[Dame Gladys Cooper, English actress, star of stage and screen.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by ‘Philco’ of London.

Gladys Cooper [Dame Gladys Constance Cooper] (1888-1971), distinguished English actress, star of stage and screen [‘Philco’, London photographer]
Publication details: 
No date [Early 1930s?]. By ‘Philco’, London, W.C.1.

7.5 x 11.5 cm black and white publicity photograph by ‘ “Philco” London W.C.1.’ Expansive genuine signature ‘Gladys Cooper’ across bottom part of image, in addition to facsimile signature in white at bottom right. In good condition, on postcard with border trimmed. Dark sepia-toned image. A head-and-shoulders portrait, with Cooper staring to her right, with short frizzy hair, in fashionable gown. Scan on application

[Doris Keane, American actress.] Autograph Signature on photographic portrait published as 'SUPPT. TO GREAT NOVELS'.

Doris Keane (1881-1945), American actress
Publication details: 
Card by 'BASSANO'.

Black and white photographic portrait, on 4.5 x 6.5 cm piece of shiny card. Signature 'Doris Keane' across bottom of image. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strips of tape around the edges to make a border, but hardly discoloured. Printed at head: 'SUPPT. TO GREAT NOVELS.', and at bottom 'DORIS KEANE / BASSANO'. A head and shoulders portrait, in which Keane faces the viewer, in fur hat and coat with fur collar. Scan on application.

[Howard Keel, American actor, star of stage, screen and television.] Publicity photograph from the 1947 London production of ‘Oklahoma’, with inscription to ‘Mary’ signed with his real name ‘Harold Keel’.

Howard Keel [stage name of Harold Clifford Keel] (1919-2004), American actor, star of stage, screen and television, and singer noted for his rich baritone voice
Publication details: 
No date, but for the 1947 London production of Oklahamo. Stamped on back by the Perfect Photo Repro Co, 24 William IVth Street, London WC2.

A brown-tinged print (not sepia), on 16 x 21 cm matt card, with 0.75 cm border. In fair condition, very lightly creased and worn. A full length shot of a smiling and clean-shaven Keel, in cowboy getup with ponyskin chaps and his cowboy hat in his left hand, opening what is clearly a stage-prop wicket gate, with backdrop of farm behind him. In Keel's autograph in light blue ink to the left of his torso: 'To Mary, / Best of Everything / Sincerely / Harold Keel'. See Image.

[J. B. S. Haldane [John Burdon Stevenson Haldane], geneticist; Robert Edward Stevenson, Hollywood film maker (‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Mary Poppins’).] Autograph Signatures to paper recording a vote at the Cambridge Union, with circular notice of 1927 meeting.

J. B. S. Haldane [John Burdon Stevenson Haldane] (1892-1964), geneticist; Robert Edward Stevenson (1905-1986), Hollywood film maker (‘Jane Eyre’, ‘Mary Poppins’), President of the Cambridge Union
J. B. S. Haldane
Publication details: 
Cambridge Union Society notice of meeting on 2 May 1927 ('Easter Term, 1927').
J. B. S. Haldane

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. Stevenson was president of the Cambridge Union in 1928. The material is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Manuscript notice of vote. On one side of a piece of thick 8vo paper, with small nick at one top corner. At the head, one above the other, are the signatures: 'J. B. S. Haldane. / R. E. Stevenson / P. M. [Wright?]'. At the foot of the page, in a fourth hand: 'Ayes. 184. / Noes. 310.' TWO: Duplicated circular of typed notice. 1p, 12mo. Laid down on reverse of leaf carrying Item One. Headed: 'Cambridge Union Society / Easter Term, 1927.

[Deanna Durbin, Hollywood star.] Autograph Signature.

Deanna Durbin (1921-2013), Canadian film actress and Hollywood star
Deanna Durbin
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Deanna Durbin

Clearly given in response to a request for an autograph. Neatly written and centred on one side of a 12 x 7.5 cm piece of pink paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with vertical crease close to the left-hand edge. Reads: ‘Best wishes - / Deanna Durbin’. See Image.

