
[Peter Cunningham, author of the 'Handbook of London'.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking for an engraving [for his edition of Walpole's letters], for which the publisher Richard Bentley will pay.

Peter Cunningham (1816-1869), editor and author of the 'Handbook of London', son of the Scottish poet Allan Cunningham [Richard Bentley, publisher]
Publication details: 
18 January 1858. Kensington.

1p, 16mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Signed ?Peter Cunningham?. The recipient (?Dear Sir?) is not named. Written in a tight difficult hand. Clearly with regard to his nine-volume edition of Horace Walpole's letters, published between 1857 and 1859, he asks him to have ?ye enclosed seal cut on wood for me [?] to suit the page description I enclose. .. I will make Bentley pay for it.? I asks to have it ?within ten days of this?.

[Edward Bulwer-Lytton, poet, novelist and politician.] Autograph Note Signed Lytton to Mr. De lane ( Editor of the Times, John T. Delane) thanking him for the friendly review of [his] Translation of Horace.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, poet, novelist and politician.
Publication details: 
Steads Hotel, Bath, 18 Nov. 1869

One page, 12mo, very good condition, thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges. Allow me to thank you cordially for the very indulgent & friendly review of my Translation of Horace which appears in The Times of to-day. Note: The Odes and Epodes of Horace; A Metrical Translation into English (1869).

[Mary Berry, diarist, close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, explaining confusion over accepting an invitation.

Mary Berry (1763-1852), diarist and close friend, with her sister Agnes, of Horace Walpole, whose papers her family inherited [Lady Georgiana Agar-Ellis, latterly Countess of Carlisle (1783-1858)]
Publication details: 
‘tuesy / 8 May’. No place.

See 2pp, 16mo. On first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of second leaf addressed ‘To the / Lady Georgiana Ellis / Spring Garden [sic]’, and with torn corner of second leaf beneath red wax seal. Folded twice for postage. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ‘I have a thousand apologies to make for not having already said that my sister & I should have much pleasure in dining with you on the 19th. The truth is, that she thought I had done it & I thought she had - We are ashamed of ourselves’. The second part of the letter is difficult to decipher.

[‘you are much too young & handsome to be convenient’: Edward Jerningham, high-society poet and playwright, protégé of Horace Walpole.] Unsigned Autograph Letter, flirting with unnamed male recipient, and giving details of his relation Lady Stafford.

Edward Jerningham (1737-1812), high-society poet and playwright, protégé of Horace Walpole on whom Sheridan is said to have based the character of Sir Benjamin Backbite in ‘The School for Scandal’
Publication details: 
1798. No other details.

Jerningham’s entry in the Oxford DNB, states that he died unmarried, ‘despite habitual flirtations with young actresses’; the present letter indicates that the members of the other sex were not exempted from his attentions. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, on a leaf of laid watermarked paper, folded for postage. Twenty-six lines of text. Dated ‘1798’ at top right, with ‘From Edward Jerningham the Poet’ above it. Unsigned, but in Jerningham's distinctive hand.

[James Smith, humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith of the celebrated ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812).] Autograph Letter Signed to John Wilson Croker, regarding his post as Assistant Solicitor to the Board of Ordnance.

James Smith (1775-1839), humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849) of the ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812) [John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), politician and diarist]
Publication details: 
‘18 Austin Friars [London] / 26 June 1826’.

See his entry, and those of his brother and the recipient, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. The letter had been torn in half, with loss of a strip of paper from the second leaf, resulting in damage to a couple of words from the valediction; it has been carefully repaired with archival tape, and is otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged, with slight fading of the ink on the first page. The large signature ‘James Smith’ is clear and undamaged. Addressed to ‘J. W. Croker Esq’. An interesting letter, casting light on the workings of the Georgian civil service.

[Georgiana, Countess Spencer, mother of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire] Copy in her Fair Hand of the Ode by Mr Mason [Adapted] [William Mason, poet, divine, correspondent of Walpole, Gray etc.]

