (‘Best Wishes / Tom Walls’) from autograph album.

Tom Walls [Thomas Kirby Walls] (1883-1949), English stage and film actor, remembered for producing, directing and acting in 1920s Aldwych farces and their 1930s film adaptations
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 9.5 x 11.5 cm leaf of blue paper, with rounded outer corners, torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged, with spotting on reverse. Reads: ‘Best Wishes / Tom Walls.’ Good bold writing, with stylistic flourish linking the cross-stroke of the T in ‘Tom’ with the S of ‘wishes’, and two small vertical strokes at the centre of the underlining of the signature. See image

[Thomas Mann, trade unionist and communist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both ‘Tom Mann’), as Secretary of London Reform Union, one endorsing a ‘scheme’ which will reduce the death rate; the other about ‘Douglas’ and a meeting of the Stepney Branch

Tom Mann [Thomas Mann] (1856-1941), trade unionist, socialist and communist [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
12 and 30 May 1993; both on letterhead of London Reform Union, Granville House, 3 Arundel Street, W.C. [London].

See the entry for Thomas Mann in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The second letter in good condition, lightly aged and folded once; the first in fair condition, folded three times with a number of short closed tears along creases. Mann is writing in his capacity as Secretary of the London Reform Union (for whose ‘Object’ see the end of this entry). ONE: 12 May 1893. 2pp, 4to.

[Richard Wright Procter, Manchester poet.] Long Autograph Letter Signed (‘R. W. Procter.’) to C. W. Sutton, discussing the huntsman Tom Moody and Sir Edward Lugden, and describing how he once ‘watched hounds’ and ‘quaffed brown beer with huntsmen’.

Richard Wright Procter (1816-1881), nineteenth-century Manchester author, poet, barber, circulating library proprietor [C. W. Sutton; Tom Moody, huntsman; Sir Edward Lugden, Conservative politician]
Publication details: 
26 September 1870; 133 Long Millgate [Manchester].

See Procter’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition on lightly-aged paper. 85 lines of closely- and neatly-written text. He begins by thanking Sutton for ‘the welcome portrait of Sir Edward Lugden’. He gives an example of Lugden’s ‘happy election repartee’(a joke about ‘Lather’ and ‘the present price of “Soap”’), for which, if no other reason, he ‘deserves a niche in my tonsorial gallery’.

[Thomas Hughes, politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Hughes') to 'Bricknell', regarding the threat of resignation (from the Athenaeum?) by 'the good but peppery & impulsive D[octo]r.'

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
7 June 1875. On letterhead of the Athenaeum Club [London].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Clearly and firmly written. The letter would appear to concern an individual who is threatening to resign his membership of the Athenaeum Club, and ends with reference to proxy voting for new members. Hughes begins by reporting that he has 'already written to the good but peppery & impulsive Dr. of whom I am as fond as you are'.

[ B.P. Shillaber; humorist ] Autograph Note Signed B.P. Shillaber to a Walter G. Webster responding to a request for his autograph

B.P. Shillaber [Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber (1814-1890), American printer, editor, and humorist.]
Publication details: 
Chelsea, Mass., 20 July 1872.

Part of leaf from exercise book (it seems), 12.5 x 11.5cm, laid down on paper slightly larger, good condition. Dear Sir: I comply with your request very willingly, and subscribe myself Yours autographically | and truly | B.P. Chillaber | for sef and | Mrs Partington.

[Richard Carlile, leader of the Rotunda Radicals.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mr. Teague', i.e. John Teague, Keeper of the Giltspur Street Compter where Carlile was incarcerated, regarding editing proofs and having his head cast by phrenolog

Richard Carlile (1790-1843), publisher and writer, leader of the Rotunda Radicals, lover of Elizabeth Sharples (1803-1852), suffragist [John Teague (1779-1841), Keeper of the Giltspur Street Compter
Publication details: 
'Compter Decr. 29. 1834'. [Giltspurt Street Compter, London]

For information on Carlile - described by E. P. Thompson as a 'Showman of Free Thought' - and his 'moral wife' the suffragist Eliza Sharples, see their entries in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Carlile was in prison for refusal to pay the church rates. The proofs Carlile asks to be allowed to receive in the first letter are presumably those of his journal 'The Gauntlet'. The phrenologist 'Mr. Hohn' referred to in the second of the letters - the 'Mr. Holme' of the accompanying slip - is the German-born physician and phrenologist John Diederick Holm (d.1856).

[Father Tom Maguire, Dean of Kilmore, Irish Roman Catholic priest, celebrated orator.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Maguire') to Richard Montgomery of Coolehill, regarding his gift of a five-year-old pup, 'coursing in Goulan', and 'a great Auction'.

Father Tom Maguire [Thomas Maguire] (1792-1847), Dean of Kilmore, Irish Roman Catholic priest, orator, polemicist, controversialist and nationalist [Richard Montgomery of Coolehill]
Publication details: 
19 April 1844. No place, but with one of the postmarks from Ballinamore [Co. Leitrim, Ireland].

Maguire was, his entry in the Oxford DNB states, 'one of the most popular orators of his age, and from 1829 until 1843 he addressed huge crowds and packed congregations in churches and at venues throughout England and Ireland'.