[Richard Attenborough [Lord Attenborough], British film actor and director.] Typed Letter Signed to Mr and Mrs Allchild, thanking them for their donation to the Actors’ Orphanage Fund.

Richard Attenborough [Richard Samuel Attenborough, Baron Attenborough; Lord Attenborough] (1923-2014), British film actor, director and producer [The Actors’ Orphanage Fund, London]
Publication details: 
29 March 1956. On letterhead of the Actors’ Orphanage Fund, 32 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice for postage. The letterhead is somewhat striking, with a band of green printed along the top, and the charity’s logo featuring prominently. The names of many officers and committe members are printed down the left-hand margin, headed by President Noel Coward, and including ‘Miss Gladys Cooper’, ‘Dame Edith Evans’, ‘Lady Du Maurier’, ‘Sir Laurence Olivier’, ‘Mr. Michael Redgrave’, ‘Mr. Jack Hawkins’ and ‘Mr. Kenneth More’. Attenborough features both as Hon.

[Deborah Kerr, Hollywood film star from Scotland, six-time Oscar nominee.] Autograph Inscription Signed, beneath pencil sketch portrait of her by Kenneth Sephton, with a second portrait overleaf.

Deborah Kerr, stage name of Deborah Jane Trimmer (1921-2007), Hollywood film star from Scotland, nominated six times for the Academy Award (Oscar) for Best Actress [Kenneth Sephton]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The inscription, firmly-written in pencil, reads, ‘With best wishes / Deborah Kerr.’, and is written beneath a pencil portrait of a smiling Kerr’s face and shoulders, competently-executed in typical fifties style. On recto of 10 x 12.5 cm leaf of a tracing paper bifolium, the verso of the second leaf carrying, upside-down, an outline sketch of Kerr. The paper is somewhat creased and worn.

[Ivor Novello, popular Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star.] Autograph Signature for autograph hunter.

Ivor Novello [born David Ivor Davies] (1893-1951), Welsh composer, actor, playwright and movie star, one of the most popular British entertainers of the first half of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
Without place or date (circa 1943?).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 17.5 x 11 cm leaf of pink paper, extracted from an autograph album. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In a large sprawling hand: ‘All good wishes / Ivor Novello’. On the reverse: ‘The “Cock-lodger” July 1943 / Don. Dobson / (Dobbie)’.

[John Huntley, film historian with the British Film Institute.] Typed Letter Signed to Harold Chipp of the Cheltenham Gramophone Society, making arrangements for a lecture with his records.

John Huntley [John Frederick Huntley] (1921-2003), film historian with the British Film Institute and television presentert [Huntley Film Archives; BFI; Harold Chipp; Cheltenham Gramophone Society]
Publication details: 
17 March 1955; on British Film Institute letterhead (typed addition: ‘Please reply to: / 4, Great Russell Street, / London, W.C.1. MUS: 0581.’).

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with two small punch holes to one margin. Pencil notes at foot of page, with more notes in ink and pencil on the reverse. He begins: ‘I too a looking forward to my visit to Cheltenham on April 4th. I shall, as you say, be bringing my records with me which include both 78 r.p.m. and 33 1/3 r.p.m. As you say it will be necessary for me to have overnight accommodation and I should be grateful if you could make the booking.’ He gives details of the train he will be travelling on from Paddington, and asks where to go.

[Alastair Sims, much-loved Scottish character actor, star of the St Trinian’s films.] Typed Letter Signed to Adza Vincent, secretary to the playwright Christopher Fry, regarding ‘Christopher’s Bedford talk’.