Margaret Georgiana Spencer, Countess Spencer (née Poyntz; 8 May 1737 – 18 March 1814), English philanthropist.
Publication details: 
May 1781. No. 59 in top corner (from album of commonplace book).

Entitled Hope - to the Dutchess of Devonshire (an Ode to her daughter adapted from Mason's Ode 13 or vice versa - see Note below.). Four pages, 4to, aged but clear and complete, fold mark, right edge uneven and glue remnant, from album of commonplace book presumably. Text begins: What magic warblings to my Ear and concludes 39 lines later (if I've counted correctly) [itself in quotation marks] Nor will I quit thee at the grave.

[‘I have never felt more like chucking my hand in’: Jack Warner, English actor.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Macqueen-Pope (‘Popie’), regarding a bad bout of the flu, with signed publicity photograph in the part of Dixon of Dock Green.

Jack Warner [Horace John Waters] (1895-1981), English actor who played PC George Dixon in film ‘The Blue Lamp’ and TV series ‘Dixon of Dock Green’ [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
19 November 1957. 9 Courtfield Mews, Courtfield Road, SW5 [London]. On his letterhead.

See the entries for Warner and Macqueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Such was the popularity of Warner’s portrayal of George Dixon, that the Queen told him it had become part of ‘the British way of life’, and he was carried to his grave by six real officers from Paddington Green Police Station. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Folded twice. In good condition, lightly aged. Signature ‘Jack.’ and salutation to ‘My dear Popie’ in Warner’s hand; the rest typed. Letterhead with his name. He is sending ‘the long promised photos’, delayed because he ‘had to get some new prints of the “pipe” one.

[William Frederick Wyndham, diplomat.] Autograph Memorandum Signed (W Wyndham | His Majestys Envoy Extra at the Court of Tuscany'), with seal, to Italian document signed by Lorenzo Fabbrucci, Cammillo Cateni and Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli.

William Frederick Wyndham (1763-1828), British envoy to the Court of Tuscany, son of 2nd and father of 4th Earl of Egremont; Cammillo di Paolo Cateni; Giovanni Gualberto Uccelli; Lorenzo Fabbrucci
Publication details: 
From Florence. Wyndham's memorandum signed 13 January 1800; the Italian text 2 January 1800.

2pp, 8vo. On first leaf of bifolium. Text complete and clearly legible, on aged and worn paper. The first page is begins with text in the hand of Cammillo Cateni, headed 'Adì 2 Gennaio 1800', written on behalf of Cateni and Giovanni Gualterro Uccelli, 'Medici filii di questa Citta di Firenze', attesting the signature of 'la Siga. Angiola Lucchi'.

[Horace Smith, poet and friend of Shelley, author with his brother Joseph of the 'Rejected Addresses'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Horatio Smith'), playfully thanking Joseph Blunt for making him 'a present of a pair of horns'.

Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849), poet, author his brother Joseph Smith of the 'Rejected Addresses' (1812), friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley [Joseph Blunt]
Publication details: 
3 November 1831. Brighton.

2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Twenty lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping and short closed tears to extremities. Folded twice. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Joseph Blunt Esqre.' Signature underlined with a flourish.

[George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of Marlborough ('the Profligate Duke'), bibliophile.] Autograph Note of Admittance to 'Blenheim Palace and Gardens', signed 'Marlborough', for 'Dr. Cotton', i.e. Rev. Dr Horace Salusbury Cotton, Ordinary of Newgate

George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of Marlborough ['the Profligate Duke'] (1766-1840), until 1817 styled Marquis of Blandford, bibliophile [Horace Salusbury Cotton (c.1774-1846), Ordinary of Newgate]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

The Duke was Winston Churchill's great-great-grandfather. His library at Whiteknights Park was celebrated, and his purchase of the Valdarfer Boccaccio at the 1811 Roxburghe sale was the spur to the formation of the Roxburghe Club. Like the Duke, Cotton was a notable collector of books and autographs. He was generally considered a faintly-ridiculous figure, and condemned men were said to die 'with Cotton in their ears'. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Reads 'Admit Dr.

