[John Harris Backhouse, classical scholar and antiquary, educated at the Manchester School.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Backhouse'), on matters relating to Richard Montagu, Bishop of Norwich, with reference to Sir Thomas Browne and others.

John Harris Backhouse (1826-1882), Rector of Laverton, Somerset, classical scholar, editor and antiquary, educated at the Manchester School [Richard Montagu, Bishop of Norwich; Sir Thomas Browne]
Publication details: 
27 September 1881. Laverton Rectory, Bath.

See his entry in J. F. Smith, 'The Admission Register of the Manchester School'. 6pp, 12mo. Written in a neat, close hand. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. A vivid example of the methodology of the nineteenth-century English clerical antiquary. The main subject is the controversialist Richard Montagu (1577-1641), Bishop of Norwich, about whom, in January of the following year (that of his death), Backhouse would publish a letter in 'The Academy' under the title 'The Abbreviations in Bishop Mountagu's [sic] Dedication'. The recipient is not identified.

[Marinus Campbell, Dutch bibliographer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. F. A. G Campbell') in French [to Basil Montagu Pickering], describing the response of William Blades to his discovery in Ghent of 'un Caxton inconnu'.

Marinus Fredrik Andries Gerardus Campbell (1819-1890), Dutch bibliographer, [Basil Montagu Pickering (1835-1878) William Blades (1824-1890); William Caxton]
Publication details: 
'La Haye [The Hague, Holland] 18 Septembre 1875.'

Campbell was Librarian of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, and Chief Director of the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Neatly and closely written. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient ('Cher Monsieur') is not named, but the context of the letter identifies him the London publisher and bookseller Basil Montagu Pickering, who in 1874 published 'Calcoen, A Dutch narrative of the Second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut, Printed at Antwerp circa 1504', edited by Jean Philibert Berjeau (1809-1891).

[ H. Montagu Butler, ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') [ to Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor ], regarding the gift to Harrow of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), Headmaster of Harrow School, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Harrow. 28 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He thanks him for his 'very kind present to our School Library': 'The "Greek Anthology" will, I need not say, be a most acceptable addition to our treasures.' Guthrie's 'name will duly appear in our annual list of those friends who during the last twelve months have provevd themselves Benfactors to the Library'.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, Headmast of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H Montagu Butler'), regarding the presentation to 'our best Greek Scholar' of 'two beautiful volumes'.

H. Montagu Butler [ Henry Montagu Butler ] (1833-1918), Headmaster of Harrow School, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Both from Harrow. 2 and 16 June 1870.

The two items are addressed to the same individual, who is not named. Both in good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount at head of second leaf. ONE: 2 June 1870. 3pp., 12mo. He begins by apologising for the tardy reply which has caused the recipient to write again, saying that he has 'scarcely been able to command a leisure moment'. He hopes that Harrow will be 'more fortunate than last year in securing your presence at our Speeches.

[ Sir Andrew Halliday, Scottish physician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andrew Halliday') to the Postmaster General the Duke of Manchester, giving details of his investigation into 'some system of individual plunder' involving franks.

Sir Andrew Halliday (1782-1839), Scottish physician [ William Montagu, 5th Duke of Manchester (1771-1843), Governor of Jamaica, Postmaster General; Sir Horace Beauchamp Seymour (1791-1851) ]
Publication details: 
Hampton Court. 27 June 1829.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed crosswise across the valediction, including the signature, but not in an overly-obtrusive fashion. An interesting letter, casting light on the franking system and fraud within the pre-Hill Post Office.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Signed Letter ('H Montagu Butler'), written out by a secretary, to Professor Langley, referring him to one of his works.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School (1859-85), Dean of Gloucester (1885-86); Master of Trinity College (1886-1918); Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University (1889-90)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. 24 August 1904.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. At head of first page: 'Dictated'. He refers him to 'the second Chapter of the book I published some years ago, which deals with the subject on which we conversed the other night at dinner'. The amanuensis has written that the chapter deals with 'some of the reflections on matters ethereal', and Butler has corrected this to 'some reflections on matters Aesthetical'. Butler has also added the words 'more clearly, though I fear' after the word 'puts' in the following: 'it puts at much greater length'.

[ Irving Montagu of the Illustrated London News and Punch. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Irving Montagu' and two 'Montagu') to Edward Draper

Irving Montagu (1842-1901), war correspondent and artist of the Illustrated London News and Punch [ Edward Draper, London solicitor and writer on the theatre ]
Publication details: 
Two from Briar Cottage, Shepherds Bush, 2 and 7 January 1893. One on letterhead of 64 Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square [ London ]. 'Saturday' [no date].

The three items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, the last two items with traces of grey paper from mounting adhering. ONE: From Charlotte Street. 'Saturday' (undataed). Signed 'Irving Montagu'. 2pp., 8vo. Arranging to dine at Draper's in the face of a clashing invitation. TWO: From Briar Cottage, 2 January 1893. 4pp., 12mo. Signed 'Montagu'.