Alastair Sim [Alastair George Bell Sim] (1900-1976), much-loved Scottish character actor, star of the St Trinian’s films [Adza Vincent (1917-1995), secretary to playwright Christopher Fry]
Publication details: 
20 January 1956; on letterhead of Forrigan, Newnham Hill, near Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

A good firm signature, and not a common one. While hugely popular (see his entry in the Oxford DNB), Sims was an intensely private man, who refused to give autographs. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition lightly aged and with slight rust spotting from paperclip; folded for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Adza Vincent, / My wife and I both thank you for sending Christopher’s Bedford talk. I have taken the liberty of typing a copy for own archives, and can now return the one you sent. / With renewed thanks, / Yours sincerely, / Alastair Sim’.

[‘Britain's original “It” girl’: Chili Boucher, movie star.] Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed to Eileen Cond, including references to touring Egypt with ENSA, her protest against theatre closure, and writing about her ‘peculiar’ life.

Chili Bouchier [Dorothy Irene Boucher] (1909-1999), English movie star [Eileen Margaret Cond]
Publication details: 
ALS: 17 August 1944; 27 Oakington Manor Drive, Wembley. TLS: 31 October 1962; 807 Howard House, Dolphin Square, London SW1.

See her Guardian obituary by Ronald Bergan, ‘Britain's original “It” girl, who rose from shop assistant to movie star’, 13 September 1999. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. Both letters with good content. Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984) of Honiton was an enthusiastic autograph collector, and she had an ability to draw a more than perfunctory response from her targets. ONE (1944 ALS): 2pp, 8vo. Addressed to ‘Dear Miss Cond’ and signed ‘Chili Bouchier’. Begins: ‘Just a wee line to thank you so much for your nice Xmas card which was forwarded to me in Egypt.

[Greer Garson, Hollywood star.] Autograph Note Signed, acknowledging the ‘nice letter’ of ‘Miss Cond’ (the autograph collector Eileen Cond).

Greer Garson [Eileen Evelyn Greer Garson] (1904-1996), English film actress and singer, Hollywood star [Eileen Cond, autograph collector]
Publication details: 
[No date.] Globe Theatre, London W1.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, small 4to. On laid light-brown paper. In good condition, with fold for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Cond, / Your nice letter was mislaid in my flitting from the Whitehall to the Victoria Palace, hence the delay in acknowledging it. / Many thanks for your good wishes / Sincerely / Greer Garson.’ Eileen Cond was an enthusiastic autograph collector.

[Noah Beery Sr [Noah Nicholas Beery], American movie star beginning in the silent era.] Signed Autograph Inscription, with ‘stamp’ bearing his portrait.

Noah Beery Sr [Noah Nicholas Beery] (1882-1946), American movie actor who appeared in films from 1913 and 1946, older brother of Wallace Beery and father of Noah Beery Jr
Publication details: 
Christmas [1936].

Clearly produced for an autograph collector. On one side of a 12.5 x 8.5 cm cream card. In good condition, lightly aged. The inscription reads: ‘For Janis / Merry Xmas to you / Sincerely / Noah Beery’. Affixed in the top right-hand corner, partially covering the word ‘you’ in the inscription, is a black and white stamp, with photographic portrait captioned at foot ‘NOAH BEERY’. Dated in pencil at bottom-right ‘Dec 1936’.

[Percy Nash, British cinema pioneer.] Eight Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, with personal reminiscences. With carbons of two replies, and typescript of reminiscences titled ‘The Tragic Comedians / Laughter and Tears’.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), British film producer and director, key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Nash’s eight TLsS from between 4 July 1949 and 10 October 1951; all on letterheads of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. Macqueen-Pope’s carbons from 1949 and 1951. ‘The Tragic Comedians’ undated.

Nash made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, and was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'. See Bernard Ince, ' “For the Love of the Art”: The Life and Work of Percy Nash, Film Producer and Director of the Silent Era’, ‘Film History’, September 2007. See also Macqueen-Pope’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The collection of eleven items is in fair overall condition, with minor creasing and aging to some items.

[Adlai Stevenson, American Democratic politician.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of typescript of Stevenson’s interview with John Freeman in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face', marked up for publication.