[Horace Bushnell of North Church, Hartford, Connecticut, Congregational minister, religous writer.] Printed pamphlet: 'Prosperity Our Duty. | A Discourse delivered at the North Church, Hartford, Sabbath Evening, January 31, 1847. By Horace Bushnell.

Horace Bushnell (1802-1876) of North Church, Hartford, Connecticut, Congregational minister and religious writer [Case, Tiffany & Burnham, Hartford printers]
Publication details: 
'Published by request.' Hartford: Printed by Case, Tiffany & Burnham, 1847.

24pp, 8vo. Saddle-stitched pamphlet in pink wraps the the title-page reprinted on the cover, this time within a decorative border. In fair condition, aged, worn and creased, with slight loss to outer corner of front cover. Bushnell takes as his text 2 Chronicles XXXII.30, and begins his 'Discourse': 'Any community or city will prosper that will do its duty.

[Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rupert') to antiquarian bookseller Percy Muir, praising his catalogues as his 'favourite reading', and ordering items while 'saving up' for his daughter's wedding.

Rupert Hart-Davis [Sir Rupert Charles Hart-Davis] (1907-1999), publisher, editor and letter-writer [Percy Muir [Percy H. Muir] (1894-1979), leading bookseller with firm Elkin Mathews]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Bromsden Farm, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 20 April 1963.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with three punch holes to margin, and endorsement of number in a circle. The letter begins: 'My dear Percy | Your catalogues – especially the literary parts of them – are my favourite reading. You find such unusual books, and describe them with such care and skill.' He asks him to send him, 'to Soho Square', the two Rothenstein items nos 260 and 260 a'. He explains that while he longs 'for some of the Blunts', his daughter is getting married that June, and he is 'saving up for that'.

[Horace Sequeira, actor, portrait painter and make-up artist.] Four items: Autograph Duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'; duplicated duologue titled 'A Quiet Day's Sketching in Sussex'; and two price lists.

Horace Sequeira (1887-1973), actor, make-up artist, portrait painter [Old Vic and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London]
Publication details: 
All four undated (one circa 1953 and the others earlier). One item from 5 Belsize Crescent, Hampstead, NW3 [London], and two others from 17 Welbeck Mansions, Inglewood Rd, NW6.

Sequeira was born in Aldgate. In the years following his service in the London Regiment during the First World War, he acted in Shakespeare at the Old Vic, and he would continue as an actor into the age of film and television. In addition to acting Sequeira taught (including a youthful Peter Cushing) at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, painted, and in 1953 published a book on stage make-up. The present four items, all undated, are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'. 5pp., foolscap 8vo. With revised conclusion, 1p., 12mo.

[ Horace Annesley Vachell, Edwardian novelist and playwright. ] Studio photograph by Swaine's, with autograph signature ('Horace Annesley Vachell.').

Horace Vachell [ Horace Annesley Vachell; H. A. Vachell ] (1861-1955), prolific popular author
Publication details: 
Photograph by Swaine of London and Southsea. Undated [ First World War or just after ].

Sepia-coloured studio photograph on 19 x 14 cm card. Backed on the reverse with brown paper on which are printed the details of the photographic studio responsible, Swaine's of London and Southsea. The print itself is in good condition, lightly aged and worn; the reverse is heavily-worn with traces of glue from previous mounting. Vachell has written his underlined signature in black ink diagonally upwards at the bottom right-hand corner: 'Horace Annesley Vachell.' This studio photograph of Vachell is not present in the National Portrait Gallery collection.

[ Margaret L. Woods, novelist and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. L. Woods.') to 'Mr Sladen' [ i.e. the author Douglas Sladen ], regarding a bereavement, 'Captain Christmas', Horace Annesley Vachell and the publisher John Lane.

Margaret L. Woods [ Margaret Louisa Woods, née Bradley ] (1855-1945), novelist and poet [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen ] (1856-1947), author ]
Publication details: 
Southwold. 14 November [ 1914 ].