['Mark Twain' (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), great American writer.] Envelope addressed to 'S. L. Clement, Esqr. | "Mark Twain"', at 'Buckenham Hall', and forwarded to 88 Brook Street, with annotations and eight postmarks.

'Mark Twain', pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), great American writer, creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, described by William Faulkner as 'the father of American literature'
Publication details: 
Sent from Belfast to Brandon in Norfolk, and then on to London. November 1887.

8.5 x 14 envelope. In fair condition, aged and creased. Torn open, with slight loss to flap. A nice Mark Twain artefact, and something of a puzzle, as he does not appear to have been in England at the time. There does not appear to be any connection between Twain and William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst (1835-1909), 1st Baron Amherst of Hackney, whose London address was 88 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square.

[William Hurrell Mallock, novelist and economist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Mallock.') to 'L[ad]y Virginia', praising her novel, which he 'did not willingly put [...] down for an instant'.

W. H. Mallock [William Hurrell Mallock] (1849-1923), novelist and conservative economist
Publication details: 
7 May 1887. On letterhead of Bornhill, Bramford Speke, Exeter.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. The indentity of the recipient is unclear. The letter begins: 'Dear Ly Virginia | The other day I bought your novel, & the first comfortable leisure moment I had, I began to read it.

[Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Tho. Hughes') to 'Mr. Kynnersley', discussing: meeting Rugby schoolfellow 'Blandford', educating an abandoned boy, his co-operative beliefs, Joseph Chamberlain.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
ONE: 3 March 1884; 52 Promenade, Southport, Lancashire, on letterhead of the County Courts, Circuit No. 9, Chester. TWO: 30 November 1885. On letterhead of Uffington House, Chester.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 3 March 1884. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Kynnersley'. Having received Kynnersley's undated letter he writes: 'I shall meet Blandford as you propose on the 11th. with very great pleasure. He was one of the heroes on whom I used to look with awe as a 3rd. form boy in 1834 in which year I joined & he I think left Rugby.' He is sitting at Congleton on the day of the meeting, and 'there is just a chance that some perverse suitor may be in full blast at my train time in which case (as I never leave a cause part heard) I may be late'.

Musical Bouquet Edition. One Hundred Songs of Ireland: Words and Music.

Songs of Ireland [Musical Bouquet Edition, London; Richard Born, London printer]
Publication details: 
London: Musical Bouquet Office, 192, High Holborn. 1857. [Printed by Richard Born, Crawley Street, Euston Square.]

60pp., 8vo. In green printed wraps, the front cover carrying a dense illustration of scenes from various songs ('Kitty of Coleraine', 'Angel's Whisper', 'The Irish Wedding', 'Donnybrooke Fair', 'Low-Back'd Car' and 'The Wake'), with Tom Moore at the head, printed by Richard Born from a drawing by W. E. Earl. Title on cover differs slightly: '100 Songs of Ireland | Music & Words | The Popular Edition'. Eight-page publishers' catalogue bound in at rear. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps.

[ Count and Comtess Magri, dwarf entertainers ] Autographs of Count Primo Magri and the Comtesse M.L. Magri (Mrs General Tom Thumb

Count Primo Magri, Italian dwarf entertainer AND "Mrs Genl Tom Thumb", later married to Magri.
Publication details: 
no date (verso unrelated autographs dated 1890-1), Bologna, Italy.

Page from an autograph album, 16.5 x 12cm, containing autographs as follows: "Compliments of | Count Primo Magri | from Bologna | Italy || Comtess [sic] M L Magri (Mrs Genl Tom Thumb)", filling the page. Overleaf signatures of C. W. Couldock, American Shakespearian Actor; Theodore Thomas, American conductor; M.W. Whitney and another ("W.. Fort"[?]).

[ Thomas [ Tom] Hood, humorist and playwright. ] Autograph Note Signed to 'Teg' [ .B. Tegetmeier, naturalist, member of Savage Club], regarding the songs Elizabeth Philp has sent to the Queen.

[ Thomas Hood ] Tom Hood (1835-1874), humorist and playwright, editor of the magazine Fun, and founder of Tom Hood's Comic Annual [ Elizabeth Philp (1827-1885), singer, music editor and composer ] W
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of a page from an album. Reads: 'Dear Teg. | Miss Elizabeth Philp has sent a batch of Songs of her own Company to the Queen. Will you kindly interest yourself to get them a notice?'

[ Tom Clarke, editor of the News Chronicle, as Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tom Clarke') to Morley Stuart of the Cambridge Daily News, regarding a student's 'vacation work'.

Tom Clarke [ Thomas Clarke ], editor of the News Chronicle, and Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College [ Morley Stuart, editor, Cambridge Daily News ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, University of London King's College, Stand W.C.2. 27 April 1937.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on leaf removed from album. Clarke writes that a King's student, also named Clarke, whom Stuart took 'for vacation work', has returned 'full of enthusiasm & gratitude for all you & your people have taught him'. He only hopes that the student 'made as good an impression on you as you have done on him'. He concludes: 'Why don't you come and give the students a talk one day?' According to an official account: 'The University of London ran courses in journalism from around 1923.

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