Adlai Stevenson [Adlai Ewing Stevenson II] (1900-1965), American Democratic nominee for President of the United States [John Freeman, interviewer on BBC programme ‘Face to Face’; Hugh Burnett]
Publication details: 
Undated, but BBC interview broadcast on 22 July 1959, and this item prepared for publication in 1964.

The present item is producer Hugh Burnett's own copy, from his papers, of the transcript of Stevenson's interview with Freeman, broadcast in the groundbreaking BBC television series 'Face to Face' on 22 July 1959. The single-spaced typed transcript was produced for inclusion in Burnett's book 'Face to Face / Edited and introduced by Hugh Burnett' (London: Jonathan Cape, 1964), and is marked up with printing instructions in pencil and red ink, with a few proof corrections in pencil and green ink. 2pp, foolscap 8vo, on two leaves.

[‘I have never felt more like chucking my hand in’: Jack Warner, English actor.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), regarding a bad bout of the flu, with signed publicity photograph in the part of Dixon of Dock Green.

Jack Warner [Horace John Waters] (1895-1981), English actor who played PC George Dixon in film ‘The Blue Lamp’ and TV series ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
19 November 1957. 9 Courtfield Mews, Courtfield Road, SW5 [London]. On his letterhead.

See the entries for Warner and Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Such was the popularity of Warner’s portrayal of George Dixon, that the Queen told him it had become part of ‘the British way of life’, and he was carried to his grave by six real officers from Paddington Green Police Station. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, lightly aged. Signature ‘Jack.’ and salutation to ‘My dear Popie’ in Warner’s hand; the rest typed. Letterhead with his name. He is sending ‘the long promised photos’, delayed because he ‘had to get some new prints of the “pipe” one.

[Leatrice Joy, Hollywood star of the silent movie era.] Printed circular, in the form of a Typed Letter, with facsimile signature, responding to fan mail.

Leatrice Joy [Leatrice Johanna Zeidler] (1893-1985), Hollywood star of the silent movie era
Publication details: 
No date. From Hollywood, California. On her letterhead.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rust stain from paperclip to one margin. The letterhead consists of a stylized vertical arrangement of the letters in the name ‘JOY’ at top left. The ‘signature’ is an extremely good facsimile in black ink.

[Tom Walls, English stage and film actor and director of the famous Aldwych farces.] Autograph Signature (‘Best Wishes / Tom Walls’) from autograph album.

Tom Walls [Thomas Kirby Walls] (1883-1949), English stage and film actor, remembered for producing, directing and acting in 1920s Aldwych farces and their 1930s film adaptations
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 9.5 x 11.5 cm leaf of blue paper, with rounded outer corners, torn from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged, with spotting on reverse. Reads: ‘Best Wishes / Tom Walls.’ Good bold writing, with stylistic flourish linking the cross-stroke of the T in ‘Tom’ with the S of ‘wishes’, and two small vertical strokes at the centre of the underlining of the signature. See image

[Dame Anna Neagle [Florence Marjorie Wilcox], English star of stage and film.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Lazenby’ concerning photographs and a party.

Anna Neagle, stage name of Dame Florence Marjorie Wilcox [née Robertson] (1904-1986), English star of stage and film
Publication details: 
22 January 1938; from the London Palladium.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with a few light creases and two punch-holes to inner margin. Good large signature (‘Anna Neagle.’) in black ink. She thanks him for his letter and kindness in sending the photographs: ‘I think they are excellent.’ She is glad that she was ‘able to get along to the Party’, and thanks him ‘and the Committee’ for making her visit so pleasant.

[‘I like to call her, simply, “Greta Garbo”.’] Carbon Typescript of spoof article ‘GRETA GARBO - a Personal Memoir’ by Anthony Haden-Guest, with TLS from John Anstey, editor of Daily Telegraph Magazine, expressing ‘misgivings about it’.