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. She condoles with her over her 'sad loss last June. I had no idea of it, or I should have written to express my sympathy at the time. I was so much interested to meet your son, & hear how splendidly he had done.' On receiving Sladen's letter she wrote to her neice Betty Brichenough, and wonders if 'Captain Christmas', i.e. Danish sea captain and author Captain Walter Christmas (1861-1924), has heard from her. Fearing that she has mislaid Christmas's card she asks Sladen to write to him on her behalf.

[ Sir Andrew Halliday, Scottish physician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andrew Halliday') to the Postmaster General the Duke of Manchester, giving details of his investigation into 'some system of individual plunder' involving franks.

Sir Andrew Halliday (1782-1839), Scottish physician [ William Montagu, 5th Duke of Manchester (1771-1843), Governor of Jamaica, Postmaster General; Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour (1791-1851) ]
Publication details: 
Hampton Court. 27 June 1829.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed crosswise across the valediction, including the signature, but not in an overly-obtrusive fashion. An interesting letter, casting light on the franking system and fraud within the pre-Hill Post Office.

[ Horace Annesley Vachell, English author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Horace Vachell') to theatre historian Barry Duncan, including anecdote about his naked brother under the 'luncheon table'. With carbon copies of two letters from Duncan.

Horace Vachell [ Horace Annesley Vachell; H. A. Vachell ] (1861-1955), English author [ Barry Duncan [ Horace Alexander Barry Duncan ] (1909-1985), London theatre historian and bookseller ]
Publication details: 
The Priory House, Sherborne, Dorset. 16 July 1953.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn. He begins with regard to a change of address ('Widcombe Manor - where I was overhoused and understaffed - is for sale.'), and continues with reference to a booklet ('I chuckled over the illustrations'),as well as his book 'An Impending Sword' (written 'in the naughty nineties, long before I met Dot Boucicault, whose experiences were then unknwon to me'), and the Princess Royal. He concludes: 'I never heard the yarn of the man who stripped himself. I can cap it. My brother, Arthur, vanished from the luncheon table.

[ Printed item. ] Bodleian Library. Staff-Kalendar 1907. [ Together with ] Bodleian Library. Supplement to the Staff-Kalendar 1907.

[ Bodleian Library, Oxford; Bodley's Librarian; Horace Hart, Printer to the University ]
Publication details: 
Both items: Oxford: Horace Hart, Printer to the University. [ 1907. ]

16mo volume. In printed card covers with green cloth spine. The 'Staff-Kalendar' proper unpaginated (circa 200pp.). Title on cover. The supplement, 111pp., printed upside-down at the back of the volume, with its own cover bearing the title. Internally in good condition on aged paper; binding somewhat worn and aged. In small type. Gives a charming insight into the running of a historic institution. As an example, the entry for 1 July commences: 'Dusting begins. | Accession-register for June to be made up. | Fire-buckets to be refilled. | To be cleaned out: - | 1. Hot water channels in Bodley.

[ Vernon Hill, sculptor and artist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mr Bleackley' [ the writer Horace Bleackley ], regarding a drawing of the recipient he has been asked to make by 'Mr Lane' [ the publisher John Lane ].

Vernon Hill (1887-1972), sculptor, lithographer, illustrator [ Horace Bleackley (1868-1931), author; John Lane (1854-1925), London publisher who founded the Bodley Head with Charles Elkin Mathews ]
Publication details: 
30 St Luke's Road, W [ London ]. 1 July 1915 and 'Thursday' [ no date ].

Both letters 1p., 4to. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letters concern a drawing of Bleackley, made by Hill at the instigation of 'Mr Lane'. On 1 July 1915 Hill writes that he has 'placed it before such authorities as Mr Willette and Mrs Lane, persons all I think to whom the shock of an unlikeness would have evoked candid opinion in criticism. I found them agreed as to its likeness Mr Lane voicing the common opinion by declaring on the instant: "That's got him!"'

[ Strawberry Hill Press. ] Engraving ('C. Grignion sculp.') depicting 'Earl Rivers presenting his Book & Caxton his Print to Edw. 4'.

