[‘Silly Billy’: Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh.] Autograph Signature on frank addressed to Rev. Dr [Christopher] Wordsworth, his Vice Chancellor at Cambridge University.

Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ['Silly Billy'] (1776-1834), great-grandson of George II, nephew and son-in-law of George III
Publication details: 
Dated from London, 27 June 1827. With frank of same date.

See his entry and Wordsworth’s in the Oxford DNB. The Prince was Chancellor of Cambridge University from 1811 to his death. Wordsworth was Vice-Chancellor twice: 1820-1821 and 1826-1827. On 13 x 7 cm panel cut from the cover of the envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged, laid down on brown paper cut from album, with slight wear to corner of letter just touching the initial ‘W’ of the Prince’s name. Laid out in the customary fashion, and reading: ‘London June Twenty seven 1827 / The Revd / Dr. Wordsworth / Vice Chancellor of the University / of Cambridge’.

[Princess Sophia of Gloucester, niece of King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sophia Matilda’) [to Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary to George IV], regarding ‘the kind Legacy from the late Queen at Wirtemberg’.

Princess Sophia of Gloucester [Sophia Matilda] (1773-1844), daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, niece of King George III [Lieut-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839), Private Secretary to the Sovereign]
Publication details: 
‘Bagshot Park / Septr. 16th. [1829]’.

See Taylor’s entry, and that of Princess Sophia’s brother William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1834), in the Oxford DNB. Bagshot Park was the residence of her brother the duke (Silly Billy’), to whom she was very much attached. The siblings were not entirely accepted by the Royal Family due to the unequal nature of their parents’ marriage. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Taylor, who is not named but is clearly the recipient, has marked the letter as ‘Private’. Good firm signature ‘Sophia Matilda’.

[Thomas Cook, travel agent.] Autograph Note Signed to lithographic illustration of his ?Leicester Temperance Hall and Hotel / Designed by J. Medland Esq., Gloucester?.

Thomas Cook (1808-1892), travel agent; Leicester Temperance Hall and Hotel, designed by James Medland (1808-1894), County Surveyor for Gloucestershire
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in another hand on the reverse, including years 1866 and 1867.

See Cook?s entry in the Oxford DNB. His temperance hall and hotel illustrated here, were built in 1853. The hall was demolished in the 1960s, to be replaced by a building typical of those that blight Leicester in 2011; the council gave permission for the hotel to be demolished to make way for another monstrosity. Sepia lithograph printed in landscape on 20 x 13 cm leaf of laid paper, extracted from a book or pamphlet. Attractive illustration of an imposing structure, with those that flank it, and people and coaches in the foreground.

[Provincial Georgian Art Connoisseurs.] Two Autograph Memoranda, both signed by ‘W. Hayward’, recording an exchange of paintings (by Correggio, Hobbima, Du Jardin, et al) with ‘Dr. Maddy’ [Edwin Maddy, LLD, Mayor of Gloucester].

[Provincial Georgian Art Connoisseurs: ‘Dr Maddy’, i.e. Edwin Maddy, LLD, Mayor of Gloucester, and W. Hayward]
Publication details: 
Both dated 'Gloster 20th. Octr. 1841'. [Gloucester.]

Interesting artefacts of provincial Georgian connoisseurship and picture dealers. If genuine (unlikely, given the period) the paintings would be of considerable interest. Given the exchange of cash, ‘W. Hayward’ could well be a visiting picture dealer. Both memoranda in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 1p, 8vo. Folded four times. Reads: ‘Gloster 20th. Octr. 1841 | Exchanged with Dr. Maddy the following pictures viz / Waterfall &c. - Berghem / Landscape - Hobbema / for / Landscape - K. Du Jardin / Perseus & Andromeda - S. Rosa / and / Cash - £100 / W. Hayward’. TWO: 1p, landscape 12mo.

[Sir John Powell of Gloucester, judge and politician.] Autograph Document Signed (‘John Powell’), with signature of witness ‘W Price’, appointing his clerk John Horsman to receive his ‘Salary for Michaelmas Terme’.

Sir John Powell (1645-1713), judge and politician, Member of Parliament for Gloucester [his clerk John Horsman]
Publication details: 
11 December 1711; no place.

See Powell’s entry in the Oxford DNB. While presiding over the 1712 trial of Jane Wenham for witchcraft he ruled that there was ‘no law against flying’. 1p, long 8vo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Folded twice. On laid paper with government watermark, with two blind-stamped sixpenny tax stamps at head of page. Text intact, but with wear, closed tears and slight loss to some edges and a crease. Text by Powell himself, signed ‘John Powell’, with red wax seal (without any impression). Signed at foot of page: ‘Wittness | W Price’. Endorsed with date on reverse of second leaf.