[Greta Garbo, Hollywood icon] Anthony Haden-Guest (b.1937), American journalist; John Anstey, editor of the Daily Telegraph Magazine, London]
Publication details: 
Anstey's TLS on his Daily Telegraph Magazine letterhead, and dated 20 March 1970. Hayden-Guest's article evidently written shortly before that date.

A curious artefact, indicating Garbo’s iconic status, and an early example of a journalistic trend which has gained ground since the late 1960s. Hayden-Guest, still active as a writer, is the son of the diplomat Peter Haden-Guest, 4th Baron Haden-Guest, and brother of the 5th Baron, Christopher, who is won fame as ‘Nigel’ in the film ‘Spinal Tap’.

[Eric Maschwitz, writer and broadcaster.] Typed Letter Signed ('Eric') to 'Mac' [W. J. MacQueen-Pope], suggesting that he write a history of His Majesty's Theatre.

Eric Maschwitz [Albert Eric Maschwitz] (1901-1969), writer, lyricist, screenwriter and BBC broadcaster [W. J. MacQueen-Pope [Walter James MacQueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
8 September [no year]. On letterhead of 23 Bruton Street, W.1. [London]

Maschwitz wrote the lyrics to 'A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square' and 'These Foolish Things', and was nominated for an oscar for co-writing the screenplay of 'Goodbye, Mr Chips'. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-nine lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Maschwitz begins by congratulating him 'on a really enthralling book! Loved every page of it!' With reference to Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, he explains that the previous day he 'had a talk with old Dennis Grayson who with Mrs Corey Wright is one of Tree's executors.

[Sheila Kaye-Smith, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Greenwood', explaining her reason for doubting the possibility of making a film 'setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce'.

Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Little Douce Grove, Northiam, Rye, Sussex. 26 January [no year]

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with pin holes to one corner and a few drops of light staining. She thanks Greenwood for her letter, but does not feel that her 'Valiant Woman' has any 'chance of making a successful film, for the very reasons you say it ought to'. She explains: 'In this country there would not be a large enough public for a film setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce, as popular sympathy is mostly on the other side'. Nevertheless she is sending Greenwood's letter to her agent 'Mr. A. D.

[ Gracie Fields, movie star, singer and music hall comedian. ] Autograph Signature.

Gracie Fields (1898-1979), English movie star, singer and music hall comedian
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of 7 x 10 cm piece of pink paper cut from an autograph album. In fair condition, lightly aged. In a bold, large hand, simply reads: 'Gracie Fields'.

[ 'The Arrangement', 1969 film directed by Elia Kazan. ] Folder of publicity material, including duplicated typescripts ('The Story', 'Notes of Interest', 'The Cast', 'Biography of Elia Kazan') and nine black and white lobby cards.

Elia Kazan directs 'The Arrangement' (1969); Kirk Douglas; Faye Dunaway; Deborah Kerr; 'The Arrangement', a Warner Brothers Film
Publication details: 
'Warner Bros. presents An Athena Production released through Warner-Pathe.' [ 1969 ]

The material is in good condition, lightly aged, in a 12 x 9 inch white folder with 'The Arrangement' printed in red on cover. Each A4 page of duplicated typescript carries a similar title in the right-hand margin. 'The Arrangement', 1969 film directed by Elia Kazan. ] Folder of publicity material, including duplicated typescripts 'The Story' is 2pp., beginning 'Eddie Anderson (KIRK DOUGLAS), a brilliant advertising executive, has everything; all the accoutrements of success and affluence. Everything that is, except self-respect.

[ Sheridan Morley, author and broadcaster. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Letters Signed and one telegram to theatrical bookseller Barry Duncan, with carbon copy of one of his letters.

Sheridan Morley (1941-2007), English author and broadcaster, son of actor Robert Morley (1908-1992) and grandson of Dame Gladys Cooper (1888-1971) [ Barry Duncan, theatrical bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Two of the letters on letterhead of 5 Peckarmans Wood, London, SE26, and the other two (on cancelled BBC letterheads) from the same address. All six items from 1970.