Charles Grignion the elder (1721-1810), Huguenot engraver [ William Caxton, English printer; Horace Walpole; the Strawberry Hill Press ]
Publication details: 
Frontispiece to Horace Walpole's 'Royal and Noble Authors', published by the Strawberry Hill Press, 1758 [ 1759 ].

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 18 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. Dimensions of image 15.5 x 10 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The image forms the upper part of the engraving, within a decorative border, with the caption, covering eleven lines, as the lower part, within its own lapidary border. The image is, as the caption explains, from 'a curious M.S. in the Archbishop's Library at Lambeth'.

[George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford.] Autograph Letter in the third person, expressing a desire to join 'Mr. Hudson' of the College of Physicians as he canvasses in Lynn in favour of Thomas Walpole. With manuscript draft of letter (by Hudson?).

George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford (1730-1791) [Hudson; College of Physicians, Warwick Lane; Thomas Walpole (1727-1803), MP for Lynn, 1768-1780]
Publication details: 
[Regarding Lynn, Norfolk., and the College of Physicians, Warwick Lane, London.] Neither Walpole's letter nor the draft [of Hudson's] dated. [At the General Election of either 1768 or 1774.]

The letter and draft each on one side of the same piece of 8vo paper. In good condition, aged and worn, with a short closed tear along one fold line.

[Catalogue by Elkin Mathews Limited.] List 71. A Small Collection of Children's Toys and Games.

[Percy Muir [Percy H. Muir; Percy Horace Muir] (1894-1979), bookseller, proprietor of Elkin Mathews Limited, Takeley, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire]
Publication details: 
Elkin Mathews Limited, Takeley, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, England. [1960s?]

[2] + 8pp., 8vo., with an additional 6pp of illustrations. Aged and creased, with rusted staples. Typeset with something akin to an IBM golfball. Introductory note: 'This small collection of children's toys and games was formed in the early years of this century and had remained undisturbed in a packing case until purchased by us some months ago. Some of the toys show signs of use but in general the condition is very good. Adequate description is difficult and we have endeavoured to illustrate as many of the toys as possible.

[Paget Toynbee, English Dante scholar.] Three Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed to fellow Dantist Herbert Macartney Beatty, topics including English translators of Dante (Musgrave and Ellaby), and the tomb of Henry Francis Cary.

Paget Toynbee [Paget Jackson Toynbee] (1855-1932), English Dante scholar and editor of Horace Walpole, whose Fiveways library was bequeathed to the Bodleian [Herbert Macartney Beatty; George Musgrave]
Publication details: 
All from Fiveways, Burnham Bucks (the last on embossed letterhead). 1911 (2), 1912 (2) and 1914.

Toynbee was, as his entry in the Oxford DNB notes, 'recognized by his contemporaries as one of the great English Dantists, and a "giant of scholarship" (Oxford Magazine, 723)'. All five items in very good condition, lightly-aged. The three letters on bifoliums, and all five items in Toynbee's neat, close hand. Items One to Four with mourning borders (for his wife, who had died in 1910). ONE: ACS. 30 January 1911. He thanks him for sending 'the Gibbon reference', which he had overlooked, and discusses his 'Chronological List of English Translations from Dante'. TWO: ACS. 13 February 1911.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Present State of the Cultivation of Oriental Literature. A Lecture delivered at a Meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society, by the Director, Professor H. H. Wilson, 24th January, 1852.

Professor H. H. Wilson [Horace Hayman Wilson (1786-1860), Sanskrit scholar], Director, The Royal Asiatic Society
Publication details: 
London: John W. Parker & Son, West Strand. 1852. [Printed by Harrison and Son, London Gazette Office, St. Martin's Lane; and Orchard Street, Westminster.]

[2] + 25pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn. Uncommon: five copies on COPAC.

[British House of Commons private members bill.] Women's Disabilities. A Bill To remove certain legal disabilities of women. Presented by Dr. Summerskill, supported by Mr. Janner and Dr. King.

[Women's Disabilities Bill (British House of Commons private members bill, 1952); Parliamentary paper; Edith Summerskill, Labour politician and feminist; Greville Janner; Horace Maybray King]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 19 November 1952. London: Printed and published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

5 + [1]pp., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and lightly-worn, with slightly rusted staples and rust stain from paperclip. Scarce: the only actual copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat at the LSE in London.