[ Sir Walter Scott. ] Manuscript (Autograph?) Copy of Letter from Lord Montagu of Boughton, 'as Chairman ad interim of the Sub-Committee of the Abbotsford Fund', to 'Monsr. le Baron Ompteda', regarding a 'very handsome Subscription from Hanover'.

Henry Montagu-Scott (1776-1845), 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton [ Baron Ompteda; Freiherr von Ompteda; Sir Walter Scott; Abbotsford Fund ]
Publication details: 
Hamilton Place [London]. 10 July 1833.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Almost certainly in Montagu's own hand. Headed 'Copy' and ending '(signed) Montagu | Chairman Sub. Com. | Abbotsford Subn.' Addressed to 'His Excellency Monsr. le Baron Ompteda'. Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Ompteda wnich informed him of 'the very handsome Subscription from Hanover of £170. 10/ to which their Royal Highnesses the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Langravine of Hesse Homburg have contributed so liberally'.

[Henry Montagu Butler.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') to 'Mr Maddy', praising choristers [from Gloucester Cathedral] for ministering to the sick at his hospital, and discussing the good works of a nun of All Saints, Margaret Street.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and Vice-Chancellor of the University
Publication details: 
Gloucester. 31 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on mourning paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'It was indeed a great happiness to see those young choristers finding part of their Christmas happiness in ministering to the invalid little ones.

[King's College, Cambridge.] Three Autograph Letters Signed ('J. Fred. E. Faning') from James Frederick Edmund Faning, regarding the loan of a tapestry by Lawrence W. Hodson, with reference to the Dean M. R. James and a visit by Lord Kitchener.

James Frederick Edmund Faning (1849-1928) [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall; Montagu Rhodes James [M. R. James] (1862-1936), Provost of Eton and of King's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
All three letters from 1 Addenbrooke Place, Cambridge. 1 August, 23 October and 27 November 1898.

The three items on 12mo bifoliums, and totalling 9pp., 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The first and last letters in envelopes, with stamps and postmarks, addressed to Hodson at Compton Hall, with the third forwarded to North Wales. ONE (1 August 1898): 2 pp., 12mo. The college authorities have instructed Faning to thank Hodson for his 'kind offer to lend them the "Chapel piece" of your Tapestry and to say that they will be glad to avail themselves of it in October.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Montagu Sims') from the editor of the Manchester 'free Lance' to copy editor 'Mr. Alvarez', regarding the journal's system of punctuation.

J. Montagu Sims (fl. 1870s), editor of the Victorian Manchester periodical 'free Lance' [Alvarez, copy editor]
Publication details: 
'Southport. Tuesday.' [no date] On letterhead of 'The Editor's Department', "free Lance" Office, 36, Corporation Street, Manchester.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by informing Alvarez that the periodical 'somehow made a sad hash of the printing of ye last No. which I have sent to the works | As you are now definitely engaged to read, I will tell you our system. | No high pointing, the other plan being both more scholarlike & less expensive. | All proofs read after my signature is attached (in page) to be only altered for literals.' He ends by informing Alvarez that he has 'sent on something of yrs'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Montagu Butler') from Henry Montagu Butler, successively Headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, declining an interview with [Sydney Walton of] the Morning Post.

H. Montagu Butler [Henry Montagu Butler] (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, 1859-85, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886-1918 [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), publicist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Trinity College, Cambridge. 7 and 12 May 1913.

Each 3pp., 12mo, on bifoliums with the first page headed 'Private'. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with minor staining from paper clip. Letter One: He hopes he will not 'appear wanting in courtesy to yourself or to the Editor of the Morning Post if I say frankly that I had much rather not have any conversation about my coming birthday, which certain old Harrow pupils and friends propose so kindly to celebrate.' He 'must beg' Walton to 'make allowance for my feeling of reserve on so delicate a matter'.

[Mimeographed catalogue of manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.] List of Manuscripts in two Glazed Cupboards of Billiard Room. Hinchingbrooke. March 1930.

[Catalogue of Hinchingbrooke manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)]
Publication details: 
March 1930.

7pp., 4to. Attached with a brass stud. The six pages of the catalogue are in fair condition, on aged paper, the title leaf is dusty and spotted. The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are primarily of a political and diplomatic nature. They do not appear to correspond with those in the 'Hinchingbrooke Collecton' listed by Cambridgeshire County Record Office on the National Archives website, an entry which gives a useful account of their origins (mainly the stables at Hinchingbrooke).

Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Montagu of Dilton Park, Buckinghamshire, requesting that 'Mr. Wilde' send a set of Foden's maps of Spain to Lord John Scott.

Henry Montagu-Scott (1776-1845), 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton, of Dilton Park, Buckinghamshire [Lord Montagu; Lord John Scott; William Faden (1750-1836), cartographer]
Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Montagu of Dilton Park
Publication details: 
26 March 1826. [Dilton Park, Buckinghamshire.]
Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Montagu of Dilton Park

4to, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. On aged, creased and worn paper. He asks Wilde to send, by a Leicester coach, 'the four Sheet Map of Spain published by the late Mr. Faden, fitted into a travelling Case, to Lord John Scott, Aylestone', billing Montagu 'at Dilton Park near Windsor'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Manchester') from George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle, to [Rev. Alexander] Dallas, regarding a projected visit to Galway, Ireland.