The six items in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. The four letters all with Morley's expansive signature ('Sheridan Morley').

[ Frank Pettingell, English film actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Pettingell') to 'Mr Capur', witha movie still of Pettingell in the Gainsborough Production 'Take My Tip' .

Frank Pettingell [ Frank Edmund George Pettingell ] (1891-1966), English film actor [ Gainsborough Productions ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Highfield Lodge, Wise Lane, Mill Hill, N.W.7. [ London ] 26 August 1945. Movie still: Renown Pictures Corporation Limited, Gainsborough Production [ 1937 ].

ONE: Letter. 2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. He apologises for the delay in returning 'Purple Dust', explaining that he has only recently learnt 'definitely that the film will claim me until the end of October'. He asks Capur or his secretary 'to call in any time at the Theatrical bookshop in your court - I cannot remember the name of the shop - nor its proprietor except that his first name is Barry. [ i.e.

[ Sabu, Indian film actor. ] Autograph Note Signed, given during the shooting of the film for which he is best known, 'The Thief of Baghdad'.

Sabu [ Sabu Dastagir; Selar Shaik Sabu; Sabu Francis ] (1924-1963), Indian film actor working in England and Hollywood
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios ]. 1939.

Good firm inscription on 18 x 16 cm leaf of blue paper removed from album. Reads: 'To Ann | with very Best wishes | from | Sabu | THE THIEF OF | BAGHDAD | 1939'. The recipient was the daughter of a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[Printed with MS. additions] An Agreement [...] Between Anthony Bernardi [...] Analytical Chemist (hereinafter called the Inventory) of the first part Charles Alfred Bolton [...] Metallurgist [..] and RAYCOL LIMITED [...]

[Colour Films Movies; Colour Cinematography] Raycol and Anthony Bernardi, inventor
Publication details: 
13 November 1928.

Thre leaves, last leaf blan, folion, fold marks, small closed tear on middle fold, mainly good condition. The agreement covers "Improvements in and relating to Colour Photography and Colour Cinematography" a Patent Application #5271/28 20th Febryaury 1928. Signed C.A. Bolton and Anthony Bernardi, with the Company Common Seal of Raycol, witnessed by two directors and a secretary.

Ten-line 67-word Post Office Telegraphs radio telegram, taken down by 'Mayhew', to the Daily Graphic newspaper, London.

Mary Pickford [Gladys Louise Smith] (1892-1979) [Douglas Fairbanks [Douglas Elton Ullman] (1883-1939)]
Publication details: 
Received at Lands End from the S.S.Lapland, 20 June 1920.

Written in pencil by 'Mayhew' on an official printed 'Post Office Telegraphs' form, stamped with telegraph number and dated postmark. Good, on aged high-acidity paper, dimensions roughly 14 x 21.5 cm. Neatly laid down on a piece of brown card. Sent on Pickford and Fairbanks' honeymoon voyage to Europe. The couple have 'received so many lovely messages from friends in England' that Pickford's 'Life Long dream of visiting the old country seems to be all [she] had hoped more [sic] and that saying great deal Douglas is ready to jump from the Top mast the minute we sight Southampton'.

Publicity photograph inscribed to Ken [Williams, Penland Golf Course, Cardiff].

Frank Radcliffe
Publication details: 
Posted from New York; no date.

African-American entertainer and film actor. Minor parts in at least six films in the 50s and 60s, including Dreamboat and Sweet Charity. The photograph measures roughly seven and a half inches by nine inches. Charming shot of a smiling Radcliffe, besuited and behatted and with hands crossed over knee. Stamp of Lewis of Charing Cross Rd on reverse. Inscription reads 'To you Ken I wish the Best Always and I know you are the coming Champ | Frank Radcliffe'. In postmarked 'PHOTOMAILER' envelope with return address given by Radcliffe as 2468 7th Avenue New York City.

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