[Sir Egerton Brydges.] Part of the Autograph Manuscript of his 'Clavering's Auto-Biography', containing portraits of Mrs Chapone, Captain Francis Grose, Joseph Ritson, Isaac D'Israeli, the Miss Burys; Dr Charles Symmons and Caroline Symmons.]

Sir Egerton Brydges [Samuel Egerton Brydges] (1762-1837), writer and genealogist [Lee Priory Press; Mrs Chapone; Francis Grose; Joseph Ritson; Isaac D'Israeli; Dr Charles Symmons; Horace Walpole]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but published in 'The Metropolitan' magazine, London, July 1832.

On both sides of a 33 x 12.5 cm strip of paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with tiny part of mount adhering to one corner, and the merest loss to another. 'Egerton Bry' is written in another small hand in light pencil at the head. The Osborn Collection at Yale possesses what its catalogue entry describes as a 'probably incomplete' section of the manuscript, ' purporting to be the memoirs of a certain John Fitznigel Clavering, whose career and interests bear a strong likeness to those of Brydges himself'. The Yale cataloguer is unaware that 'Clavering's Auto-Biography.

[Printed item.] A Better Way. An Appeal to Ulster not to desert Ireland by Sir Horace Plunkett.

Sir Horace Plunkett [Ulster; Irish independence]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., Limited. [Preface dated 'Kilteragh, Foxrock, Co. Dublin. | July 20, 1914.' [Rapid Printing Co., Ltd., 60 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin.]

38pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In grey printed wraps. Errata slip at rear. Aged, and with wraps detached as result of rusting of staples. Uncommon.

[Printed translation into Portuguese of the first Gothic novel, Horace Walpole's 'The Castle of Otranto'.] Livraria Amena | O Castello de Otranto. Conto Gothico por W. Marshall. Esq. Vertido do Inglez.

'W. Marshall. Esq.' [Horace Walpole] [J. J. A. Silva, Lisbon publisher]
Publication details: 
Lisboa [Lisbon]: Typographia de J. J. A. Silva, 1854.

[1] + 111pp., 16mo. Unbound or lacking wraps (?). Aged and worn, with slight ink staining to title-page. The text is preceded by a full-page 'Prologo' from the publishers. No other copy traced on either Worldcat, COPAC, or PORBASE, and does not feature in the list of 'Later Editions' of the novel on pp.66-67 of A. T. Hazen's 1948 Walpole bibliography.

[Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton.] Offprint of their chapter on 'Taste' in 'Johnson's England', presented to Margaret Llewellyn Davies, Peter Pan's aunt, by Margaret Barton, with ANS stating that 'It is one of a "limited edition" of three.'

Osbert Sitwell and Margaret Barton [Margaret Llewellyn Davies (1861-1944), general secretary of the Women's Co-Operative Guild; suffragist; Arthur Stanley Turberville; Samuel Johnson]
Publication details: 
Published in 'Johnson's England', ed. A. S. Turberville. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933.

40pp., 8vo, with four plates. Paginated 1-40 (the chapter appears with the same pagination at the beginning of the second of the two volumes of the book). Bound in green buckram, with 'TASTE | OSBERT SITWELL | AND | MARGARET BARTON' stamped in gilt on front board. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in lightly-worn binding.

[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London] Engraved eighteenth-century bookplate with portrait of Horace above text 'This Book is to be sold by J: Groenewegen & A: vander Hoeck in the Strand.'

[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London, between 1715 and 1728]
Publication details: 
[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, booksellers in the Strand, London. Early eighteenth century.]

In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, tipped in onto a grey paper mount. Engraved on 13 x 8 cm piece of wove paper, with no margin. The firm's shop was at the sign of Horace's head in the Strand, and the engraving depicts a lapidary carving off the head and shoulders of the poet, with laurel leaf above, in an oval frame, around which are 'carved' decorations (including lyre and grapes).

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