[German and English Victorian wood engraving.] Album containing 'Geo. F. Tabram's Specimens of Wood Engraving 1842-8', including grotesque figures and chivalric scenes, with an original drawing and two German specimens loosely inserted.

[German and English Victorian wood engraving.] George Frederick Tabram (1825-1891) of Gloucestershire
Publication details: 
[German and English engravings, collected in Gloucestershire, between 1842 and 1848.]

An attractive collection of 76 engravings, laid down over 34pp, on the first seventeen brown-paper leaves of a 22.5 x 29 cm landscape album. Also laid down, on the rear pastedown, is a nice original drawing (by Tabram himself?) of two girls, one in a bonnet and the other (her daughter or sister?) with ringlets. Loosely inserted are two German engravings, each laid down on a piece of coloured paper and each with caption on reverse.

[Oxford Circuit in the 1880s.] 27 sketches and caricatures by Lauriston Leonard Batten of barristers (including Lord Loveburn; C. J. Darling), judges and others, including several court scenes; for fellow barrister the future Sir Richard Harington.

Lauriston Leonard Batten (1863-1934) [the Oxford Circuit in the late nineteenth century; Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal]
Legal sketches
Publication details: 
The Oxford Circuit [Gloucester, Reading, Shrewsbury Assizes; Birmingham Assizes]. A few items dated to 1887, 1888, 1891, 1894.
Legal sketches

Lauriston Leonard Batten studied at Trinity College, Cambridge (see his entry in Alum. Cantab.). He was admitted at the Inner Temple in 1882 and called to the bar four years later. KC, 1905. Bencher, 1914. The present collection is from the papers of his colleague on the Oxford Circuit, Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931), 12th baronet, who was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Called to the Bar in 1886, he practised on the Oxford Circuit before taking up an appointment as a Puisne Judge in the High Court of Justice at Fort William in Bengal in 1899.

[Prince William, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ('Silly Billy').] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Frederick') to a duke, reporting that he has placed Edward Gage in his regiment, as requested.

Prince William, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ['Silly Billy'] (1776-1834), great-grandson of George II, nephew and son-in-law of George III
Publication details: 
Bagshot Park; 27 October 1830.

1p, 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. The letter reads: 'My dear Duke | I have much gratification in acquainting Your Grace that I have placed Mr Edward Gage in my Regiment, and I am sure You will believe that it affords me great satisfaction to have had so early an opportunity of meeting Your Wishes It will be necessary for him to lodge the purchase money at Messrs.

[Rev. Charles Edward Kennaway, Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Sabrina', ruminating on youth and age, with inscribed copy of his book 'Poems of the Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.'

Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A. [Charles Edward Kennaway (1800-1875), Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Francis and John Rivington. Cheltenham: Henry Davies. 1846. Letter: Campden Vicarage. 30 October 1868.

The son of Sir John Kennaway of the East India Company, Kennaway was well-connected. In 1819 Poet Laureate Robert Southey provided him with a letter of introduction to Walter Scott. ONE: 'Poems of Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.' (1846). xv + 216pp, 12mo. Black leather binding, with stamp of Nisbet & Co, 21 Berners Street, London, on front free gilt, stamped with the words 'Bagster's Binding'; all edges gilt. Internally a good tight copy on lightly-aged paper; in worn binding, especially at the spine and hinges. Bookplate of Sarah Godley.

[ Victorian assizes on the Oxford Circuit, 1891-1899. ] Nine printed Calendars of Prisoners, for trial at seven Assizes and three Quarter Sessions, at Gloucester, Hereford, Stafford and Worcester. With annotations by the future Sir Richard Harington.

Oxford Circuit, 1891-1899; Victorian assizes and quarter sessions in Gloucester, Hereford, Stafford and Worcester [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Between 1891 and 1899. One Gloucester catalogue by John Bellows; one Hereford catalogue by S. Adams; two Stafford catalogues by Wright & Roberts; five Worcester catalogues by Deighton and Co.

Nine 4to calendars of prisoners at six assizes and three quarter sessions at the following locations on the Oxford Circuit between 1891 and 1899: Gloucester (1), Hereford (1), Stafford (2), Worcester (5). Each of the nine is stapled and unbound. ONE: County of Hereford, Autumn Assizes, December 1891, [8]pp. TWO: County of Worcester and City of Worcester, and County of the same City, Winter Assizes, February 1895, [2] + 9pp. THREE: County of Stafford, Winter Assizes, March 1895, [2] + 13pp. FOUR: County of Stafford, Autumn Assizes, November 1895, [2] + 21pp.

[ George Isaac Huntingford, Warden of Winchester College and Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Hereford.') to an unnamed recipient.

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
Winchester College. 6 January 1830.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He is 'greatly obliged [...] for the purpose' with which he has been 'favour'd [...] with intimation', but it 'never was in my thoughts to be an Annual Subscriber to the Pension Fund'. He will pay any expense 'the Conductors of the Institution have incurred in expectation of his being a subscriber.