George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle
George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle
Publication details: 
9 September 1852; Kimbolton.
George Montagu, 6th Duke of Newcastle

12mo, 3 pp. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Not knowing whether Dallas is returned, he draws 'a bow at a venture', hoping that his 'arrows are not "bitter words"'. He intends to visit Galway, and asks Dallas to 'write me a line to mark out the desirable points to visit & a few hints as to where to stop'. He will be staying with William Cooper of Markree Castle, County Sligo. In 1842 Dallas established the Irish Church Missions, 'Soupers' which were particularly active in Galway during the Potato Famine.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of legal document.

Joseph Chamberlain [Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain] (1863-1937), Liberal Unionist politician; Edward Montagu Primrose of the Admiralty, Whitehall; A. Whitehouse, Paymaster, Royal Navy; Henry Crane
Joseph Chamberlain
Publication details: 
Joseph Chamberlain

On a piece of paper roughly 8.5 x 19 cm. Heavily aged, creased and with wear to extremities. Signatures clear and entire. Some loss to bottom left-hand corner. Printed text (involving a transfer) with manuscript insertions. Two red wafers. Signed 'A Whitehall | Admiralty | Paymaster R.N.'; 'E. M. Primrose'; 'Henry Crane | 14 Broad St | Clerk'; 'Joseph Chamberlain'. Chamberlain left Southbourne in Edgbaston in 1880.

12 Typed Letters Signed (all 'W Barnard Faraday') to Sir Henry Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, and his colleague G. K. Menzies.

Wilfred Barnard Faraday (1874-1953), economist and aeronautics expert [Royal Aeronautical Society of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
3 February 1917 to 11 October 1918; all but two on letterheads of the Royal Aeronautical Society of Great Britain.

One of the letters is 4to, 2 pp; ten are 4to, 1 p; and one is foolscap, 1 p. The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged paper. Many of the letters are docketed and most bear the Society's dated stamp. Written in the capacity of Secretary of the Aeronautical Society, and editor of its 'Official Organ - The Aeronautical Journal'. Topics include the hiring of the Royal Society's hall for two series of talks to the Aeronautical Society. Faraday also discusses the details of a lecture by 'Mr.

Printed Exchequer receipt for annuities, with manuscript insertions, signed by the Duchess and a witness.

Adelaide Talbot (died 1726), Duchess Dowager of Shrewsbury [Adelhida, daughter of the Marquis Palleotti of Bologna]
Publication details: 
12 January 1720; [London].

One page, octavo. Good, on aged paper with slight fraying and a few small closed tears at extremities. 'Received by me [Adelaide Dutchess Dowager of Shrewsbury Ass[ign]ee of Wm. Harvey] of the Honourable George Parker Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Twenty five pounds] [...]'. Signed 'Adelaide Shrewsbury' and witnessed by 'Hen: Gardie'. Adelaide was (according to the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica) married to Charles Talbot, 1st Duke of Shrewsbury (1660-1718) in 1705.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Anne Benson Procter [nee Skepper] [Bryan Waller Procter, 'Barry Cornwall']
Publication details: 
14 February 1874; 32 Weymouth St, Portland Place, W.

Wife (1799-1888) of the English poet Bryan Waller Procter ('Barry Cornwall', 1787-1874), and stepdaughter of the noted jurist Basil Montagu. One page, 12mo. Very good on slightly paper, and with closed tear to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Written on behalf of her husband during his final illness. 'Mr Procter desires me to say that you have his ready permission to print The Old Arm Chair | I regret to say that my husband is now too feeble to write to you.' Signed 'Anne B. Procter'.

Seven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Fortescue Flannery, 1st Baronet
Publication details: 
1924-5; typed letters on letterhead of Flannery, Baggallay & Johnson, Ltd., consulting engineers; autograph letter on letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Harrowgate.

Ulster unionist politician and civil engineer (1851-1943). The collection is in very good condition. The seven typed letters are quarto and the autograph letter 12mo. All signed 'J. Fortescue Flannery', mostly docketed and carrying the Society's stamp. Mainly concerns the delivery and publication of a 'Paper on Diesel Engines'. 2 February 1925: 'I note with great interest that you expect a large and influential attendance on the 11th inst.' 5 February 1925: 'it occurs to me that the name of the Rt. Hon. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu K.C.I.E.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Neighbour'.

Anne Benson Procter
Publication details: 
Home | Wednesday.' [Docketed 'December. 23. '85'.]

Victorian writer (1799-1888), stepdaughter of the jurist Basil Montagu (1770-1851), wife of the poet Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), and mother of the poet Adelaide Ann Procter (1825-64). One page, 12mo. Folded once. Discoloured and heavily foxed, but in good condition otherwise. 'I really do not know how to thank you for your lovely present - | I hoped to have seen you yesterday and been able to say farewell - as I go tomorrow to the Thomson Hankeys until the 2d. Jany. | I have also to thank you, for the pleasant dinner, as well as your having presented me to Mr Buckston -.

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