[ George Isaac Huntingford, as Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Hereford') to 'Mr. Hayter', arguing against 'the extreme Impropriety' of what he sees as a liturgical innovation.

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
No place. 20 October 1823.

1p., 8vo. 23 lines of text. In fair condition, slightly aged and worn, with some repair with archival tape. Offering an interesting insight into everyday ecclesiastical management in Regency England. The letter begins: 'I cannot find, what I once sent to you as having been well educated, a printed paper. The purport of it was to shew the extreme Impropriety of laying a stress on the word "Us", in the sentence "Lord have mercy upon Us".

[ George Isaac Huntingford, Warden of Winchester College and Bishop of Hereford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. I. Huntingford') to an unnamed recipient

George Isaac Huntingford (1748-1832), Warden of Winchester College, and successively Bishop of Gloucester and Bishop of Hereford
Publication details: 
'W. C. [ i.e. Winchester College ]'. 16 February 1818.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight damage on removal from mount and traces of tape adhering. He has been referred to 'the Oldest Table of Fees' by 'Mr. Lane', and quotes information from the table given by Lane. He asks the recipient to 'search the Proper Office; send me a Copy of such Certificate; & of Any Proceedings had in consequence of it'.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Signed Letter ('H Montagu Butler'), written out by a secretary, to Professor Langley, referring him to one of his works.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School (1859-85), Dean of Gloucester (1885-86); Master of Trinity College (1886-1918); Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University (1889-90)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. 24 August 1904.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. At head of first page: 'Dictated'. He refers him to 'the second Chapter of the book I published some years ago, which deals with the subject on which we conversed the other night at dinner'. The amanuensis has written that the chapter deals with 'some of the reflections on matters ethereal', and Butler has corrected this to 'some reflections on matters Aesthetical'. Butler has also added the words 'more clearly, though I fear' after the word 'puts' in the following: 'it puts at much greater length'.

[ John Thomas Bellows, Quaker printer and lexicographer.] Autograph Draft Letter Signed ('John Bellows') to 'Honoured Count Worontzoff Dashkoff', sending condolences and devout sentiments on the death of his child.

John Bellows [ John Thomas Bellows ] (1831-1902) of Upton Knoll, Gloucester, Quaker printer and lexicographer, author of first pocket French/English dictionary [ Count Worontzoff Dashkoff ]
Publication details: 
Upton Knoll, Gloucester. 4 April 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A long letter, closely and neatly written, with a number of emendations suggesting that it is a draft. After a short reference to the Count's kindness to him and his friend Joseph Neave, he devotes the rest of the letter to 'the heavy trial thou has had to pass through', discussing the nature of loss with 'knowledge from my own experience, that the loss of a child is a grief into whose full depths no stranger can enter, and that words, even well-meant, when uttered at an unfit moment, pain instead of helping'.

[ Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov, Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Demidoff'), in English, to the Quaker philanthropist John Bellows of Gloucester, regarding a pamphlet.

Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov [Prince Demidoff] (1868-1943), 3rd Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world' [ John Bellows (1831-1902) of Gloucester, Quaker philanthropist, writer, printer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Bristol, Paris. 21 July 1895.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Addressed to 'My dearest Bellows'. He has received the pamphlet at the Hotel Bristol, and 'earnestly' believes that 'it will make the right impression upon the powerful of the world'. His party starts the following week for Russia, '& I will take in hands [sic] our plans of delivery as soon as I get on the spot'. He ends with a pious sentiment. Bellows paid two visits to Russia, and counted Tolstoy among his friends.

[Henry Montagu Butler.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') to 'Mr Maddy', praising choristers [from Gloucester Cathedral] for ministering to the sick at his hospital, and discussing the good works of a nun of All Saints, Margaret Street.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and Vice-Chancellor of the University
Publication details: 
Gloucester. 31 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on mourning paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'It was indeed a great happiness to see those young choristers finding part of their Christmas happiness in ministering to the invalid little ones.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Montagu Butler') from Henry Montagu Butler, successively Headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, declining an interview with [Sydney Walton of] the Morning Post.

H. Montagu Butler [Henry Montagu Butler] (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, 1859-85, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886-1918 [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), publicist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Trinity College, Cambridge. 7 and 12 May 1913.

Each 3pp., 12mo, on bifoliums with the first page headed 'Private'. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with minor staining from paper clip. Letter One: He hopes he will not 'appear wanting in courtesy to yourself or to the Editor of the Morning Post if I say frankly that I had much rather not have any conversation about my coming birthday, which certain old Harrow pupils and friends propose so kindly to celebrate.' He 'must beg' Walton to 'make allowance for my feeling of reserve on so delicate a matter'.

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